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<br /> . . 'F . . , .. . : . , ` - .. . •. . ` ; • . • . ' .. , i _ 1 • -.
<br /> . � ; , � �`` . . < ` , . , � :� . ' " � � • ... � - ' _ , . � . . '� � , .< <.� -�� ,_
<br /> ' .• � - . • < • t ' _ ...�.._._____- 1` , ` ` .. - ,�"e.__�_'.........a_.... .�1.:..�.`c_�....a._,��_��_C._�.��-..�_..._:!.-.� �` '• 4. . .
<br />... . .` .. .(-�< � ., -
<br /> � �� S, '
<br /> .� ' . .. 'I�OGEtI�R W1TH ail the im anr�ts nuw or h�eaected on the ,and aII�Q�� �inr�oes.and . .. � �
<br /> �0 E piov P�P�Y eFP �
<br /> � �. ,,-
<br /> . ` . fixnacs now ar 6�eat�a a gait of the pmge�ty.All r�Sacemwts aad additions shall also be caveced by this Secarity�eaL ; .,-
<br /> " - ` AII of the foiegoing is refea+ed w in ttus 5ecatity Instrnme.nt as the'Fioperty.° � . `�;
<br /> BQRROWER COVENANTS that Baaower is lawfaIIy seise�af the cstate he�eby conveyed aad has the right w gcant aad . • ,
<br /> " � convey the Pmpeny and tLat the Fraputy is�meac�bered,except for eacnmbrances of record.Boaower warcants and will � .. .:.._--- ..
<br /> .. .' 3.��c _'..__1�_. :�....--__�'_
<br /> _ -..;,G��"� defend geaecatly the atte ro the Pmperty�st aII ctaims and de�nands,snbject w any eaaim6rances of�ecord. �-4-, � --- .. .
<br /> •`,°,�.°�=''� TFIIS SECtJR�1TY IlvSTRUMENT oombines unifo�oovenaat�for aatioaal use and n�amifoim wvenanfs with t�ited �:� �
<br /> ,:,,,.,;:: � . . . ,
<br /> • • ���' � vaiations by�arisdictiam to coasdtnte a unifarm a�rity mstrumeut wvermg ceal jeoperry. .
<br /> . �:.. � UNIIaORM COVENANTS.Bomawrt sud LEnda covwantand agree as folIowx ._. .. ,
<br /> . l.hyme�t af Ftinapal aad 1ab�es�Ptepaymeat aud Late C6argea Bosmwer shall P�P�S+ PaY when due dts � :F�*
<br /> �. , .
<br /> , ' • pmscipal of aad'mt�st on the dEbt evideaced by the Note and anY P�P�eat and Iate c6azges due under the Nate. �
<br /> � . 2.Fanda f+or Tese9 and Insaranoe. Sabject w applicxble law or w a writ�waivet by le�det.Bmmwer shall pay tn ��, ' .,-.�::
<br /> ; I.ender on dte day awntNy yayments are da�e�mder the Nats.uatil the Note is Qaid'm fa11,a sum("Funds'�far.(a)Y�Y�� ' �
<br /> aud a�entc whicb may at�priority aver this Seaaity Iast�neat as a liea on the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold paymeut4 . "-°
<br /> ' or gmund ceni4 on the PropesEy.if anY:(�)Y�Y t,a�d or propeacy insivaace prani�(d)Y�Y��0��•� • :.�'a'':�•-.
<br />- . anY.(e)Yearly►mo�e�Pm�niums.if any;and(t�a�►Y sums PaYable by Boriower t4 Leader.io aoco�dance wtth tlie _
<br /> . . ' . ymvisions of p�h 8.in lieu of tbe payment of mongage iasmance pncmhuas.'Ikese ite�s ace ca�ed"Esauw Items." .
<br /> . . ` L+ender may,at any�e.ooltect�d hotd Fands in an muaunt aot to exceed d�e wa�cimvm ammmt a teader far a fed�alty retate�d ''
<br /> . • mux�ge la�az►maY requQe for Bomawer's esaow account undca the federal Real Fstate Seutemr,�t Praceduces Ast of 1974 as �. � ------
<br /> . E=. `. am�Ged fmm time to thne,l2 US.G�Seranon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA�.�1es4�othes laar diai appties o�the Fnnds�ts a lesser . . . -_
<br /> • � - . �. amoanL If so,Leuder may,at any t�e.collect and hNd Fimds m an amo�mt not tn e�ccoe�the�amount L�adcs may . ::.,: `�-
<br /> . .?� �tIIe amoant of Fimds due on the basis of�t daia and�asonable�fimates of expeadiaues of fat��Escmw I�ns or , . '
<br /> , ,. _ , otheawis�m ac�oordaace whh applicable law. . .� ,.:'=---
<br /> . ..�' 'Ihe Funds sLari be heid'm aa i�stiu��nn whose d�ate�by a fe�edal ageacq,�tality,or entily('mclnding . �,;'�,�`=��;.� _
<br /> . . .` . .. �: % Leader,if L�tder is sacie aa insdtation)ar in any Fe►�al Home Luan B�Ic.Le,nd�sUaD agpIy the Fimds to pay the F.s�aow , -- __
<br /> Itans.Ieadea may nfli cLarge Baaaarc�for hold�g sa@ applying the F�ds.aaaaaIIY snalYziug the esaow axoanA or veaifyiag ,�'�y_ —_
<br /> �. the Bscmw It�s.�mles9 Lendea pays 1�gaower inteaest on the Fimds and applic�ble taa►peana�Leada to make snch a charg� .:;�:-_- -
<br /> .. ;;,<<.�,�: However,i.eudea maq tequic+e Boa�a+r3 to pay a ono-�rce c�ge for au mdependwt�ral es�tax c�g se�vioe used by - --��:
<br /> � Lend�m aomie�xior►wbb this Iuau. -�!ess appl�Cable law pmvides othe�++is�UnIess an agraem�t is mzde or app]irable Iaw .�; •�":
<br /> . � - � reqaaes inta�est to be paid.I.eader shall noi be�ec�a�to pay Banowea any m�est or esmmgs on th�Fumds.Bomuw�and _
<br /> � •� " Lemder may ageee m writi�,howeve3 tbat mteaest s�aD be paid on the Fands.I,eade,r shaII give to Bouo�.withont charg�an
<br /> ����� ,• `' � �nual acco�mting of We Pl�nds,sha�credffs aad debit�to the Fands and the ptapose for wLich ach debii to the Fands was . �, .�� -'�`-.
<br /> . madc.Zhe Fmcds ase pledged as addiiio�al secariry�or ali snms s�cared by this Seauity IasWraem� .,,:'�'-..... �:�':.=_
<br /> `. :.�...`__:_..- . If dte Fuads hetd by�adet acceed the amotmts pemiitted w be hedd by applicable law,I.eBder shaD a�oaunt O�Borru�vfa for .=��= --
<br />� ' dte exc�ess Fands Ia acc�e wiih the req�u�of applic�b2e 1aw.If the ammmt of the F�mds held isy E�d�ar a1 any ome is �` `.' • .
<br /> � not s�t to pay the Essrnw Items whea dne.I+�der may so notify B�rnwea m writing,and,�n sach�Bouowea shail FaY � . �'��
<br /> � ,;.�, to I�endc�the amomit necessary to�e ay d�e deficie�►sy. Bmmwer st�all make ap the de�ae�ncy in no more dian twelve -� -
<br /> ,,�`:�i.. ` monthly payments.at Lendea's soIe dzsrae6on• ,�`,.,r�r}_-
<br /> ' U in fuU of aU sums seaucd 6 this S tnstcumcai Lend�shall r�n4 t�Bomnwea an FuaQs ---"��"
<br /> :_� . DoAPaYmea�l Y �n► �• P�mF�' Y . Y:;�_,�^Y�--
<br /> ��; �'�. , he�d by L�d�If.und��h 21.Lenda shaU acquQe or seil the�roparty.I�endea,Dsias to�.e z�aisition or sale of the � .��.,'"w"'""'�_
<br /> ��. - :��°'•' . � �D�Y.s�eFD2Y ffi►Y Fimds heid by Leader at the mne of aoq�on or sa2e as a credit�6$sums sec�ae�by ifis -,----
<br /> ��. ., ;a;;:%�:.�_. Secarliy Insornme�t , �... . �.:
<br /> 3.Applisation oY Paymeata Unless app�cab2e 1aw provldcs otherwise.all payrtuents receaved by LenQ�under pffiagiraphs ,:_. � -
<br /> .� " . ;�:,.. ' .. � 1 aud 2 sf�all be lied:&st�w any prepayment c6arges due�mder the Nat�second.to amouuts � -----
<br /> �� , u aDP PaYable nader p�h 2: „=s._
<br /> t1�rd.to interest du�fouM.w principal du�and 1ast,to any late c,harges dae und�the Noie. �-=--:
<br /> '� � :�::. ._ : 4.Charges;Lieas. Bormwed s1�aU yay aU t�s.asse�a�ts,�rges.f��s and impositions a'id6�ab2e to the Ptopeaty �. • �,-
<br /> a,: aLich may auain priority ovear mis Secauity Ins�ent,and teasehol�payments or geouad re�s.if aay.�rmowei shall pay these . � ::: .
<br /> ..... . ,
<br /> �:�:•'�:,.�:,:,.. obligadons in the manna provided'¢n g2ragra�3 2,or lf not pald in that�nanner.Bonower sitaD!�y�eas on dme direaly ro t�e � `. . „�` ',
<br /> �. , . . = pe�son owe0 paymeat Boaower�y�a�tlp��nish tn Lender all not�ces of amounts to be gaid�des this para�raph.lf . `';'�: -
<br /> : � Bmrawra malues�ese payme�ts di�ct�y,Bmsaw��all prompuy fumish to Lendea r�pts eviQeac�g @�payments. .. ,'�:� . .
<br /> Y � . . Borrowc�sbaII gmmptly discL�g��y Ii��ich has yriority ovca t�is Sec�ity Ins�ent cnies�Boimwea:(a)eg�es,in . .
<br /> �` �vriting ta the payment of�e obliga�iva sec�red try the lien in a mana�acceptable to Lea�:(b)contes�in good fattb tlie ltc� �.�
<br /> _ •. --t..
<br /> �`"� : " by, ar defe�ds tlg�iast eafoncem�i of tLe lie� ia.1e8� P�Bs wtuch in the l,endea's opiaiaa oye�ate to preveut fhe . , ' ` :
<br /> ��,; 8� . ...
<br /> . enforc�►e�t of the 1ie�:or(c)secures from the ho1d�of the!i�aa ag�eement satisfaarnyr w Leader sulwrdinating the l�cai to
<br />��-, ' ` : th�s Seauiry Inswment tf Lender detemrines tLat any pait of the Properey is subjea tn a lien which may anain priority ovea this - '
<br /> `". • Security Ins�imenb I.edcder may give Bomnwer a nadce identify3ng the lien.Borrower shaU sadsfy the lien or take one os mare . �
<br /> ��} • f ,
<br /> of the actions set fo»h above witliln 10 days of the giving of noHoe.
<br /> �. ..
<br /> yp�.� • Form 8028 e/eo : � •
<br />`+' '� � � ��86i(NE7t92ts).ot Papo2ote �nnuts: --- � . .
<br /> }: •
<br /> :,• . • .
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