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<br /> � : pEED OF'i'RUSY{NiTti�t�TllttE ADVAk111C�S �,,;�::�-
<br /> ;-. .
<br /> - - .. :,.. 19 � �by snd amon9
<br /> , . THiS DfiED OF TRUST.is made as of the��Y� �'-" �� _ ,
<br /> � , . ��, ; theTtusWr. __ _ � �
<br /> � Graad Islaad (heseitt,'f���or mote). � '
<br /> , . _ . whose maifutg addtess is 1024 E Ca ital Ave �,.-�
<br /> 0
<br /> _, .F 1he Trustee r a o o '
<br /> . . ve oin v therein'Tnrstse'�.snd ''��
<br /> • - LY110S9I118��U1g8�SIS e����'�--�vRSa.so'�---_� �s--� ocnA•�lA7� — �,,
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<br /> . -- '•`� _ I�ti°�.Bild81"�. ,:,s -
<br /> . . .., ` .. whose tna�is►9 addtess is ;.
<br /> '.: •,c
<br /> � � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION.indudin8 Lenders e�denston oi cred'd idenUfieB herein to Davi.d P �ieczorek . .',,_
<br />_ :. ;..�:;
<br /> _" : : �;�Y,.-,' (herefn'Borrawer.'whether one ar more)and tt►e 6ust herein�d.tl�recelpt °-.;E`-:;-
<br /> ,,� " at whlch is herebY acc�ovdedged.Tnistor hereby irrevocably 9rants�trans[ets.comreYs arM assigns to T�ustee.IN 7RUST.Wi1'N -;:,',r
<br /> . ����`�:��� POYYER OF SALE.tor the benefit and securtty of Lender.under and subjett to the terms artd oondttlons hereir�er set torth.the ceaf _
<br /> � �Y pmperty Descri0ed as tottows: �.':A:
<br /> � '��'" ' See ALtached Exhibit `A• =_.
<br /> • ��; ��; . �,:�.
<br /> .. � � :::i � s;":
<br /> bufldin tm rovements,fi�s.streets.allsys.Passa�=�.�merrts dghts.H�9es and apPwtenances �_,..�
<br /> -- ,''r...':`,. Togetherwithell S� D ' r.�--. .;.
<br /> -..r ..,;;,�,i,?';;;l:�: ` toc�ated thereon or in anywis�P�n�9 theretu.and the�rns.issues aad p�,ceveisions and remam�ara fherecf.end such per- .�,--
<br /> . ,�.�-�5. s o n a f p r o p e�h►�t��e d to tha im provementa so as m aonstitute a fi�mu�e.inctuding.but not limited to hesWtg and caolin9 equl�
<br /> ',:"_^�'., � Ith the homsstead or madtat interests.it any.whicb interests are here b y re t e a s e d a n d w�v s d:a U o f v�k�.�duQ- �
<br /> � men�and togelher w �,;;t
<br /> ' �,�' •'• ing reptacemenb and additians thereto.ts hereDy dectared to be a paR ot the real e�tate secwed by�e Iten of this Deed of Trust and
<br /> ' �:�:
<br /> - atl af the foregoing beirtg referted w herein es the'Property'. �.-----
<br /> �� '� �. TAis Deed of Tnut shat!secure(a)tAe Dayment of the principal sum and intecest evidenceA by e pmmissory note ar�edit agre�- �___
<br /> ' ,, '��t; men!dated � • "�s� �9'9�------��ing a maturity date of �,..�_
<br /> ; .,. ,,:��:': 0�2:-� �,-
<br /> ' '�::?ns<fr+..: ..:.� .
<br /> '• , ;;:,,f�;^ • �.•. and any and eli modiflcqtlons.extensions�renewats _
<br /> r� �, in tha odginal pdndpal amount of S _-
<br /> �� ` . ` '`•�' thereoi or theretn and any and ati fuaua advanoes and readvances W Bomnwer(or any oi�em ft mor�than cne)hereunQer pursuant - _ -
<br /> . b one or more promtssory notea oc c�ed�t�,;.,�nts(herein ca11e0'Note7(b)the PaYrt►ent ai ot�er sums advanoed D1►Lender to �__
<br /> � '. �l,�
<br /> • proteq the sepui4y ot the Nots;(c)tha Pertom�'�oi ail covenants and agreemeqb of Trustor sei foM herein;and(�aU present ara� - -
<br /> � � '' �., . - tuh�re inQebtedness and obligaUons ot Borrawer(or any oi them ii more than one)ta Lender whether dired,indireq,absolu�or contin- �,.
<br /> �' :;`�, � , ge r n a n d w h e t h e r a r i s i n 8 b y n ote,guaran ry,overdraft or other�rise.The Nate.this Oeed of Trust and any and ali other documents tluat �.;.;�°--`
<br /> •;''�`�. • � secure the Note or otherwise executed in oonnecNon tharewith,inctuding wi t Rout IimitaUon guaran t ees,s e c u d t y e 9 r e e m e n t s a n d �: _
<br /> T� •' � � � assignments oi teases and rents,shatl be�eterred to herein as the'Loan Instrument�.
<br /> � T�ustor covenanta and agrees with Lender es follows: �'�
<br /> �•I=. __
<br /> �''..::� ;;•,' �• 1, PaymeM of Indebtedness.Ail indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when Que. --_ -
<br /> f.... . 2. Tftte.Trustor is the owner o!the Property,has the dght aad authority to convay the Property.and warranb that the tien�xea� �'_';;,;icir_
<br /> �'[�'�Ap. � "•• . :_.
<br />� � ' ed hereby Ia a flrat and prior Iien on the Properiy.except tor I►a^.s and enaimbrances set forth by TrusWr in v�itt�g an0 Qelhreted to ,T
<br /> . r: ti'; •;.
<br />�.:� ::, � Lender befote execuUon oi this Oeed of Trust,and the execu�a�►and detivery of Ws Deed ot Trus1 does not vtotate a+iy oontrad or
<br /> � other obiigation to uVt�;�Trustor is subJect
<br /> 3.Tax@s.Assessments.To pay before d�Y:�Quency atl taxes,spectal assassmenb an�ail other charges against Ns Property � : _
<br /> naw or hereaftet tevle0. "�'
<br /> ' 4.fnsurance.Yo keep the Proyarty insured against da-�by flre,hazards inctuQed wlthin the tertn'extanded ooverage.ar.d ;;;
<br />,_�;:. such ofher ha7ards as Lenaet rc.ay requi�e,in amounts an0 w:�eompanies acceptable to Lender,rtaming Lender aa an addlUonal
<br /> �,;:•,:.:
<br /> �" � ' ' - named insured,with Icss Oayabte ta the Lender. (n case of loss under such poticiea,the Lender is authorized to adjus�collect and
<br />_�� • • oompromise.all ctair.is thereunder and shail hav�the opUon oi applying all m paA oi ths insurance psooeeds(i)to anY indebtedness
<br /> �� � - � �� � � secured hereby and in such order as Lender may detertnine.Qi)to the Trustor tn be used for the repair or restoraUon of the Property o�
<br /> ��•-.� ��= � � • (i�)tor any other puryose or or.i,�*Jt saUsfactory to Lender withaut afteding the�1en uf th�s Oeed oi Tn�ttor the tuU amount seau�ed
<br /> .�'�,.:'
<br /> w.�: . �,z::r here by betore such pa y m ent ever t`�ok place.Any aPP�i�lons o!proceeds to indebteQness sha11 not extend or postpone the due date
<br /> ��.:' � � ` oi any p�yments under the Note.or cure a�ry detautt thereur�der or hereunder.
<br /> ��. • � " 5.Escrovi.Upon wr+�en Qemand by LenQer,Trustor sha8 pay to lender.in such manner as Lender may design�te.suflictent
<br /> ��A , �� � , sums to enabte�.e�e�remiumsg n the properi7/insurance required hereunder.(end(iil�e p m ums on eny mortgage Insurarsce .
<br /> .. . . • �.�• ' • the Property.( ) D
<br /> :�. •• ' required by Lender.
<br /> �;� '. : 8. Malntenanee,Repairs and Complianee�nrith L.�ws.Trustor shaU keep the Property in good onrtdlUon and repair,shail
<br /> � , ` � • prompUy repair,or reptace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed:st�ail not oommit or pertnit anY waste or detedore-
<br /> � � • ' ' ' tion of the Property:shaU not remove,demolish or substanUalry atter arry of the improvementa on the Property;shaU not commil,suftet
<br /> a� � •
<br /> � . . or Pe�at Tnisto s cost and expense all'I ens%nc�umbrances and charges e�v�ied.imposed or aU�ocessed against the ProD rtY°anY .
<br />.��� �.� ch�tge
<br /> �:: '� . . paAthereof.
<br /> - � � 7.Eminent Comain.Lender is hereby assigne0 all compensatlon,awards,damages and other paymenb or reilel(hereinafter _
<br /> . � imcxvo�sn�ae+rsse �
<br />. . - - . ' At980NBloiWBridCa�ostnmo�O5m4���=tnmtrtN�ra*+s
<br />. .. .
<br />'. .-'t .
<br />, .
<br /> , _ . . _��,._. _...._.
<br />� . --�,---�.._'.._�.-,-�.. • .__. _ - . ___. - -�
<br /> -_,_._,...,-� _ — . . _ .....
<br />