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<br /> � ` � '�� -�� Unless othe:wise agceod in w�nS,all insara�ce shall�e appl�ed w the ceswratton or zepair of the pnpenY or tfl � r :
<br /> �- " the Secu�ed Debt,wLeeth�c or�t thea due. ffi�e�n. �►aPPlicasioa of pmceeds to piiaciPal sball aot F`.�.(..',:�
<br /> . . � . . ext�ud or postpone the�date of she scheduled nor c5aige the a�►onnt of any paymen�Any excess w�l be aid
<br /> . . �. ` to the Granwr.If the erty is�� Ha��.Tiastor s a�ht toaay iasuranoe Qol�des aad��g�y
<br /> .. ':� fmm dama�e to the Pmg�eity b�ore t�e���Pags tn Beaeuc�azY w t7�e eateat of the Serured •' .
<br /> befo�die� . �arlll nat be ` �, .
<br /> � - � `� ?A. ESCRO�D FOlt T�S AND IN�iJAl�IC'8•Uniess oihecwlse Piovided ia a s�sarate agcaement. �-;.°..�i`
<br /> `'� �d to DaY to Feaefidazi►timds for ta�ce.s aad iasarance m�o°�• �
<br /> �.� :-J``-l�� � �y���ie1� N �g� 1.1.c�usW.�r.��wp7l�mvMlde.�pt�o pBQ�eSci2ty�,�,�]�(�on r��. �q�Y � �...
<br />- 4_.s ti�" ������n�.��7��"""� ". 11YJLVS lYw"���q�s�4i�7aQ r�pry��Q��l .. �,Gt".
<br /> , ` �,. LO Qf COII�S."�"1"�"�'" �APiwiii
<br /> B�itF0I121 dOCI�oI CC[tiSC2t�OnS t�L BeA�i�k����e h'e�8l810.4���Y-
<br /> oblig�tions ander this Serurit�►Insuu�t an� ,`
<br /> `.- � ;. 22,JOINT AND Il1iD1VIDIIAL LIABILITY•C0.SIGNESB:SUCCF�SORS APID A�SiGNS BOUND.All dut�es uader t.: �, '
<br /> 1V this Se�urit3►Insoram�i bui do��t stgn an e�vid�o�of : :x�-�.
<br /> : . tlus Secauit�►tm�t a�lomt aad indiv�dnal.ff Tcastnr sigas to secare Pa9saeat af the S�aued Debt and '..4..
<br /> ,::...` debt,Tinstar does so only to m�rtgage'['�ustor's i�r�sc ia the �s�ur�s a g�aranty i�wea► _�a�
<br /> 1YasWr dees not ag�e to�e peisonallq 33ab2e on the S�DebL ff `�t S ����ffiY�n or claim
<br /> ' _ geaefti'Iary aad Tsuswr,Tinstor g�s w waive any�i�tbat may Pr�: • but are not limited w._tu� '�,% `
<br /> 14�se ngbts maY • `',;-
<br /> � agamst Trnstor or aayp�ty indebted aader the�obT�a.��� yu tbis Secarity,Insuam�t may ea�+ ' �'r s,';
<br /> � '�;..-;�. a n ti-d e S c�e n e 3►o r o n e-a s x�o n-l a w s.'i'c u s t o r age� S� �d e a ce o f d e b i w�t hout 1�u s w:'s m a n s�� .,. . ,,•
<br /> m,o d i t y or make an►p�nge iu►tlie te�s o f t l u s S e c u r i 4 y I n s d r m�o i��e dutie�s and beaefits of this S e c�rt 9 �'�`'.
<br /> �e w�t not z e tease T:u s wr f m m t h e�a m s a f��_�d Beaeficial.
<br /> tam
<br /> ��sTialIl 4�md and beaefit the suecessois�and assignss ' �=r
<br /> ' :I...,�r��4:."Y II�iTTESPRET A T i O N.'l l�i s S e w r l t Y.I a s a�m a e�t i s g o v e m e d b y the laws of the `':
<br /> � ..:� S �3.A�'�•IC��'��'��''�' ES m the exumi othetwi�e ieqm�d b�y�the iawa of tHe,�nasdictian wh� .
<br /> ctfon ia��ead�iasy is la���etE��fauY inte8cated-1h�s Security Insm�ma9 nut be �'r;
<br /> '' '� �g�ppertp is lacated.�SocuritY ielatedt° ?�'°:"�
<br /> ; ' ` Y` �t��dos��t��nfltds�&pp1icabl — -.
<br /> e law wID nat be effecuve,������������at
<br /> If any sectfon of thia Sec�uitq 1nswmeat c�not be enforeed aa�onding 1Nhwever used,
<br /> • variatinns by6written �wiri not affect the enfon�biHtY oT the�of this Security Iasuua�at• _� -
<br /> � secdon ar� e sev "`'`�
<br /> , `�`�,. .�`','�-•,, the singalas sha11 indude the pivial and the plaial ttie siagalar-The c�to�s and head�np of the s�ions of this Seamdty .,'�,•-...:_
<br /> ;a.. Inst�ent are for canveaience anly and a�not w be nsed to intecPiet or deHne the tenms of this Seautty Insuomeu�- , ,
<br /> � Tirne is of the essence ia flSs Sec�it9 ins�� i�_ _-
<br /> ., at Be�eS�s option.��aY from t�me ta time temnve Tmstee and apPa�i a �j., ;-'`
<br /> �. sa�oce.ss�os�ee with�.B�efis3azY, . �an in�g.The sna�ssor t�ustee,wUhout conveyaace of � L' sY.
<br /> any other S,�maltty than the desi n Tiustee t+Y d�ls S�corlty► �as�n� and �'
<br /> q` '" y�Cty shall sacce�l to all th�titte, Power and �oanferc�l uga �".,�'<.;
<br /> �', 3f Iil '•� � cablelaw. � . � �-._
<br /> �Y it or by ma7ing it�by fi�s2 i�ss mail
<br /> - 2S.N07f�CE.Unlesa otheiwise required by law an�nottce s�sll be giv� oi��oshes address dessl�aated ia writ�aS- �'`
<br /> ��ty's addre,ss an page�o thiv Seautty b d
<br /> . to the aPPmprIaie D will
<br /> � Notice tn ane tmswr be dcemed w be notice to all uaswss. �;
<br /> raisement aad ham�tead exe�t��f� �'
<br /> .. . ` Z6.WAIVERS. ExcePt w We extent pmlu'bited by law,Tn�swr cvaives a11 apP . ��..
<br /> � ' O►1'HER T�• ��•the following a�e appllpbte w tLis SecuritY 1ns�um�t: ��_
<br />-. `; ��
<br /> .. � � :•A;. p Liae oY Cre�lit.'the Seiaued Debt incIndes a revolving liue of ti�redit pmvisloa.Althaugh the Se�.v:ed Debt may ba �;
<br /> . reduood to a zeso balance.this Sean�iti►Ins�ume�will�asain in effecx natil releaseA. �',.�„`
<br /> � `,f ❑Const�[on Laar�.3hia Secarity „nent sec�ces an►o�ligation iva�ed for the ooasttuc�tlop of aa improvem�i _.-----
<br /> . on the PropertY• in aU gaods thst(ilaator owns now or in the fimae "
<br /> '. ., � ❑F9st�a F31inS.Tmswr gwats to Benetictary a s�cauity i� '�ia Se�aultY Iasttam�t snt�ces as a 8natt�g � �:=
<br /> . aa� that ate ar wIll become f+� relasefl w ihe Pmy�• �-..."_-
<br />- _ ` . ` ���any ca�bon,Pl�otographic or other repradaaion may be Sted af r�ord far pmgoses of l�cte 9 of t� .
<br /> . . Uniform Comnaercial Code. � �
<br />- .. . . O Rldas.The oov�ants and agce�nts of each of the rtde�a checloed below are incorpo t a t e d i n i o a n d s n F D l e m e n t a n d
<br />-`' . ' `•� amend the teims a f t h i s S�a u i t y I a s u a m�n t.[C h e r k s ll a p p l i c a b l e b o x e s� - :.
<br /> �_�..
<br /> •.: . :. .................
<br /> ... . ................................. . 4_,
<br />= O Condominium Rider O Pl�ed Unit Development Rider ❑Other . =_ 'Y
<br />-' ' � ' ❑Addittonal Term�. �::".
<br /> .. . �,., _
<br />.-- - . . ;l___
<br />- � � � .. . SIt�NAT[Jl3ES:By signing belaw.Trusto:agr�a w the i�ms aad wvenaats aontainn�d�e smted on paglnstnim�nt aad in aay _;"
<br />_. � � . a t t a r�m e n t s.T n�s W r a l s o a c�w wl�gea iece i pt of a oopy oY this Seauity InsWmen .:���'�:..
<br /> - - . � . • ��.��c.�.�R..[.aL��:�A�. ;,:'_
<br /> - � . �;�• .................... 73��,�lfN�x��l.A.- � �
<br />-� : . ��w. t�Ilt]�E�� .(�..��. <Si�,am''°)O�IE CL� PSI��i� ��_
<br /> ts�► .
<br /> ' ACKNOWLEBGM�1�iT• COUNi'Y�F�T�. .. . .......}ss.
<br />__ . .. • STATE OF�T��• ... ..��.. .da of...... .9kfi�K�.���7................
<br />=_ ' . . � �°°o'd� 'Ihis ln�strument was acknowledged b�ore me this .. .. . a ............. . .
<br />`-. . .. ' . py J�J�,�.11�[�r,,Y�'.�.4�F•�• ��• ........................... .
<br /> �� _ . _ .. �.:_ My� .
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<br /> - � � Ot994BaRanS}�[ .
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