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<br /> ' � �� of the Coung►ot � D 0 1 1 A I L S. ��t�"�
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<br /> �� consid¢ration of u �
<br /> 6 sdl an�voaveJt u�o the Some Fe4eral Sav6�gs 8t Loan Associatinn of Grand Istand.Grand ts1a�. � _ '�- ,
<br /> .. ia hand paid.do hereby graiu. a�n• • •
<br /> � - . . NebzasYa�aad its successots and assIgns.the following ieal est�e,situaoed in �'L _�.s- �
<br /> �� � •1�• CoumY,S�Le of �BRASRA ,mw� � _
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<br /> � ,r� Toge�z�rwi�all'�+e� � cuvenancor cond"ais.�6eiein conminad:a�wanz.'+ssa�e�:.�P i r`�,
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<br /> Fl:f �t `,.Yf�i�^� n � . . `r J�� .-�
<br /> I��t�'' ' cics(g�cept fn2�i.S mUrtgage. �I�(;
<br /> � 1 ' J i.�l,'�•.! U $'F-f —
<br /> pp�g die mne this mortgage is m fo�+ce t�e monga8ois agree: +H�is mortga8e.
<br /> f,: � •� Fitst. Topayall�san3spec�alas���a8��dp��•�8��andass�l�� : .`.,.
<br /> �{ �:,�4� or the debt secu�ed bY�is mortga8e• w tre a�pmved by the said t `F
<br />,,,.,�'_-.--`,✓.u,;:�;- Sxoad. To�tep sIl DuTQiags dtet�n a�sureA agamst loss by fire.li8haun8 aad mmado m some campanS►. ��-�-
<br /> � ' Home Federal eavings dt Loan Assacia6wa of Grand Lsland in the sam of S 6g,300.00 . far the 6enefit of @te said �•;;_:
<br /> ,.``; snccessors or assigas;aad to�deposit safid policies wid�said Associadon,sad shatl not commu or coffer an!►waste on said ��`
<br /> . ' `:s'•:,'. � Assuciatiot4 and its �_:
<br /> ' pcemises.aaA abaU Put aud�eP eaid t�eal esmte bnUdiags and�vemeass ia g�oTder.
<br /> � . ' . Tflird. To pay or rause m tia paid[o the Home FeQeral Saa+lags&Loan Associatfoa of Grand�Siand.ita snccessots ar ass�.dte sam =
<br /> � 3ZXTY POQIt THOIIBAND Tf�t88 H�TNDR�D AND NO/�00 DOI]AItS. �..;:_
<br /> ' � ' ` aum ot 3 �
<br /> • `� " DaYabte as followa: '
<br /> �°
<br />" • � DUSs APRIL 1. 1998 ' ��
<br /> patcing evea date wiQt �f.,,
<br /> � � witb interest 0ereoa payable.necording w�e teaor and effect of the one certaln firet mortga88 Qot�of ssi0 rtcottgago�s. �F:
<br />' . . . these preseats. After nua�rtty eaW DonA draws interest at the rate of alne per ceat per annum. =�
<br /> � � If said te�ces an0 essessme�ts are.not paid w�Ceu due.or i!Q�e AuUdtngs on sald premises ara iwt ins�ued as ahove provtQeO;or if any
<br /> �`JR-.
<br /> . � . • ot saW iatetest is nns paid ah�.ro due.ffiea said cvhole QeM sha110ecome due immediateiy,at tLe optlou of the said Assodada�.and eLall Biereafter� - _
<br /> . . draw intecest at�e rate of niae per cent per amrum. �rent�and incame arising at enS►and all times from said prop2rtY aaa herebY _ -:-.-
<br /> �. .'`" • The mortgagor(s)horeby assign(s)to said martgagee _�__...
<br /> :. . aaffiorhe said mortga8ee or its ageat.at ita oation.a0on defaulb e���8�A�apm��.repairs or bnProvements necessar�► Yeep saW . _�
<br /> , ' eDPTy the sama w the paYment of interest,Pdncipa!•�an�P =_- _
<br /> , .. �'. prapeitJr in tcnantable condifion.or W o8ier charges os PaYmeflts proviAed fvr Ilerein or in ffie aote hereby secured. 'tbis rent assignmeat sh�Il _ _
<br /> ' ' condnue in fores w�til thE unpat4 b3�oY saia note is tiili�►PaiO.-T�takiag oY possesslon�enua0er shaA in ao maaner Pre'reut or re�d saW =--
<br /> � ': � mortgagea in the coAeccion of said sams by foreclosure or�9ur�ais�. ����� _ -
<br /> qihqner eaid debt becorues due py.tapse,�of!ime.or!17!.reas�of 8ie t�iiuce of the patty of the first pa�t w comFly
<br /> .. ' h�rein,Qie said Homa Federal SavingaBcLo�a Associadon of at�0 tstuid,the saccessors ana ass3gns.shai!bave Qte right w begin�e fosectosure ____
<br /> ' r miwms aaa cost9,PaiA by �_,_,
<br /> � { .. of tnis mortga8e at once on�e whole debt herehy secured.and to iaclade 8iereia a11 ta�ces.assessmems.�ura��FT� ---
<br /> to�ia mortBaSe.or tl�e �`��;
<br /> � ', n or mem;or,saW Assoeiatiaa,its aua:essors or assigns.may foreclose onty as w the sum past dne.arithout ic�ury �:;_
<br /> •• � displacemeni or impalmieat of 4ce Qen thereof.
<br /> • Aad&e said flrst pacry aad the malcera of said note.esDecialty agree and Aeclate tLat 8ie separate estate of each aad every oae ot tIIem. �.�
<br /> a
<br /> . �..�:� incladtng both 9�at now owned and Qiat 6ereaRer acquiied.is Dledged and 6ound for�e payment o!the debt hereby secureA. �:.
<br /> After 4►e commencemeat of any suit in foreclosure the ptaindfl thereln ahall be endtled W the immediate possession of said premtses aad �=�:
<br /> . �.:�.':,
<br /> , � the appointment o!a uceiver 0terefor.not aitbslanding they may be tEa homestead o!the occupaat�d nos withstaadiag the parties liable for fhe �:1_
<br /> ' . , debt mal'be sotveat.ead�e fust party tiere�y eonsents to tba eppoin�ment of a Aeceiver upon the producdon of dils indeaWre,whhuut other
<br />-. , ...•. ' � evidence. . .,
<br /> . • °•, �. The foregoin8 coaditio�and agreemeats.all and singuulfu.being fuUy Derfortned.this coaveyance s6all be votd.othenvi�e w 6e aad
<br />_. � � . remain in flill force aad effeet. .
<br /> - .1 , SigneA this 27TH day of 0�°1'0H8R. 1997 A.D.. •
<br /> r • .
<br /> . } ��
<br /> � ' JERItY SH811R8 /
<br /> _ . . '. /,1,f/,�!�i.G/���D�1.LL
<br /> — . NATALIB J SBEAAS (/ � ,
<br /> �i �QiESCACC Of "
<br /> _ :t:'. ' , .
<br />` ;:. _-_-,"-"--- -°:_`_-- . .,
<br /> ' 827-1
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