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<br /> , -��: of EomuA+ds wv�ts�a age�ne� nnder tnis sec�uicy faswm�t�a we Nore. Far tnis pu�pos� Bmmwer -'�" '�.
<br /> ° -,-.` ..i iu�vocably g�aass and oonveys oo the Ttuste�„in uust.with power of se1e,d►e foitowing desc�n'hed pmpcacy incated in : -,
<br /> ` . AN.L Co�mty.Nebiaska: :r;.
<br /> . , , „
<br /> - - `�' SO�THFJS3T QUARTBR (SWl/4� OF S8C°PION TklSI.VB (12) IN TOWNSHIP SLEtiSIJ . . .
<br /> � , `�� lll) PIORTB, RAIZ(�S NINS (9) WRST OP TFIB 6TS P.M.. �1LL COIINTY.
<br /> . - N7SBR31SRA. .. .
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<br /> • -•_-�--- `.�� whic6lYdS1hB2Gdi{es9of ' �614 SAST SB�LA1f3 MILS RD, � I3I.1�ID [S�ee�.t5�91. ... ,
<br /> ._ Nebt�CS 68so1� f�p cadsl ("�p�ty�►d��;
<br /> • �� 'iD�SI�iSR V�'1TA aIl the improvemeutg aow or kaeafUer erected oa @�e pmpeatyr, and ali easea�ts. . y'
<br />, . - =;�' agpmtenanoes and fncnues naw or h�reaftei a part of the prape�riy.All repiacemeuts aad addi�ans shall also be cove,aed .'�.,
<br /> .,. _ . �`,���... , Dy thiq Sec�ty IasMamau.Aliof�efo�g is re�eaed to m this S���tas the°Arapesty." - __°
<br /> , . . BORROWER WV.B�iANTS tt�at BomOwe[is?awfully seized v�die es�itaeby conveyed aad Les thB righE to • ` i
<br /> - " � giattt mtd aanvey the Prapeity and c�i the Pcopeacy is�6eted.exo�►t far eac�ombrances of secard.BQmow�r
<br /> � wa�rants aa�w,�l defaW geaaaIIy the�e m the Pmpeaty�ist all claLns and demands.saU�ect to a�y►eAtatmbsai►ces ' "=
<br /> _ . . . ofrecard. � ,�'`�:.
<br /> • ,' TEIIS SECURITY INSTRUN�IVT oombia�s c�rm ooveaants for aational ase and aoa•�ifo�m wv�a�ts MtL ;-:`
<br /> :�;r��tf�.;�
<br /> . . .. limitod v�ations by j�aisdiction m cons6wte aa�w�se�dry ins�t oovemmg ieal ympar[y. -;;;
<br /> . . . ' - `1��i
<br />- ' Ba�uand Leud�r cov�tand�gcee as foIIoww� -�'�
<br /> ` ZJNIPORM COVENANTS. �.,:;--
<br />-��� .r<-.--_
<br /> , � 1.Pt�yment oY P►�imapal,Interest an9 Late C�rge Bomawea shall pay whe�due the prindpal af,and iateaest �>tf;;�.,'�
<br /> . 041ACd8bt CvIdQLCed by fI1C NO1C�d 1flIC Chffi$ES dtiC�IIdCi ihe N�7ie. 'h"+'�T' --
<br /> . .. . . 2.Mont�ly Pfaymeat ot Texes,Insaraace and Other Chas�.Bormwer shall include in�tch aaauthlY D���. :':-
<br /> .': ' .. tngether with the prinapal and int�e,st as set faitL in the Note and any 1a�e charges.a sum for(a)taxes aad special -:
<br /> , � . a��m Ievied or tn be Ievled a�ainst the Pmpeaty,(b)Ieaseho2d paymeut�or ground reats on ths Properiy.and(c) �:``.:-,-
<br /> ��_��
<br /> pRmiums for instuaaoe:eqt�ed mida pa�apb 4t. �any year m whicb tlte IRndea must pay s ntos�age�ce -..=..
<br /> . . -� , , pre�ium to tGe Serretazy oi Housing aad Urban II�elopmeat("Seae�y"}.or in any year in afiish snd�p�mium '•.;�H:
<br /> �' � would dave boen rcquIred if Leader s6U he2d the Secariry T�.r�„mr� �ach monthly paymeat sbaII also include elther:(i�; '
<br /> ' _ ;::�f<,:+ � a s�fas�e mmual mmtgage�satattce pseadum to be paid by f r�der to the S�}►.as(i�a moatWy charge iastead , :� _��.
<br /> . :�. of a mor�e msiaance p�ium if th3s Seqmity Inswm�t is he1�by the Sc�aetary.in a reasonable amomit tv be '� '� • _
<br />�`''�. . deo�aed by the Se�.y.. Bacept for the monthly ch�ge by the Seee�syr.these itews a�e c�ed"Esc�w Items°aud . �;i��s,�,':,;.�
<br /> 1ha snms paid tn Le�dc��e caIted'7�scmw F�mds." '�;,�j °-
<br /> . Leader may.at a�y tim�.coIIe�t aa�ho2d amounts far Ess�w Iteans In an agg[egatE amount aot tn excoed che
<br /> � � maahaam amoane that may be reqair�f�Bonuwea's escrow acco�mt nader the Real Est�Senle,ment Proce�ces Act. .
<br /> . • � of 1974,12 U.S.C.Secri�on 2601 et ae¢aad imp�dng regutadons,?A CFR Pact 35U0.es they aoey be emendeQ � .
<br />_ . ,. ' from t�me to tIme("R6SPA'�,exoept that the cas�on or r�re ye,nnitteed by RBSPA for ananddpat�Qisbaus�neniv -,-.
<br /> ; or disbursements before the Boaower's payments at�awailab�e in the s000unt may ufli be based on amuunts due fot the �
<br /> �� � � maitgage i�ce p�emiam. � .
<br /> . ' . . , P o2019 � � .
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