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<br /> i�� If tho wnounts held by Lender for Bscrow Items cxceed the amounta permitted to bo he y ,
<br /> ` accourtt W Borrowa for the excess funds a9 roqulred by RESPA. If the amounts of funds held by I.ender et eny tl►ru
<br /> .�.m.. aro not suff'�cla�t to pay the Ex�aw Items wher�d�e.I.ender may notify Iho Sorrowa and requ�re Borrowu to make up
<br /> ,'" .�� the shatage a�pumiued by RBSPA.
<br /> ...> 'Ilie Bscmw Funds ere pkdged as additbnal securIty for all sums secucod by this 5ocurity lnstcumen� If Horrowu
<br />;:-���.c���.�;� tendae to I�r,nder tbe full p�yment of all auch suma�Borrowu's account shall be credlted wlth the bal�nce nmaWng fa
<br />��w< �, all lnstaWnent it�ems(a)�N).at�d(c) aad �ny a�ortgago in�urance premium InsWlment that Lender has not bocome _
<br />.,;,._
<br /> p�, obllg�Uod W pty W lhe Secretery�and L.aula shyll P�P�Y nfi�nd any oxccss funds to Barowa. ImmodiatCly ptjor to
<br />, -::,.;�a� a forccbsure aab of tbo Proputy or its�cqulsidon by Lenda,Bortowu's account shaU be croditod wlth any balance
<br /> ---- ranain�ng fa tll instalUnents fa itans(a).(b)�and(c).
<br />--�-=°�— 3.AppUaitto�ot Paymwt�.All paymarts undu par�phs 1 and 2 shall be�pplied by Lender ag follows:
<br />_-=-_�-m� �,W tho nwrtgaga insivatwe prcmium w�a paid by L,cndcr ta thc 3ccrcmry ar co the monthly charge by the
<br /> :=:`s►�:,z.� Sec�etary Instad of the monthlY mort88Be insurance premlum;
<br />.;:��r�,fi7• S�d,to any taxaa.apecial agsesscmnts,kasehoW payments or ground renta, and fuo.flood and other hazArd
<br /> .;,�.y.:r'� insur�.e preaniuma,as required;
<br />:i»;r � ���a intaest dne under�tsse Nae�
<br />;�,a�'� Fpu�il,to eaioctl�tbn of the pdneipal of the Nou;end
<br />-=e-�� F18ti.ta lete ehargd due uada 1he Note.
<br /> .��:�� 4.Fire�Flood and OtLer HasASd Ineuranoe.Bamwer ahall iasuns all improvements on the Propaty,whether
<br />-- - now in wclsux�ce a subsequently enc�ed.�g�inst any ha�rds.cacwldw,nnd Gondr►gencIw�including Fue,fa which
<br /> -=''''r''� La�da roqWres insurauce.'It►is insuranca sh�ll be mainWned in tha amounts end for tha pak�ds that I.ender roquirea.
<br /> ��-�� Barowu sh�ll aL�o insure all improvemaus on tAe Property�whetha now ln exLsta�co or subsequently era:tod,aBainst
<br /> --,-�� !���f�c�to slse�,:t�st ssq:slred b,s�e�cs�ssr;.1►.l1 in�ce-hs!!��.^.i��ram � �s�ts�L�s�.
<br /> ==�a�� F��-�• �
<br /> — The Luuranco pollcies�nd any renawtils ehali bo heid by I.endu end st�all include lass payabb clauses in ftva of.�nd
<br /> � in a fcxm aooq►tAbb to.Lander.
<br /> - -- In tlia event of loas,Sormwec ahall give Lendu immodieta nodca by m�il.Laider may m�ica pcoof of lo�s if not
<br /> �P�'►P�Y by Barowu.Each lnaur�nco compaz►y concemod is hereby suttarized and dl�ected w mate paymait fa
<br /> ------- such las diractly W Lendu.Inatead of W Barowu and to I�d�r jointly.All a any pact of the ins�umce proceais may
<br /> be�pplled by I.ender.at ita optioa�either(�) W tho roducdon of tho inde6tedr�esa unda the Note and thia Securlty
<br /> tnsauma,�,flrsc co.ny dellnquenc amoun��pplied in�he order In p�rag�ph 3�and ihen a prc�aynx�c of princ�l,uc
<br />-� @)tu ttie reswcatlon a rep�ir of tho dam�ged Propaty.My qrpllcatlon of the procoods to tho prinGipal ehall not eatend
<br /> or poaqwne the dua data of the monthly paymenu which are refa�rcd to�n pungnph 2�a ct�nge tho�mount of eunh
<br /> Pe►Ymeaq.My excess Insuranco p�ticcxds over en emount roquirod w pay all out�unding indebmedness under the Nae
<br /> -- and thls SecurIty Inurument efull ba paid to ihe en8ty kgally endtbd Iherew.
<br /> In tfio evai¢of forocbsuro of this Secur(ty Instrument or other transfa of title w tha Prop�xty dMt exdagui�hd tha
<br /> indebtodness,all rlgh�tttk and intacst of Barowu in end to Insuranco polkks in facc shall pa�s w�he purcha�a�.
<br /> S.Oocupaacr.Prexrvat3an�Maintenana and Protection ot the Propert7i Borrawer's I.o�a AppHcatbn;
<br /> I.e�eLolda. Borro�va ehell occupy�es�bllsh.and use tha Propaty�Barowa's principal reside�ce wittiln si�ery dtys
<br /> _ �fta the executba of thia Secnrlty Insaument(a wtthin sixty days of�Wer eale a�nsfu of tha pmparty)�uid stull
<br /> _ -- - conthinnw w acc�y the Pmperty aa Harowa's principal residaica for at la�vt one yau after the det�e of occupemcy.
<br /> onleas Le�da deoamines thu roqulrcmait wW c�use undua hardship for Borrower�or unlavs extanuatlag aircumsbu�oes
<br /> -- 'oaist which ero beyond Borrower'a control.Somowex ahall nodfy Lencf�r of eny extenoadng cic�cumst�.Borrowa
<br /> _,� ahall not commit wasto a dwtroy�dema8o or substandatly change tha Property a allow the Pnoperty to deterionte.
<br /> - rea�bk weu and tear axccQted.I.enda rtuy inspoct the Propaty if the 1Property is vacant or eb�nAoned a the loan is
<br /> ----- in defaul� Lenda may take reacanabla ection to protect and preserva such �vacant a ab�ndoned Propaty.
<br /> ,_«� ���
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