i'x.�. :L�r� ."- '•_.' . _
<br /> . . ?__ � .. .....
<br /> s � , ir
<br /> �� .. . . . ... . . . .. . . _ . . . i. ' �. - ,..ti . _
<br /> � .. . � .. . ,. _ . . _ .� . -. .. i .. , , . . _ . . .. . .. .._,. . . . � _. . ' r.' ... . �
<br /> ..- .. . . . �:
<br /> , -. " . -. � �: . . , .
<br /> . . , . . . � 2 � �. 'L ...�_"'L'._'_s' _.�.,..__._.._�__ ��'. 4_�_�'—' .._. _�.. __. �..r . _ ... _ . . .. ... . .c�___ _ ..r . '� .
<br /> , _ —..�_.�-- �7�, /D��,'�� . .a'
<br /> . ° �.r . _ - :��.
<br /> � . < '. . ' 17. Trana(ee a'f 4f�e Proper4y or a ��nofieist tn4eres4 tn �oaower. lf 80 or eny paR o}tho Fkoperty or . • _ .
<br /> • , any Interest in it i�so[d or transterted for il a beneftdal(nterest In Borro�ver hs sotd or hansterted and Bortower fs not e rtaturat
<br /> ' - � °�i.� person)w3thout Lend�'s P�or wrttien eonsent.Leader may.at fts optlon.requtre imnied:ate payment tn fu0 ot all aums secaired by �
<br /> � . - th(s geturity tnstrument Hrnvever,this opUon eheD not be exerelsed by Lender H exerdse!e proh�ited by tederai taw as ot the
<br /> '. - date of tnts SeeutUy InsWment � . �
<br /> . .. ` `` If Lender ocercisas this optio�.Lender st�aU gNe Bortower notlee ot accetoration. The netice shaU provlde a pedod of not '. 4, . . s`
<br /> t
<br /> ` � � Iess than 90 daya hom the dafe the notlee Is dettvered or maited wltMn whicl� Bor�ower must pay aD sums eecured by th(s • ,y
<br /> c • ,
<br /> � � Seauily testniment. If Bortowp teUs to pay these sums pdor to tho m�UaUon of thts periad.Lend¢r n�y invoke eny remedle9 .� ; ' •'��
<br /> ,- ;_� pertnitt�d py t�his Seauiry tnatrum�t wiMaut luMer aatice ar demand on 8orrawer. ' �� ' ....
<br /> z... .
<br /> 1�. Borrowoe's iilgfit to Rofnata�e. It Borrower meets cartain wadittons, Horrower shM have the dght to heve .
<br /> '- entorcemesnt of this 3ecurity tnsfrument dlsconth+usd at any Ume prior to the ea►Il� ot (a)5 days (or sueh other period as _ �
<br /> -- - . t e�pyllcabte taw may spec�ly 1or retnstatemersl)beta�a sak�ot!he FroA�Y R�►sUant w eny pawer o!sate eontelned in this Sacufity _ ?"° '._
<br /> <. '•�V;z�i�; instrume�or(b)�Liy ot a jud�nent entordng thts Sew�ity tnstrumertL Those con�itions ere that Bor�awer: (a)D811��d�� �Y� ., ,+, �
<br /> ' sums�vhleh then wauid be�e under this Securtry tnsCument and the Note as if no aeceteraUon had oearred: (b)eu:es enfl
<br /> ' . � detautt o1 arry other covenant or e�eements: fe)PaY$a�ex0enses tncurted tn entardng th(s Security tnstrument, Inductfng�Eut ' • .• .
<br />,. - not Qmked t�, reasana9te eitomsys'fees:end(�fakes sueh ection es Lender ma]►�easonsbiy�equire to assure that the Qen ot _ c �_�_ ,
<br /> • �� this SeaunY InsGument, Lender's dghts In ffie PropatS►and Bartowefa obQgatton to pay the eums sewced b1►this Sea�tty � .,. . �•
<br /> � , . . tns�umert shati eanftnne unchet�ged. Upon telnstatement bIi Borrawer. tnls BewrKy lnstrument and the obQgafiaas seaued .., .�-
<br /> � � hereby shaD remain AilIY eBeeWe as H no eccefeiatlon had ammed. Hawevsr.Wa dght to�nsffite shaD aat eAD�1►[n the ease . . .W:.''
<br /> • . of aee�eraUan under pare�aapb 1�. • ' "�'Y'_.y
<br /> � �r' 19. S8l0 of NOt@: Clfsitge Of LOafl SBrNICBr. The Note or a a partlal interest in the Note (togeU►er witA this .<: ., ..
<br /> ` Sewriry fnsWment)may be sold one or more tlmes withou!p�tar noUca to Bartawer.A eate may resuft in a changa in the etrtity �t � t _ . . - -
<br /> r- _ . (Imown es the'Loan 3ervicef)that coQetts mo�hty►Pa�ts dae under the Nole and this Seeuri4y instrument There atso may :;. •: .
<br /> � F V.k�'
<br /> . _ .� De ane or mare ehanges of the Loan Sevtcer unreiated to a eate of the IVot� I! there is e ehange of the Loan Servicer. `',;�� .
<br /> Bortow�w�be given w�dten notice oi the chenge U►a�w(tt�paracyapb 14 above an3 appdra6le taw. The soSce wID ' � -
<br /> � • sffite the name end ad�s af the new Loan Servtcer end 4he adEress to whleh payments sfiauW be made. The aotice wID e►se .
<br /> - _�� canffiin any other(nfo�rtmttan required by aPplicahta law. �.
<br /> :�,.G�., —
<br /> - - J,'� 20. H�tdOEts SullstenC69. Botrower sha�not emtse or pertnft the pres�nce, use,dispnsal, stora9e.or reIease oi . ' ,
<br /> ; arry Hamrdous Substance.s on or tn the Properiy. Borrow�sheD not do. nor aQow anYone etse to do. e�rythin9 afteGing the . }A ..��,
<br /> PraPety►that is In vlo�Uon of anY EnvirOnmadal Law. The precedn9 two sentences ahaD not aPPN to tha Dsesenea use.or ; �;
<br /> storage on the Properiy of smaA V��tes oi Haza�dous Subs4anees that ere genaaQl►recopntzed to be eAAroPr(ate to nortnaJ . " � . .<<
<br /> .. r '••� resfd�►tiffi uses�d to mairtteasnce o!the Ptoperiy. , `- . . -,,`.6-'.
<br /> �. _:.Y
<br /> � Bartower sha0 prompUy give LQnder wrPU� doUce oi essY tnvesttgation. c�stm. denme►d. tawsuft or oifiv ection by any , Y:-_
<br /> ve
<br /> oT rNate pany Unroking the Property end atry H�tdaus Substance or Ertvfmnme�l Law ot '�"�
<br /> govemm�ml or reguiffiatY BS��f► P , '� , ti;°'
<br /> � ' � whicii Bormwer has eaWat Imowtedge. If 8arraw�leams. or(s rrotiHed bY mry qwemmernai or reguiatory e�Mergy.that arry . -
<br /> c
<br /> � remavat or other reme�ation of er►Y Hamrdaus Sutistence �tecVn9 �P�h ts necessary� Bor►ower shafl promDBY � � �. �`: -
<br /> �.;;.;',:..�.
<br /> , - nece�sarN�eme�al acHons in accard�ue w�h Enrironmenm118nr. �5�, �
<br /> As used in this para�apfi 20.'Ot�rdous SubsOanees'sre those subsfat►c�s deftned es to�Qe or bemrdous substenees by . :--
<br /> . . ' . Ernimnmental Law and the foQowfng subs�nces: gasoMe. kerosene. ather 8ammabte or toxla petro�eum prot&cb. toxla ,�—
<br /> pesttcides and habtetdes.voTah�e solv�ie.matei�ls co�inNg asbestos er tormalQahyde.and radloactive mat�iats. As used tn . �. _
<br /> ' ' paragtaph 20. `ErnrTr�nmertteJ tsw'means tedera!Gws and taws of the jurisdtctlon where the Property is tocated that retate to .-.- - _
<br />: _... . heaRh.satetY or emrimnme�ta!protecdon. , '. � °
<br /> • NOAWNIFORM COVENANT3.Bortower and Lender turtt►er covenarrt and agrea ss foQows: ,.".�;'',.:....,°�
<br /> t. � • �: __
<br /> � 21. Acceferatton; Remedtes. Lertder shall give rtotice to Bo�eower prior to acceleration _
<br /> � � , ..:�� foltawing �orrawer's 6reach of arry aavenartt or agroement riaa thts Secu�ity Inslrumeiet (6ut rtot � __
<br /> . prior 4o acceteratlon urtder parsgraph 17 uniess appiicabia law pravld¢s olhsse:'.�°?. '� n'��e *��� �_
<br /> `�� sha�spec6fy. (a)the detavt� (b)the actton requtre� to cure the defaut� (c)a datg, nmt tese than .
<br /> `_�;'.r ;�r
<br /> � i '%'�'f' 30 d�s.irom the date the�atice is gtven to�or�wer, by wtdch the detauit must be cured; and
<br /> , �- �' ' (� that isilure to cura the detauk o� or before tlae date speaified in the noltce inay result In `� :_
<br /> � . � acceleraUon af tlis sums sscured by t�is Security Instrumarrt and eale of the Property.The �tatice _ _°�'%""�,_; __
<br />= shap iuether tMoim Borrawer of ffie e��a!to retnsbie after acceteretton and'the eight M bring a �uy_-,..,
<br />- � -�, cou�t action to asse�t the non-e�d�ez�ca of a default or e�ry other detense o! Barrawer to . i���.. -_� _
<br /> � � acceleratian and eale. If 4t�e detauit ts rtot cured on or I�iore the date specifled in the �ottoe, s ,�-
<br /> � Lsnder at ffs option mtry require immerllate payr�ent t�tull o! a11 sum$ securad by thls Sesurity `
<br /> �,. ., . ��� ' Instrument w1tlnr�! further demandl �ad may irrvoSee the paeiuer ot sale and atry o'tQeer remedfes ` --....�•:
<br />-:;. . . .� pertnitted by�b�licablo lav,t. Lend�r�atl ba erititted to ca�C�t all expensea Incurred in pursutflg . _r� „
<br /> '�" the remedies provided E�t�eis par�graph 21. including, but not ilmlted to, �easo�able atiomeys' ,,, , • �
<br /> � � - tees and eos2g of tttte e��n�v. ,.�,'F. �
<br />_4., ..<,.. .. .
<br /> N the power of salo Is imroked, Trustea shaii record � nottca oi doiault tn esch cou�9 in .
<br /> � � whtch eny part af the Proporty Is Paca4od and ahall mstl co�fes of such notice 8a� the manner � •� �:
<br /> ��� � prescrlbed 6y applicable lauy to�s��r and to the othep ��rsona prascribed ��pltcabte t�nr. :.. -
<br />__;" ARer the Ume requlred by applicab[�0aw,Trustes shafl gtvv putelic notic�o!sa90 to the persons ,�.:�. .�: .
<br />- � ' ; ari�in the manrto�prescrlb�d by epplioabte law 4rust�o,withaut demaa��on Barrawer,shail seil �� ,;.,���,;�.,,. .
<br /> ;�f the Property at pubfic auction to the hfghest bt¢�or at tha ttme and ptaaa and under the tecros �"������;�. �
<br /> :;�,,:�:;..,
<br /> . � • designated in the nottae o! 9ale in one or more parceis and in arry order Trustee determines. • •
<br /> T►ustee may ��stpone sate of atl or any parcel of the Pro�o�4y by pubiic anno�a�eoement a!tho .
<br /> � � time and ptaev of any prevtousfy scheduted sate. Le�:�c�s ov tts designee may purchase the . .
<br /> # ., �: P�operty a!a�ry sale. , � ' �
<br />_ t : .. Upon recelpt o? payment of the prlce btd, �rustoe shall deiiver t� the purchaser Trac�a's . ,
<br /> deed com►eying the Property.Tha recttaie tn the Truatee'e deod shail bo prima tacte evtdenoe af :
<br />-:;�� � � the truth af the statemeMs mado 4iroreln. Trusteo shtiU appty the proceeds of �e salo io the ,
<br /> - � ioltowing order. (a) to atl cost9 �nd expenses a! exercisirtg ti�e �OOwer of eale, and the sale, � :: � .
<br /> -- . - � ineWding tho payineat ot the Trustee's teea aetualty Ineurrod,aot to oxeeed Ten 10)----- � ;i�1s;_� ~
<br /> - --�--�--�------------------------------ 3'0 0�the principa�amount of the ._ .
<br /> = not0 at tt+e Hme o!tho decla�alion ot defauit, and reasonable at2orr�ey's ieas as permitted by faw; , � • . ..
<br /> �.� � .
<br />-,,.. (b)to all sums seeured by thia Securiry Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persona '
<br />-- , ' legally entitted to iL � . . ,
<br /> . ...
<br /> • -- _._ _ _
<br /> - - ---—� F1316.LM0(t1�) f'aSo 0 af 5 - .--- --�
<br /> � � .. : :
<br /> i •
<br /> � � • ,
<br /> � 10000078 ,! , .
<br /> 1 _ _
<br /> ' . . .
<br />