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<br /> NOW, TH�I2EFORE, it ie agreed: ; �7" �0�s�Q�-'
<br /> �„ Tn��r�nr:�,ioA �f Furu e Advanr,p.._Rigl�t.R• From and after
<br /> the data of the execution of this Deed of Trust Modification
<br /> Agreement, the indebtednesa secured by the Deed of Truat
<br /> described hereinabove eha11 secure advancc�s made concurrently
<br /> herewith and future advances in accordance with the following
<br /> provision which ehall hereafter be deemed to be a part of auch
<br /> Deed of Truat:
<br /> F��re Advancea. Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,
<br /> at its option, make additional and future advances and
<br /> readvances to Borrower. 3uch advancea and readvances,
<br /> with intereet therson, ehall be eecured by thie Deed of
<br /> Truet. At no time shall the principal amount of the
<br /> indebtednese securec3 by etiie Deeci oE Truat, not xnclud�
<br /> ing sums advanced to protect the security of this Deed
<br /> of Truet, exceed the original pr3ncipal amount stated
<br /> herein, or $ 40.399_63 , whichever is greater.
<br /> 2, �Qn ��n���'n_e_, .f f p^r. Except ae apecif ical ly modif ied by
<br /> this Deed of Truat Modif ication Agreement, al]. other terms and
<br /> proviei.ons of the Deed o£ Truet hereinabove iden�ified eha11
<br /> remain in full force and efEect.
<br /> 3, F��;�r on oth .. GQcurit;. All xeal estate mortgagee,
<br /> deede of Lruac, at��i.gnm�saLft aui� na�uLf�y dytCCiticTlto 7lcictafarc or
<br /> concurreritly herewith to be granted shall remain in full force
<br /> and effect to the extent not inconeistent with this Deed of Truet
<br /> Modification Agreement and aha11 continue as security for
<br /> Borrowere xemaining indebCedne�s previously exietirig unti]. such
<br /> aum ehall be paid, as we�l ae any furure indebtedneae owing from
<br /> Borrower to the i,ender Eor future advanaes and renewals in
<br /> reapecti to all sume owing from Borrower to Lender.
<br /> 4. 8�d1 {onal DocLm nt� a on. Sorrow�r further covenante to
<br /> ar�d with Lender that Boxrower �hall, and will, at any time, naw
<br /> �r later, upon request, make, do, execute and deliver all such
<br /> further andc��her acts, deedo and things as shall be reasanably
<br /> req�uuired to effectuate the intention of thia Deed of Txust
<br /> Mo3ification Agreement and to inaure and confirm to th� Lender
<br /> all and eingular the property, aecurities and rights d�scribed,
<br /> and intended to be conveyed, as secur3ty so as to render the
<br /> eame, and all portions, whether now owned or later acquired,
<br /> aubject to these terme, provieions and conditions aecording tn
<br /> the txus intent and purpoaes expr�essed.
<br /> 5. Waiver. The fazlure of the Lender, at any time, to
<br /> recluire the performance by the Borrower of any of theEe ter�ne,
<br /> covenants and agreements shall, in no way, affect ite rights to
<br /> enforce the same; nor the waiver by the Lender of axiy br�ach of
<br /> an,y term, covenant or agreement be taken or held to be a waiver
<br /> of any aucceeding breach of any such term, covenant or agreement,
<br /> or as a waiver of the term, covenant and Agreer�lent its�lf.
<br /> 2
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