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<br /> 17.Trwavter ot the Property c�r a aeneilcls�l Interest In Barro�r. I all or any purt of the Froper�y or uny interest in it
<br /> is sald��r trunsferrcd(�r If A bencticial interest in Battawer is Fald or transfcrrcd und fk�rrower I�n�t u nnturnl persun)wfthout
<br /> L.etxlcr's priar written cansent, L.endcr muy. ut tts option, requirc imn�ediute payn�ent in full of nll sumw secuneJ hy thiw
<br /> Security[nstrument.However,thix aptian shall nut be exercised by l.endtr if exercitie is pmhibited by federul luw us��f the date
<br /> of this Security Instrumcm. _.
<br /> If i.ender cxcrclRCS thie optian, Lcnder shull give Horrowcr noticc ol ucrelerutiun.'fii�nuUcc shall rovidc n�r+�x1 o not
<br /> tiumw secured by thiR
<br /> less than 30 days from thc datc thc naticc is delivcred ar muilcd within which �urrower mutit puy ul :
<br /> Securiry in5trument.!f Borrower fuils to pay these sums priar ta the expiration of this pericxf, I.ender muy invuke ony remedies
<br /> permitted by this Security lnstrument wlthout funhcr notice or demand on Bottowcr.
<br /> 18. Rorrower's Right ta Relnstxte. If Bonower mcets ccruiin caixlittons. Barrowcr Rhull havc thc right to I�ave
<br /> enfarcement of this Securiry Instrument discondnued at any time prior�en �h ur uat tr ta�un� y wAr�of sale contain�inp this
<br /> upplfcnble Inw may specify for reinstatemcnt) befonc sslc of the Pro rty p Y pu
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)e.ntry of a Judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Tliase conditians are that Bonower:(a)paYs
<br /> L.ender all sums whtch then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note ag if no accelerutlon hud occurrod:(b)
<br /> cures euiy default of uny other covenants or ugreements; (c) pays nll expenses ►ncurred in enforcing this Security lnstrument,
<br /> including,but not limited ta,rcasonable uttorno�s' fecs;nnd(d) tukcs such action as I.xndcr may reasanably require to ussure
<br /> tliat the lien of this Secucity lnstrument, l..ender s rights in the Nrapeny und Bottower's obligation to pay the sums securod by
<br /> this Secudty Instrumcnt shall continue uncbanged. Upon relnstatcnxnt by Bonower, this ��his rlght�o�rcinstatedshull
<br /> obligution5 securod hereby shall rema�n fuqy effective�s if no acccleration had occurred.Hawever.
<br /> uut apply in tho casc of Accelerndon under pnragrxpf�17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loun Serricer. The Notc or a partial interest In the Nate (togethe�• with this Sccurity
<br /> Instrurc�ent)may bc sold one or more tlmes without prior notice ta tionower.A sale mny result in a change in thc entity(known
<br /> as the"Lo�n Servicer")thut collcets monthly payments due under the Note und this Security Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the Note.If there is n change of thc Loan Servicer,Borrower wil!be
<br /> givcn wcitten nottce of the change in accordanee with parngrnph 14 utwve and applicuble law.The not(ce will state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer und the nddmss to which paymcnts should bc made. The notice will nlso contaln any other
<br /> information required by appltcnble law.
<br /> 20. Fls�zardous Substwnces. Borrower shalf nat cause or permit thc presence,use, disposal, stornge, or release of uny
<br /> Huzurdons Substances on or in the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor ellow anyone else to do. enythfng affecting the
<br /> Property thut is in vlolntion of any Envtronmental Law. The preceding two sentences ohaU not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> storage on thC Property of smail quantities of Hazardous Substances that ure generally recogniud to bt appropriate to nomutl
<br /> residential uses and to maintenancc of thc Property.
<br /> &;i�wer sha!!pmmgtly gl�e Len�er wri�ren notice of any investigatton. claim, demand, lawsuit or other uction by any
<br /> govemmental or regulutory ngency or private party involvtng the Properry and any Hezsrdous�ubstance or Envirc�tu�xrdai i.a�
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If 13�rrower lcarns,ar Is notificd by any govcmmental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> any removul or other remediation of nny Hazi►rdous Substance affecting the Property Is necessary.Borrawer shall pramptly tukc
<br /> nl(necessary remedial uctions In accoidance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this pamgraph 20. "Huzurdous Substnncea"are those substa�ues defined as toxic or hezardous substances by
<br /> Environmental [.aw nnd the following substnnces: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or toxic petro►aum Products, toxic
<br /> pesticides und herbIcides,volntile solvents,materials containtng asbestos or formaldel�yde,wid radioactive mnterials. As ussd in
<br /> this puragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws nr�d laws of the Jurisdiction where the Pmperty is lacated that
<br /> relate to health.safety or environmental protectton.
<br /> NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender tunher covenant and ugrce ss follows:
<br /> 21.Aocderationi Remedi�.w. I.ender shaU gtve tMnttce to Borrower prlor to occelerutton[ollowing Borrower's breach
<br /> o� ony wvenant or �greement in this Security ill�lruiii2iii (I3iii i10: Prlor!s «=!'!'�i!'�!ftnn under paragrapt� 19 uniess
<br /> Applicabk law pruvides otherwise)•Tihe notice slwll speci[y: (a) the default; (b)tt�e actlon requfred to cure the dcfaulh,
<br /> (c)a dAte,not less tl�xn 30 days irom the date the notice is given to Borrower,by whkh the detault must be cured;anA
<br /> (d) that fallure to cure the defAUlt on or be[ore the dete spaitied In the natice ms�y result in �cceleratlon uf ll+�e sums
<br /> Fecured by thts Securtty Instrument and sale ot the Property.TNe ncNice g1wl�further Inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> rctnstate aner accelemtfon And the right to bring a court a�tlon to ossert the non-existmce of p cktault or Rny other
<br /> deten9e ot Borrower to aceelemtion And swle. 1i the detault Is not cured on or befon the dwte speciRed (n the nc►tla,
<br /> I.ender,At ite�optian,may nqulre[mmediAte p�yment tn [ull of all sums securtd by this Security Instrument without
<br /> further demand ond may invokc the power ot salc and Aoy othcr remedies permftted by ppplkAble taw.I.ender stwlt 6e
<br /> entttled to coUect all expenses Incurred in pursu[ng the remedies provtded in thts parogrAph 21,Including,but not limited
<br /> to,rewsonpble Attorneys'fe�s And cost�of title evidence. rt o[the
<br /> It thepo wer of�sale is invuked,Trustee shall record s�notice of defs�ult In e�ech county In which any p�
<br /> property (s I�cated and sMall matl copies a[such notice in the manner preseHbed by appllcable Is�w to Botrower and to
<br /> the other penson►prescribevf bY apP�tcxble law.At'ter the time required by ppplia+ble Ipw,Trustee sh�ll give public notice
<br /> ut ss►le to the persons ond in the manner pre.scribed by Applicable Iaw.Trustee,without demAnd on Borrower�shall sell
<br /> the Property et publlc uuctton to the highest btdder at tMe timc and piACe And under the terms destgnated In the notkc of
<br /> ss�le In one or morc parcely und 1n any order Trustee dctermtnes.Trustee may postpone x�le of all or any ps�rcel of the
<br /> Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. I.ender or[ts deslgnce mny
<br /> purchnse tt�e Property at any sale.
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