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201301902 <br /> 2. Monthly Payment of Taxes, Insuranceand Other Charges.Borrodd•et shall include in each monthly <br /> payment, together with the t cruet"Dt and interest as set earth in the Rote and any late charges.. a until tot <br /> in) taxes and special assessments Ievied or to be levied against the Piirpeit". lb; leasehold payments or <br /> ground rents on the Property. and toy premiums for insurance requited under paragraph 4 In any year in <br /> which the Lender must pay a mortgage insurance premium to the .`'secretary ct Housing and turban <br /> Development Secretary') or in any year in which such picumi a would have been requited it'Lender ;till <br /> held the Secnrts Instrument. each monthly payment shall also include either ti) a sum tot the annual <br /> mortgage insurance pietnunn to be paid by f coder to the Seer:tar',, al iii)a monthly charge instead olu <br /> mortgage tnananee premium it this Secutity Instrument is held by the Secretary, in a reasonable amount to <br /> he deter mined by the Secretary. Except too the month]`, chat ge by the Secretary. these items ale called <br /> "Escrow Items" and the stuns paid to Lender ate called "Escrow Funds." <br /> Lender may. at any time. collect and Itrld atrotntts fin-Escrow Items in an aggregate amount not to exceed <br /> the max mum amount that may ne acquired fin Bonowcr's escrow acetnna uudet the: Real Estate Settlement <br /> Procedures Act of 11174. i'_ US> C. Section :PHI it seal. and !mpiet tenting teg.ulations. 24 CFR Hart 1500. <br /> as they may be attended from time to time t"RPSPA"t. except that the t'ushion or reserve permitted by <br /> RFSPA for unanticipated disbursements or disbursements before the Borrower's payments are at:adahic to <br /> the account may not he based on amounts due for the mot tgage in,utafh e premium. <br /> If the amounts held by I cadet for 1 screw Items exceed the amounts permitted to be held by RLSPA. Lauder <br /> shall account to Bonorbet ti`t time execs, funds as required by RUSPA If the amounts of muds held by <br /> Lender at any tilt ate odd soffi.icnr lc. pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender tray notify thee Borrowc1 <br /> and require Borrower to make up the shortage as petulitted by P E.SPk <br /> fie Eset ow Funds ate pledged as additional security for all sums seamed by this Sec-nifty lusrt'uacut <br /> If Borrower renders to I ender the full payment of all such seats. Sortower's account shall her credited with <br /> the balance remaining for all anualtmetit items tat. tic). and fc)and any rnuttgace insurance premium <br /> installment that Lender has not become obilgated ro pay to the Secretary, and Lender shall piomptlp <br /> refund any excess hinds to Bon owe r, 1mmedistelaa prior to a foreclosure sale.tote Ptopetty or the <br /> acquisition by Tender Borrower's account shall be credited with city balance retnanitng for all instalhacnts <br /> far items tab r ht. and to 1 <br /> 3. Appiicationof Payments.All payments under paragraphs i. and ' shah be applied by Lender ;is bellows: <br /> First, to the mortgage mstnranee premium to he paid hr Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by <br /> the Secretary instead of the monthly mortgage insurance premium,'. <br /> See,md to any taxes. special assessment. leasehold payments or ground tent, and Tire flood and other <br /> h.vatd insutatnee premiums. as reputed: <br /> Third, to interest chi: tinder the Note_ <br /> Fourth to amutti7atn`n of the principal of the Note; and <br /> Fifth. to late chat tees due under the Note. <br /> 4. Fire, Floodand Other Hazard lnsurance.Rttrrowcr shall insure all improvements viii the Property. <br /> whether now in existence or subsequently erected, agallist mu, hazy ds. casualties. and contingencies. <br /> nteiudme fire. tor which Lender requires tnsntance. Pius insurances shalt he ncimnhuncd in the amounts and <br /> for the perm&that I cadet requires Ron ow et shall also insure all nnpr 'Vemetits din the Propelty, whether <br /> nose, m eststetee or subsequently erected a_tinat !Ott?.',[ floods to the extent required by the Secretary Alt <br /> insurance shall be carried with eontp_: ue:approved by Lender. The in,atanee policies and tine renewals shall <br /> 0e held by Lender. d shall include loss payable clauses, to t1mor oh. and in a torn acceptable to. Lender. <br /> =!A' npci4` <IIH?`ck�-qt rj — Ham .gncn <br /> wA1 send gerFirr„ z; . ;: . - \ ... 111 (e Hill H Ill V l 11111111111 ! 11 Il111 a_ , % M1°FcMt4P ,; t,, ;• 803313764,12 0233 370 0310 <br />
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