, _,,,: : � , . (�t�� ... �
<br /> �.:_ �'� < . - � ._: -.�n SF :.N .E L
<br /> a i _
<br /> i
<br /> __ _ ' "_. , ,__._. . __ ..-...'_
<br /> ' <n.a.>>.'. .� - � : . _ . . . , _. r.... .:. - ,i -.-' ,..
<br /> T
<br /> .-._......�_..-: . . ��. . - . . .. .
<br /> . � .� . ,. -. .;-. . .� , �� . ..
<br /> � : .
<br /> ,�` _ . . : _ _ -.. . _ r . •a � ' ` ',� _„�_ " °� ` ��
<br /> � . . - � . ' ' �y a:�L. - � "..� �b` � ' � �� �Y:.3•''" ..
<br /> .._ v,�, .:o c _ t " ...,�.�-- . `�d'tj_
<br /> '�t. �, •. � . ..4,..
<br /> . - ' ' �' - , • ,^'f' �' - . _
<br /> �y' .
<br /> � .. ,-
<br /> . . . , . �����a �/ � when due.TtusWr ., -
<br /> . ob on d�ee Secar�Debt fails w make paY�►e� . ; .. ��... ;
<br /> . . � 14. DEFi�ULT.Tivsmx w�l be in�fanit if any putY 1�aated �or other dnc�exesuted for tt� ... � ,
<br /> ' � �I be in def�nit if a b�oavts wider tt�tee�s of this Seauity � .
<br /> av s � g
<br /> � `� �� �upose of cnadug secnring or 8na��the Secured IIebtQn����et or��the p�raspe+x �Y�� . : ' ., .
<br /> . time is iacocute Rnc$iesgect to aay sba11 aLso o�o��te�an�eveut of defantc. .
<br /> ocu e
<br /> � , , ` the vatae of the t'mP�Y� .
<br /> fedsral an�sYate law wlli rec�uire Beoeficiaz9 to provide'lYaswr witL . .
<br /> . ; :� f 15. R�DIES OPt DEFI�JLT.In some in�tances, l�sh time schedules for fo�ec2osure a,ctlons. SubJax w t�ese �, _ ,
<br /> ' nodce of the iight W cuie or othet nntices and maY e�� Instiument �a a manner . . � .
<br /> --�..,:�' timitadons, if�y. Beneficxa�►tnaY acceiecate the Secured Debt and fom�lose this Secatlty � ,
<br /> -_--- - pmvided by 1aw�f Tcuswr is in defaatt. .� . -- -.. . - --<.
<br /> all or an art of the ag�fces and d�arSes.accmed interesc andprmapa1 shall became � ,
<br /> . , � At the oPtion�ofc and Ie. aRer �mg mtice i���bY 1aw, upon the ooa�rence of a de�'aalt or aaytime ' . 4 y
<br /> _ ,. � , �In additin����Y�be ent�tled,�w�g wt'th�ItmiP�o�th yg�wer W sell��Propert9• • �� ..
<br /> . , ' � tbis Securit9���9 telated dacnments, :;,. ;
<br /> ' s of*be BeueficiaiY•ad� `
<br />- �. . If thete is a defanit,Trus�e sbaD,in addition to a�a�P,e��an�'ahighest�fo=eash and wmrey absolute . . . .;.�.'_
<br /> . '., and sell the Pmpett9 as a who�or in sepatate Pazce�s at ��ustee desgnates.'1�sball gh►e " ' ---�-�
<br /> � titte free and ctear of aU�ig1�t,title and wte�st of Tiastoz ai sach time P�� w be soid as reqaired bY Poe . , -
<br /> ��te�s and plac:e of sate and a dessdPdon of the pmpenY y .s} "
<br /> no6ce of sale iaclading :.-r� _ _
<br /> �, . ';' - app}icable 1aw ia ef£e�x at the dme of the proposed sale. . �.r
<br /> � ,�� , '. and w the extent not prnLbited by law.Tmste�s6a11 make an�deliver a deed oo the PmpeitY
<br /> � Up on sale of the gmPertY and after fast gaYa�S an fe�► �Ses and costs, � a� �. .
<br /> � � cn�n^ld which coave s abso.}l�a..t.e�MtiJde to theq��ga���apsepr.',}��j}�}�. ��Q ����Q f�! .
<br /> • ' � /t��'j;��� ���{im7fV �tYt(�}�p�K aYriWLG�� �w�vf {W��wif �'^!'•�b�ul`�"'��"_— ��w � ..
<br /> � _�YE F4irawr�� v•�J••
<br /> : . -_ � ��p�aud inte�est on tbe Seca�ed Debt, Pa � �'evi'de ce'of����- y ° —
<br />--- ,_ . pnrr�ase the Pr�pert7 �cit�s��3►�of comreqance�P�� . ---
<br />" _..'_ '. --'�-'_.: cumulamre aud not eactusive,and the Beue�is endtted w a11 temedies pravide�at taw or ..._ �.::_-
<br /> All zemedies aze distinct. a a Beneffciaz9 o az►Y sam in payment or part�al paYment on the
<br /> 'y ��;; eqait�r,w�er or not esp�lp set foith.'The aa�Ptance bY are �sha71 not constitate a -: a �`'-
<br /> � ,,::<., Se�aued Debt after 6�e balance is due or is����e��$defanit.By no���d�S�Y�Y onT=aswt's � �__
<br /> , • . waiver of Ben�ficias�►s�t to�� ,s n to tater consider the evem a defanit if it cond�es or haPPens aga�n. T_'���.`:
<br /> -- • def�lt,Benefcc�ary daes not wa�ve Benefidary F� < _ � -��
<br /> - - . I�.... 1.' 1 6.E!�'E N S�S; A��A N C F S O N C O�N A N T S 3 ATTORNEXS' F�Si COId�CTION COSTS. 8aapt wben 4...`.. __—
<br /> . : .. ted b Iaw,�alsao�on d�and�anY�nount���incu�b���� ��'�'the date of the ---- -
<br /> � . -� :;`��%';•� o��N'o�QS���Benef c�ary's seeun'ty Inte�st-?���e���the Se�ecl DeM.Trustor a8rees '. -----
<br /> .- .. , ;`°:;`",� a natil pa�d in faU at the hi iate�st iate In e�xs asp uI m rus � -
<br /> llectwg•enfosCinB P �S Bene�cln�9's �i�s . '�� .,
<br /> . • � tpo��all eosts and exPenses Inca�ned by�Benefectary ua.co , , • �eonrt�,and - _-
<br /> �es under t�ais Sec�Ity InsommeN.This a�ouni may mdnde,bat�s not Iimited W,attomeys fees,
<br /> oti�r legal e�ses. 'fhLs Secualty Inso�ument sbaU remaia in effYCt unt� teleased. Tnustor agce�s W PaY a�Y �. .�,: .�.
<br /> .. _ °_
<br /> '•. . ' re�ordauon casts of sach zelease. . �
<br /> � „
<br /> . _. _ . 17.El�V1RON11+II�NTAL H.AWS AND 1BAZARDOiJS S[I�ANC�S. As nsed in @iis ser�Fon.,A� Law
<br /> . me�ns.withoat timitation,the Comprehenslve Environmental Respos�se, ComPensaaan and tp�(��+42 '`, _ ___
<br /> � � � . U.S.C.4b0�et seq. ,ancl all other fedeiai,state ana local laws, reg�iladons��i �a�rdons'sa�� __,�..�' �,..—.----
<br /> lic heaith,safet9.weifaie,e
<br /> —.�- —= opisdone Qz i�.�?n+�te e letters conc�ming ti�e P�. � _ ,--
<br /> Hazazdous Snbstance meaa5 aay tosic, :adiaacave or har�actous n�t, w^�e. .tt�rani oi����wh�sh bas r---- L
<br /> cttatacterLs@cs wL�eh s�der We substance dai►Serous or potendallY da�s$emns w t�e Pn6lic healtb. safety, welfare o:
<br /> ludes.witHont limitadoa,any su�bstanees defm�d as°ha7ard�us material,• °taanc sabsiances,' . �_�.._---
<br /> F,'�' ';:,� � enviro�en�The te�m inc sabstan+ce'nnder auy Enviroffieutal - ,:°:
<br /> , • 'h8Z8IdOUS W8St6 01°h���7S I.i1W. �`�r�
<br /> `.S::;t`�
<br /> �: � �'�-��-
<br /> �: �• � . . .: Tmswr�epres�s.wassanisdi�ctos�and aclmow2edged in writing to B.-nefidary.no Hazarduus Sabs�►ce is ar wlll �
<br /> _ . �,:'`_ A.BacePt as k'�eviws�Y to smaU qaantidea of Ha�ardous
<br /> � lacated, s�.�ed or released an ot in tLe PraPeri9.This resuicdon does not ap jY . of the Propertq• -
<br /> ' . t�at are enerally reco��d to beappropzflate for 8ie nam�al ase �Y ' . —
<br /> ma�n�
<br /> , S o b s a n r e s � a n� 8 e d ri n p{ .T r u s w t a n d e v e ry cenaat Lave been,are, �-
<br /> . ' � �^���� 8.Bx t as p�ously d i sc 1os e d ae 1 m ow l e d i n.�i w B e n e S c i a�9 av
<br />- and��ain in full comPliance wlth any apphcab2e Bm�rummental Law. �_�'�.;-:::��
<br /> �'•'�. �, , � C.7 Y a s t o z s i a�II t i m m e d i a t e l y n o u f y B e n e S d a i y i f a r e l e a s e o r t t u e a t e n e d re2ease�€a Haza:d���I n�s u c h�a n `:�;_ :�:�
<br /> �• � ��':� nnder os a�ut fhe Propelt9 or there�S a violatian of any BmImamental I.�w conce�emingnql�aw. `,,i.� �..�°,T"` `:.
<br /> � ' . , eveas.Trri�tus�h a l l t a k e a l t n e�s a r 9 r e m e d�a l a c d o n i n a c c o r d a n e e c c+�t h a n y E�vim . .
<br /> � � tus �:�
<br /> ���. , - D.Tiusto:sfiaII immediatel notify Beneficiarq in wdUng as soon as Tiaswr has�ason to bel��ve ttiere isauy P e n d i n g ;r,_ - .
<br /> � � ` �� � or th�eate n e d i m�o n. c 1 a�n, u r P i o c e e d i n 8 reladn g w the release ar threatened iwlease of auy Hazardoas ,
<br /> , �. . ',;:� '; � l�w. ::,'��;;:,
<br /> - • ..��,��� . bstance or the violauan of anq Bmrlros�ntal
<br /> `.: .,, . or threatened action,bY Dmrate or ublia .";`�;,'.� �
<br />;�,; :' � 18. CONDENIlVA�ON.Tniswr wIll&ive Bene&ciary pmmpt nodce of any�e aay ' ---
<br />_�:` . _ ����Il , e or talce any as a�1 of the Pmperty thrangh coad�ao����n'�clalms�7Y�utor as�'gms to . ."
<br /> ;�:� . �:t anthorizes�ciary w intenrene in ZYusws's name in any of the a • � ,
<br /> :'� � � B�neStciat9 the Pmce�dg of at►Y award or caaim for damages connected with a condemnl�a�as pm nd�� t�his S��iy .
<br /> � ''` �a�t of tlie ProPerty Such praceeds sball be oonsldered QaYments and adll be app . :,
<br /> ��� � �-1 Ins�.This assigament of pmceeds is subjeit to the tecros of any prios mortgage,deed of tcust,seAUiry e��°1 . ...
<br /> �'�� . . ; other lien doatment. � ..
<br />-�� � � -
<br /> �.•.'. 19.INSURANC�.Tmstor sba11 keep ProPerty insured asainst toss by fire.tlood,theft aud other barards and rislss reasonably
<br /> #.+:;� � � associated with tt�Propeny due to us t�ype and location. This insurance shaU be maintained ln the amwats and for the .. . .
<br /> perlods tbat Beneficiaiy 7Le �aiance�riier Pmvt ' the iasarance shall he chosen by 7Yuswr snbjea io �'.::
<br /> `.t : . � �� Beneflclary's appmval. a�stiall not be nnseasonably withh�. If Tiustor �s to maintain the cavemge descn'bed : ;..�::,.•. :..
<br /> � above,Bene& noay.at Beneflciai5►�s opdon.obtain caverage to protect Beneflciary's aghts in the PtoPerty accordin8
<br /> �. . , �ry no �
<br /> •� to the tenms of tbis Secaiity InsWment. .
<br /> ��� - pU in�ura�c�e policies and renewals sball beaccepta�b�le to Beneficiary and shal!include a standard'mortgage clavse°and, . .� .
<br /> �:::. .'. � where applicable. 'toss payee clause." Tnutor sball immediately aotify Beneflc�' rof canselladon or tetminadon of the
<br /> insurance. BeueBciaiY s�aU h�ve the right to hold the polic�es and renewals. If Beneficlary requires,���e'� �
<br /> �. immediately give to Beneflciary all�eceipts of�aid premiums and renewal �o�f vos�s lf�tgmade immed�t Y Y .
<br /> �< � immediate not�ce w the insnranc�camer an�l Bene ciazy.Beneflciary maY make P `
<br /> �4 T�ustor. � .
<br /> _._ tu n ,� fpag/e�.o�I
<br /> •!'r•, . c(( tt C��� .
<br /> i � ��b� � '
<br /> � ' � O19C4 Bantan SY�•4�0..54 Ctoud.MN It-806997•YJ611 Fwm Rf-GT-fffi 8/73188 . . •
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