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. ._ . <br /> . <br /> . �� .ti•n=ox�. <br /> � .� ,���� <br /> , ' - . � .� � . � . .. . �� . ����r��:.�ti..\:'•'1__ . � , "qt._ �i.:_-_:_ .. . <br /> , f. ��:�..r:va �S,r':.t" , . . . .SY.,_ . .�c,\' .;,y,rcy�lh•11i1��:iY�•Y.•.c_._ , • . - .� . _ • ...�.�^aics:� <br /> .i.•NM �11b� . � ' .. . .r.• . - - .. .. ., . . ..i_^5.::�'S�:E_...� <br /> . ] .�AYY itll"f��!Yi �� . •`4• � . � �1�?'.i'l�S;,i.j.:1Kttl.�•i^)i+'���•^H . V . .� . � .4- I�Y': w� . .� ...} t. <br /> .3�.� .'. 'n������ • c-�1:` . ' . . ...1 .. �• -, � ,� , ` { _ - -��.� <br /> r �f„ f- �Il '7' Y*. .. : r.�..'� JE�C .-._ � <br /> .!� .,i�#. - . .. -� mf;.:}1Nc. . . . . . . . . ' ( t.�'i J� c,.—� <br /> ..,r�• � . , . � . .*'t.%-4 i.�t • • � . .. •, � _ _ . -.,"�ly,��f� �.u�:. <br /> '� � . - �. � . • . ..t� __ <br /> .. - ; .. _ •. .. ry .. - . . . .-_____ .,..�.i......... <br /> , " �� .M�1��M��A1u'k►wW'w.f.. .� ��..++wr•r..rwtu►M . rY��..e��.,v.tb!Ri*"""�,. . v-.—... -.--� <br />�. 4 —_ <br />..`_ '.. . —. <br /> � paymcnts may na longcr bo requircd,at tho opdon�of Laidcr,if mortgagc insurance covcrnga�i�tho�aUrtt s�ndTof thc pufod _ <br /> Ihu Laider roqu�se�)providod by m inauru approvcd by Lcndcr ogain bacomea avAilablo and!s obtAined. Borrowcr shalt pay tha ` <br /> ,.-� premiacna roquirod w malntain mortgago insuranca in effoct, or to provida a loas raavc, until tha requlrement for mortgago <br /> insurence enda in�cxordanco with any wdtun agroemcnt bctwc,.,n Borrowu and Lender or appllcablo law. <br /> 9.Inrpectbn. Lenda or ite agent may mako reawnable envies upon and inapocilon�of the Property. Lender shall giva <br />- �� Barower notice ai the tlme of or prior W ui inspocdon specifying r�easonable cause for tho inspecdon. <br /> � � �� 10.Conde�nmt�on. Tha proc�ceds of eny awud or cluim for damages, dlnxt or conxquential,in connocdon with any <br /> caxkmn�tion or other taking of any part of the Property�or for convayanca�n lieu of c�ndemn�Won,aro hereby agsigned and ` <br />•,�;;�b�'.�, . ., shill be paid W I.ender. - <br /> In the event of a total u�ing of the Property�fha proceoda shaU be appllcd to tha sums securcd by this SocurIry Instrument, <br /> • �� ���' whetha or nat�hea due,wl�h any peid to Sorrowu.In 1l�e avent of a pardal taking of tha Pmperty In whkh the fair market <br />_- � ':�::' v�luo of the Praputy LnnKdietely befaro the taking is equal w or greatu than tha amount of tde suens socurod by this Socuricy - <br /> _�,.�.�::. <br /> .�r,�, :.� In�wnent imrt�ediately befo�+e Ihe takIng� unkss Borrower and I.erider othenvlsa agroe L� wrldng�thc eums sec�ued by this <br />.�'��','��'�4' Soeurtty Inat�umtnt shall ba redtteod by the amamt of the proeeed.g multipliecf by the f�lbwing fraetian: (a)the total amaun!of _ <br /> ,;�:,;a;• �� ����ly before the taking, div�dod by (b)the fair marka value of tha Propaty immeAiately bofon the <br />"�.S_�'=r.y�-..,A� <br />_,;;.:���r= W�iag.A�y b�lanco sh�ll ba paid w Borrower.In t2ro event of a parttal taking of the Property in wbich the feir marlut valuo of the <br /> ---•'•;�_r-;�., PropatY Lnmodiately befae the taking Is less ihaa d�e emount of the sums socurod Immedjately before the telcing� unless <br />:;,���y,,, ` Bamwer and Lender otha+visa a�ee in wrlting or w�CSS eppUcable law othuwlse prov�des.the pcoceeds ahaU be appUod to the <br /> ` sum�sxurod by dds Sec�uiry Inswment whethu or not Iha sums ara tlxn doc. <br /> -`;���.:r If thes propaty is avandoned by Barowcr.a if,after nolica by Lendu to Barowu that the condomnor offas W maka en <br /> '�.:�: ' award a settle a cWm for d�n�ges,Borrowu feils to re,spond to Lenda within 30 days after the daue the nodce is given,Lend�x <br />`-��%,r,;�� is anttwrizad w coUxt and�pply the proceeds.u ite opdon�eitha to resWrwt�on or nepair of The Propaty a to the sums secural <br /> - by thia Secu�ty Insorumen6 whaher a not thea due. <br /> =��� Unkss 1.uidar�nd Samwa otItiawieo agroe in wridn8,�Y aPPlkation of procoods W principal shall not axtend or postpona <br /> ---:W� tbe due�ate of thn montWY payments refared to in oerAa�raphs 1 end 2 or chanite the amount of euch pavments. <br /> ^_j:j� 11.Borrower Not Rek�edj Forbear�na By Lender Not�Waiver. Eatension of the timo for payment a modlfication <br /> .yc;�y,�, of�uno�dzAtion of tha aums eocwrod by this Socurity Inswment granud by Lertder to any succrssor in intaest ot Bocrowa�hall <br /> � -- not opa�te to rek�e the llab�iry of the aigLW Barowa a Borrowa's successors in lnterest.Lenda sh�ll not be roqulrod to <br /> oanmence procoedings ag�inst my succes�or in intuesit or nFuse w extend dme fa paymeAt a otlx�wiea modify amortU�tion ot <br /> °—°— the sums aocurod by this Securiry Insuurnent by re�son of any demand made by thse orlgEnal Dormwer or Borrowa's suoceaso�e <br /> ,_ in intaea�My facbearuwe by Lenda in exercWng�ny right or ranody sh�p not be a watver of a proclude the exa+ciae of�ny <br /> �' rlght a remody. <br /> =_:.:�.���„� l�.Suca�ore aad A�o�Bouodi Joint�nd Several L1abWty;Co�ai�nero. The covmanU� and �g�+eaneate of diis <br /> _-���. Seauiry Jnswment stwU bind a�d benetit tbe suaessas and �ss�gns of Lender end Bamwu� subjxt to tha proviaio��s of <br /> ,�==�'"�� pr�gr�ph 17. Harowa's cove�nta and agoeemrnts st�all be joint and sevual. My Bonower who co-sign� d�ia Socuricy <br /> -- - xn�nwnt but does not azecute the Note: (s)is casigning this Se�iuIty Iaswment only w mortg�go. gnnt�nd oarvey that <br /> ' Bamwa'a inte�t in�t�a Proparty undu the tams of ti�is Security Instrumen�(b)la not ix��Y�li8��PQy the wms <br /> xc�ed by this Secnrity Inttr�menx�nd(c)agrees Ihat Lender and any otlur Bmrower may egroe w extaM,modity.fabeir a <br /> --.- � � mdce ny�w:cammodat�ons with regard w the tams of thts Securl.ry Ins�umea�t or tha Nota wItliout�hat Borrower's consa« <br /> -_— 13.Lwr Ciur�es. If tho loan socurod by th9s Sec�uity Inamtmatt i�aubject W�Ltw whkh sW m�ueUnwa lom ch�rges, <br /> -_-�:,�� . and d�at law i�finelly inteipceted eo Uiat tho intaest or othex ban r,harges collected or w be collocted in connecdon wlth the losn <br /> ..�T� exceed tha perrnittod limib,t1xA:(a)sny a�x;h loan chargo shaq ba rcduced by fhe amount nocessaryr oo roduco the cl�ergo to the <br /> __= pamiued limi�and(b)�ny aums alnaciy colloctod from Borrowa whkh eacoeeded pamiuod llmits wlll be nfunded to BaroMa. <br /> --�_� I.uK1a may choox w m�lce this refund by nducing the princlpal owod under the Nota ar by m�lcing a diroct paynxnt w <br /> — Bormwa. If a refiu�d reduce�principal,th�reducdon will be treated as a panial prepaymu�t without enY prepayment charge <br /> _._��� under the Noto. <br /> �;� � <br /> _'!=-i 14.Notiote. My nodx W Bocrowu provIded for in this Secutity Instrument shall bc glven by delivuing it or by tnalling it <br /> _:�''-��:� by P�rss cla�s mail unless�pplkabb law requires usa of anothu mcthod.'11►e nodce shaU be directed to the Propaty Address a <br /> --�K� �~ ' any othu addirss Borrowa daigoates by nodce to Lender.My notice to Lcnder sha11 ba givnn by first cl�ta m�U w La�da'e <br /> �;2 ' addrqs steted heroin or any othu address Lendcr desi�rtataa by nodco to Borrower. My nodce provided fa in this Socurity <br />-"`•° :,�r ' <br /> ;:'��w-�.: IasWmcnt shall be Qeemedta liavo been givea to Barowa or L.ender whcn gtven as provided In thts paragreph. <br /> '`` ';� ' 15.Gaverofe`Law;SevernbUity. 'ltiia 5ocurity Inswrt�ent shell be govemod by federal law ar�d 1he law of the <br /> " jurisdkdon in whkh the Property is Iceaud.In the event that any provision or cl�use of this Securlty Instrument or the Nou <br />.. . �� conflicts wIth appHcsbla law. such conflict stwll not affoct othcr provislons of this Sccuriry Instrumcnt or thc Notc which can be - <br /> ,." glven effect without tha cdnRicting provision.To this end tha provisions of this Securiry Inst:ument and the Nota ere declerod tn <br /> bo sevuable. <br /> �;-�""` Form aon orao �. <br /> --- �•lRtNEfto2�2i.o� au.aote ini�uu: — <br /> .- - • - � . . . . - <br /> , . ,.., . ---� - - _. <br /> !�altj0►yw,..... � .. . ..._. _ . . .. . . . . ......._.._. ..-----�—--- •-�_-�=:-..:.:.::�.�,..�,� <br /> . . . , ..-. � <br /> . i. . <br />. .. .. .L ;r�r . . <br /> - . , . �-n '' ,t.,'� .,�`_,�., . , .. .. .. <br /> . „ . . :i! .��'�k'�;� . . <br /> � . . , .«, , . <br /> . ��� <br />� ° ' <br /> . <br /> . � <br />