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<br /> � :� . 97--�'��,.� ��. : ' ,.
<br /> � . TOGEfHER WTTH ell tha improvem�n� now or hereaftes erected on the propesty� and all easements. .
<br /> �• �,:<- appurtenances.aad fistures now or hereafter a part of the property.All replacements and additions sl�all also be covered , ` ���
<br /> � _:�.; by this Security Instrunneni.AU oi the foregoing is referred to in this Securitp Instcument as the"Property." ._ ..
<br /> -- - . ,��� BORROWER COVENANTS that Bonower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed aad bas the right to - ° - __,
<br /> grant aad coavey tiie Property aad that the Property is uaencumbered.escept for encumbrauces of record. Borrower �
<br /> � ' warrants aad wiU d e fea d gen e r a l lq t he ti t�e to t h e P r opertp agaiast a l l c laims an d demaa d s.su bject to anp encum brances � `�t:. ;.� ,
<br /> � � . ' . oi record
<br /> . _ TI�II.S SSCURIT4 IIVSfRUMENf combiae�uaiform covenants for national use aad non-�niforra cavenaats with � r. .: _
<br /> -. �: -,-. � limited variations bq jurisdictioa to constit�rte a uniform security instruiaent covering real propert�y. ':�- "'.
<br /> ' LJNIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwes and Leader covenaat and agcee as followx r'�`.:.;.:�r;
<br /> + 1.Payment oi Priacipal aa d I aterest;P r epayment an d L ate C h a rges.B rn rower s h a l l P��P�Y PaY w hen�°.
<br /> . . , the priacipal of and iaterest oa t�e debt evideno�bp the Note sud any prepayment aad late c�arges due under the Na� - `
<br /> . :� 2.Fonds fos Tases and Iasarance. Subject to applicable law or to a c�citten wai�es by I.endec. Borrower stz� r�i;: ;:.;,< '�s��
<br /> �.�� �ay to Lender on the day mouthly payments ere due under the Note.uat}1 the�ote is paid ia full.a sum("Fuada")for.
<br /> `,' (a)Yearly tages and es�ments which may attai��'sority over this Secimty�snent as a lien on the Ptoperty;Cb} ���;s.;, •�.
<br /> "` ' ..� eatl Ieasehold meats ar und rents on t�e Fro if su (c)qearly haxard or pn¢pertp ir�suraace gremium� ��=`" �
<br /> Y Y PaY B� P��Y. Y: ��� „ �-
<br /> f (d)Yearly flood iasurauce p��emiums,fi�3eaY:Ie)Yearly mortgage iasurance premiums.if any;aud(f)anY��PaY8� " . ,
<br /> b y B o r ro w e r t o L e a d e r,i a r.ccordance Rith the p r ovisions of p a r a g a Ph 8.in 2ieu of t�e p a y�nent of mort g a g e insuran� . �, ����. : :`:
<br /> � .:::.� prea�iume.Th�se itema are called"FssY+aw Items."•Lender may.at aap'time.collect and hold Fnnds ia an amount aot. a��:;;-.;:•:_`'�_ ,;-
<br /> � ' -�"� �: to eaceed tlie masimuas amount a lender for a federaUy related mortgage loaa may requira Por Bortower's escrow �s�. . .��.
<br /> " account vndet the federal Real Fatate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended fmm time to tirne. 12 U.S.C. _-
<br /> , . � Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another law that appliea to the Fund$sets a lesser amoun�.Ii so,Lender mag. . .. _
<br /> •, ,�•� at any time.oollect and hold Funda in sa amovat not to ascead the le�er amoun�Lender mag estimate the amouat o4 '_ '�'r'.µ_
<br /> . .. . . ._::c ., Funds dus on the basis of current data aad reasonable�timates of eapenditures of future Fscrog Items.or otherwise ia -.��.�;
<br /> - " - . accordance with applicable law. . �" -�
<br /> - � � ; The Funds stiall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instcumentalitq,or entity . _ -
<br /> (iaciudiag Lender,if Leader is such an institution}or in any Federal Home Lvan Bank.Lender eball applq the Funds to . -
<br />