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<br /> 4;l�.
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<br /> " �..........� - - •---. . .�. ..., _ . . . . •u.�.n,...rws..- ...� .,d-.�na.�.}�t. ...+M..,,r�:..=-_.-.�:?..:�--�--".
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<br /> � � _ _ ___
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<br /> "`�� � � to-2o-t997 wEED OF T�iUST Pa�2
<br /> � °"� `�� LoAn No 6T7787 (Contirtued) 9?���C���
<br /> --. :.::.r:z•;
<br /> �' �'�1; proc�and rMunda of prtmli�m�)kom�ny ula a olM►dbpt»Idon ol tM Prop�rty.
<br />_ ,.y# PropN4y. Th�word"Prop�rtyP m�ans coN�CtivNy iM RM14'ropa►ly and iPN P�rtonal Prop�Ay.
<br /> t. R�I Pt�pKfy.TM worda'R�al Proprt�'rnwn Ih�prop�rry,InNnsb and rfphl�wralb�d abow In Ih�"Conwy�na and(innf's�cMon.
<br /> •• Y� RNMad t)oclxnMis. TM wud�'fMkt�d Oocurtwnb" rt�n �nd Inctud�wuhoul Amlutlan W promtuory nota, cr�dit�pr�rrwnh,lan
<br /> �qrwrrMnts,�nNronrn�nlal�prMrn�nb,Owrantle�,s.c�t�y.aNmenb,morty�pos.de�ds of husl,and�II olhw InNrum�nb,�prart►�ny�nd
<br /> .._ ti ' ,�� dxummb,wMlMr now a h�rwfl�udsUnp,�x�cut�d lo conn�cllon wfth Ih�Ind�bNdnoa.
<br /> ' � � A�nti. TM word'fi�nis'rt�ne aN pres�nl�nd future r�nb,rswnub,Incomo,ls�Wa,royaMlM,prorib,and o1Mr Q+mMb d�riwd frem th�
<br /> Propert�r.
<br /> �"�� TniNM. Tt�word'iruatM'rr�ns Ut�T�O NCBp11SItA BANIC and any subsNtuN ortuooMSOr Innl�a.
<br />_._��� Trusta. 1'IN wad'irnntor'means any and UI pKSwa�nd mtltlM�x�cutlnp thls O�ed ol Tnnt,Inctudlnp wnhoul Mmll�don�II Trustas rwm�d
<br /> _. abow.
<br />�-_�•.� :. . PAYMENT AM�PEAfORMANCB. Ezo�pt a otMrwFa�proNd�d in thb DMd of Trust,Tnrstor sh�N poy to L.�ndM�II�mounb s�cund by this DNd
<br /> of Trust as th�y bkom�du�,�nd ahoN sMcyy and in a tlmely mannK pwtorm aM of Trustart obllpatlont und�r!M NoM,thb pwd af Tn�t,and th�
<br /> • RsIH�d DocurrNnls.
<br />_ ��� P`O_S�SyE�S.�S�IOM A'ILiD1^MuAIN7ENANCE OF TFIE PROPBltTV. Trustor ayrws that Tnnta's poss�ssion and us�ol th�Wopwty eh�N b�povwn�d by
<br />�•.•4ti1�:�l:• 111�IV11V�11��Q�V1M:
<br />-�.{!.���F _
<br /> '!{�:pY n Po�N���rW UN. una�m.oocuR.�c.a�n Ewnt of DMaWt,Trusta may (�)nmaln In pottstion an0 conkol of tlw Prop�ty, (b)uw,
<br /> --W_°=�. o�rnb a maneQa the ProAeAY,end (o)cdbct nny Renfs trom Ihe Propsrry.
<br />`�,�� ��1Mn. Tnnta sh�M rrNlntUn tM Prop�rry In torwntobM condiHon and promptly parform all r ,r
<br /> to Pr�w Ms wlu�. aPaks �bam�nb�and m�IMilntnw
<br /> . � r � FNLIIfd04i SlI�IIBCN. TPM IKfI�i T�3�d0Ui WtYb�?�aTardOUi lubstnnC�,"dbPOia�:1rIMS��'and 9hr�Nr�f nN�s��'tf tlMd kl Mb
<br />��_.„- ' ■ DNd of Truet.slwll haw th�am�rt�ninpd ss at fath In th�CqmprN�iw EmdronmmW RKPont��Comp�ns�Yon�and LI�bNNy A�et of
<br /> ��_ 19eQ.a pnNM�cl.42 U.S.C.'Sactlon A601�N s�Q•("CERd.A',1M S1ipMund ArtNndmmFs ind RotufNodntlon Act of 19E6.Pub.L.No.
<br /> ,, ,,,,,� 89-199('SAfiA',lM Fi�mrdou�Mat�ls Tn !bn l4ct,48 U.S.C.S�cibn 1801,�t ap.,lh�R�aoixa ContwwYon�nd Fi�cov�ry Act,
<br /> -- - 42 U.S.C.Sacllon 6901.Msp.u oth�t st�a cx f�d�r�l Mws.Ma.a npt�latbra adopMd pt�su�nt to u►y of th�lapokp. Th�
<br />_"--:��N-_ I�ms'Twnrdous wuM and'haardow tati�a"sh�M dso Indud�,withou!NmMaYon,pMroburn and p�MnMum by�producb a my k�CMOn
<br /> ._��•i�. tMnof and ast�stos. Tnnta npns�nb and warnntt to Und�r thak (a)auirp tFM p�lod af T�uators own�shlp of fh�Pra(�ly,MMn h�s
<br /> ° ..., bwn na us�,fNn�rdion�manuhctix��afoap�.trMtm�nt.disPosa��rW�cs�a ttx�aMn�d rN�as�of�r�y A�xrdow wasN a tubt�na bY�Y
<br /> ;�"��,�..� p�non on.undw��bout a hom Ih�Prof�tY, (b)Tnrsta hu no knawMdp�of�or naon to b�Mw that th�n ha b»n.�apl�e1p�vlouM�l
<br /> ;�,�,,, discfoeW to and�dcnowMdpsd by LsndK in xmtlrp, p)any use,p�rnrauon,rrnnul�ctun,stonp�,lrMtm�nt,dlspaW,nNaw,a h IIr»d
<br /> _�s°,,���� roMas�of Yny h�rdous wast�a suNsfena on.undK�about a kom th�Prop�ty by anY D�own�(s�ay�o,�o,c�upanb of ths R a (Y)anY
<br /> -. .,,!''.'r �� ����.!'Z$!'��0!1 M�' !!'�L�!l11i V.�L`��!!i��451!"d�.1�M��'^�!^'�•��...�"!:� ii`j i=-z.=�+i��l��i`'��!!!!!�
<br />`''�+�,a��c� acknowMdpsd by L�ndK in wriNnD� (q nelthn Trusta nar�ny Mnant�contracla. �DK►1 a oth�r aulhorlxed us�r of tIN Roputy sh�N us�.
<br /> '���� panenM�rtK�ut�ctun�ata�,fre�t�disPos�of,or rM�as�any hwrdous wasb a�ub�ana on�u���bout a Uom fh�P►ap�ty�nd (Y)�nf►
<br /> ��,� such�ctiviry shYl be Conduci�d In ConpNana wilh d�ppNcabM hd�nl�sttlr.�nd bcal kws�ropul�Non��nd ordin�nob,kidudrp wNho��l
<br /> Bmitalion thos�kws,npui�tlons.and adirrnoa desorfb�d ibow. Tnnta authorisa LMdrr and fl���It to�nMr upon fh�Prop�ry b
<br /> � -- m�ic�wch MrK+�ctlon�and 1�.at Tn�ar��aw�ae LmdK rn�Y��PPr�M b d�Mrmin�conpli�na ot th�Pr wNh M�is
<br /> — s�cilon of In�O�ed of Trust. MY Ir�sp�cYone or NMs rrrda by L�nd�r s?rN b�fa L�bwi P�P��f►and slwN not W b uwM
<br /> _— any r�ponabWly a M�bWly on tM part of L�ruM►to Tru�ta a to my ofMr p�r�on. TI»npr�Nnhtloet and w�rtanlfN cor�kNd h�r�tn w
<br /> - bae�d on TrwNa'e dw dWp�r�In Invl�tlptlqp tM Propsrty 1or h�nlydous wasM�nd h�rdotrs�ubsttnoM.TnKtar hv�by (�)nNM��nd
<br /> — w�lws any tutun cMkrr p�lmt Undn for N�d�mnHy a conhlbuMon In ths�wnt Tnxlo►b�conM�N�W�la dMnup a Mh�►oo�M undM anY
<br /> �_ such kws,and (b)�NS to Ind�mnly and hdd humtass L�ndK�p�MKt�ny and M d�ina.loass�.Y�bINW�,d�rtwp�s.p�n11YM,�nd
<br /> _� �r�s which l.�nd�r may dlncMy a Indinctly susWn a cuMK nsulW�p Irom �bn�ch of tNt acYon of th� D»d of Trwt a a�
<br /> - -� cons�qu�nca o1 any uw�pan�►aYOn.�nuactun.storap��dsDow�rNNw a ttrwMnw rwwa oocunup pno►to i rusWra own�rsh�a
<br /> InMr�t In tho Pro�ly,whath�r a not th�sur�wa a thould haw bNn known lo Tn�sla.Th�p�ovlslons of thb wcllon of th�DMd of 7nnt,
<br /> indudinp th�obMp�tion lo IndamnHy,ahW surviw tt�paym�nt of th�Irtdobbdn�ss�nd Ih�salkfactlon and nconwy�np o�fh�N�n al fhis
<br /> OMd af Tnnt�nd ah�M not b�afhctsd by L�nd�e acqukMion of any InMnsf In th�PropMly,whM.hM by fondosun a olh�rwls�.
<br /> N�Y�anC�,WMN. Ttusta shall not caus�.conduct or pumi!any nuls+tnco nor commit,pumil,a suMu Rny atrippinp ol or watM on a to th�
<br /> - PropKry a anY Pwtk�n of Ihs P►op�►ty. WMhout Amidnp 1M ym�r�Nty M tM forpdnp Tnisfa will nol nrtww,or pnM to any WhK pe7y Ih�
<br /> �ht to nrta+ro��ny tlmbw�minuals pncludinp oil and p�s).soY.9nvN or rodc producb wH►wuf th�prior w►itbn cont�d W L��.
<br /> AM�oYM of I�rcOVNe�nb. Trusta eh�N nol d�mdish or r�w any impro�wrt�nb kom lh�R�al Prop�rly wNhouf fh�pr{or wrNMn cor��t
<br /> a�«�e... �.�o�owo�to+n.�� a.ny i�ow.r„«�.L�nder m�y nqukr Tnnta to m�k��rra+�p�rtwMs qlkhclary►b LN�Eo
<br /> ro�pl�c�sucn�mprov.m�na wifn�mprowm«�a at Mut.QuN w�u..
<br /> -- ��nd�r�Al�t b EnN►. Undlr�nd Ils apon9s�nd nprrlenfativp rn�y�nNr upon ttw Rw!Prop�rty at�N nason�bM tlrt�s b atl�nd b
<br /> L�nd�a Inle�cb and to Inqp�ct th�PropKty ta purposa d hustora cornpM�na wflh ths Mrrns�nd conditlorK of Ihi�W�d of tn�l.
<br /> CoTp11�rK.Y wNh Gowm�nN�tM R�qutrMnMlts. Trustor sIMA P��PyY��P�Y wNh UI laws.ordktanCN.and npukqofls�now ot hKK1Mr kt
<br /> NNCt,of Y Q�vlrnrtNnhl tuthorlN�s�pplidlbb to tM u�or oCCUpanCy ol tM PropMty. TnJpor mny ConNst In pnOd failA�ny wCh Mw,
<br /> ardinana.or�pul�Uon and withhald compli�no�durinp a�y proewdirp,Ineludinp�pproprl�M�p�po�b,so lonp ao Truttor hw norMd L�nd�r
<br /> In writlnp prbr to dolnp so�nd so ionp u.In Lsndws aob opinlon.L�nd�'e InM�ts In tM Prop�rty�n nat J�op�rdibsd. LN►dK nwy nquk�
<br /> -- Tn�stor to post�dpwb s�CtMity or a 6uraty bond,nasonabry saHthcfory to L�ntMc.to proNct L�nd�r'e InNr�st.
<br /> — Duy to PrpNe4 Tnuta aprues netlher to ab�ndon nor baw unalMnd�d tM PropKy. Tnistor ah�M do aN o1hK Q.cb,In addWon to thos�acls
<br /> _,�m�' sat foAh�bove in Ihfs secUon,wtNCh kom tM chanctsr and uss ot the Propaly u�re�sor►�bly r�ssary to proNcf�nd pr�rw th�Prap�ty.
<br /> - i=-�
<br /> --�=,:=►?a� DUE OM SALE-OONSEI�IT BY LEtl�ER. L�nd�r may,at ib oplbn,dodan Immsdl�kty du��nd pRyabl��II aums s�cur�d by INs DNd af Tn�s1
<br /> .."`,•'� upon 1M saN a IransNr�wNhout th�L�ndu'e prlor wrltNn cons�M�of NI or any puf of tM RMI Prop�ty�a tny Inbnst In ths RW Ptop�rty. A
<br /> _::.;":;�Y 4aN or traru�'mMns tM conwyana ot Rul Property a�ny riphf�tiW or Int�nst tMrMn;whMhK Mp�l.b�reallclN or�quftabb;whMhw voiunlry
<br /> - - , or Invdunt�ry;whNMr by ou4ipAt sale,dMd,lnsLqrtNnf s�N cont�ct.knd coatr�ct,conk�ct ia dMd.Nasohold inbnet wNh�lerm pn�t�than
<br /> � tNrw(3)Y�s.MasauO�coMroct.o►by eaM,aseipnm�nt.or transhr M�ny b�nMcJ�Int�nat In a to any Mnd trust holdi�IIM�lo tM Ral
<br /> _• _ � Prop�rb.or by�ny oHN►mMhod of conv�syma of RW Property InMrost It any Tnator b a capontlon.Partn�nhiP a NmHW IwbYity comP�rry. �
<br /> �_ , transter dso incfudb any charg�in owr►�rshlp d mon tAan ivwnly-liw parwnt(26%)d ih�votlnp stodc,parfnNShip InMnsb or MmIMd M�bWty
<br /> --. Company InMnsb.as iM cas�may b�,ot Trustor. F�ovv�vK,this opfion shall nof b��x�►Cfs�d by L�ndK M ssich uatCls�b proNbiMd by hd�rtl
<br /> ""� t Itw ar by N�brask�kw.
<br /> �^-�� '�c, TAXE9 MID LIQIS. Ttw tollowl n p provisloes rolU k p b tM l a x e s and W n s o n t M R'o p M y w�p a r t o f t t N s O s�d e f T n n f.
<br /> —y'--�� Payfn�nt. Tnntor sh�N pay wMn dtN(and In�11�wnb prior to dMinqtNnCy)al taxle, sp�Cl�l tuas,rstuSrtNnls.cMrp�t(IrwNldk�p w�Nr
<br /> -. ° _- � � ana s�+wr),nnss ana impostnons bvNd�pNnst a on aocounl ot tM Prop�ty,and shall pay whan du�WI CWrtn for wak dorN on a tor _
<br /> '± servlces rondersd a maMrirl turtdshed lo tM Propsrty. Trusta sh�l ma�nWn fM Property frse d dl Nens havlrp prlarily owr a ptrAl to th�
<br /> I Int�rest of Lendor und�thSs Dead of Trust.w�cept Rx ttw Uon of tax�s and�ssassrr�nb nd duo tnd oxcapt�s ott�wts�provldad In IIYa DMd �
<br /> o}Trust.
<br /> - Ri�t To Cante�t. Trusta�may�vlihhdd p�ym�nt W�ny tax,ass�ssm�r►1,or ct�lm In connecUOn with e yood fafth dispub owr 1M obNp�YOn
<br /> � to DaY.sc bnp a L�ndsr'a Intensl In tM PropsAy Is nol J�opvdinW. It�Wn�s or�S fit�d as a►nult d ne�yir�nf.Trustor sh�fl wNMn
<br /> � RtIN�(tti)d�Y�alla th�Ysn�s a�H�iMn Is MW„w11Mn AMMn(16)drys a1Mr Trustra A�a noMC�W th�Allrq.e�cun tM dhChkp�of lh� -
<br /> lisn,or ff rsqu�sMd by Lsndsr.doposil witA l�nd�r cuh or�suMlcMnt eaparote sur�ty bw�d or dt►r s�curity sN�st�ctory to L�W�e In an
<br /> ; amaunl suflfct�nl to disctwq�th�li�n plus any cosb�nd aticrnsys'N�e or o11Mr Ch�rp�s Ih�t coutd�cau�u�ntuM d�londowrr a aM
<br /> � under th�li�n. In any conNst.Trusfa slw�N d�hrW fts�M and L�►d�r�nd th�satisty any tdvKa�ludpmrM bNon�nlorcwn�N�Q�k�st fh� _
<br /> � RopKry. Trustor sh�N nartw Undar u m�ddidonU pbkpN undK�ny sunly bond M�Fshod In th�cont�st pra.�wdirqs.
<br /> ., ± Evid�na of PhrnNnl. Tiusta shW upon Mrt+and hxnish to L�ndu sstlsNctory w�d�nc�W p�ymsnl of tM Euat a au�ssm�nb and sA�
<br /> 1 • -.
<br /> 1
<br />