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<br /> -ti: .:=: ..-.__:.�_�.: - -
<br /> ,_.e° ..�=,_ 9,�.Lender or its ageut may make:easoaabie ean�ies upon aad�iaspecflons of the Property. Lender sha11 give
<br /> - --,-r=�-�=-. Peasoaa6ts eause fos ihe inspect�on. - -
<br /> . Borrower notice at tbe time of or ptfor w aa inspe�ian speaf�ri�8
<br /> - - - � 10. Coad�fimtton.Th�pmceeds of any a�vasd or ctaim��damages, �� of wad m ation.are hereby assI�ted aad
<br /> . - wndemaa8an or other taking of aaq pmrt of the Fropecty. �ce
<br /> aLall be paid w 1 eader. �g�.y Iass�meru.
<br /> -. - . Ia the�vvenL of a tntal taidng of the ProgeKy.the proc�eds sLall be applied to the sams s�� �iu wh£ch the fair .
<br /> �� en _ .
<br /> ". ' ,. w h e t h a o r n o t t h e a d u e.w t t h a a Y e s ce s s P�id to Boaower.Ta the event of a parliai taWn8 P . ;
<br />� '.:�' tm.,� tA Rt is �o or thaa the amount o f t he sums s e a u e d b y t L l s ;�:,.
<br /> . . . market value of the Fropergt—cY1�q befose the fakiag esival ��
<br /> .;V�.,�{,^ �`�'-.:
<br /> ,s.:,, . g¢auity Ins�ment imme+�ateiy bdore the�g.uniess Boaower aad Lender otherwlse agree ia wrItiug.the sams seau+ed Y
<br /> ��F�'` � `.``; by t6is Se�ity ,•,,�,�ahall be reduoed bq t�e amouni of the proceeds mutdplied bp the foltowmg fraaion(a)the total ::fr,-
<br /> " z. '`'V amoimt of the snms sec�red imm�iat�}►bdore the tat�ag,divided by N)the fa9t mazket value of the PropertY�mm��Y
<br /> . b�o:e the talcing.Any bafance shaII He pa£d w Bonower.In the eveut of a pazdril talcinS of the PropertY ta viHirb the fair _
<br /> ,`f.,�.' _. ,<:;3• market value of the Properry fmmediaL_*iy 6efore the takfig is l�a tLaa ths amwmt°f the aoms sec�aed�snmedtately before the `
<br /> De'
<br /> kcable la'w otherwise pmvidea.the Pmc�ds�1
<br /> � takiug,unless Borrower and Lender otherwLge agee ia writing or�mtess app'
<br /> , be applie8 w ihe suass se�aued.by thia Securi2y instrumentwhethe,r or aoi the sums aic then du� _
<br />..;�_... .•`. ', If the Pcope:ty is abaadamed by Bo�oc�a,ar if.after noHce by Leader w Borrovrer that We oondemaor offers to malce aa
<br /> ._ .. .'::;:� award off s�4e s dmm for damagea,�B�rower faIla w respond m Lendes wFWia 30 days aftrs theof the Pro�or t�o the
<br /> . --- 1,�d�ns�korized w oolled and ap�3Ty the prooeeds.at hs op8oa.eifher.�o s+eswsatiasi os�gais P�9 �.,rc�`
<br /> ,d„ � , - sums see�sed by tbis Secaadty Iasinumea�whdher or aotth$n due.
<br /> ' •r��,r;ir;,•
<br /> ,.r,� . .. ` llcation of c¢eds to a al shaII aot eatead or o one �:.;�%,
<br /> Unless L�des aad Borrower otherw�se ag+ee ia w�iag.aaY aPP Prn P��P P �F
<br /> �•��,.'� •: •�"r the due date of Sie moathty paymanLa re�'e�red to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 oz chas�tfre amouat of sw�paym�t�. ..
<br /> ,- c`_r�{ .
<br /> + � �s- �''`: I,�d�No4 a waive�Fa�aa of the tnne fos paymeat os modifiratioa
<br /> . 11.8���No4 R d�s¢d;Fa�6�anoe B Y b Leader w any aue�ssor ia taterest of Borrower '
<br /> " of amortiza�oa of the sums sewred by Wis SeQUIty Instrumeat�ranted Y ; .'
<br /> �'.'` ' �a�t aperate to edease the liabili�y of the orlgiaal Boaower or Borrowe�s sacc�ssoss�interest.L�der sI�a11 not be ,
<br />'.,;i.,;,�,�: . ,. ;
<br />- . required to commeaw procee�8s ag�nat enY suc�ssar ta iatereat or ref�se W esoand tima for payment or a8�asvIse modify .;.,,;�;�
<br /> - � amostlzaflon of the s�ma sea�ed by tLie Se�itY insnument by reason of any desnaad made by 1Le origiaal Bo:rower os ';;�}�µ
<br /> • .. Borrawera sucecssors tn iatetest My fo:hearaaee h3►Lender ia eaera�a8�Y�8�or remedy sbali aot be a waicer oY os �,�:�_
<br /> . . �• .� predude�seaercfseoYaayrIg�torr�medq. ;:'
<br /> . '`;� 12. Sncaessote and A�tgns Sormd; Jdat �ad 3xvets� LL�bitity; Co-��es.7lie oov�am aad age�eements af t� . ��.. ,,,
<br /> ,.j:'• , g¢curity Instrument afrz9i 6iad aad beae6t We sao�ssore aad ass3gns of Lend�aad Bo�sawer,suh�ect w the��� .�,.�'`'�...:
<br /> ` . paragcaph 17. Borrower's eoveaants aad ag�eemeata sball be joint aad sevaal. Any Bortowet who casl�s '�p�(,,;
<br /> t1�.s Se¢urlty iastrumeut onty to mort�ge.grant ead.wuvey tvat
<br /> ., Iasuittaeat bui does aot es�the Nota(a)is co-si�ila8 ,,r�:
<br /> . ,' `� Bon�owes's iatee�at in tha Pro�eety ua�r tDe terma of'thia Seauity IastrumenL'N)ia not pe�sona]Iq obli�ted to pay the sa��• __.
<br /> , •. ,�- se�ned by d�Sec�iry lnsfrsmenfi a�.d(�)8�that Leades�d aay oiher 8orr�o�wer u���:�a to aat�c�.iu;.�.f� c ;
<br /> � or malce any accommodatloas wIth regffid w ths teims of this Securiry instrumeat or We Nots without tbat Bo�awer's
<br /> e m �; -,-:.
<br />- . . , conaent ` 4_°:'�
<br /> .. � 13.Ia'�n C6u$ea•If the loan seaued bq tiiis Seaaitq Insaumeat is aubj�t to a Iaw wbich sc�s mastmum toan charges.and� ' e.-.
<br /> , � tbat law is 8nalty iIIterPietcd so 1Lat the inrerest or other Wan chaiges coliected or to be aolIeaed ia ooaaecHan with the toaa . �_ _--
<br /> eac�d t*.e permiued limits,thea:(a)aay such Ioaa cbsege shaU ba seduced by the amouat aaxcaery tio sedace the c�atga¢� �~ -.
<br /> � : �a pem�iued ffioi�aad(b)aaY s�s akeadY co�ected&om Boaower whi�h�sA permivsd Wnib w311 ba rsftmded w 4 ;
<br /> e
<br /> � ° ' ! Sosrowee.Lender may choose w make Ws refim0 hq redudag the psiadpal owed nnder We Note os bq maliing a 8lreat �..,�:.
<br /> � ' payrneat to Boisower. V e rethnd sEduces psiadpal.the rcdacflon wW be tsQased aa a pardal psepapmmt wlthout aay :�
<br /> d r,:�.,..:
<br /> . , prepaymeat cLarge nnder We Notn. �i.`-�
<br /> . ,; '. '.'.;E 14.No![ae�.Aay aoti�e to Bo�oaeer psovided for ia thle SecurIty Ins�t ehaU be gtven bY del�viceln8 it o:by mailit�ct -
<br /> •� '. by 8rat ctase mail ualess appII�ab2e Iaw r�uires use of auother method.'Ih�aot3ce sha11 be ''�d to the Peopertq ACds� ;��::�
<br /> � �aay othee addres9 Bonower dest,Beates by notica to Lender.Any aottcs w Leader sball ba given bq&st�ass ma3�o ,;�,,=:
<br /> • .:>�:4`�
<br /> '� LecdLers address etalrA here3a or aaq other address Leadsr designatee by aoticx t�Bosrower.Aay aotfce provlEed for Ia thia -;_, ,•:.
<br /> ec
<br />- • : < SecutIty Iaswment sbaII ba deemod w have 6eea given to Borrovrer os LenBa whea given as psovided ia tMs ParagaPL. :;5,,t;:
<br /> .• ', . .`t',,, 1S.Gov�I.aw;Sevet8631tty.Th�s Se�usIty Ynstrument shail be governed by federal ta.i aad the 1aw of We j�iadi�n
<br /> ':'f:,'y
<br /> • �"t �. la wfficL the Property ia located.la the weat that eay prov�sioa os etause of Wis Securlty lasa-.caeat or We Note coaflicts ar:� _ .
<br /> , :�' appllcable law.auch conflict at�aU aot affect othet pmvialons o!Ws Sec�uity Iastrt:ment or the Nota wLich can be gtven��t `;�;,.
<br /> :�:.;i,. . without We oonflIcHng Pmvlsiom To t8ie end tha provisioas of tbls Securiry lastrumeat and the Note are de�ared to ba ;•:'•�ju
<br />- . sevetable. ...
<br /> - . . 16.Horm9ve�e Copyl.Botro�ver sttEtt be givea oae confo�med c,opy oftha Note aad ofthfs SeQUiry Iast:ument :
<br /> ver
<br /> '' � 17.Tran.9f�o!the Prapaty�r a 1�meRdal Ini�eat tn Harracra.tt aU or aaq past o4 we Property�aaq iaserest ia tt :
<br /> �ea
<br /> � � is sot0 os traasfetred(or if a beceflaaD Iaterest ia Boirower is aoW ar traasferreA aaA Bonower 1s not a nat�ual petsoa)wiWout
<br /> "- . � 8U�s Famip►-FNtf1dM171111C UNIFORM IH9TNUYENT � COAY 30ZS �llD lPag�1 of 8 Paga)
<br /> - NEBRt1SNA EC899L Rav.o9/C3let
<br /> .
<br /> _ � . '`��--.-.-�.---r-�---•_ . . .. . ... . , ' - .. .. , � .- . . �. . � .
<br /> . ' . . . - _.- .._. .: - • . • ..
<br /> t � ' ' -. . . , . . . . � �� r_��. _ _- '
<br />