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<br /> "•' � odnNbts wlth appNa�bw faw,such oonlYCit IhwN not�fMct othe provkbn�of !AK S�curky In�hum�nt a lh�Not� whbh cm b� L,-
<br /> Y
<br /> �° ' pM�n Nh�t wRhout lh�ocnflY�tinp provklon�To IhM�r►d lh�provMlons of thl�S�curity InstNm�n!md lh�Not� �n d�aMnd to �
<br /> b� twNlba.
<br /> '�� of th�Not�tnd of thM 8�ourky Inftnm�►L �.�'
<br /> 16. Bo�raw�r'�Copy.aorvows.�n.r o. o�+on.Q�^�"0py
<br /> 16. Haz�►dou�Substenc�� Borrowlr 4haN not cw�a o► pamM tti4 prN�rw�, uu, dNpowl, stonp�,ot nMUS of �:,.
<br /> '.:.+.:� u►y Hasardous 6ub�W�CN on a In I!►� PropMty. 9oROwK thaN not do� nor aMOw �r►yoM �Ise to do� �nythhp �M�otlr►p th�
<br />="f,h":.: ��_
<br /> PropMty Ihat Is h vloMtbn of a�y Envi►a^�n�n�l law. Th� pncadi�p two swd�ncM th�N not �ppb to th� pr�no�� uM� o► �
<br /> ,� �lorap� on th� Property of tm�N Ruantkfee o1 H�xudoua�bst�ncrs th�t 1u�p�nKSIIY r�COprtix�d to W appruPrkt� to normtl 1 E fl.
<br /> C
<br /> ntW�ntt�i us�s�nd to nwint�nanc�of th�PropMty.
<br /> a-��=I—' dMnand lawiuk or othK eollon bY �Y � —
<br /> ��+ Honow�r shrN prompty 0►w ����^ natb� pi �ny hw�tip�tbn, oyim, �
<br /> powmm�ntal or rpuktory�pMOY a pri�nM PutY hvoNhp th�PropKty�nd eny Hwirdouf SubsUnc�or Envtonmin4l Law of �
<br /> whbh BorrowK ht� �otwl knowNdp�. If Bortow�r IM►n�� or N notMMd by Ny Oow�+►�ul a�ktory wthaky, th�t Ny �
<br /> ^ " nmoval a other nen�diatbn ot u►y H�ardous&ubstu�cK atNothq th�Prop�ty k �ps�Y� e�o'�'�sMN p�°mpty f���M w
<br /> nocassary remedkl aatbns h acaorGnc�wRh Envkonm�ntal Law. �
<br />�.-,, ,;`_ As uNd h thfs p�n9nph 18, "Hmrdou�Substanc�a'w thoa�ubstanca d�M�d u toxb a harardw+s wbswa�s bY �
<br />._,%��f:,r� Envkonmmul I.�w �nd th� kMowinp subsWic�s: WtolkN, k�►os�n�� othK M�rtwrMbN or toxb pMrolwm produou� toxla
<br />` �. �• ptStlCld�1 arid he�bbldrs�v0latlb i0kK1b1�rrkur�wk oontainhp asbatoi or famald�hydo.Nd radb�GtM�mltMkl�.11s uNd h
<br /> - .�,� th�p�vapnph 18, "Environm�ntal 4w• mbns Nd�nl �ws md I�wt ol tM jurMdfctbn wh�n th�PropKty k IooaNd that rohlt
<br /> s n.`! :�;.
<br />"�G}.;C�'�e: eo hKRh�utsty or�nvfronm�ntnl probocbn.
<br />:?x.:Y:.:
<br /> �`r'�'•L�.. NON�UNIFOR�IA COYENANTB. Barow�t and L1nd�r NMhM CovNUnt and prM Qs foMOws:
<br />:a.y�./T,'iM.
<br /> -�;�°�° ; � 17,Ass{qnment of Rents.eorrowK unconaxbn,�y assqns and v.nslKS to Unda aN tM rw�ri�nd r�rvw�wt of th�
<br /> ; .,,�
<br />-, �r,
<br /> ��'•',�{��ty ,. Propety.Bonower authorfzsa L�r�Gr or l�ndw� ap�nts to aolMot th��ts �nd rw�nuK�nd h�nby dM�ori Moh t�nant of t • —
<br /> ' i�'7•`� • PropKty ro puy th� r�r►ta to Londer or lnd�t aq�nq. Howsvar, prlor to Und�s notics to Barow�t of Borrow�r's brwoh of ___
<br /> _�'°"�� any o�vm4nt or a0rprnent In tb�Security Mtwm�►t.8orrowK shall oolNat tnd naAro aM nmb�nd nwnws ot the PropKty —_
<br /> _;,.,b;, � � � ps W�tN tor tho bonefk of Under and Bortower. Thia ae6lpnmMit 01 rYntt a0natkutH �n ab�obte assqnmm! a�d not m
<br />:�°;'.'� aoslpnmmt for�ddkbn�l�eaurity ony.
<br />'�;:y.;5=.r If Under piw� notia ot bmCh to Borrowsr: (t)I�A rents racehred by Borrowa►�haM b� hdd by BortowK tt WttN 10�
<br />—=;;1_� benMit of Lond�r ony,to b� �pplMd to tM �ums��curod by tha 8scurity intWmmt;(b) L�ndM�haN b��nikl�d to aoN�at r►d
<br /> _'1� nc� d of th� nnb of th�PropKty: Nd(0) �h tMant of tl►� PropMty shal pay aN r�nb dw md unpaid to l,M�dw or
<br /> -�_a;.�
<br />---;�,�i� Und�t�pont an L�nd�s wrkhn dMn�r�d to Ih�bn�nG
<br /> � ��.� .. npZ.K.nun.d any Q�tor as�gnmmt of tl»nnu�nd has not �nd wfN not p�Aam anY�o�that woutd p�'��
<br /> `"=�=� L�ndK kom�oarckbp ks rlpht�undrr thk P�lpnph fl.
<br /> -- L�ndK sh�N not b�nquWid to ent�r upon�t�k�aontr0l Of or trnYtt�h th�Prop�Ry bMorr ��1bK yNkW�OtiC�of brMOh to
<br /> �..��' BorrOvwr. Hovwwr. Lmda or a judbkky�ppoht�d ncNwr msy do w tt�ny ttn�tha� M• 6n�oh.My�ppMcatton of�nfs
<br /> sh�1 not aun a w�lw tnY dNwk a inv�Md�N �ny ahK rqht a nn�dY o�1.�d�►•Thk uslpnm�nt of nnb of tM Prop�rt}/
<br /> -- RMI bnnhrb wh�n tM d�bt Nounr!by IM 8�ourky In:Wmmt k paW In tul.
<br /> 1!. For�olowr� Proc�dure.It L�nd�r nqulre� Imm�dl�t� p�ym�nt In tull und� PK�pr�ph �,
<br /> L�ndK m�y Invok� th� pow�r of MI� �nd �ny oth�r r�m�dl�� per+nitt�d by applkab�� law.
<br /> -- LsndK MMII !» �nUU�d t�o coAeot�11 �xp�n�s Incurnd In punulnp th� �em�dte� provid�d In
<br /> � thlt P�r��nph 10, tncludinO. but not Ilmit�d to� r�on�bl� �ttorn�ys' h�s �nd caKs of dde
<br /> �vid�na�.
<br /> • It th� pow�r of ale t� Invoiced� TruKes ahdl record � notic� of dehult In e�ah county In
<br /> which eny part of the Property ti toc�ted md shall malt coples of weh noUce In 'the��w
<br /> �— pr�scribed by �pplic�bts law to Barower snd to the other peraons prescribed by �pp
<br /> After tha tlme requlred by �ppll�abls I�w, Tru�tee shell �Ive puDlla notic� of asl� to ths paraona
<br /> -- and In the m�nner qresar�bed by �pplicable law. Tru=tes� without dem�nd on BorrowK� aiwli sei�
<br /> -- the Property �t publie �ucUon to the hlyhest bidder et th� t(me �nd ptso� snd undK th� tKm�
<br /> __.....__.—
<br /> deW�nstesd In the notics of s�le In one or more pmcels end In �ny ard�r Tru�tee detamine�.
<br /> - Tru�tee mty postpone ale of�11 or �ny parcel of the P�operty by public aonoune�m�nt �t tl�
<br /> time �nd pl�ce of Nny prsvlouady scheduled s�le. Lend�r or Its dealqne� may purah� th�
<br /> --==� Property at any ade.
<br /> �-'7 Upon recetpt oi paymsnt of the pNce bid� Trustee ahall deliv�r to th� purcP�atK Truab�'a _
<br /> =' �:�' d�ed conveyin� th� Property. Th�recitat� in th�Trustes's d�sd atwil b�prima hole ��idenc� of
<br /> - - �?`"j '� the Wth of the st�temenu m�d� thereln. Truate� aiwll �ppiy ths proo��da of th� wl� in thr
<br /> _����: �_;
<br /> �.::;�-�i.:;,
<br /> _�;.,�:,.";::_ toilowinp order. (�) to �II co�ts�n d �xpenae� o t e x e r c i s l n� t F�e p ow�r ot s�l�► snd tM al�,
<br />_-_;_,,r,:-.:;,'. Includinp the p�yment of the Trunee'� tees sctually incurred, not to exeeed 3 X
<br /> �'��� � " of the p�incipal amount of the no ta e t t hs t t m e o f t h e d e c l e r a U o n o f d e t w l t� �n d re�oneble
<br /> ' atto�neys' tse� w pe�mitted by I�w; (b) to all sums seeured by this Seeurity Intlrument; �nd (a)
<br />- �ny excsss to ths peraon or ptrson� Isydly enUtled to 11G _
<br /> li the Lender'a Interest In thle Seouriry Instrument ta held by the SearsLry �nd the Secretary
<br /> requksa Immedlat� peym�nt In tull under Pua�nph �� th� S�crstwy mry Inrrolu th� nanJudtcl�l
<br /> power of iele provided In th�Sinple F�mliy Mon��ye Forealo�u�� Aat of 1Yl4 ('AcY) (�� U.S.C.
<br /> � .,��� 3761 �t l�Sl.� by reque�tln4 �torealowre commlutoner deWqn�ted under ths Act to comm�nc�
<br /> toreolosure �nd t�o sell ths Propa�ty a provided in th� Act Nothln� In the pr�cedinp �ntenc�
<br /> � - ---- - • -- --------- -.__.._._�_.�....�.� ....n.�,i. �n a Lender under this Pu��rMh 1a
<br /> .___. ahat�qeprnre me aec�e�r.,�...���ynw vv......� .......,._ � _ -- -
<br /> ' or apptieeble law. _
<br /> • 1A. ReconveyAnce. Upon p�ymant at aN wms saQUnd by thb Seaurky Inctrumant,Londor shaN raquast Trutt� to _
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall eumnder this Socurky Instrumant and �N notad wld�neinp debt s�cund by thls S�curity
<br /> Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey ths PropeRy wRhout warranty�nd wkhout charflo to ths psraon cr pereons Mqaly _
<br /> entitfed to k.Such person or pereons shall pay any reoordatbn custs. _
<br />- F6E�9.4M0(e/Y]) Pap�4 0l 6
<br /> �
<br /> I 6W V
<br /> I � - �.�..rw....�_«_._....�. --- .
<br /> � � - ---�,-_ _' •...._._. . . .
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