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<br /> • = OEBYQR Q(9RESSlr C011EMANTS.HEPRBSEtiT8 AlfD EYAARM�ITg THAT: (i!Excopt fot tAe seCUrity interost ranted heteby
<br /> . and IIny encumbranCe QescriDad Dy QeCtot in�vrdu�g 8nd Qei�vered t0 SOCUrad Party Dotora tRe e:etution and detivary ot th(s 9eCU�ity , .
<br /> . � Agreoment,O�btOriS,ortotheexte�tthatCoflateratisacquireeai!e�1ReC�tCRetCOt.w���be.thBCUm.ernfthBCalldt0r81fteetrOmenyfltiver38
<br /> , :- -�---=`=, Iien.SeCUriryfnterestorenCUmbranCO.andQe�2orwi1ldeter.dthoCoila4eralaga�nsta�IC�aimsanddemandsofatlpersonsa28nktimecl8iming . •.
<br /> ,__,��_*,;n`T: thBSH.'neotenyinteresttherein.(2j DlofinenCingstetement.otherthan0iherf nanc��gst2tementsgiva�byRebtottoSecure4Party,covering �,,_�
<br /> . the Col�ateral�any proceeds tAereol is on 6!o in any public oiliee and at the repuest ef Secured Party,Qebtoc w8i exeCUte 8n0 Eetiver to
<br /> '• SecurBd Party onoor mosef;rtanc�ng staterrtentsoro2herdocumenls uasmed�y SeCUted Party*.o De reCessary ordesira6IgtotheflttaCfiment,
<br /> �.. • . pedoctionorcont�nua;�onclthesacurifytntarestgrar.tedhereunder.aifinform5at�sSactorytoSecuredPerty,andwdlpaythecostoftiiingsuch `°
<br /> • . ' SnanCing statement.this SeCUrity Agreemen2,any cont�nuat�on or termi�ation statement ar otAer OoCUmgnlS.��eli pubiiC ONices wit�rever �
<br /> � • _ • Qling is deemed by Secure0 Psrty fo be necessary or 4es:rabta.i}the GoHatvral�s attached to rea►estatA p�i0r t0 th9 pgrfeGtiOn Ot th9 59CUtify `
<br /> � -- ir►Lerest grdnted hereby,or it the Cottateral inctudas crops or oi1,gas or minerals to Ce extracied or�mCer to tre cn1.�ebtor witt,on demartd Of
<br /> '� � �. � ,.r: SecurndRarty.tumishSecuredPartywitRadisclaimerord�sclaimersorsuDOrdinatianagreomantsign$dDyaUpersanshavinganinteraGLintAe .
<br /> ;{_ real eslata,disclaining�r subordinating any mtere�t in the Collateral which�s prior to th8 in!erest of Secured Party. (3) Debtor will no!se!!,
<br /> '.�.��;, • t[ansterordiSposaoftt�eCo:fateral,rtcrt2kethe5ameoratiempttotakethesamefromtheStatewh8r9keptwith0uttheptiOrwriit@nCOnSBntOf • ,
<br /> • SeCUredPar.y. (4� Oebtorwiupaypnortodgtin�ueacyatltaxssanda55essrtsentsotoverynaturowhieAmaybelev�adorssseSSatl8g8knslthe
<br /> "•o'.;; . COqBteral. (5)Oabtor H�ll not parmd or altow any BCvarse lien,secun:y intatest or encumbrance whaisaerer upon tha ColtBteral.and witt not
<br /> p8tmitthesametobea;Yachedorrepl6yinad {u7 TheCollateralisingoodcond'eti0nandDebtorwillat�ebtofsexpense.keepthssameingoen �"�
<br />. ' �°�.� .t.:`. eend�tlon and trom time to time,forthw�th,replace and repair a11 such Qarts of tt�e CoFlateraf as may be broken,w�rn out or damaged without
<br /> • ' 8ltowing any lian to tre created upon tAe Collateral on account ot such rep�acement or repairs. (7! Secureq Party by or through any of its. •
<br /> � `'� nfficers,emptoyees or agents may.at all reasonabte times and'rom tima to Ume.examirte and inspect the Cottatoral wnerever located_
<br /> � (8) QehtorwilletDeDiOr'sexpensekeepthetangibteCallateras�nsuredwithaninsurancecors�panyBatistaetorytoSecuredPartyaqainstloss �
<br /> � , ordamage.asappropriate,byfir0.hazatdsinciudedwithintheterm"extendedc�veraga".theft.coil�stonandsuchotherCOVer8g8sa9SeCUred '
<br /> Pa[tymaY�tequiretarthefuit,ns4rabfevatuentsaieCo!tateratatatt2�mestno:ai:anyrndabtednesssr,airedhereby.Attsucnpo�iciesshallnama
<br /> . ' SecuredPartStesanadditionatnameAtnsuredvrithlosspayabtetoSecuredParty.f)ebtorwil{ondementldetivarsaldpalicIas,ofinstuanceor ,
<br /> ' ' � fumish prcotof sucA insuranceto Sacuied Party.tn case nt Ioss,Secured Party mey ai+ts option retain trom tnsurance.prpce9dsen amount
<br /> equa!to tReiata!balanca of a!I lndabtedness secured hereby.whet�er accordtng to thetenar and eHect of any pramissory nOte(s)evideneing
<br /> _ . °.� suct►tndeDisdnessthesame isIIue or not.(9)At it,option,Secured Party may pracureinsurence,dfschargeteaes,liens,se�unty uiter�tsor .
<br /> .--�- — ` otharencumbrenceseta�ytm�te�edorpt�cedonth�6oilateralartdmaypay(ortherepafro}anydam8georinjurytoor•toFthspreservatlon
<br /> � � a�dmaintenanceotlheCollate2l.QeDtoragreestoreimburseSecuredPartyondemandtoranypaymentorezpenseincurcedbySecuredPartyr
<br /> .. '' . ��ryua�ttotneforegoingautROrization.UntUsuChreimburssmenY,tneamountofanysuchpaymenLwitlinterestthereanattherat9of184oper . '_.
<br /> • .� �, annum or at the max(mum rate then permi*ted by law,v�hichever is iess,fram date ot payment unti!refmbursemenl,shall ba Qeemad to be •
<br /> i•� fndebteQnes&SBCUrotlbythlsSecurityAgreement.(70) DebtorvtiltnotusetheCottaterulinviolat�onoftr.yapplicablestatut0s.regutatiprtsos
<br /> - ' ` � � -" � OfdiTi8RCB8. '
<br /> -° - -� �*� UWTII DEFAUL7 Oebtor may rtave possession of ine Couaterel and use it in eny la�rful manner not inconsistent wlth thls SeCUriry --
<br /> - '� �' Agreement and not inconsistent wiih any policy ot insurance thereon-Upon default Sec::red Party shatl hav8!he immediate rigfit to the ,
<br /> possession of the Coltateral and shall have the nght,hut no obligation.to use and operate arr4 such Coltateral if Secured Party deems such use
<br />, and opuratlan necessary or desirable to ths continued operation of DeDtor's business as a going concern
<br /> � ` . ' QEBT4FkSHqLLrflE IN DEFAULT undar this Security Agreement�pon the happening of any�s1.he fotlowing events or conditions: ;�:R.
<br /> .`f'.�_ (1)'Qetaufi n 1!ie payrnent or perfortnanca of any obligaUOn,covenant or'.i�.�itity contamed or reterrea'�s.erein or i.�any�ota,gua2--»y pr . _�';
<br /> ' otMe�agreqi�atsvlasntingorretatingtot,�einQebiedness:�2)any�vacr^��rr:�apraserdaifonastate��:;s�atlaor�furnlshadtoSecure��a:ry ��;�=-
<br /> • -`� '•i�t;-..:`:,� Dyor on�:�a}faf Borrotvar or Debtor is C:s;,avere0 to have been false ir,�:ry�matenal sespsct when r:��a ar fumished;(3) eny evet!:wh�Ch .:r.=.
<br /> • ;':`, resultsortoul�Pesultinthea�cel0rellonofthematu�iryolthalaQebiedneSSOtBorrowerC�Lebtortooth�-sunderanyindenture.egtBeMsntar , .
<br /> � 4,,r undaRakin�:(4) loss,the`:,ra.nage,destruction,sate or ancumbrance to or ot any o`.Tha Coltateral,or the making::r any levy,safzure or
<br />-�•� BttaCnment,thereof or theraos,(Sy death,dissolutian,term�natiRn nf existence.insolven�y�.G;sine.;s faiture,appointrr9�2pf a receiver oteny �
<br />'=�' ' oBROtthepropeRyOf.assig�rn?nt}prthBbBnetitOfcredltorsoy.ortheCOmmenCementof�vp�PCeediaggund8ranybankruDtCyONnsotvBnCy E.::.i;d.'
<br /> � -�•:�� Iaws by or a stnsl Barrower.Liebto►,or znv guarento�or surety for Sarrowe►or�ebtor. � `•—°.
<br /> . .�`i�-,l�` UP�A1 SUCH DEFAULT and at a�y ume thereeftor,or il it Geems itseft insecure.Secure�Parry m2y declare atI Indebtedness seeured �ti s
<br /> ` �?;:=r;'.+ � hereby imrr.ediately due ar�d peyehte end s:�il heve the remedies of a securad Qart�under the NebrasFca Uniform CommerCi�Code.8ecured _- -
<br /> �` . Party may roquire Oeb!ar to a55emble the�allatoral and deliver or mako it avauabfe to Seoured Party at a place to be dflslgnated by SeGUred r,�',�;;
<br /> . � Party which ia reasortably convenient to b01h parties.Unless the Collateral is perishaDle or threatens to de�line SOeedily in value orfs ot a ryp@ �:.--.-
<br /> . � � � customarilysoldonarecogn�zedmarket.SecureOPartywlUgiveDebtorreasonabtenoticsofthedmeandplaceofanypablicsalethereotoro! �`„
<br /> � • t��tim8afterwhichenyprivetesaleorenyotherintendedCispositionthereotistoDemeCS TherequirementsofreasOr.aSfanOtice8�atlbeme! �( ,. "
<br /> � ' itsuchnotfceismaiteti,poste eprepeid.totheaddressof0ebtorshownonthereversesidoofthisSeCUriryAgreement�:taa,-tisndaysbetOre
<br /> i •--- .
<br /> the time ot the sate or dISpos�ion.
<br /> " '„�� �71SCELLAMEOUS: � -�-_
<br /> � (1) iSnteSSSpeCiflGaltyp rohi6ite�bylaw,DpbtorshallpaytoSec.n'S�Partyondemandanyandaltexpenses,inttudingattorneys`.ees. -
<br /> incurredorexDandeADySecuredPartyinracavoringposse:sionordi;Das:r•gotthoCnllatdral.colteetingoraltemptingtoeollectthoCaalater3l --
<br /> 8ndlnprotectmgandonforcin�th0obligat!onsandotherrighlsofthe5ecuredPartyhefec,ndor.andthesameshatlbes2cv+edbythisSeturity —�
<br /> Agreement..
<br /> ' (2) Now8iv8rbySeCUradPartyofanydefauitahalJOperateasawaiverofeayo:hertle}auttorotMesamedetau!�a�atutureoCCaslon. � ��
<br /> , ' ` T�otakirnottt��^^rcurityP, recmF:nt;:", ::toty�a�vn.nrimpairanyoth��rs::�Jrity3ecnradParlymayhavaorherea�:croc.;�,�oforthopaym8fl!
<br /> , . .�\�,. otthelrtdoDtednes9.rrOrshe�lthetakingvtanysuChedd�tionalasCUrityvra�veorimpairt�is5ocunty Agreementend3ecuredPartymayresort ��_--
<br /> toany8ecurityftmayhaveinthoorderitmaydeemproper.Notwlthstantl:n�a�nycoUateralsaCUrlty.SacuredPartyshallretalnitsrfghtsoisetoff -
<br /> . � � . egainst QebtOr. � �•
<br />_ � ' (3) 1�18 Socurfty Agreement an0 tho securlty interest grantea hereunder Is ln addition to ell other seCUriry agteoment9 given or
<br /> ,; ' . �Securiry interests granted by PeDtor or Borrower to Secured Party.
<br /> • .. � • •���' (4� Theferms"Dobtor'end"BorwweY'whvreverused,shallincludebathsingutarandpturalandwhenthaQeb:orandtbeBqrrOwet
<br />� , � aretho88me persoc+,thos9term8GS used in ihls SeCUrity Agreemant eha�!pe Interph8ngeabte. _••
<br /> ._;,... {.,. (5) 11 tryere i5 more than one Oebtor,their 8abfllbe8 her0under shalt be JofOt nnd soverat.II the Indebtedne�s Secured hereby Is
<br /> .• ._;. Indebtedr.ess owed to Sacured Party by;onq othe*than the Oebtor.De�tar h6reby(e)oonsents to eny number of extensloq9.►enQ�or8t9�►
<br /> °�•�� ,�,' . madiilcatio�9ofanyauchlnQebtodnosstqranyperiodswithoutnoUce:(�) eaalvesnoticeofnonpaymemotanylndebtedness:and(cD wa[ves
<br /> '��3 nOtice o1 moaiHcat(an of any agreement9 rogarGing otner cotfateret,if an+y.lo►the InOeb!edness.Including the sele,exchange.csrtrP,tatton. • •
<br /> � , . retAass.or�rtandera!aay suchro►tatArat.Tha ob�►gati0n otlhe Qebtoils'rw!cOndltianod upon Secured Party wkMg pY tetain*�}qti�er oe • °--
<br />_ � additlonal sacurity for tR�lndpbtednes9. �
<br />__ (6) AlttfghteofS3curetlPartyhereundershalUrturetolhebene}ilotit59ucces5a�sendesslgn9.end8llpromis89anCdutie90tOebtol
<br /> ' ahaH bind DobtoPe hefre,personal representattves,successora or asslgna
<br /> - , (7) A carbon,photagraphic or other rep�oductfon o1 the slgned Securlty Agreement or Financing Siatement may be�ed ae a ,
<br />-- • . Flnericing Statement. .
<br />= � (8) Tht9 Agreement shall become eNecfive when it ts slgned by[S2btor on the reverse slde hereof.
<br />- r �
<br /> " � • NBC 107f SI09 � �
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