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<br /> -""` Basrower shall also 6e m def�ii if Batrower,during the t�n applic�tinn pmcess.Save mata�IY false os macxattate ;�: :'. .
<br /> -.�_. ;� infoima�nn or staf,emems tn Iender(cr faited w piavide L�endrr with any araieaiat infarmatien)irs oo�on with the -_ -�ti
<br /> t��' " Ioan evideuced by the Nole.ir�ctu�ng,but nat t�roed w,r�ions conoaning Boaawer's ox�C.y of the
<br /> ..:.: F`:-
<br /> Piopetty a9 a principal �sideace. If this Sec�ity Im�t is on a leas�hold. Boaower s h a l l oomp l y e r i t L s h e . �-, :�•
<br /> •:i� provisions of the Ieas�tf Bo�mwer acquires fee t�te to the Ptoperty,the leasehold aad fee Wte shal!not be m� , , . .
<br /> . .. . � � antess Leada agtees w the meagea m viritiug.
<br /> La
<br /> �.r 6.Coad��atton.�e paaaeeds of any awatd or claim fos damages,d'uect ar conseqaeatial,ia c�o�naearun witb ,;.,
<br />�- :��i any oond�aa ar odu�a tsking of�y part of the Prapeity,ar far caaveyance in P1ace of conde,mnation,are d�cebY
<br /> -� a�gned and shaII be y�cl W L�der to thc�oeat of the fnll ammmi of 4he indebtedness tbat ternains�ander d�e . , ;:
<br /> � �.;�>:° . Note and this Sec�ity Instrum�t Leader s6aD appiy sac6�oceeds to tHe redac�an of the indebiedaess mndar We Note . �
<br /> - - ,,":� and tbis Seauity Insommeat,fn�t to any devnqnent amamits apptied m the aadca gsavided m paragcapb 3.and thc�tn _ -
<br /> � < ' p�epaymentof piinapaL Any appli�cn of We p�aoeeds to theptind�l s6aII aotexteador pastpane�e dne d�e af the _�.
<br /> ,�;�:•� ".,.
<br /> � moatlilY PaYm�s.which a:a refetted to in pa�agragh 2,or c,hange tbe�►oant of suc6 paymeata. AnY excESS gmc�s .
<br /> . ._. ovea c�am�oimt ieqaiied L�pay a11 outs�nding inde�tstedness und�the Note gnd tLis S�ity tnstiumeat sLall be paid to �� '� _
<br /> � . • the eatity legatly entitled dtere0o.
<br /> -- o� 7. Charges tn Basraw� aud YrM�osr ot I.�der's Right� in�the Prn�ert9. Bmrowea s6all pay a1I _.
<br /> .�_�.- .---':��:}� goveanmeatal ar m�al c6arges.fines ead impus�ions thai ate not iactuded'm paragtaph 2.Ba�a�wea sh�ali pay t�se
<br /> .: ,':� °bhg�°as on time�t1Y to the eatitY wtura is oaed the paymeat.Tf fm7�u+x to pay wan1d adveasely affed Lead�'s :�, �
<br /> intcaest ia the Propacy,upon L��er�s�eqa�at Boaower shali giomgttY fttmish to Le�der rec�gts evideacia8 these ,._ r....�4.:
<br /> `� - - ,: �-;�}. PaY�I�f Barmw�fa�s to make these paymea►La or the gaymenb�qaued bY Par�g�apb 2,vr fa�7s m peafamm auy othes . �.���•, .
<br /> ' , �i oovenanfs end agce�aents aontained ia this Secarity inst�nmeu�or dtece is a Iegal pmc�ding tt�at maJ►�th►
<br />=� - .. affect I�dca's rights in the PmpFaty(sach av a p�mc�ding in ban�[�ptcy.f4r�nd�a�uA o:ro�fotee iaws ar
<br />.:<r _ . '.: �e�la�ons)��hea Lead�e may da and pay wl�vec is neaes�y to pmtect the�a'of the Anp�ny aud Leuder's rights = ,
<br /> . �:`;��' in the Pmpeaty.�Dayinent of taxes.bs�rar��nsmauce snd otl�er iseans�oned in ga�ag�aph 2. I���= � -
<br /> ,. '- Any amo�mts�finsed 115+L e a d e a a n d e�t h i s p�a,�ap h s h a U b e o o me�a d d i n n n a l d e b t o f B m m w e s a i W b e , � .
<br /> . .. .`, - sec�ed by this Sean�tyr In.atrmme�t'lhese amoimts shaD hear interest fmm the date of dis6�usrmmt�et the Note rate. . '' �.•
<br /> � aa�etthe opi�on of Lea�dea.sha11 be immeAiaulY dneand payabt� . ;:`�°°
<br /> :. Hmmwer shali P�P�Y�Be�y liea wAicb has p�orinr ove,r this Seasity In.s�►t untcss Banawer:(a) •,,:�:;�-�:•..:
<br /> �;���.�:
<br /> ". _ -•-- agrees in adaag m the payment af the oDtigatton seaued by the 1i�ia a mannc�aooeptable tn I.euder:(b}oontests m tr-,�.,_:,�-
<br /> . gaod faith�e tiea by.os defaWs against enfonranent of die lie�ia.Zepl Dmc�dm8s wbich in the I�dea's opinian -_:
<br /> ' apaate w pr�cve.nt the eaforcameat of tbe liea;ar(c)se�ares from the holdct of the tiea an�gr�meat sadsfactmy to =_.�,..
<br /> ,:=} . ,Y: -
<br /> ` L�dea sabordina8n$the lieo w this sec�rity 1ns�mmeat If Lead�detecmiaes thas say part of 1he Ptoperty ia snbject to . .:j
<br /> . �� mr�this Securiry Insu�unent,I.ead�ooa e Bauowea a nottce idea 8!e li�. <<; ��-
<br /> . .�; a lie,n whiCo maY at�n PrimitY Y�► �8 :jns:-�=�
<br /> . Bosmwes shaU satisfy the lien ar taice one or more of the acaons set forth.above 3vithia 10 days af the giving of nntise. , r. .,_:'<<-
<br /> . . . . ��;�f+ 8.Fees.Leades may eollect fees aad charges androrized by the Secretary. -
<br /> .�,:,'•,'�Y; � 9 CrmmdsforAaxkraHonofDebL -
<br /> � ' ,�� (a)DefanRt.Leada may,e�ccePt as IimitEd by ie�sns�Lssaed l�y ttie Seaetz.y,in the cas�of paymeas ; --
<br /> ���� defaults,ce�.''a�mmediate FaYme�t in fi�of ati sur�s s�ed by tt�:e 5�.,ciuiry Instrnn►e�t i� � ?.�=�r
<br /> . a .
<br /> . . (�Boaaaer detaults by faitiag to pay in fuII spy monthlY Day�n��I�bY�Seauiqr Insuument ..'''_�.
<br /> ' � �rior to eron the dua date of the ne�a monthty���au �
<br /> � � .� � � _
<br /> (i��Bondwer defaults by faving.fm a pedad of d�rY daYa m gcafosm aay othea obligadaa9 oontained m . -.
<br /> . � lhis Secauity InstrnmenL � .
<br /> � . @)Snie�6"�innt CredIt Apyrovap.Ic.��r shall,if Dermitt�A bY�Cab2e law(inctad'mg SecHon 341(d)of . :. ' ..��
<br /> . . . the Gam-St Geamain Deposiwty Ins6t�anv Act of 19�2.12 US G T�:�OIj-3(�)aud wHh the y:ior approvai of ,' :.:. ..:
<br /> � : the Secre�aryr,recluire immediate yayment in fuU of all sams se�ured by this Seauity Instr�ent i� .
<br /> '.. ,
<br /> ���,:�=
<br /> , . : � .
<br /> � �
<br /> . � �4R(NE)(98Q4).C� Papa4o19 InAlais• ,_ .
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