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<br /> • CbVENAN7� ��w�`/^�G��/
<br /> 1. hyrt�t�. Borrow�r ipr�a tA m*k� all p�yrrwnta on tM ��cured dsbt wh�n dw. Unlss� Borr r an la deI afl e otherwi��, �ny
<br /> p�ym�nt,LQntl�► r�c�iv��I�om Borrowor or fot Bo�row�r'� bsn�fit will be�pplied tirat to �ny Amounts Borrown►owes on the eecurad dnbt
<br /> �r.cludv�of int�nst or princlpal,s�cond to Inter�at,and then to prin�lppl.If panlal prep�yment ol the secured debt ocr.urn}or any renean,it wlll
<br /> not raduca or sxcut��ny�chsduled paym�nt until ths aecured deht I�peld in full.
<br /> Z.Cl�lm�ApMintt T�d1. 8orraJ�lif ill p y.��f,�ta q �q� �sments,and other chsrfloa ottrihutnbla to tho proporty when due and wlll defend tftla
<br /> to the proDo►ty pp�IA��ny afiln�r` ie �and��Miwt Ilen of thl�dead uf truat,Lender may require Borrower to a�tlpn any riflhtt, cl�lm�or
<br /> d�i�nt��which Bor w� may h�v i►aFtwl�who upply labor or msterida to Improve or mafntaln the property.
<br /> �.!�i. 'i�'. • :u! 1
<br /> 3.Inwnnc�. Borco jJp tM��p{1�f{Y��u(� �d�r ts►m� �ccsptable to Lender at 8orrowar'��xpenae and for Lende►'e bemflt. All
<br /> In�ur�nca poflcln ah111 nC ud���t�ndarA mo►tpap�otaua in f�vor of Lender.Lender wAI be named ei loa�psyee ar as the Infured on�ny tttch
<br /> Imunna policy.Any Insunrsc�proe��d�may b��ppli�d, wlthln Lender's di�cretlan,to either the restoratlon or roprlr o}the damaped propeny
<br /> or to th�ucwed d�bt.If Lend�r raqulns morty�p�Insurmce,Bnrrowor�p►eei to mdnt�in auch Iniuranca for at fony aa I.ender requlrea.
<br /> 4.Praparty.Carrow�r wtll kuop ttio proporty In pood cor.dltion nnd mnko all ropnirc ronaonnbty nnr.nenRry. �
<br /> 6.Exp�Mn. Borrowu apnes to p�y�II L�nd�r'�exp�ntes Includinp n�sombl�atto►Mys' i�ss,If Borrowsr brs�ks�ny covtmnt�In thlt d��d
<br /> of truat or In any oblip�tlon secured by thl�dsed o}truat.�orrowsr wlll pay these emount� to Lender a�providud In Cuvanent 9 ot this deed of
<br /> truit.
<br /> 6.Prior S�curitr IntK�st�.Unle�a Borrower fint obt�t��Lender'�wr(tten conaent,Bo►rower wlll not make o►permit any chenpe�to any prior
<br /> security Intsret�s. Borrow�r wlll perform all of Borrowu'� obltgations under any prior martgage, deed ot truat or other security eAreement,
<br /> includinp Borrower'e covsmnt�to meke p�ymanta when due.
<br /> y.A�Ny�r�nt of Mwn��nd Pro1k�.Borrower usipns to Lender!he rsntc and protito of the property.UntaEC Borrawar and Lendar have apreed _
<br /> oth�rw�i o In writinp,Borrowsr may coll�ct�nd retdn ths renta �� lonp se Borrower it rtot In default. It Borrower defeult�, Lender, Lender't
<br /> apent, or a court eppointed receivar mey take poaesselon and manape the propeny end collect the ►ents. Any rents Lender collects �hell be
<br /> applisd firat to thA coata of mmsping the property, includin court costs end ettarneys' fees, commiatlons to nntsl agents, and eny othar
<br /> necei�ary retated expensea.7he remarninp imount of rents wRl then epply to peyments on the secured debt as provided In Covenant 1.
<br /> 8.lNSNatd�t CondanAMums:Pl�d Unit O�v�lopm�nt�.Borrower e rses to compty with the pravlsiona of any lease t}thla deed of tru�t Is on
<br /> � le��shold. If this dead at trust is on a unit in a condominium or� p9enned unit developmmt, Borrower will perform �II of Borrowsr's dutts�
<br /> und�r the cov�n�nt�,by-I�ws,or repulatlona of ths condominium or planned unit davstopmsnt.
<br /> 9.Authadty of L��de to P�rfam ta Sortowe►. If Borrower fail�to_peHorm any of Bonower'e dutiss under thU dead of tru�t, Lende m�y
<br /> pertorm th�duti�s or oauu tMm to be performed.Lender m�y sipn aorrower't neme or p�y any amount if neae�a�ry for perfuniirnce.If any
<br /> oonetructbn on the property ia discontinued or not carried on In e ressonsble manner, Lender msy do whatever(a necessary to protect Lender's
<br /> security IntaPe�t In the property.Thl�may includs compUtinp ths conaVuotion.
<br /> Lenda'�hfiurs to perform wfll not preclude Lender from exerr.ltlnp e�y of it�othe►ripht�under the law or thia deed of tru�t.
<br /> Any amou�ta p�id by L�nder to protaat Lender'i securlty Interest witl be securad by thU deed of trust.Such smaunts will be du�on d�m�nd
<br /> and will besr interett from the d�te of the payment until pald In fuil at the interect r�te in effect on the secured debt.
<br /> 10. D�f�uit �nd Aee�l�ration.If Borrower talia to mak� sny p�yment when due or breakt any covenante under thi� dead of trust or any
<br /> obilpation tscured by thii deed of truot or eny prlor mortgsge or deed of trust, Lender may accelerate the maturity of the secured debt aM
<br /> dsmmd Imm�dl�t�p�ym�nt anJ m�y invoks ths power of sale snd�ny other nm�dl�s permitted by applioable law.
<br /> 11.R��w�t fa Nodc�of O�tault.It is hereby nquestad that copfes of the noticet of dofault�nd sals be sent to each penon wha is�psrty
<br /> hanto, �t tha�ddra�of e�ch such person,es aet fonh hersin.
<br /> 12.Poww of S�I�.If the Lsnder(nvoke�the power of ale,the Truetee shall tiret racord(�the oNice of the regiiter of deeds of a�eh county
<br /> wtur�in ftu�t►uat�n�erty n►�nma nart or Qa►cel thereof Is eltueted a notica of dehult contalnlnp th�Information required by lew.The Trustas
<br /> shall elso msil copi��of th� nottce of d�fault to ths Bortower, to each per�on who Is� party hento, end to other paraon�aapr��cnnstl by
<br /> �ppilo�bl�law.Not less than one month efter the Truatee records the notice of defwit w two months if the truct prop�rty Is not In any
<br /> Incorpo��t�d clry or vill�{���nd la uaed In tuminp opsretions cerrled on by the truetor, tM'j'ruetee shall qive publla notics ot sNe to ths penont
<br /> �nd In th�m�nnsr prescrlWd by�sppplioable law.Trustee, wfthout dem�nd on Borrower,sheli sell the proparqr at publia auotion to the hiphest
<br /> bidder. If rsquked by the Farm Nom�stead Pratection Act, Truates shali oifer the property in two eeperate eelss eo requlred by applicahle Isw.
<br /> Trua�e m�y paapom sat�of dl nr any parcol of the property by publla ennouncement et the tlme end plece of any previousfy schedulad s�te.
<br /> Lend�r or Ita dnipnee may purchsoe the property et any�sle.
<br /> Upon r�alpt of p�yment ot the prla bid,Truitee shail delive►to the purchsser Tru�tee'�deed conveyinp thepPoperty.The recitiNt contalned In
<br /> Truetes'�di�d�hall be prima fecie evidlence of the truth of the stetements contained therein.T►uatss sheil e I ths proceedi of ths�ale In the
<br /> toNOwiny order: (e) to all expense� ot the �ele, Inctuding, but not Ilmited to, reason�ble 7ruae�'s tae�, rea�ombN ettorn�y'� fe�s and
<br /> reinatstemsnt tees;Ibl to UI suma�ecured by this deed of t►ust,and(a)the bNancs,If any, to the p�rcon�lepelly entitlad to rec�iv�It.
<br /> 13.Fw�do�un.At Lender's option,thie deed of trust mey bs forecla�ed In the manner provide by�pplicibl�lew tor toreclosurs of mortpspu
<br /> on real property.
<br /> 1i.Insp�cUon.Lender mey enter the properry to In�pe¢t ft If Lender pivea Borrower �otico beforehAnd.The notice muat st�te the reb�ombb
<br /> oaua fa L�nd�►'s inopsctlon.
<br /> 16.Condmxwtlan.Borrower astl4nt to Lender the Groceeds of 6ny eward or alaim for demapes conneoted with a condemnntlon ar other t�k(nq
<br /> of sil or�ny pm of tho property.Sueh proceede will ba epplled ne provided In Covenant 1. Thia assynment le subJect to the terms of any prior
<br /> •scurity�preement.
<br /> 16.W�fwr. By�xerclNnp eny remedY svallebie to Lender, Lender doee nat pivb up any righta to leter use e�Y other remody.By not exercislnp
<br /> eny nm�dy upon 8orrower's default,Lender doea not welve any�fyht to late>r consider the event e default If(t hspp�ne epafn.
<br /> 17.Jolnt�nd 6�vMal Lleblli�y;Co•�Ipn�n; 8uecasoa��d A�ilpns lound. All dutiet under thls deed of trust are)olnt and sevanl. Any
<br /> - Borrower who co-sipn� thls deed ot troet but due� not co•elgn the undettyMp debt Instrumentl�) do�s so only to prant end convdy that
<br /> Borrow�r'�Intxest In the propeny to the 7ruRtee under ths terme of thli deed of trust.In addition,such a Borrower sprees th�t th�Lender end
<br /> _ �ny oth�r Borrownr under thls doad oi truet mey extend, modify or make any other clunget In thu termt of thls deed of tru�t or ths secured
<br /> debt w�thout th�t Borrower's conaent end wtthout rete�aing thet 8orrowor trom the term�of thf�deed ot trurt.
<br /> TM dutl��and b�nefit�of this dee�of truat shail btnd and benefit the sueces�ors and e�dpns of Lender and 8orrower.
<br /> �
<br /> i It.Motk�.Unbia otM+rwitd raQuired by law,any notice to Borrower ehell be pivaa by dcliv�rinp It or by mallinp It by certltied mell addreeeed to
<br /> r Borrower�t the property add►ee�or anY other addre�s thet Bor�awsr h�s piven to Lender. 8orrowar will pive any nottce to Lender by ceni(led
<br /> mall to Lendn'�sddreee on p�pe 1 of thli desd of trust,or to eny other address whlah Lender has deaipneted.Any othe�notice to Lender ehail
<br /> b�ient to Lender's eddrea�sa ttsted on pape i of thls deod of truet.
<br /> Any nvtla nhall ba deemed to heve been qiven to Borrower or Lender when piven tn the mannor steted ebove.
<br /> 19.Tr�n11�r of th�Pro�ty a�B�nNici�1 Int�nst f�th�Barowx. If ell or any part of the property or any Intere�t In It is sald or tremterred
<br /> � without Lender's prlor written co�sent, lender mny demand Immodlate peyment of tho aecured debt. Lender may nlao demand Immediate
<br /> p�yment if the Borrower le not o naturel person end e benefiaiai Intereat In the Borrower Is sold or tra�sierred. However, Lender may not
<br /> demend payment In the ebove eftuationa If It Is prohlblted by federel law ea of the dete of thla doed of trust.
<br /> 20.R�conv�y�n¢�.When the obligetlon sacurod by thla deed ot truat hes Ceen peld, and Lender has na furthor obllpetlon to meke adv�ncos
<br /> under the instrumonts or oproomenta aecured by thle deed of trust, the Trustee Bhall, upon written requeat by the Lender, teconvey the truet
<br /> praperty.The Lender shall detiver to tho Borrower,or to Borrowar's successor In inte�eat,the trust deed end the note ar oiher evidence of the
<br /> o611pation so eetisfied.Borrower shall pay eny recordatlon coets.
<br /> Z7. Buea�sa Tru�tH. Lender, et Lender's optlon, may remove Truetee and appotnt a sueeeteor truatee by first, maliing a copy of the
<br /> eubatltutlon ot truatee as eequlred by epplicable law,and then,by filfng the 8ubstituilon of truatee for record In the oNice o}the repiater ot de6da
<br /> of eeeh county In whlch the truat property,or�ome pan thereof,Is sltueted.Ths euccessor truptee,without conveyance of the propeny,sliall
<br /> succeeO to a1t the powe�,aut�oa,numonty ono t�tie or me i rueteo nemea�n me ueea o6 ttuat ena of any eucceaeor irueiee.
<br /> fp�g�2 bI71
<br /> BANKENS 9Y8TCM9.INC..61'.CLOVD,MN 66J01 11�e00�797�a^7411 F011M OCP M'fO�NE 6118781
<br />