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<br /> ' - Loan No: 258-05003531 ����/'G�� Data ID: 'T37 ', `
<br /> . . Borrflwer shaD be ia defautt if any forfeinue acxiion or pruo�whether civil or cnm�aal,�i�begtln that ffi Len�er'e good � _- .
<br /> _ faitb judgment wWs!resuli In farfeiture of the Pcoperty or otherari�e materially impair the tien created bp thrs Seauity . . ,. .
<br /> � ,��_� Imauument or L+cnd�r'a securiry tnteresL Borrawer a�ay wre su�a defauIt and reinstate,as provided ia paragtaph i8,
<br /> . � . ; �: by cauaiag the actioa or pmoeeding to be dismiss�witb a niling tha�,m Ixnder's gaod faith determi�on.Psectudes r ',.� �:.. '.
<br /> fotfeiturc of We Sorrawer's interest in the Qropeny or othe�material imgairmeat of the tieen created�y Wis Se�urity ,. ,.
<br /> � :� ` . ... I lnsuument or Lender's s�curity interes� Soraower sball a�o he in default if Bortower.duting the Ioaa epplicat�on `� � '
<br /> . :;_� Pma�.Bave materlalt�y fat�e or inaxurate informatfon or statements to�I�r(or fa�ed to pmvide Leader with aay .; � .
<br /> , s. .` � , mater�l infarmatioa)in aonnection ariW the loan evideaoed by the Piote.including,but not limited to,representati,ons .-. `�
<br /> , ; . � �.- wnoemiag Bonower'e aocupancy of the Property aa a priasipal residenc� If this Sec�uity +mem 1S OII 8 I�SSC�lOI� ----
<br /> ^"`� Bo�shaU oo�pty adttz all the prav�iona of the�ease. If Sarnow�r ao�quires fee title m We proPertY.the Ieaseho2d ---
<br /> - �-=�=="�==,�--
<br /> ' . and the fee title shall noi mar�e ualess Lender a�ees to the merger in w�iting. `����`..
<br /> 7. Pro2eQloa oi Lende�s Rtgp�ts in tae Aogerty. If Bonnwer fa�w perform the caveaants and ageements � . _
<br /> , �. . . aontatned in this Seauity Instrument.or theie is a tegal prooeeding tHaat maY sig�fusntl�►affect Lender's rigbis in the � .
<br /> . . Ptoperty(such as a pmoeeding in baalQUptqy pmbate.for aondemnation or forfeitute or m enforae laws or rcguIatioas), .
<br /> . �.�_# thea I.ender msy do snd pay for whate�rer is aeaessary to piotect the value of the Property aad Ieade�'s rights in the ` .
<br /> ' , PioPertp• L�eader's acttons mas►mcbW�Paqiag anY aums secured by a Itea ahich haa prinrity over tbis Secu:iry Iasuument, . ��`:.,�.
<br />. . aPp�8��w�•PaYmB�sonab2e attomeys'fees aad enter�ng on tlae Property to make repairs. AIthough Leader
<br /> , : . . may take action under tivs Farag�aPb 7,Lender dnes aot 6ave t�dn ao . . .
<br />: � /1ny amou�s dis�5►wsed by Leadet uadet this paragraph 7 shaIl become additional debt of Be�rrowet se�aued 6y .
<br /> .. � ttus Seeurity Ins4mm�ent Unless Boaawes and Leades ag�ee to other tenms of payment,these amounta sbaD be�mte�at _
<br /> _ _ fmm the date af disb�usement at the Note rate and ahaD be payable,witb interest,upon notioe from Leader to Eorroover
<br /> �: :` re�N��F��- ;;��"
<br />- <.` 8. Mortgage Insueaua� Jf Iendcr required mort�ge insuraace ea a oonditIon of ma&iag the toan seiaued by
<br /> ,. . � .`:�' th's Sewrity Instrument,Bomawer shaIl Pa�►the Prcmi�reqwred w msimutaiA the mortpge iasurance in e6�I�for . -
<br /> ,� .'�, - aay reasoa,the mong�ge inwraaoe aoveraSe�1�hY���Pses or ueases ta 6e in effect,Baarower slmU paq
<br /> ._' � . �' _� the premtums requir�d tv obtam�wvera8e subs�atialtY eqiavatent to tbe mortgage im�asnoe pzc.viously in effest,at a cost � - =
<br /> ' . ,� � substantistIg equivatcnt w the cost w 8arrawer of the mortgage iasuranoe previously m effect.fmm an attemate mort$age . � , � _
<br /> . ;, iasurer appraved by I.ender. tf substanuait�►equivalent mortga8e in�„m��verage is not ava�7able.Borrower shaD PaY . . �':
<br /> , �� to I.cnder each month a sum equal to one-iweltth of the yearly mortgage ias�uance premium be�n8 P�bY��r �'`-�-
<br /> . ° F�' when the�caverage lapsed or ceased w be m effect. I�en�er w�l aooept,vse and retain thes�payments as a '' . r;
<br /> _ . r�� Ioss resesve ia lieu of mortgage insuranoe. L�reseive Papments ma9�o ian8er be r�ed;at the opiian of I�eader, °�,:-�r�; -�`-=
<br /> _ : - � � if mortpge insuranae oaveiage(ia the amaunt and for the period that Le�der reci�res)Provided hs►an iasu:er appraved . ,� s-
<br /> '_ ' �._ : by LEnder again beaomes ava7able arid is obtained. Bonuaver sha11 pay the premiums requIIed to maintaia anortg,age '_' '-
<br /> - .. ` �,.`� iasuranre in cffed,oz to pravide a Ioss�setv�w�u7 the requirement for mostg�ge iasurance ends ta a000rdanoe with -- - -
<br /> � .; ;. siry writtsn agceem�nt benxeen Bsmowez and Lender or applicable laav ��;-
<br /> _. . -;,.;;. 9 IInspeetloa. frender os its agent may make reasonalsS�enuies upon and'mspearans of the Ptopettq. I� `
<br /> . sha11 gioe 8ormwer notioe at ttte time of or prior to an inspess,iaa apecifying reaaoaable cause for the i�pectien. •• , =
<br /> . . . 10.Cond�ar�,�,,,_ The pmoeeds of aay award or edaim for damages.d'aect or auasequential,ia oonnection with ' _
<br /> _�� say aandemnation or a�er tatang of a�r part of the Property.or for conveyanc�c m tieu of aondemnation.are hereby :,':;:_,..:;-�
<br /> ' , .- ,' assigned and ahaD be paid w I,eader. . ,�:� -
<br /> ;-.::._..... _��.:....,;; .,;�,:. ;•:�
<br />_ . Yn ttte eveat of a total4akfa$of tke Properiy.the pmeeeds shaII be app�ied to the s�ms secured by this Saa�tity
<br /> , •;•: Instrumeat,whethes or not theu d�wiW a�r e�oess paid to Bormtver. In th�event oF a pardal taktng af the Pmperty ...
<br /> �,�:= in wlucb the fair atarket v�Iue of the Property immedtately before the taWng is equal to ar greater t6an the amouat of �...;,�:;;., �
<br /> � � � " �� the sums secured isy tHis Security Iaatrumeat immediateIy before the taking,unlesg Horrawer and I�eader athe�vise agree .::,.. ..-
<br /> � . � m wtiting,the aums seaued by this Security 1nsu�ment a6aD be mduoe0 by the amount of the pmaeeds a�altiplied by the �°�.�- .
<br />�: �� foIIowIug&ac�ion:(a)the to�al amouat of tlte sums sec�ued immediately befo:e the ta�ofng,divided bY @)the fair mar�t ::'��'�
<br /> i. ' . vaiae of the Pru �mmediate before ttie balanoc shaD be w Baaawer. I�We event of a �:.'''�.::�`'"
<br /> P�l+ �9 ��& �Y P� P� -�-'�-
<br /> . taldng af�ha Pmperty�n which the fair market vaIue of the Fcoperty immedtately befoie the taIdng is Iess thaa tit�a n;�,�
<br /> ' . amoum of the sams secured immediatc�r 6efore the taIdng,uniess Borrowet aad Leader otheiwise agee ia writmg or -
<br /> • unless appl3w6le 1�-ar�etwae pmvfdes.the preoecds almll be apptiea to We aums sewred by tbts 5ecauitq I�suument � �° ,; .�,�`�''`':
<br /> _ a�ether or tlot the sus�s are then du� ' �. '�. ,�:_
<br />_ : . If the.Property�aban�daIIed isy Borroaver,or i�aftec�ta�ee by Lender to Bairawer Wat the oondemaor offera - -
<br /> � � . to make an awacd or settle a c�im�xr Qamag�s„Barrower fa�7s to respand w Lender w�30 daya after the date the � - �-
<br /> _ � "� aotioe is givea,LenQer is authors�ed qo ooll�ct sud apply the pmceeds,at its optioa,e�[t�r to resWration or repair of •
<br />_. � � the Properry or to the sums secaued by th9s Sec�uifry Inswment,v�hether or not Wen due. ° . >"°;
<br /> _ UNess Lendea aad Borraarer otheiarise a�ee in artting.anY aPPlic�tian of prooeeds W princapa�Lsf:�it n4t eatend ° .
<br /> ' � , . , or postpoae the duc date of the mont6ly paymenra referred w in paragrapbs i and 2 or change the amouat of such � ;
<br /> a :
<br /> ,�. . � ' Pa�41.BonQw�a Not Itete�sed; Farbemranae By Lan��r Not a Wahrer. Fate�ioa of We lime for paymea3 or � � �.
<br /> ° modi5ca�on of amartization of the sums secured by Wla 3ecurity lnsuumeat�ante�by Lender w aay suwessar in �,v::� . �� .
<br />_ - � � � interest o�Bormwer siuill not operate to re�ase the iTab�ity of the original Bonawer or Borrowet's sua�essors in lntecest. , �
<br />�� , Y,ender ahall not be c�quired w wmmenoe pm�edm$s agaiast airy auooessor in iaterest or tefus$to egtend Hme for :
<br /> L . paymeat or othetwise taodi[y am�iratton of the aums secured by this Secwity Ia4uumcnt by reason of aay demaad m�e � .
<br />— . Dy the origiaal Boaower or Bo�m�wer'a sucressora ia interes� Ang forbearanoe�yr Lender in exerctsing any rigiz2 ur .
<br />=; .. . � remedy sball not be a waiver of os preclude the exercise of any rtght ot temeGy. .
<br />- ' it.Snooessars and Assigns Baund;Jaf�t ea�Severalldublllty;Co-stgnera 7he oovenanrs artd a�reementa . .
<br /> • of this SewrIry Instrument ahaU b�ad and ben,e�i the auooessors and assigns of Lender and Hoaower,subject to the . .
<br /> . provisions of paragrapb 17. Barrowcr'a wvenants aad agceementa ahall ee joint aud several. Ang Bormwer who 0o- � �
<br /> � • . sigag tfis Seapuity ta4trument but de�a not eaecute the Noi�(a)is.00-signiqg Wis Security Ir�strument only to mortgzge, � �
<br /> _- � , . grant aad ooavey that Bormwer's interest in the Pmperry under the terms of th�Sewrtty Ingwment;@)i�aot gsrsan�IIy � � . �
<br /> ' obligated to pay the sums sccured Ay tUiis Security Instrnmcni;aad(c)s�ees ihat I,eader and a�y other Borrower caay , •
<br /> : agtee to estead�madify,farbeat or make a�r a000mmodatians aith regard to the tem�s of this Seauitq Tasuument or the �
<br /> . Note without that Borrawer's ooaqent � . . .
<br />__ ' . 13 Loun Chiuges. If the toan secured by this Security Iasuument i�subject w a taw whicd�sets ma�mum I�an .
<br /> . . char�es,aad that iaw is Snafly iaterpret�d aa that the inteiest o:othet Ioan charges aollected or to be wIlected 'm • . . �
<br /> - - � wnaectton wlth the toan e�the permitted limiffi,tben: (a)any sucb loan eharge ahhdlll be reduoed�y the amount .
<br /> � . aeoessary to reduoe the charge to the permitted limit;aad(b)anY sum�already aoIIected itom Boimwer which eaceeded .
<br />- permitted timits w71 be refiwded to Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this refuad by reducdng the priacipal awed •
<br /> - • under the Note or by malQqg a Qirect paymeat to BorraA�er. U a refuad reduars priacipal,ttse reduction w71 t�e veated . . -
<br /> . . '� as a partial prepayment without a�ry prepayment charge uader the Note.
<br /> _, ._ :_� 3l"w fFdgeaWGFa�&9j -- -, -�.-
<br /> i ;�� �.
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