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". �, • <br /> � ' - - ..�.�.�o _:::���.._"_--- � -_ <br /> -Y - - <br /> SU[3Ul�[)IN�I'IUN OF 11�CU IlF TftUST h�_ '����� <br /> a <br /> t����nras, Arend R. Hnecf< --� whc�se 9ddreas ier� <br /> p. 0. Box 790 Grend Islanrl NeUreske 6Eln0l her�li►ePter called <br /> �7rusf:ee'� has an interest in UiF Fu11nwl��g deacriUad pcaperty locatod in the <br /> itate uf Nc�t�rasl<a , Caunty oF Hall �,_. <br /> State of Nebraska � _� described �is �'ollowsr tm witi <br /> A tract of land cnmprisinq a ��art of the Nnrtliwgst Quarter aF the Sauthwest <br /> puarter (M11W}SW�) af Sectian Ta�enty qne (21)� in l�ownship eleven (11) North, <br /> Henge Nine 49) West of the Gth P.rl., more peri:icularly described as Fo1loWSt <br /> Beginning et a f►nint on the East line oF seid NW�SW,�. said point being aeuen <br /> hundred fil'ty seven and fc�ur ter�Llis ('75"7.4) teeL of tha t�orLlieask Carner <br /> of said MU�SW� as naw lnceted: tlior�r_e rigl�t 90°pD� and running Weat <br /> a dist�nce oF Two Iluncfred Tl�irty (23(l) feeti �hence running �outh and �rellel <br /> tu tlie EASt llne of said Milµ�ld�� a �Jistarice of Tuin Hundrad fiFty ntne and Fifty- <br /> fiue liundreciths (259.55) fest; Ll�ance cieflectinc� left 90°00' and xunning east <br /> Twa I lundred Ttiirty (230•0) feet tn a {wir�t oi� tl�e East line oF said NW}SW#� <br /> Lhence running North elong sa;d EasL linP� a distance of Twn Hundred Flfty- <br /> Nine end Fifty-Fiue 1-lundredths {259.55� Faet t.o i.ttie puint af baginning, �ub�ect <br /> ta Hoad riyht nf-way alung an upnn tfi� �ast Edge of seid Trect� Hall Cax�ty. <br /> Nebraska. exce�t therefrom a tract of 9rQ452, 'e o ded in1they0fFiceiof Lhe <br /> Warranty Deed recarded in Book 15'7, Page <br /> Register of deeds of Flall County, Nebraska� <br /> {aursuant to l.he terms oF e certain need af Trust (hereinafter "SubordinatQ <br /> �eed uf Trusi") dated January 22, 19 87, and r�carded on „_?an�� <br /> ;, �, '{g�'� os ;)ccument l�SQ: 97-10[1538. Hall County Ne�ords, and <br /> IfMEREAS� Jerrv P. Jensen and Marv I�. 3ensen � Whase acJdress <br /> is 1424 South tlarrison Btreet Grand Isla�d. Nebraska 68801 (hergi�aFter <br /> called "Trustor f3arrower" has applied ta Hane Fecferel Savin s and Loan <br /> AssociaCion of Grand Island �her�inafler called "Len�er'� for N�te secured <br /> hy h.h� ahuve desc€ihFd pro�ex�l:y. <br /> WIEREAS, thia Oeed of 1'rust has he�en assignod to Richard L. T�nimqen <br /> end Doris �. Thimaan _�Agsignoes) pursuant to an Assicarment dated April 10, <br /> 1989 and recorded F'Fbrua� 3 _ 1992 es [�ocument t�b. <br /> 92-100074 liall County Records. <br /> !J�IrI, THEREFflRE, in cansideratiion of One Doller ($1,00) and other good <br /> end valueble consideretinn, receipt [��suburdinaL•ertc�y Le deri lledtli ir righets <br /> si.gned Trustee and Assignees hetetry . <br /> in the above d�scribed pmperty tu said Oeed af Trust nf Lender. <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREE� that l.�rxler is relying upan this subordinatian in <br /> the ebove descri6ed Dead nf Trust transaction and that �.ei�der�s Qeed of 7rust <br /> oihen exe�uted shall be n sncured 1.1en on 1.hE abn�e de9Gribod property priur <br /> and superior ta the in:.erest nf Trustee ancl Assignees notWitl�standing the da�.e <br /> of execution, the date oF recording, or daLe oF disbursemc3nt of fw�ds by tFid <br /> Lender. <br /> RNp IT I.S I"UFtTHER AG(2EED LIieL Trusi.c�a ur Nssiytti�e� he�eby aystrues no ' <br /> personal liability to Lorider and l:l�at Lencier shall givQ written notice to <br /> Trustee and n:.�signees et least 15 days prior to the exercise aP its right to , <br /> foreclose by �ertified U.S. mail to the �ddress hereinebo�e designated ar ta <br /> such other aclJress as may I�ereaf ter be desiynated in writing. �Trustee and <br /> Assignees shall have tf�e right, but nnt the ablig�tian� to cure eny default <br /> ...t a1.� 7�,�aFnr/Rnrrni�iwr. <br /> � ��------- <br /> _ ` <br /> 7 <br /> .'� ' <br /> ,.� �� 1 /� 3 - - -- .__._.___----_.. �---- �--- -- ' ---- - ------ <br />