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<br /> � otaa,y fa3eDtedaess s�ed heteby ar ia pmf�maaa3 of auy e�ammt h�evade�fa mIIecf ead:etaia snch rents,issnae ead pmSts aa�hey F;.
<br /> . ' . ° � I�emmadae ead Da�ab1� UDan an,Y sncb defaule.BnasBcinrp me�y+aL aqy ttme withont aaUae.eitLer ia D�a.bY egea�ar H9 s�iverto 6e <
<br /> .. ��� ep�fnted I�acanrt.ead vAtLant nPgard to the a�e9 afsqy eecutily t�the indabtedneae henaby seraued,enterupon and ta�s�on •
<br /> --.�_-.'`.� ��F�P���Y P��L fa bis owa asa�e sus fas os atheisaise collect surb rente.issuee end y:o&te,iadudIcgthose�st d�ead <`
<br /> �gaid.end agglp theesme ayoa ss1Y iadeDle�s�3 harr,hy.and i�scc'b�dar es$eneIIefury mey dttermfae. 17��gt�yon aad
<br /> ' � � �n8 P�s�On ateaid DrcDarty'.the oolleeEi�oYeueh eente�issues nad peo8te aad ehe apylication ffienenf es af�esaid,eGaII mt aus ar _
<br /> ` , ;, waive a�defauIt ar nattW of de�att i�nanndes ar invalidnte tlay ect dane pnrsueut to auch aottee. .
<br /> .� .� ` 6. Ugan defanIt by�nsmr in tIIa paym�t of aqy iadebtedaes�secu�ed he:eby ar isa the ps�farmaaee ataqy e�neemeat�oamiaed h�eia,
<br /> � ' . ell e�s seaued Leiebg eball immediat�y6ec�a dna and peRyab1e at tbe�ofths 8aae&iasy. Ia easD evani ea�ap�wriiten�
<br /> .. . - ofSeaeGcEa��rnst�ehaD seII the�proyerty,ia ec�ao0 witL tns Ne��DeedsAct.ai pnblte autlton to the Ligbeat bfdd�
<br /> '� - A q y Deeson e�e P t�natee mayl�id at'h n s t w�e e l e. 'O m s L e O s h a 1 1 aPD19�e D��of f�e sate ee fo]Iowa: (3>to the eapease af tEe sale,
<br /> . . �e��neDle'A'asLe�efe�(2)toshecb}I�tioaQeeaeedbyth38Deedct�as�(8)tLes�Iue.ifa�q.sbaDLedf�dd6utedtot�hep�s
<br /> 6� 9lrastes eba11 de}ives to the y�as�at tlra eaia ita deed,wIthoat cv�saaEy.wLieh aUall eonvey tn ths pmsbeses ths iaten�st in tse
<br /> ` rroy�►��n��n�as�����sct�e��rn���rsn�n�a�r�,�a�a�n0�t��a
<br /> . • ���a�aenaa�r,����r�s����uaea�n�y�e�raenme�ot��a�w�
<br /> _. . . neea urR4psi,wbid,�1 eban tm yrtma facie evIdenna ote,mn ova,yliance Aua wn�ive evtdenca t6e�eof in favar otboaa�de nnr�ss�a
<br /> .. , aad�f�valu�.
<br /> ., � ee a mmt�g�afeste oonfened by thisI?eed o!'h�sstis aot aa e�civeive e�ed9:Be�das9�ae,Y esase thle Deed ot'IIvst�6e finecioaed
<br /> - , 8. In t6a eveat of tl�e deatb,iarayadeq,d�d�ty or ee�attaa af`hnstee,EeaeSdas9 maY BDF���1aag a sacsee�os teuale��d
<br /> eaeSda
<br /> - - - ; a�a tha teoo�ing oteach apyaintmeat tn the mnst�a�:ecoide attha canatp in wh�fc�b�t�by,fa Deed of 4last is�rded,Ma eucoESSa�trasEee
<br /> ... , BbBn b8 Ye3L�{7F�8n�S f�$39 @Ig�1DR1 ZlII8LC@. �8�l118�l.'0�8 IIOL C�ZO++u.u7�Y P8�9���D�1a$6818 UIIl�$t SD,9 G�R! �:.:
<br /> . . ... p2�Of'hG8tOT0f�13/E�7T710T��IIVJ�Ch�f.'�tlBTEBOTB8L88CT8t�81l8UbB8D8t�U�ffi88QC�pC�0II0t�lO�IDg��IQqgbt `;
<br />.. � . � �. �Y�B`�CSSE� � - � .
<br /> � ,F, � , g �J7A�6�7�0918�p�LDy�IIII.!lC81A�868II�Ofi8Ld�8�II0tQII�OPl�BgSTL�PB�@f'BLg�0II�8�T�d89182Ce�TE�L209�
<br /> -� ' . �@�8�8�TB8�SSHIgC8:�8L8Tm�yB218nmf8a81h8MId8l8La0WIICt0f1L8II0l98��sW�S�►0T ,
<br /> ; QTIIOL�88H��SHID.
<br /> . ' , IO Eepneat farIQoi&e oYDefauItosNottce of8a2e. It fe seqaesfed thaE e coyy otaqy Notiee ofDefenit ozNatica af 8a?eba mafted ta easD
<br /> . .. 3�on cvhu is aamed in t�is'has!IIeed st tlte mailing ad�esa oYsacB peitwu as eei mrt ebove. .
<br />.... :. . lh'��'1�0 C�NSLTl�R. g.Do not et�n hh�s Pagerl�oreyon gead i�. 2 Yon are entttted to s�p of
<br /> � . � t�a f�7 8.You m�ps+e�pay the m�paid balaace at an,y time withon�penslty and�ay be en '�'-`ea ta '
<br /> � .. aeceACa+a�nd of uaeaaned cbaigea#n accordance with 1aw. -
<br /> � � . � g;�� 16 �y� October ��,� 97 . •
<br /> _ .. _ 't � ' , „_ . . . � .
<br /> . � �.
<br /> . ,} BTATL�O�L�IEB�RASF�A ) . . _.. .
<br /> . . Hall )� „� � '
<br /> ` .
<br /> COUNTY ) . .
<br />- � . . , Oa tbie 16 day of October .AD.]S 97 .Defoie me,t��deraigued,a Notery PaibIia de19 Wmmisslaned ead �.
<br /> - • qna�e�iim+aad ne:ddtngia aaid oo�ty�yeesoaaQy came Donald R. Jelinek Jr., a sia le peraon
<br /> :��,:'• _ : ,
<br /> ..,`,',1�:". _ : . • to me knawn to be the identieel Dersos�whose aeme._afS�ed tn tLe Cnh+goiag iaa�eat �
<br /> .; ;�i,.;.; ; • as 9lvxtos aad�d tha eame W be his.
<br /> ,: '�: vo2nnta�radand dced. ��
<br /> Witnesa my hand er.�1'�'.c�.•iY1�^xal the day and ar les3 o e • .
<br /> .'.";��'s; ` MYConmiseloae�tS� 8tlx d8y �L��i���pN
<br /> ;;x� ot Pebruar� _.is 99. � �
<br /> ;:��;,; � . �ia�s►ow�►a rro �
<br /> . � •;_. �
<br /> . . s�,a� � � , .
<br /> ,�:f. . . . �� . , .
<br /> • �:!�`7�� cout�rx� ' �
<br /> � • Entered ia Numeri�Ied�aad filed fos reoor�ia the ofSce af tt�e Regiat�r of Deeds otsaid w�iy.the
<br /> dsq°t .39 .ae arcloek ead �iantee M..
<br />. . •. an�da1Y eecorded in Ecc14,i_ot Mort,geges page
<br /> • . . �
<br /> . ReglslesofDeeda
<br /> t . � . �.
<br /> . • DeDul9
<br /> � .� 99l10J84Q1E) �
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