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<br /> : �,` . _ . : . 'POG��[t WITH aD the impmvemeate aaw or h��c�ted on thc pmp�rty.and all�eat�aPDuireaances.and ,. . '.
<br /> '_ ';'� ', <`' fixoues aow or heteafter a�t of tde pmperty.Ail ieplacemeats and additinns shall also be oovered dy this Sestulry Insaument , , .'
<br /> • AII af the fosegaing as refeued to in this Sec�uity Instrumedt as the"Pmgeity." .��
<br /> .. BORROWER COYIIVAI�PIS tLat Borrawer is iavvfully se�sed of the e�te hered�y conveyed and has the right tn grant and� . .
<br /> g 8n �< �,,.
<br /> • • wnvey the Property►and tbat the Pmpelty is�menWmbered.except Ear enauabrances of recard.Horrowcs aairants and wUl� . .
<br /> m
<br /> . defeAd geaeraUy the tiile tn the Fcvpaty a�nst all cisims sad demands,subjecx to aay encumbcances of reoorA. 1 .
<br /> - -.=....�; THIS SEC[3RTlY II�iS1RIII�[3T com�in�a unifarm•coveaanrs for national rue and non-unifonr►covenant�wish I�ited ` - �:i
<br /> .` � , variatinns hy jurisdiction to oanstiu�te a anifo�seauity ujs�meat ooveriag real psoperty. , .,.
<br /> ..� . . ` UN�RM CaVENAN�S.Bmmwer and I.euder coveaaat�md a�e a4 folIows: � �' ` � �
<br /> � '� L P�y�ent a!�al end�nteresh,�reDayment aad Late Cbargcs. Boaowcr shall 1�mD�Y Fay ahen due the � . . .
<br /> _ . � prinsipal of aad'mterestan the de6t evidenced by the Nate and aay prepayment aad taae c�arges due�theI�iot� � .., .
<br />_ .' , . . Z Ytands for Ta�es and Ias�uanna Sub�t[n app2icab2e law or tn a wiinra waiver Dy Lender,Bormwer s6a11 pay co� :- ,�`�,: ' ..
<br /> ' Irad�on the day mantGty paymeats are dne�mdra the Not��ti1 the Notc is gaid m full,a sum(°Funds'7 for:(a)Ye�IS►t�ces .� .
<br /> � �a as�smeats weicn may►att�priarity a,►�mis sec�ny rnstmm«u as a lier►on the Propeity:ro)ye�ty Ueaseaold gaymmts . .�, °_"
<br /> . or gm�td teuts an the Fioperiy,if aay;{c)Y�Y��PmP�Y�P�(�Y�Y flood insiaance�s.if -
<br /> � �Y:(e)Y�S+m�8e:••�m'"--�pa�n�s.if any;and(�any sams payable by Bmrower ta Lend�,m�cs with the , . ." ,;�
<br /> . -' . - pmvLsi�s of gaza�apL S.m lieu of the payme�t of mortgaga iasivance pmmiva�.These itPms ffie caIltd '�CCaw Item4.°
<br /> . .. . :�` I.�dea may.at�y tim�coIIect and hokl FanOs ia an amouat not to exceed tLe ma��amomit a leader far a fede�aIIy m.tared � ..�:
<br /> . . •%.: mastga8e Ioaa maY requue for Barmwer's escrow aaeamut aW�the fe�daal Real F_s►ate Settlem�t Pmcedumes Aa of 14?4 as ' _
<br /> . . � . amended fcom tane to time.l2 U.S.C.Se�tion 2601 et seq. ("RffiPA'�.�less�othea law tLat app�es w the��ds s�a tess�r �. _
<br /> � �, amQUnL 1f so.Ir�ded may.as any tan�,ooIIea and hold Fimds m an amouni not to excxed�e tes�mnount Lead�may ::`�,� . •
<br /> -�- - - es�ate the�mom�!of Fwds dne on the 6ass of auzeat dara�d masonahle estimates of�of futa�Esaow Ticros� � --..
<br /> .`�' othe��ia aocordance witb applisable laa. - �_
<br /> � � - . .. 1he Fands shaD he heW in an msd�tinn whase deposim are nosured by a fe�ai ageacy,�rameatalit�+.ar�tj►,jmcIad'mg .�'',__
<br /> "� '' , �:: Leuder.if I�nder is s�an ms�Ontiaa)os m aay Fedetal Home Loan Bank.L�udet shall apply the Fimds tn pay the Es�ow �•':•,� �,
<br /> It�s.Lendea may au�charge Barmwer far holdiag and aPD�B the Fm�ds.annaalIY aaalY�g the esriow aocoua�or veiifytn8 �.r,�..
<br /> -- . ...-.�Y,. es ow ��,.4
<br /> � , the Bscmw I�s.nnIess Lender pays Bomower inD�st on the Fands and applit�hle law ge�a}itq Leadea�o make snrb a cd�cge. ~..r�'_�
<br /> .'. .. '�:�'"' However.I.eader may require B�srower to pay a oa�time cb�ge far an independ�t mal�tax�tang sc�vice used by � .
<br /> , , Le�dez ia canne�tion witD�this�Oaa.aNess appi'r�ble 1aw pmvid�s othawise.UnI��agceemeat ia made or app}i�abIs laa+ . � `��
<br /> , . ret�s iat�est w 1�2�aid.Leader shall not 6e�zmed w pay Bomawer any m�esc ar�mings on t�e Funds.Bmrower and � :`%-'-
<br /> � . Lacdei may agree in w�ing,hawevei.thai m�rest svaII be paid on the Funds.I.eader s4all give w B��,without ct�rge,an '�•:--�_ : -
<br /> ev aII .�-.
<br /> � � � �. annoal acoount�g of the Fands,showing�redirs�d deb�s to t�e Fimds and the�apose for w4ic6 each debit w the Faads was �' ,ir.i::•-
<br /> . wade.The Faads me pledged aa additianal s�urity fos aU sn�s sa�ued by tLis Sec�iry Iastrament -�`.:;J/''���"
<br /> � .�.''.;. If tQe Funds held by Lender exceed tbe amoaa�s pa�nitud�i�held by spplicabte law,Leader shaU acco�nt to Bvaawer for
<br />=� ";•v�:� .. i the excess Fimds in�wsdance with the ieqtri�n�nt�of applicable Iaw.��s�amo�i of the F�ds hetd by I.r�dra ai�y time is -
<br /> . ;�;`,:� not safficieat w pay tt�e Escmw Items whea�due.Lendet may so notify�c���in writing,aad,in sach case Boaower sf�all pay • ;A��'"
<br />- • � ;,�:`�l�t� to L.eades tLe amouat n� to maYe up the defciency. �QOwer st�make up the defciency m no moie than twelve . :���<?�,_`=�
<br /> 6
<br /> �';�a . . ' ' mapt�Y PaYma►L4.etLealder'S SOIe discTetuan. ���� ,
<br /> �'" � ' ; � UPon Daymeut in full of aU sums secmred by this Secarity Inswment,I,�dea shaD prompdy refund w B�roamt suy Fuuds . . ,r:'�'�.;"'�
<br />�f:, held by I.eader.If,und�para�raph 21.LradeJ shall acquffe ar seil the Pmatarcy.Lender,D�ior tn the acqaiv�an ai sale of the . �.°Y�" �
<br /> Roperty,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender a�the ame of acquisition�sale as a ca�edit ag�iust the sums soc�by th#s �'� _
<br /> a 1u -�;,y
<br /> $�lSl TIISIIl1YAfdlL 1•'"'''�:
<br /> . � :. , l"__ _
<br /> '-'�!liCl:l:�
<br /> `' i%.`_ ; , ,.�. 3.Appl�caiion o8 Papm¢Ns. UNess appticable law pmvut�s otherarise,atl paymeat��+eceived by Lender tmder ga��bs :;��;;,_:
<br /> . �� ���t.._ '1: .
<br /> .J,:,� � i ana 2 sban be lied:fast.w anY P�3�eat charges dae�ader 8ie Note;seoond to amounts te andea h 2; .���:::
<br /> •.r:?,�,. :., :..;' sAP� PaY� D�P _
<br /> . � �rd,tn interest du�faunh.to gs�ndpal dn�and 1ast.toauy►late c�arges due�We Note. . --.
<br />-� " . 4.CtWrges,Ltr� Borcower s6a11 pay all taxes,assesssnents,c�t�ar8es�fines and�ons aton�utable to the Pcopeity �'-. -t
<br />,� . !'�'�,., ; whicb may suaiA p�orsy over tLis Sesaairy Insorame�i.and leaseho2d payments or�ound rent4.it any.Barmwer s6a11 pay these :," � �-�-
<br /> ,,�l;:u • :`;< {,.::....
<br /> �,,,,�:;: . , obli�tIons in the manner pmvides9 is pa�agr�b 2,ar if not gaid'm tLat mannea.Bozrow�s6aU pay th�n on tune di�ctly to the .:,;�����. _
<br />�";..::��:;?;�-;; .j.� Deason awed paymea�t Bonawa€�promptly f�nish ro lender all nouces of amoants m be paid�mder Wis parapapb.lf . -,;�ki�,t`-
<br />__ '� 1:�' " ' ' + Bmrower makes these payments da�tly,Bormu�r shaU pmmptiy fumish w Lender receipts evideaicing the paymeata
<br /> - i: Bomnwer s6aI1 promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry Inswment uNess Botmwer:(a)a�ees in . ' ,
<br /> :• - �r:•�. writing w the paymea�t of the obfigadoa secumA by the lien in a mannes accepmble m Lender.(b)contESts m goad faitb the li�n • : _
<br /> ', ;����� bY. or defends against eaforcanea�t oi the lien in, Iegal ProoeedinBs wLicb iA the L�der's opinion opaste w D�►ent the .
<br />– .. . eaforoemea�t of the]iea:or(c)secnres fmm the hotder of t�2�an a�rean�tt sazisfactoty tn Lendea subord'ma�ng the lieau ro .°° .
<br /> . this Seauiry Ins�m�r.1f Lend�deteimines thzs aay part of�he P�openy is subject to a lie,a whicb may anain priority ovar tLis � � .
<br />-- � Sectuiry Inswmeat,I,ender may give Borroaer a notioe identifying the lien.Boiroaer aha11 sadsfy the lien ar take one or mare . .
<br />=, • oi We actions set forth above vrithin 10 days ot the giving of aotice. .. ' ��
<br />- . • ' Fomf 8048 9I90 . '
<br />_- • ��8R(NE�csz�2l.o� Pago2o}e � rnmaro: .
<br /> . � . .
<br /> 3 � .
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