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<br /> �.�:�:`:,: to—�o—t99� � DEED OF TRU9T' PaAe 4 _
<br />.�".�,_,�.;..�� Loan No 677767 (Contlnuld) 9�" �(���i(� '
<br /> . •J,.� FUiiTHEFi I1a�URANCEi{ATTORMEYaN-PACT. Th�Idbwlnp provlsloni nktinp to tudhsr usurtncQa�nd lttarn�y-In-lacl�n�p�rt M Ihfo �
<br /> ' Oood of Trucl.
<br /> _"_;: FuAMr AM:u�. M pny qrtN�md Rom dm�to Urrw,oPOn rpuKl W L�nd�►.TrWta wNl mtln� ox�cuN and dMlwr,a wW auw lo b�
<br /> " muM��x�cut�d a dMlwnd�to LmdK a tA L�nd��dNlpnw� and wMn rpuKl�d by L.�nd�r� uuN lo b� IfNd�r�cadsd�nANd,or
<br /> �•„,:�, rK�cord�d,a ItN caM rruiy b�,�t Iuoh YrnM�nd in tuch aMbM�nd plscas n 4�nd�r m�y dNm�pproprl�te,�ny tnd�N ruah morq�9ts�
<br />,-:�i:.,:.•.. d»de d f�wl,wouriH d�d��McurHY�aNm�nb.�n�ndnp�yMrrNnk�conqnwMon UaMnNnb�IratrurrMnb o/Axth�v�uunna�o�Wlc�lM,
<br /> "„ y �nd oth�r docum�nb��may,In iM wN opinbn of l�r►d�r,1�r�uary a drsk�bM In ad�r lo�fNc1wM,compNN,pK1Nt,eeM�Y�un,a
<br /> pre:wv� (a)tiw aht:p�UOns o!Trustor undat tho Noto,thh Qecd of Trtnf,enA tl�Releled Doaumenb,end @j fh�N�ns snd Weutfly InlKah
<br /> aMMd by Ihl�DMd d Trutt��Iktl�nd pAor qxa on th�Propwty,wMIMr now own�d a hKa�fMr�cquksd by Trusta. Ur�ets prohl�lMd by
<br />-T� yw a I�prNd to Ih�contrary by Und�r In wrltlrp,Trusta th�l roimburM L�nd�►fa�II colb and�xp�nNO Inourc�d In conMalbn wNh lM
<br /> mett�f nNrt�to In Ihb panpnph.
<br /> - AtlorMy-N�Faet. If Truttor Wis to do�ny d th�tMrp�nNrnd to In the pnasdlrq parWnph,u�,a.r m.y do.o ra e�d��in� nam.a
<br /> _ � Trutta md�1 Tnalor��N�. Fa tueh purpo�,TnKlor Mroby knvaaDN�PPanb Und�r u Truttor'�atlan�yar�hcllo►th�purPON
<br /> � . �000�mp kh th��Nn rNKnd fo�n MN pno�dlnp P�nynph.tll otMr thlnpt a rtwy b� Mc�ssary w dKk�bl�,In L�ndw�UoM opidon,to
<br /> �:';. FW.PERFORMANCE. If Truita WYs�N th�Ind�bMdnKf whm du��and otMrwk�P�forms�1!h�obk�tlom ImpoNd uPon Tru�tor und�r thN
<br />'�:'"•,:��r�' � DMd of Truat. Und�r ah�N �x�cul� �nd dMluw to Trwtw a nQuKf for tuN nconwrinc��nd sMil �x�cuM�nd d�MvK la Tnular tulhbM
<br />'��•.:.,'i. alat�rtNnts of hrrtdnatlon W�ny Ar�nainp st�NrtMnt on IfN wld�r�clnp UndM't watKily InMrKt In tIN R�nb md IM P�non�Prap�rly. Any
<br />-.:i� '�.
<br /> ! nconwyana tN nqulnd by law thaM b�ptld by Tnntor,it pKmitNd Dy�ppNabi�Nw.
<br /> - :i DEFAU.T. E�ch of tM foNowlrp,al tM opUon of L�nd�r,�IuiM cor►stltul�an�wM of dNauH('Ewnt ol MfaWl')undK thl�DMd ol Tru�k
<br /> ._�;;_�� pNaWf on Ind�bNdn�N. F�Nur�of Trusta to mak�anY paYrn�nt wMn du�on tM Ind�bNdr�.
<br /> =-���� p�f�utt on OIhK Paym�nt�. FaUw�01 7rusta wiihln tM Hmr nquk�d by thfs DNd of Trusl to muc�tny p�ym�nt fa Ux�t a Insunnc�,a
<br />__��4'� tny oll»r ptymsnl rwo�ssary to pnwnt Mrp ol a to�fi�ct discharp�01 any Nsn. -
<br /> _ --"" CompM�a�q DNwlt. F�Ilun of Tnnta to comply wHh amr othK f�m, oDYpaUon.cownant or conditbn conhln�d In thls Dwd W Tnnt,lM
<br />_.�'-�;fia� Nob a In any of IM RMai�d Doaummts.
<br />-`-a�N:�� Fda�StMMn�nt�. Any warnMy,rprasmlaNOn or staMm�nl mad�a hxnbhsd to L�ndK bY o►on beh�N ol Truata under thb D�ed of Trust,
<br />";.:�.• 1h�NoN or 1M RMNW Docum�nb b hls�or mbNading U my rt►NerMl rtipw�l�Nth�r now a at th�tlrtM rn+�d�a hxnlsMd.
<br /> _r�
<br /> .�..r.,,:�• p�Ncqv�CoMaMnNxMlon. This DNd dTrutt a tny of th�RMabd Oocum�nb oMtM to b�In tull(aca md MMct(Indudirp bNUn of any
<br /> �f:i.�� coNaMnl docummb to cnd��wNd�nd D�Md�curfqi InNntt or Yw�)�t any qrrN�nd lor any nason.
<br /> =�'F:� pNlh ar In�oN�y TM d�ath of Tnistor.tt�Insdwncy W Trusta, tM�ppdMm�nt of a noN�w tor any of Ttusta's prop�ty,any
<br /> -�T.�..� essipnrtanl la Ih�berNlft of cnditoro. any lyp� of cndita workout, or Ih�eomn�nc�rtNnt of any pr�undK any b�nkvupby or
<br />_���`�""'- Insolv�ncy kws by or�patnst Trusta.
<br />-` �;�� Fonebwn,ForNHu►t��la. Comm�ncerr�nt W(onclosun a fortYNun proatdnpt�whNhK by Judkl�l PrxMdinp�sMl-t�MP.rpa�ion
<br /> --- I-- u�ny olMr mNhod,by�ny cndita of Trusta a by�ny qovKnrn�nW apnoy qdnet�ny of tM Prop�rty How�w►,thq sub�otion�h�N na1
<br />_� '";;�.'�� ' 3FF�'f�ih:~.�st a!a��.!!��ptsla b;Trs�i�ae�e th•w��e�y e,.r.�.en.t�.n�s of IM cWm whlch la thr ba�la of ih�tonclotun a
<br /> IonNllur�prooMdinp,provl�d thtt Trustor qiws L�nd�r wriHan noHa cf such c�fm and hxnlsMS r�ws or�surNy bond for th�cwlm
<br /> ---_= ailshctary to L�ndK.
<br /> ---- pr�h of Oqw►ApnMn�nl.Any breach by 7nuta und�lM fwms of any olhx aprwrtwnt behvwn Trusta and L�ndK that Is not nrrwdi�d
<br /> — wNt�in�ny prra pKlod prpvlcNd tMrNn,Indudirp wNhout Mmllatlon�ny ayr�mmt conc�e�rNrp any Ind�bl�dnas�a dMr oblfpatbn of Tnnta
<br /> °'— to L�ndK�wtwth�r�dtlirp now or I�Mr.
<br /> Ewn{�AfN�flnp(iuK�nla. Any W 1h�pncecNnp w�nb ooctu'�wHh r�p�at lo any Guwnta of any af 1tN Ind�bt�dnas or�ey Ciu�nnfor
<br /> � d�s a b�comK IneampN�nt,a nvok�a dbpuM�th�wNdity M.a IlabWly und�r.�ny f3uuanly of th�Ind�bNdn�es. Lend�r�tl Ih optbn,
<br /> rr�y,but sh�N not b�roquind to,p�►mlt tM Ouwnlora Ktab to asun» uncondltlon�y th�obMp�Yon ublrq und�r iM puwnfy In•
<br /> � mann�r wfkfactory to L�nd�,and,in dakp so,cun th�Ewnt of Dehult.
<br /> -----—_� � !!l..�"'_'.tll!Y. LSRL�!f Ift Q6L�MNh AMenle fh�M IfK�CUt�.
<br /> -a �n tM pnc�dlnp htwNw(12) monitu,Itamty b��und�nd rw Ewn�DNa�wW h�ve oCCUrr�d)H Trusta��LN�dn pndt wrNMn
<br /> naMa dsrrundinq cun of�uch hMun: (�I cuns th�taNun wilhln Nn(10)d�Ys;a (b)H th�curr nqukK man ltwr►bn(10)d�ys.knrt»dkMly
<br /> IniNaNs slsps suMcNnt to curo tM hNUn�nd 1hKNlt�r contlnuss md compMNs�1 reasonabM�nd n�o�ary sMps auMlol�d to produoe
<br /> , compll�nc�as soon a nason�b�y pnctkAl.
<br /> RlGHTS AND REMEDIES OM DEFAULT. Upon tM oocurr�nce of�ny Ewnt o1 DM�ult�nd at tny tirn�fh�nafbr,TnnNe a UndM,at Hs optlon,
<br /> may�x�nclw�ny ono or mon of 1M foMowinp rqhb�nd rortwdiee,In addWOn to�ny athK rlphb ur nn+�diK proNd�d by kw:
<br /> Aee�Mipn uppn O�hldli AddMlOnd R�dN�. If�ny event of defauk oocurs a pK th�Nnra of 1M No1�peund heroby�L�ndK may
<br /> declu�aN IndebNdnKf s�aund by Il�fa DMd of T►ust 10 W du�and pay�Dl��nd tM fartN ehatl 1Mrwpon b�corr�due and pay�bt�without
<br /> �ny pnwntmenl,d�mmd.prot�at a rwifo�ot�ny kind. T1►�radbr,UnBx may.
<br /> (�) EHtNr In p�non or by ap�nt,with or wilhout brtnpinp any�ctlon orpro�wdrq,a bY r���PPanl�d by a eourt and wKhout
<br /> rpard to th�adpuaay of f!s e�curitY��nNr t+Pon and t�k�posE�t:FOn o►th�PropMy�ar any put IhK�of.In Nt own�un�a!n th�nam�
<br /> ol TnnM��and do�ny acls wMCh M dMrta n�assaY or d�skabM to pnauw tM vatu��mukM�bWY a�nUbMHY o11he Pr�op�rfy�a put
<br /> - of tM Rop�rty or Intoreet In fh�Prop�ty;Incxws�M�Inconw trom tM Pro{�rfy a ptoMct tM Neurfty olths PrO�Ay;and,NNh a wifhout
<br /> ---�- I�kinq posa�ssbn of tM PropMy.sw for a othwwts�colkct tM renb.hsu�s�nd prolfts of Ih�Proplrly.Includrp 1hoN p�tt dt��nd
<br /> unpaM.and�ppty th�s�m�,las eosts and�nsw of cp�ratlon and eoN�ctlon,indudnp aftom�ys'1ws.to�tny Ind�IbMdn�s Mcund
<br /> by thb DsW of 7rust,aN In such ad�r u Lond�r may dN�rmin�. 7he eni«inp upon�nd takinp pots�ssion ot 1M P►op�rty,tM edNoUon
<br /> �__._,_ of such nnb,lssua�nd proAb,and th�applicallon II�sW shaN not cur�or waiw any d�fault a notk�of dNault untNr Nrs DNd of Ttust
<br /> __ _ or InwYd�N anY act dons In nspons�to such dafault a purswM to auch notlo�M dshull; and, noNvilhs4nding lM Contlnuance In
<br /> _._._ - poas�stlon ol 1M Prop�rty a th�coN�ctlon, ncMpt and�ppNcatlon of nnb,Issu�e a proMs,TruslN a L�ndK st�N b�rntl�d to
<br /> �xwcha�wry ripM provld�d 1a In 1M NoN a tM HMd�d Docum�nb or by kw upon Ih�oocurr�no�af�ny�wnt ot daUult.Indudinp th�
<br /> ----= dpht lo�dt�th�povrlr of ed�;
<br /> _=y,�;;;� (b) Comrt»rwy�n�ctlon to ta�dos�lhls ONd of Trtnt as a mo►ty�pe,�ppulnt a ncNwr or sp�cftlaMy�nfap any of tM Cown�nls
<br /> _ ���_ hK�ot�and
<br /> --'?_�w
<br /> --=:_�•;�;;� (o) ONivsr to Tnntw�wrkNn d�cl�ntlun of Whult�nd d�m�nd ta sale and�writkn notla cN dN�u1t and M�cUon to causs Trustor't
<br /> � - r:y� InMnst In tM PropKty to b��old.wMch nolla TnisM�eh�M c�us�to b�duly ANd fa record in 1M appropriaM oMlas M IM County M
<br /> -'A�:�l—.,. whleh tM Propwty b loCtted;�nd
<br /> .�_-,��,,.c~
<br /> ;�i�,� • (d) Wilh rasp�ct to au a any part ot th�Personal Properry,L�nder ahall haw eN tt�dphb�nd remudies of a secursd paAy undK tM
<br /> - -- Nebraska Unitam Comrr�cl�l Code.
<br /> �;�c
<br />.__A='_S�_`._�_ ,r W�_""'__�I QW u��...�..�wb�w Iw..wl...�Au�vrw4�iJ Ilu DwW N.C`�1�lurNn nnntil��el 1�nt1r tluY ANW Y�IMIY lIf1A
<br /> _._. _ —_;- ' .
<br /> ,- .-., �v��.�vww�.q.v..w.n w.. .........�..�..+....... ���.�.���._.�._.._._.___..�_..._"_.'_'_'
<br /> "' shaN deposlt with Trustes tMs Deed of Trusl and tho Not�and such r�colpb and�vldmc�of e�ndifur�,a mad�and e�cund by lhb DNd of
<br /> - • � Trust as Trust�e may requkt.
<br /> (a) Upon r�CNpt of 6uch notkv hom Lend�r,Trustoa shsN causa to bo rsca�d,pubNlA�d�nd dOAwrN1 t0 TrustOr suCh No�d ONltult
<br /> and NoUc�of Sab as tMn requlred Dy Mw�nd by thls DNd of Tru�l. TrusiM eheN,wlthout dern�nd on Tnnlor,aflsr such Ume as may
<br /> Ih�n b�rpuk�d by k�w�nd tMr ncordaUan of auch NoUCe o/D�fautl and�tler Nodq of S�M IuNnp b�sn piwn as nquk�d by kw,sell
<br /> ' th�Pro�ty at tM tlms and pl�cs d sale Ifxed by It In such Ndfc�of S�N,eNMr�s�whol�, or In separtN bts or puoNs a Nems u
<br /> TrusiN sh�N dNm ox�il�nt,�Bd UI 6UCh OfdN li R rtNy dN�fflMM,N pubib wctlon to IM h�ph�st blddsr tor C�Sh In kwful motNy of
<br /> th�UNMd StaNs pay�bU at IM Ilm�01�sol�. Tnnhs nlWl dMiwr to eueh purcMsK a p�xch�se�e ihenof fb qood�nd suMehnt d�sd or
<br /> dNt1s conwylnp tt�property so sold,but wlthout any cownant or wunnly.axprru or ImplMd. Ths ncNab In such dNd of�ny maflws
<br /> a f�cls sMN b�conclusrve proof d IM huthtuin�ss lhKSOf. My �raon,fnctudlnp wilhout NmllaBon Trustor,TrustM,a Ler►dsr, m�y
<br /> purChasa�1 euCh sals.
<br /> (b) As may be permtHad by I�w,aMr d�duCUnp�11 Custs,�e�s and�xpsnses ol Trusles and of this Trust,InC�udinp Cosb of�vid�nt�d
<br /> ' lilfs ln conrwctlon Nith saW,Trusteo ehaN�pply Iha procied9 of 6a{o l0 payment Gf (I)nll;,ums exp�nded undK tIN tarms of thb Dsed o(
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />.
<br /> �
<br /> _J --- -
<br />