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<br /> DEED OF TRUST � � � `''v T
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<br /> PANTIEBs This D��d of Trutt f�m�d�on o Toe � 2� �Qq� ,�monp th�Gtmto►, gpzyu r sxsTnrn� �_
<br /> •w u axaratn���mcwiun �un urwg _ ("BO►roWH"1�
<br /> ,_ S�AFA7Tf R AnL('j� ATT�ANLY, �""'
<br /> wha�s nNd�nc� �ddressis ne n�v ooe nr.�a t�lanA_ Hal� County, N�bn�k�l"Trust��'!,and ti�Bawticiary,�
<br /> g�.; sr nteunr Anvr�+�a � rr�nN aasocuaTi�i ,�corpor�tion crpml��d �b
<br /> md exietinq under the bw�oi,_NFARAaKn __, wM:e eddros�I� ?.21 Rnt� �raT AT��r,
<br /> ,pun�,*: *�*_.*_•m� upaanaun �aae2-ino9 1'lender'1.
<br /> CONVEYANCEo For valu�acd�nd,Borrow�r knvoa�bly pr+nu md conveyi to Truste�,In tru�t,with pown of�d�,the nal prop�rty,of which
<br /> Borrow�r is lawfuly sd=�d, ducrlb�d bdow and NI buildlnp�, fixc�ro�,and�xl�t�np uid future Improwm�nu ttwnon and �II rlphts-of•way,
<br /> as�mente, rent�, bsu�s, p�dits, Inaome, tsnsmsnt�, hendlt�m�nt�, privN�pn end�ny appurc�nances th�►eunto b�bnpinp (all oNlcd tho
<br /> 'P���v'L
<br /> PNOPENTY A�DREi6s 2�f F n L.TNC`�Z�N , rsan�.m rar,nNrf ,N�bntk� 6A9n�
<br /> LEOAL DF.SCRWTIOH: tsu.«i tc�M �iw c°°'�
<br /> 3}3B A7CfACHED E7C}IISIT "A"
<br /> loat�d in HBx,T,— County,N�br�sk�.
<br /> TITLE:Borrowrr covsneM�and wunnt�titl�to the proparty,sxcept ta
<br /> =ECllREO DE�T:This deed of truat s�cuns to I.ender rsp�ymmt of tM secund dsbt and ths pKform�nc�ot the cowmnn�nd sprNm�nts
<br /> coMairwd in thla d�sd of uult�nd In any oth�r doeum�M IncaporaUd h�rNn. S�curad debt,as ut�d in thts d��d of tru�t,ina{ud�s�ny�mounU
<br /> Barrow�r owu to L�nd�r und�r thls d��d of trust a undN any Instrumsnt aecund by this dsad of trust,�nd �II modlflaation�,extembrn�nd
<br /> nn�wab thsrwt.
<br /> Ths s�cund d�bt i�svlMnc�d by IUst�Il in�uum�nt��nd�preem�nts a�cund by th{t d�ed at t►u�t and the dates th�nof.1:
<br /> �j a�N7Ha^4 �n�c� *�+n anrn*nTmv *nnoouvta�n h1Tnn nnTOBRIi 2�� �Q07
<br /> �1�utun/ldv�r. Th� �bove emount I� s�cured�v�n thouph �A or pwt of it m�y not y�t be �dvsnc�d. Futun advanc�s�t�
<br /> cont�mpitt�d�nd will b�sscund to thr��ms sxtent a�if m�ds on the d�ta thit d��d of trutt I�ex�cut�d.
<br /> ❑ Aevolvinp Iine of asdit�prsemart:d�t�d ,with Initial annu�l Int�nat nt�of '16.
<br /> All amount�aw�d undsr thl�ayreemant are�ecurid even thau�h�8 amaunt�m�y not yst b�adv�r►ced.Futun�dwnc�s unde
<br /> th�p�Nment r�cont�mpiatsd�nd wlll b�acured to thr s�m��xt�nt ae ii m�d�on tM d�t�thia d��d of trust I��x�cut�d.
<br /> TM�bove oWlpation isdue�r►d p�y�We on ACTOB�R �����4 I}not p�ld�e�IIH.
<br /> Th�taUl unpdd bil�na��cursd by thi�dNd of tru�t at ony orw time ahaM not�xcssd�miximum princtpal�mount ot
<br /> a..� �un•vn e �►m �,no Dollx�(�_2.On�_sn ),piu�IntK��t,
<br /> plu��ny amouMs disbur�sd under tM tarm�of this dwd of trwt ta protect tlw s�curity of thls d��d of trust a to putorm any of 1M
<br /> cownants cont�ined inthi�d�ed of truet,with intsr��t on tueh ditbureemMt�.
<br /> ❑V�rl�bb R�s Th�Intsnst rets on ths obllpation��cund by this d�ed of trutt m�y w�ry aacordiny to th�tsrms of that obilp�tlon.
<br /> ❑ A copy ot the bm �pnement containinp the termt under which th� Intaest rate may vary i�attactwd to this d�ed of trust�nd
<br /> m�d�a p�rt herwf.
<br /> RIDERS: ❑ Comm�rcial �} nasr�t��rr oF n�rrra ❑ �._
<br /> Pursumt ta the Fum Homeaead Proteation Aot,deNgnetfon of homeste�d ❑ is ettached to thie deed of trurt end made e pert hereof
<br /> ❑ h�s b�an discl�lm�d;the dlsoldmer I��ttaohed to this de�d ot tru�t and m�de a p�rt hereof.
<br />- 81�NA7U ::y sipnlnp�Barowby�wK •tKm��nd cov�nMts aont�tn�d In thls dwd ef tru�t,includinp tAot�on pap�2,and In
<br />- �
<br /> ACKNOWLED�MENT:STATEOF NEBRASKA, stnr.t, County ae:
<br /> .� The faropoitpinstrument w�e ecknowisdyed be}ore me onthis_ �nTrt dayot OCTOHF.R� ioo7 ._ _ .�.
<br /> by__�g,I�nj�' _B�1(1�1� ��� k'YRTRt1M�,fll1AAAN�f ANB W PR
<br /> ,a � ITltltltll
<br /> Cupa�n nr O ��� IN�m�ol Capor�Um a PNtn�r1ND1
<br /> PNtMrINp —
<br /> Ac4nnwiMpmwn e p�Ex�._01e.2l,2000 __on behalf of the corporetian or partnership.
<br /> My cornmisslon explro�: !/�//�- - �, 11�
<br /> is•r� �'��`/"��^' -- INut�ry N�NCI
<br /> Thle Imtrument was ptepsred by PNil�R I. vnpgiR ,
<br />. O18t��IKER8BV8TEMB.WC•. Bf.CLOUD,MN6670117�000J%-1�11i011MOC1•MT6-N!6/19Nt APPL# 00039382 �p�y����y NEBRASKA
<br /> CCD# 010047z109
<br /> . . .. � .. __ ry . . . - .-• a V•l�J� .'wYl'W�f1`I.".w yP�rvf'� _.....
<br /> ylY�*�
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