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<br /> ' � TgII$T$$`S DSBD 't � � .
<br /> ., .' �,.. -.. `�� � «;.��
<br /> ` � BARL D. AHLSCHWSDS. Attornay of Graa$ ieland• Nebsaeka, here�aafter
<br /> .. - - referred to tss asr+ntor, ae tsustee vader the tr�st 8eed iaerei=sa�ter describe� --
<br /> , '��-`_ . for valuabie coaei8eratioA. hereDy g�ante sud conveys to THS SQOITASLF. �'�_ -;:
<br /> RA2
<br /> � - 8ants, arantee, w�ithout aay covenant os warraaty. eaPsese�d or implied• all of � ., f,..
<br /> . ���� the follo�iag 8escribed real estates �� -
<br /> .;.,s.:, . � �° �
<br /> • ' � The Southerly Ninety Rtero (9�) 8eet of Lot Sight (8�. Block Oae � .;. �:�
<br /> � „<. �. �`'; Hundre8 Torenty-Sis (126), Koenig and Wiebe•a A13�itioa to tAe City .�.:
<br /> . '��,�: of arand islari8, Hall Couaty, Nebraska. �;�:;
<br /> _ . . _ 'J,R1�6 COA48j(8AC9 ie made Pursnaut to the powere conferred aa Gramor by a Crast .:
<br /> � � �deed date� Cctober 1, 1990, ead secorded oa Octoher 1, 1990, irt the Regigter �-
<br /> .:<... :�.. `"'; .,
<br /> ,�- �<:�- of Deeds ofr Sall Couaty. Hebraeka as Document t1o. 9Q-105655 whereia Jamee W. .:.0 _
<br /> ' ' ' � LoAtaan, Jr. ar.a aeborais s. Lohmati. tsuabaAd and wige, Ase Truetore, arid The �'•`
<br /> , .',r:, Squitable Buildiag aad Loan Aesociatioa, Grand Ielaad, Kebraeha, is name8 _
<br /> •� �' Heneficiary and Sarl D. Ahlachwede, Attorney, ie Trustea, whereia the Tsustore
<br /> ;�`�. .' �-",:;`�. graated ead eonveped to sach Trastee, on the trust therein expressed, the �.�',�;.
<br /> `x property abooe described to secure, among othes obliga�ioae, paymeat of a
<br /> � ;� � pror�issosy note of svea date in the priacipal amouat of 523,000.00 and �'-'.-
<br /> . �": : iAterest Lhereoa aaaordiag to the tes�ns theseof� aad agter tha fulfilLnent of . ��_�
<br /> .. � ��+:x.��•, the coaditioae epecifie�! i.a the Trwst Deed authorfsing thie coaveyance ae =_ _
<br /> " '�i:`.;k��' Yoll�mss -___-
<br /> f • ,,,,:;�;:s:_ • M�r
<br /> '�"`� .:' 1) Breach and default were made under the eerms of the �svst Deed ia u-s..�-
<br /> � �� :� �� the particul� set forth in the raatice of defauit hereinafter referrec'! to. �:':''� :
<br />- , ` wbich default continued uutiil the tiaae of sale. ��'
<br /> ,_ { _ _, . .
<br /> F----
<br /> . .. � t ,'.� � —
<br /> 2) There waa f�led fos record on Ja�a 18, 1997, as Document No.
<br /> 9?-104765, a Notice of Default wftb the Register of Deeds of Eail Countp, � „,.
<br /> � - Nebraeka, and of eleatioa tio eeii the property to satiefy th� obligatioae -__ .
<br /> .. seaured there�sy and thereaftes aut3ce o� the filing of t8e,notice�,of da8auit =_
<br /> wae sent ia t�e statutory manaer to all pereoas entitled to a aotice l�2reof. � 6 -_
<br /> P -
<br /> � - , 3) That �heresfter the Graator execute8 hie aotics cf trustee•s oaio, �°-_-
<br />- . ela��g that he, as t�rustee, would sell at publtc auatiaA to tlie bigheat
<br /> � ;• .:��• � biddsr the property hereinbefore describec9, Yixing the tiime aad place of.the . _
<br /> eale as Oatober 21, 1999 ot 10:00 a.m. at the lawer level ot �he aouaty _
<br /> . � ' � courthanse in GranB Islartd, Hall County, Nebraeka, and aaused copiee of euoh - -�
<br /> '�� ' notice to be publiehed once a week for five coasecut3.ve weeks in T8E G1iAND _
<br /> , . ISLAND ZNDEPBNDBNT a.legal daily newsgapes priatied• pvbiiehe8 attd�oP geaerai� �-
<br /> ' • ° •. ciraulation in the County oP Hali, Nebraeb�, the tirat date of publicatioa wae � _
<br /> ' • Ssptember 8, 1997, asd the laet date oP pu�blication wae Octobes 6, 1997� ---
<br /> • ' notice of auah Lrustee eale wae seat to the Trnstore and all pareone eatitle8 �--
<br />_ � to aotice thereof in accordaace with applicable law. '°°""�
<br /> f�. ��• _-:
<br /> C'.�
<br /> - � ;;. '��•. 4) All app2lcabie statutory proviaione oY the State oS HeDraetca and tho �r;;
<br />_ ' � ���,:��� ` UAited S�atea ofc America aad all provieiosss af eucb trust de� have 8eer� ,�__;_
<br /> � . : cmpliod with ae to the acta to be perfor�,e6 and aotices to be givea. � ;:
<br /> • The truatee at the time and place of sale fixed ae aforesaid, thea and
<br /> . there aold, at pubiic auotioa, to arantee, who wae the bighest bi8der __
<br /> .. . therefor, the proE►erty hereinbefore deecribed Por the aum oY S22,702.51.
<br /> � DATED THIS �� day of October, 1997. ':
<br /> - . .�; ,
<br />- �. .
<br />__= ��,
<br /> '.;. : � . SC �I3D , A orney, suo ee
<br /> . • �;, .
<br /> _ , . � ' STATS OB NEBRASIiA ) .
<br /> : ' ) s9. -
<br /> ' . courz�t o8 HAw. I
<br /> The Poseqoing iastrnment wae acknawledgefl before me thie �a-� day ot
<br /> - ' ' Catober, 199?, by Earl D. Ahiachwede, Attosney. Tru . �;
<br /> � �KOru+r�ea+� 0 � �
<br /> - �.�.� � � �o��ove�as �
<br /> - . ' � � p,��ftpl�i�20St1 o P 1 .
<br /> , , � . �
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