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<br /> � Borrow�r rt�y cure suah � dehult �nd rek�st�te, �s provided in p�npreph 18, by c�usinp the �ctlon or prooeedlnp to be
<br /> diemlatsd wtt��'ruWnp thtt. In Lend�r'�paod(�Nh det�ennlmUon, precludes todeitu►e of tha Bonower'a Intereat In the Property or
<br /> ' oth�r mut�rl�l Impakm�nt oi th�A�n cn�t�d by thl� 9�curfty Instrument or Lender'e sscu�iry Inte►e�t. BonowM nh�N �lao be In
<br /> default N Borrower, durl�p th�lo�n �ppNc�tlon proae�, p�ve rru�teri�Ny idee or Imccunte Informwtion or st�tementa to Lande►(or
<br /> lalled to provtd� Lenda wkh �ny matertal Intomutbn) In cannecQon wlth the loan evldenced by the Nole, Includinp, but nof
<br /> Nmltecl to, repre�entaUone concemMp Borrower'e occupancy o} the Property as e princlp�l realdence. If thls Secudty
<br /> Inatrumenl le on� �ws�hold, Borrower eh�G compy wlth �M the provinlone of the le�ae. li Bortower Acqulres tee tltle to the
<br /> Properly, the INtshoki �nd the ise tllls eh�N not merpe unleae Lender�qreee to ihe merge►In w�itinp.
<br /> 7. P►ot�o4lon of l.�nd�r'� Rlpht� In th� Prop�rty. If eo►rower iaNs to perfnrm the cavenante e��d�gsaements
<br /> cont�lnsd In ihle 3ecuHty Inatrument, or there Is a lepd prooeedkip that may slgnlAcanty itteot Lender'e rlghte In the Properry
<br /> (euch es e proceedinp In bnnkruptoy, prob�te, for cendemnetlon or foANture or to entorce Irws or reUulatlonn),then Lender may
<br /> do �nd p�y tor wh�teve►Is necese�ry to proteat the value o}the Rcperly�nd Lender'e dphle in the Property. Lender'a eotione
<br /> m�y InGude p�ylnp my euma aecured by e Uen whlah h�a pdorfty ov�r this Secu►ity Instrument appearl�g In courl, paying
<br /> rs�non:ble s4tameya'feas�nd enterinfl on the Property to make repalro.Akhouph Lender may take antlon under thls parapraph
<br /> 7, L�nd�r does not Mv�!o do ao. (Q
<br /> My unounts diaburoed by Lender under p�ragaph 7 nhall become +�dditionel debt o1 Bortower aecured by thls 3ecurity �
<br /> Instrvmen�Unbaa BoROwer �nd Lender agree to olher terma of p�yment, thase�mounte shall bear Interest/rom the date o1 `
<br /> dlsburoenxnt et the Note rete nnd ehuM be pey�ble,with Inte►eat,upon notice from Lender to Bonower requesting payment. `
<br /> B. Nlortp� Insur�ne�. If Lender requked mortpape inaurance aa n condttion of makhp the loan securcd by thls '•Q
<br /> Securfry Inatrumant, Dorrowar ahall p�y the prernlume►equked to rtudntaln the mortyage Inaunnce In etteot. li, f�r any reason,the C,C
<br /> mort�pe hau�ce covanye requked by Lender lapaea or ce�aea to b� In eBect, Bonower ehaN p�y the premiuma requlred to �
<br /> obtaln coveraye aubstantlaky equlvtlent to the mortgage Inaurence prevlously in etlect, et a coat aubatantidly equNslent to the �
<br /> coat to Borrower of the mortgsge insunnce prevlouay In ettect, from an ettemate n�ortgage Ineurer approved by Lemder. It
<br /> aubstmttaly eQubalent mortp�qe Mnunnce coveraya Is not nvaWabte, Borrower ahaN pay to Lender eaeh month a eum equal to
<br /> onatweMth of the yeuly mortyape Inaurance premlum belny ptld by BoROwer when the Insunnce covenpe lapeed or caaed to
<br /> be in eifect. Lender w�i�ccept, uae and rehin these paymente �e a loea reserve in Neu o(morlpepe tnaunnco. Loss rosave
<br /> p�ymmte may r.o lonp�r be roquked, at the opUon of Lende►, if mortgaye inaurance coveraye(in the�mount and for ths period
<br /> thRt Lender requkea) provlded by an tnsuror �pproved by Lender�galn becomes availrble end la obtalned, 8omowa shaN psy
<br /> the premlums requked to mslntein mortgnpe Inaurnnce in etteat, or to provide a loae reserve, untN the requkement tor mortgage
<br /> Insurance ends In accordmce wfth any written apreeme�t between Borrower end Lender or appAcaWe Iew.
<br /> 9. In�p�etlon. Lander or its s�ent may make reasonrble entdea upon and inapectlone of tho Propertyr. Lender ehaN give
<br /> BorrowK noUce at the tkne ot or prtor to an hapectlon epecilykip re�annable cauae tor the InapacUon.
<br /> 10. COnd�mniltlon.The proceeda af any�ward or ckNn for datrNges, direct a consequentisl, In connection wfth eny
<br /> condemnetbn ar other taking of any pirt of the Proparty, or for conveyance In Aeu oi condemnaUon, are hereby aasl9ned nnd
<br /> ah�N be pdd to Lender.
<br /> In the evmt of e total takin8 of tho Prop�xty, ihe proceeds ahaN be appWed to the eums aecured by this 3ecurity
<br /> Inatrument,whether or not then due,wkh any exceae p�id to Borrower. In the event of a parttnl Uklnp of the Propatyr In whlch
<br /> the f�k muket valuo oi the Propaty Immedl�tsly bafore the t�kiny Is equal to or nreater than the�mount of the sums securod
<br /> by thla Sx:urNy Inatrument krwnedktaly betore the taWng, unlean Bortower and Lender othcrwise ayree in writinq, the auma
<br /> eecured by thle Securfty Inatrument shaq be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muhiplied by ihe foNowiny fraction: (�) tha
<br /> tot�l unount of the auma eecurod knmedl�tely beton the t�king, dNlded Oy(b) the teir tn�rket wiue of the Property Mnmedt�tey
<br /> belore the taklnp. Any b�l�nce ahaA be pald to Hortowa.In the event of a p�rdal takinp of the Property in whlch the fak market
<br /> value of the Propaty knmedl�tay bstoro the takk�y b leaa than the emount o�ths aums aecured Ynmedl�tely beforo the Ukinp,
<br /> , unlass Borrowx and Lender othenvlae �gres In wrltiny or unless appAcable I�w oth«wlae prorldea, the proceeda ehdl be
<br /> �ppNed to the euma eeeured by thla 3ecufity Inetrument whether or not the aums�re then due.
<br />;�� I}the Propxty Is abandoned by BoROwer, or R,after noUce by Lendsr to Bwrower th�t the wndarnnor otters to m�ke an
<br /> award o� eettk� d�tm tor d�m�ges, Borcower faNa to respond to Lender wRhin 30 daya atter tha date tho noUce ts piven,
<br /> Lender la wthalzad to coMent and apply the proceeds,at Its opUon, dther to restoruUon or rep�k of th� PropKty w to the
<br /> _ numa secursd by thle Security Inatrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unleae Lender snd Borrowsr otherwlae ayree In wriqng, any appNutlon o1 proceed� to prMclpd ah�N not extend or
<br /> � poatpone tha due d�te ot the monthly peymenta relared to In peraprephs 1 end 2 or ah�nQe the unount ot such paymente.
<br /> � 11. Borrow�r Not Rd��s�d; Forb��r�nc� By L.�nd�r Not •W�Iv�r. Extension ot the time tor p.yment or
<br /> � modlAc�tian of vnortlzaUon nt the auma aecured by this Securiry Inatrument granted by Lender to�ny eucceasor In Intxeat oi
<br /> BoROwer ehaq not operate to reieaae the INbWty of the oriyinal 8orrower or Borrower'e euccesaoro in Intereat. Lender ahaN not
<br /> � be requlred to commence proceecYnqa ayNnet any aucceasor in Intereat or retuss to extend tlms tor payrnent or otherwlss
<br /> modHy amoRiz�tlon ot the aums secured by thia 3ecurity Instn�msnt by roaaon of�ny dem��d m�de by ihs oripinal Bortaxa or
<br /> ; Borrower'e auccesaoro �n Intereat. Any forbeeronce by Lender In exerclaing any ripht or ranedy ahaH not be a weilver uf ar
<br /> predude the exerdae ot eny dpht or remedy.
<br />' 12. Suec�ssora �nd /lsslgn� Bound; Joint anc! S�veral Uabllity; Co-sipn��a.The covanente .nd
<br /> �preanenta of thla 3erudty�nstrument ehall bind and benefit the nucceasora and aseipna of Lander and Borrower, eubJect to the
<br /> provialona of pmtyreph 17. Borrower'e covenanta md agreemente ahall be Jofnt and aeveral. My Borrower who carslgna thla
<br /> Securfty Inetn�ment but doea not executa the Note: (a) Is co•algning thia Secutity Inattumen2 only to mortgage,pnnt and convey
<br /> ih�t Bor►owe►'e Interest in the Property under the terma of thla Securfry Inetrumant; (b) Is not paaonsly obllpated to pay the
<br /> sums srcureci by thla 3ewrfty Inntrument; and (c) agreea thet Lender and any other BoROwer may ayree to extend, modly,
<br /> torbaar or make�ny accommodatlons wRh regard to the terms ot thls 5ecurity Inatrument or the Note wkhout that Borrower's
<br /> coneent.
<br /> 13. Loln Ch�r�sa. If the �om sccured by thls 8ecurity Instrument Is subJect to e lew which sets maximum loan
<br /> ohargos, and tiut Inw la tinally Interpreted eo that the Interest or other loen ohargea coNeated or to be collected In canneatton
<br /> with the lan �cceed the permitted IImRs, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be roduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the cherge to the permitted Iimk; end (b) any sums nlready collected irom Bortower whlch exceeded permftted Ilmlts will be
<br /> retunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make this retund by reducing the princlpal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> direat payment to Bonower. If e refund reduces prindpal, the roduotion wlll be treated es a pcAfnl prepayment without eny
<br /> prepayment chuge under the Note.
<br /> 14. NottC�a.Any notico to Borrower provided for In this 3ecurtty Instrument ehell be glven by doiNering It or by meYfng tt
<br /> by flrot cless mall unless epplicable law requlres use of another methad. The notice shell be directed to the Property Addresa
<br /> or any other eddress Borrower destgnetes by notice to Lendor. My notice to Lender shaA be given by flrst ciasa mall to
<br /> Lender'a eddress steted hereln or any other addreae Lender desipnates by notice to Borrower. My notice provlded tor In thle
<br /> Secutily Inatrurnent shsll be deemed to have been gNen to Borrower or Lender when glven ae provided in thla peregraph.
<br /> 1b. Qov�rntn� L.Aw; Sovorabtitty. Thls Security Instrwnent ahnll be govemed by federnl law and the law o1 the
<br /> Juriadicllon In whloh the Properly is located. In the event thnt any provislon or cleuae oi thls Seeurity Inatrument or the Note
<br /> con111cte wNh eppltcable law, such coniRct shell not attect other provlslons of thls 3ecutiry Instrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> gNen effect wfthout the contlicting pmvislon. To thls end tho provlsions ot thls Secwiry Instrument end the Note aro declered to
<br /> be seve�ble.
<br /> 18. Borrow�r'e Copy. Borrower shell be ghen one coniortned copy ot the Note and ot thls Security Instrumen4.
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