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<br /> �'� � COVENANT� 9'l �n Q p���
<br />�...�''� 1, ��y�1�t�. Borrow�r �pn��to m�k� �II p�ym�nt� on tFa wcund d�bt w�n dua. Unt�n Borrow�► �nd ,rvicl9r a � oth�rwl��, �ny
<br /> p�Yman� t� l�ndn nalvs�(rom eorrow�r or Tm Horrowsr'� b�mfit wlll b� �ppI�d Hrat to my �mounn Borrowu ow�s on tM s�aund d�bt
<br /> -- ezCluslw Of Int����t o►p►InClp�l,a�cond t0 Int�v�at,�nd thm to princlpal.If p�rtlei Nnp�ymmt of th�aecurod debt nccurr tor nny rea�nn, N wui
<br /> -=`=��� not nduc�ar sxcuu�ny�ch�dul�d p�ym�nt untll th�acund d�bt I�p�ld In full.
<br /> —�
<br /> - a-� 7.Clrm�Ap�ig� 'tIW.Borrowa wlq y��ll t�xe�,�a��t�rr►�nt�. �nd oth�r ch�rp���ttrlbuUbl�to th�prap�ny wh�n du�md will d�f�nd dtl�
<br /> �.-���� to thi pfowrtv���n�t n�i ot�lm�Whl��ould impalr tha INn o}thl�And o}tru�t.l�nd�r rn�y nqulr�9or�ow�►to�nbn�ny rlpht�,aialm�or
<br />--= -- d�t�nY��Vvhlch Bofrow�r �y h�w�p�ln t putl��who wpply I�bor or m�Url�b to improv�or m�lnt�ln th�proputy.
<br /> .����. ],Irtwnno�. Borrow�r w1U kNp th�pro►�rty Inwnd und�r t�rm��cwptrbN to L�nd�r n Horrow�Y��xpms��nd la� lmda'� bmstit.Al l
<br /> �•��� In�uranc�policl�s�h�ll includ���tandud rnort �p��cl►�{�ut�In fovor ot L�nd�t.L�ndv wlll b�nam�d��lo��p�ya�or ei Ih�Insund on�ny�uch
<br /> a to tM ticwid dibt�It Lindir riquki�mortp,��nl��w�iici�i8oriow+r�•��ii to�m�lnt�in iuch Iniuranci for a�lonpiao Lrr�id�de nQu(ni�� F
<br /> 4:�;� 4.hopwty.8orrow�r will k��p th�propHty In pood conditlon�nd m�k��II npdra n:�on�bty n�c�ta►y.
<br /> b.Exp�n�n.Borrowe�pn�s to poy�u L�nd�r'a�xp�m�e inciudinp ru�on�bl��ttorn�ys'Au,I}Borrow�r bn�k�any cov�mm�in this d��d
<br /> ;��� of tru�t or In�ny oblipatlon secund by thls d�ed of tru�t.�orrow�r wlil p�y tlw��smount�to L�ndn a1 p►ovld�d In Covenlnt 9 of thl�dNd of
<br /> ;`�_� trust.
<br /> .:y.�..
<br /> �� E.P�ia 8��Mte�st�,UnNu Borrowa tirat oDt�in� L�ndu's writt�n con�e�t, Borrow�r will not m�k�or p�rmit my cha��to�ny pr
<br />--�-�� t�cwity int�r�rts. Bo►row�r will p�rform �II of Bmrow�r'� obilp�tlon� und�r�ny prior mortp�p�,d��d oi trust or other ucurlty aqnemsnt,
<br /> __y„�,, Includinp Borrow�r'�cov�n�ntt to m�k�p�ym�nU wMn dw.
<br /> _ ��.; 7,Aatpxn�n of Rw�a Mwi Ro1Ns.Borrow�r�stipm to l�nde th�nnt�and protRa of the prop�rty. Unles�Borrowar�c�d lond�t hw��pn�d
<br /> R.�., oth�rwri�In writinp, Borrowei m�y colNot�nd r�taln th�rsnt� r�lonp a�Borrow�r Is not In d�}�uit.If Bonow�r d�fsulu, Lmd�r,L�nd�r'�
<br /> � ��� 'ppflid Hrst t to�l►��coit�o`m�n�pinmp ths pkiope�rty�Includ(n�court co ti�ind�ittornsya cfee�i t commliilom�io��entd apinti�indtiny o�thi�
<br /> - nec�uary nlat�d�xpsnsa.TM nmatnlny�mount of nntt wRl then apply to p�ymants on the secursd deht+�provided tn Cov�n�nt 1.
<br /> 6.L�a��hotdst Candomt�lumss Pl�nn�d Unit D�v�lopm�nb.Borrowsr app�nes ta comply with the provisions ot any leese if thlt dnd of trust Is on
<br /> — undir th�scov nint�,by liws or ripulatbiutof tt i co��idominium o�pli�nrnd��It dwilc�mimt�t� �orrown wNl p�r(o�m�11 of BorrowN'�duth�
<br /> �, /►W�ortty of L�J�r to��rlam for/arowK.If Borrow�r f�Il�tap�rform any of Borrow�r'�dutN�unda thb dNd ot truK, L�ndrr m�y
<br /> perform the dutles or aauu tMm to M ps�form�d. Und�r m�y slpn Borrow�r'� name or p�y�ny�mount It nea�s�wy for p�►famane�.li�ny
<br /> - construotlon on tMp�op�rty b dlscontlnu�d or not ourl�d on In a nuonsble mannsr,Undi�r m�y do wh�t�v�►I�n�c��s�ry to prot�ct L�nda'� .
<br /> wcurity Intonst In th�propsrty.Thls m�y Includ�complstlnp th�con�tructian.
<br /> -.- - Lender'a tallun to pertorm wfll not praclude Lsnder f�om�xsrcldnfl sny of its other�IphU under tM law a thl�de�d of trust.
<br /> ind wl�ll beit I tiriit from thi dati�ol ths pidymint untll p�dtin tull ati tl►�int�ristditi(n iifiot on ths jicurid dibt unt�wIN M dw on d�m�nd
<br /> 10. Mf�ult�nd AaeN��dwu It Borrow�r fall�to m�ke any psyment when du� or brsakys any cown�nt� und�r tNs d�ed o} trust or any
<br /> dimind Immsdlati pi�ntind may Invok�tM p�owei�o�f siliind any ot�romedl��i pirmlttid by appllcib il ��N,wity o� tM ncurad d�bt and
<br /> 1/.Ruqwst ta Notic� of D�hutt.It Is Mnby raquetted th�t coplss of th�noticei of default and saN b�ant to�uA prson who I�a p�►ty
<br /> i�r�io,�i it»w�dsic:r.i a:ah:tsctt�st:an.ae sL!torit!!!ef�ln.
<br /> 12.Pow�r of SM�.If the Lender Invok�a the powsr of�als, th�Trustee shNl ftrst ncord In ths offlc�of th�rplster of dNds of��ch county
<br /> � wMreln tM truat propsrty o►�om�pet or parcel thereot I�sltuated�notics of d�fault cont�fnlnp the Intormatlon�equksd by I�w. Th�TrustN
<br /> �hdl also mall copt�a of the notics of detault to th�Bcrrower,to sach psnon who Is�p�rty hersto,�nd to othsr psr�ons upr�taiMd by
<br /> �ppllaable I�w. Not Nss than on� month �Rsr ths Tru�t�e ncorda the notics of def�utt or two months If the trmt prop�rty 1� not In sny
<br /> Incorpaat�d clty a vfll�and Is used in farminp opK�tbns curled on by th�trustor,ths frust�s thaN plv�publlo noUcs o}seb to th�p�rwns ,
<br /> blddir.tlf raquk,dYby thi�FsrmbHomiitiid�otictlon Aat,T�uehtee shall oNer tM�propertVhn�two�spaite�t�ilysi es rpulred�by�ippllcabN Iriw
<br /> TruatN m�y postpons a�l�o}dl or eny psres!of th�prope�ty by publlo snnounc�ment a4 the tlm�and place of�ny prevbusly�cMdulsd s�l�.
<br /> L�ndn w It�d�slyrM�m�y purchass th�propsrty at�ny als.
<br /> Upon nc�lpt o�f p�ym�nt ot�M prlc�bld,Trustw shNl ddlv�r to th�purchsin Trust��'s dwd conv�yln�the prope►ty.The rn�'tl�t�contstn�d In
<br /> TruttN'�d�W sMll b�prfma t�cls�vldlsnc�of ths truth of the statsmsnts contdnsd tMnln.Truetss thsll i�r�y the puc�k :����k M the
<br /> refn tit,msntfisr�(b)toill iumi�si oi the �hb��leed of�t u�tb and(cllthi belinc�If;n�� "'ry�f•�' .���o:uy:nt°iMa�ioricilvo k tMS and
<br /> 13.For�clwun.At Lsnd�r's optbn,tl n�y M fonclosrd��i tlw,�..•.,�� provl�.�y appllc�bte I�w for toreebsun of mortqq��
<br /> on nal p►op�rty.
<br /> 14,kupktlon,L�nd�r rtuy mter tM p�. »peat It If Lender plves Borrowsr rotice beforehand. TM notfce must ttst�the rsasonaWs
<br /> eausa for Lend�r'�In�pectlo�.
<br /> 16,Cond�tlon.Borrowar�ul0�ns to L�nder theproceeda ot eny awar�l or elalm for d�mages conrrocted wlth�condemnetion or otMr t�klnp
<br /> of all a�ny part of the propKty.Such procsed�wlll be applled aa provlded In Ccvansnt 1.Thts ataipnmant Is subject to th� tKms ot��y prta
<br /> tetutlty ayn�rtNnt.
<br /> i^y rom°dy upon BorrowNai defauttd Lende��d�oai�not wilve iyr lyht to Iate�coniPdsr the evtent i detiuft Ii It hi tppumaq��lny'By not�x�rcl�ftq
<br /> - 17. Jolnt�nd s�wnl LI�bMN: Cadpnur, 8veas�on�nd A�apn� Bound. Ait dutlsa under thts desd ot tru�t r� Jolnt md sewral. Any
<br /> Borvower who catlyns thls d�sd ot trust but dw� not co•�Ign the und�rl�r1rq debt Imtrumsntfs)do��so onty to �r�nt�nd conwy th�t
<br /> Borrowar'�IntKett(n th�prop�rty to ths Trustse under the termf�s�ot this dead of t�uat.In additlon,such a Borrower pree�th�t tM L�nd�r ar►d
<br /> --' debt wlt�tiou�t thit�Borrow r�i coni�t ind wlthout reNes�lrp t�hdit�orrower irom the te mi of thts disd of tnui���dee9 of trutt or ths t�cur�d
<br /> "'�� The dutie��nd beneflts of thlt dsed of tru�t shall bind and benefit the eucceesors�nd�sslpns of Lender end Borrower.
<br /> ����
<br /> --
<br />