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I-`- —� <br /> .�,��. .r. �. .rf.�°r�zt��.�. .'�•. � .. �, " � `� '°� �_. <br /> � tiK <br /> ��,� . .. ...► . <br /> .t�S��MIMYrw.W�M?Mw�MSi....w..r«+►�.,.. ..-....�w+y-.T':?f:. •.r•�w�—•••�...�. , . . ' � . <br /> � <br /> - �.^_ <br />::.:..,� 97-1 t�9s�� � <br /> a;;:;.�r�-. 'POOBTHHR WITH Ap tha improvement�now nr h�reafter croctod on �he property,and all cagcmcate� apPu nunccs�and �_ <br /> i [kwrCS now or hereaftu e pert of tha proputY.All replacementa and addidons shaU elso bn coverod by thia Socurity Inswmen� --- <br /> :��� All of tho foregoing is rcfarod w in thl�Sxurlty Instr�n�e�►t as Uw"P�operty:' <br />_�,..,�..-.. <br /> BORRUWBR COVBNIRNfS thu Borrower!s�wfuUy aci�od of tha estato hueby convcyed and ha9 the dght to grant and �- <br />-:,,r;.� canvay �he Propaty an d t h a t t h a P ro p e r t y 1 s un e n c�u n b e r o d,e a c e p t f a r e n c u m b r a n e e s o f c e c a r d. B o r r o w e r w e r r e n t s s nd wlll �` <br /> ' d�ffe�d gcnaally�ho dtb w tho proputy agalnst�Il clalm��nd demand�,aubject to any cncumbranccs of rocord. �� <br /> _ da <br /> TkIIS SH�URITY INSTRUMPNT wmbines unifortn covenants for nadonal use and non-uniform covenants wlth limited ��- <br /> r„_ <br /> . varlation�by jurisdiction W conatiwu a uniform socurity instrument covcring r�l property. ��:� <br /> � ` (JI�TIFpgM CpVHNAIV'TS.Bonowu and I.endu covenant and agrx as follows: � <br />��.���:.'.'• 1.1Myment ot Principal�nd Interesti�P�J'�eot and I.�te Charees. Bormwa sheU pcompdY PaY when dut the -- <br />-�t:r� �.' e n t e n d l e t o c h a r g o s d o e u n d e r t h a Nou. -- <br /> prIncipil of m d i nterest on t h e d e b t av i d e n c e d b y t h a N o t e a n d a n y p r�►y m <br /> ��+`�:r� ' ` � 2.Fundr Por T�ces�ad Insnr�nce. SubJoct to applkabk ]aw or to a wrltur► waivu by I�dcr. Borrowu shalt pay to -- <br /> :,:'.tr•'� Lender on the dAy monthly paymenta are dae undu tAe Noto�undl the Note is paid in full.a sum(��Funds��)for.(a)Ycarly taxes _. <br /> -y'`•'�'`• and a�s.wt�t�which may attafn priodry over thL�Sxurity Inatrumeat as a lien aa tho Propecty;(b)Yuuly leacehold pAymettta <br /> =�ut�.b.�P <br />.=''�•:" cx grauid rents oa the PropatY.if anyt(�)Yearly dazard or property ins�ranco prcnuums:(d)Yearly flood lnsucance pnemium��if <br /> -,.��`'��.' e insuronce peemiums,ff any:end(�eny sums payabk by Borrowu W ecc�ordanca wlth the - <br /> _ a�►Y�(e)Y�IY�BaB <br /> a- provisioas of par�aph 8. fn llw of tha payment of mortgage insurenca premiums. 'Ihase iums aca called"Escrow Itans.�� <br /> `f '�` I,e�der may,at any dmo,collect and hold Funds in an amount not w excood the maximum emount a lendu for a foderally relatod <br />°.`�,''-�': e lan may require fa Bomnwu's escrow account undu thc federal Rcal Estato Seulement Procednres Act of 1974 as <br /> �;:,z�; ' �S�B <br /> a�nended fmm tLne W dmo,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA").unless anothcr law tt�at epplies to tha Funds sets a lessa <br />, ���x�`��,� enaun4 Tf so� L�der may.u�ny Wne,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excoed tho lasser amount, Lender may <br />=-r:�ri::�i <br /> est�nate tho amount of Funds doe on the basls of current data and reasonabk esdmaces of ra�pendiwres of fudue Escmw Itans ur <br /> ,��� olhawix in�ccordancd wl�h applic�bb 4w. <br /> J���r. <br />_=�.r".'•.. 'Ilie Funds shW be held in en lnstitudon whaae deposits Are Ina�by a fodual egeacy,InstrumentAUty,a endty tincluding <br />;:"'4,-;�; � Lender�!f Lenda is auch an InstlWdon)or in tu►y Federal Home Lo�n B�nk.Lender shall�pply the Funds w p�y tt�e Bxrow <br />-.�°'=�.'ry:� . Iwns.I.�da anay not clwge Borrower for holding and applyfag the Fu�ds,enn�11Y analYr�pB�be wcmw scxount,a va�fying <br /> -,���� tue Escx�nw Itams�onkss I�ckr paya Barowa intaest on the ironds and applicawio taw�.-�iis I,c�ulcr to sna�e axls a r.har�R. <br />--.,�-'�.�� savke wod by <br />-:�„�� Howeva.I.ender may raluira Borrowa to pay a one-dme cherge&x an indqx�dun reat cstate tax repoaln6 <br /> �----- I�enda In connection with lhis loan.uakas epplicabb law pcovjdes othecwL9o.Unkss�t►�eunent i�mado a epplkabb Ww <br /> •�,� ---= requicea intaest to be prid.I.ender shall not bo requlred w pay Borrowa nny int�erest or es�nLigs on tl�e F1mds.Barowa and <br /> ,,;`� ' I.endtr may a�oe in writiag.howevcr.that inunst shall bo peid on the FS�nds.L.e�der shall give to Borrowcr�althout charge��n <br /> "�� for which wch debit to the Funds was <br /> _.._.,,.��,� ennual Noaounting of the Funds.etawing crodits uid deblv to d►e Funda�nd the Purposa <br /> ir.,�= � m�d�e.7t�a Funds am pledBod ps addldonal socurity for all sums sx�red by this Sxuriry Insaumea� <br />--a_,�r� If tha Funds held by I�1a o�cceed th�emounte pamittal to be held by applicable law�La►da shall eccount W Barowa for <br /> -;��. ' the eacrss Funds in�dmce wlth the roquirementa of applicabb law.If tho annount of the Funds held by Leridu at any time l� <br /> ---`—= . not suf8cient w pay the Bscrow Items when due�Lender may so notlfy Bwmwu in wrtdng.and,in such ca�o Barowa a1�sU PaY <br /> � w Lender Ihe amoont nocessarY to malce up thc deficlency. Bocr�owu shall make up tho defickncy in no more thm twelvo <br /> - ' � ��Y P�Y��•���'�s aole di�credon. <br /> -- � ' uP�ixYma�t in f�ll af aU siuns securod by this Socurlry Instrumen6 Latda'shall prompdy refund to Borrower any Funds <br /> _ - held by L.a�da.If�unda pu�Braph 21�La►da ehall acquira a sell tha PropatY�I.ender.Pdor w tt►e acqulsition w s�le of tho <br /> - _ Propaty.�11�PP1Y+�Y Furtd+ hdd by Lenda at tho tune of acquisltton or sak�a credit egainst tbe sums sxared by thi� <br /> _�;:��� Sec�uiry Instrumeat <br /> -�� 3.AppYa�tion ot Paymenfs. Un3ess applicable law provides olhawLse�all puyments re�etved by I.enda under petagi�aphs <br /> _ -_— 1 end 2 sheU ba appliod:fvst,to ei►Y P�Yment charges due under�t�e Note;socond,to amounts paysble uadet paca�aph 2: <br /> ---- thircl,to intaest prLicipal duet and last,w any lata charges due under the Nou. <br /> �F.C6u�ai Lkns. Bamwa shall pay ell te�ces,assessments�chargcs,fuus and impasidons aurlbutable W the Propaty <br /> '�""�:_� which may atmin pdority ova this Securlty Insuument�and kasehold payments a ground renv.,if any.Barowu atwU pay these <br />- ��q..�� obligatbn�in Ne mmnu provkled in pe�agraph 2.or if not patd in that manner,Borrower sheU pay them on dme dicoctly w tha <br />--_-=*�3.�9 pason owed p�ymenG Hamwa ehall promPtlY fumikh co I.ender all nodces of amounts to be p�id und�this paragraph. If <br /> -:;�:�,� <br />-_._., r x.� ' Borrowu malces thwe pi►ymentv direcdy.Bo�rower ahell prompdy fumish to Lendet roceipts avldancing the payments. <br />��:�. �:'��� Barower shall pcompdY dLscl�arge any lien which haw prlodry over this 5ecurity Inswment unkss Bocrower. (a)agrees in <br /> .�.:�,.�.. ._ <br /> .. v�.---'� (b)conoests in g o o d f a i t h t h�a l i e n <br />�:�� �� :-,. wrtting w tha psYment of tha obllgatlon securod by the lien in a menner ecceptable to I.e n da: <br /> °'�;,.^ : s which in the LendePs opinion nperato W p�vent the <br /> ' by. a detends egai�tst enfor�ccment of the lier► in, Iega1 pcoc,adin8 <br />�t � e�forcement of the 1ien;or(c)secures from the holder of tho lien an agroc�nent sa t i s factory t o I.e n d e r su b o r d i n s t i n g t h e II e r►t o <br /> = this Security lnstcument.If Lender dete,�mines that any ptut of the Pcoperty is subjoct to a llen which may atiain prlodty ovu this <br /> Socurlry Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a nodce ldendfying the IIen.Bo�rower st�all satisfy the lien or mke one or moro <br /> of tho ecdons set forth above within 10 days of tha gtving of nodce. <br /> Form soZ� i/Y0 <br /> P� •701• Initlalc.---_ <br />-' �� �•eR(NE)cos,�).o� 9 <br /> __..�. _ _..._..__........_.._.-_ _--._____.__.........�.....�..�--..__..-- __.___--•___ _---._ <br /> _ <br /> ., ��„�,:._ ......_._. _..._ ...r- .��..�_.�:•,��. _. „ — <br /> . „ <br /> , <br /> � ' :�.., " „ � <br /> . . „ ., .... � • .> , <br /> • :.�; '� ' <br /> • ���; ���'�.�' ; , <br />__ .. -• .. W'a�if:�'iz•�si•.hYJ^... .,l� .. ��. �.. <br />. . ���I1..�� ����.�. .f' • <br />.. .. . �. ._ .. _'__. _ <br />