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<br />-'.:-"'� 13.NMlas.Any nodcc a Horrowu providod for in at�(s�ccu�izy l��s tt�tctt i c elivcrlr+ it Ar b _
<br /> :,,� mailing i!by first ciw mail un{eaa applicabb law raquires we of aiwll�u me�hod.'Irio notke ehatl ba dirocted to Ihe
<br /> — propaty Address or my ott�er addrcss Bcxt�owu deaign�Yes by notice W Lcndcr.M bnotico w co B�arro�'My�wdc
<br /> -� firat clau m�U w La�dei'e addccss at�ted haeln a any�ddress Lendu designt�tes Y
<br /> provlded for in thia Sac�uity Insaument shall lyo doe�rkd w havo ban give�n to Hcxrowa cx Lenda whcn given a�
<br /> _:_°,�i�' Pc'ovided in th1�p�r�graph.
<br />-'.��� 14.Goverain{l.�w;SevernbOtty.'I1d9�ociuity TnsWmcnt shall be govaned by Federal I�w�nd�he 1�w of U�a __
<br /> ,�,_ jurisdktbn In which tho Pmp�xtY b{ocated.In the ovent th�t any p�+ovlsion a clwse of thi�Socurlty Inatcuununt a the
<br />_�:� Nde conflicta wIlh�pplic�bb Isw,auch conflict ehtU not affxt dher provlsforu of this Security Instcument a tbe Note
<br /> -'-.,.,;.�,. which c�n bo given effect wittNwut 1he canfllcdng provls{on.To this cnd tbe pcovisions of thls Sxurlty Instivment md
<br />-__-—= the Note ae docLred�o ba xvasbb. oP the Note�nd ot this Socurity Insisumait
<br /> --° iSt.Borrowea�C�+opWy._Aarowa elul!be_`g_iven one can[ormeci coP�{Y,� ��di�pos�t,staage,a mk.�e of
<br /> �a �9. �ArY�i�+�. B�OWa b1�817�����u IiA�r
<br /> --��� Auy Harncloue Subet�xxs on a�in the Pmpacy.Barowu ehaU not do�nor�[iow ueyono el�e w do,��B�` �
<br />-=-- the proppty th�t is L►vbladon of�ay Bnvimnrtuntal Lw. 'Rie pr000din8 two aa►W�as sfu(1 not q�p1Y
<br /> :ska'l� uso. cx stan8e on the PropercY of srtull quanddes of Hnntudous Subsnurces that are geaa�lly ra;o8aized w bo
<br /> -- �ppcopriata W nonnel reaida►dal uxs and w m�tnta�anca ot tha Ptojtr+ry.
<br />`yj�� Barowa shW pc�omP�Y B�vo Lenda writun aodcc ot any lnvesdgation.cWm,danand.lawsWt or od�er action by
<br />-- �Y Snvanmennl a rcgul�tay aBencY a piv�l�e WrtY invdving the Pcopaty ond any I�u�rdoua Substanco a
<br /> - Eavimnmentrl I.aw of whicl�Baro�ver tms�cwd Irnowiodge. If Bocrowa k,ams.or is t�dfiod by any govemmenul a
<br /> .=.��°—� reguLbry iwthairy� ltnt �u►Y rcnwval a dha remodiatla� ot�ny Ha�u�duw Subsq�nca affocang tfie PropatY i�
<br /> — neor,aary,Barower e1Wl p[omPtlY taice dl nece�sxY ranodi�l actions in aocaclmc�e wlth Bnvironmenul Law.
<br /> Ae usod in thi� p�aph 16. "Ilsz�rdous Subsqnoes" �e those aubaunoea d�eCubd n wxic a harndous
<br /> — aubatanoes by Bnvironma�W Lsw�nd the folbwing substmces:ltaaoline.keroeene�ott�r fl�nnubb a ooxic pei�+eieum
<br /> - - prod�cy� t�oxdc pe�sdcides md habjcidea, voWib eolvaita. m�uriais oon�inin8 --r�`.�� � fa.�s::E�„�ls;�. �
<br /> rndio�cdve mMai�l+. As tuod in thi.i pra��h 16� "EavironmsnW 4w" mana federal t�wa and 4Ma of tho
<br /> j�ul�dicdon whera the YraQatY is bcated th�t re.t�ta to health�Rafety a envlronmaital pcot�octbn.
<br /> NON-UPI�URM COVENAt�'�'S.Barowa and Laida focllx�cova�ant ond�groe as folloNS:
<br /> 17.A�aoe�t ot Rat�.Barower uncondido�uily�saigns uid danafera W I.ender�il da rents md cev�nua of
<br /> the PropaRY.Boauwa wdacixei I�a L�ender'e�genta a colloat tbe rent+md rovan�as ad b�by dirocm cach
<br /> tenant of the Propaty b py�tie rents w L�enda a I�ender'd agrnts.Howeva�Prior w I.ender's naCioa b Bon+owa at
<br /> Bamwer's braich of any covenmt a��ent in the Security Instcument,Bocrowa st�ll oolleet�od rexive�il�enn
<br /> � and revaiuea of the Propaty a�tmux for tlse ba�efit of I,a�cla end Barnwa.'it�ia isaignme�t ot renn coe�tiwla�n
<br /> absolute tssignma�t�nd na n a�signrt�►t for additional xcurlty only.
<br /> If I.encla gives nodca of br�each oo Barowa:(�) �Il rcnls received by Borcower eh�ll bo be3d by Bamower a�
<br /> trusbo for baroCt of L�enrla onlr,w ba�ppliod w the swns �ecurod by Iho Security Instruma��(b)I.a�sh a�
<br /> cndtbd to cotbct md reoeive aU of the rents of the Ptq�aey: and(c)wch ta�aat of the Propary sh�ll P�Y
<br /> and unp�id oo Lenda a I.ender'e�ga�t on La�der's writta►de.rnmd to the taun�
<br /> Bamwar haa not wcacueod�nY P��B�t of dia raits and ha�not�nd wW not pedorm�ny�ct that�ld
<br /> _ Ixevenc 1er,aa rmm exa�cising its rignts unaa a�.,p.r.grMn I7.
<br /> Lender ahell not be reqnirod w enter upon�talce oontrol of or mainwin�he Propecty befoca or�ftar Qiving notice of
<br /> brach oo Sorrower.Howava,L,a�der a t judicially q�pointed receiva may do eo x any timo tlia�e is a brea�ch.Any
<br /> appBatlon of rans sM�11 not cuc�e a waive any deFault or InvAlidate w►y oU�a cight or ranody of a.ender.'Thi.�
<br /> - �usigmnatt of cents of the Propaty st�aU tamLnata wheA ttie debt securod by the Security Ins�nt is pW in full.
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