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<br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. Oct. 21, 2014
<br />By:
<br />Bradley Bell
<br />Its: Vice Presiden
<br />Notary Public
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<br />Prepared by: Great Western Bank, c/o Andrea Peters, 700 N Webb Rd, Grand Island, NE 68803
<br />Cam' Phone: 308- 381 -8900
<br />Great Western Bank is hereby appointed Successor Trustee under the Deed of Trust executed by Scott C
<br />Lane and Cindra K Lane, as Trustor(s), in which TierOne Bank, is named Beneficiary and TierOne Bank is
<br />named Trustee. The Deed of Trust was filed for record on October 8, 2008 as Inst. No. 0200808586 in the
<br />records of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, conveying the property legally described as:
<br />Lot Two (2), Block One Hundred Forty -Eight (148), Union Pacific Railway Company's Second
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />WHEREAS, for good and valuable consideration upon the Deed of Trust identified in the above
<br />Substitution of Trustee, the current Beneficiary does hereby request that this Deed of Partial Reconveyance be
<br />executed and delivered.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, for such consideration and in accordance with the request of the current
<br />Beneficiary, the undersigned Successor Trustee does by these presents grant, remise, release and reconvey to the
<br />person or persons entitled thereto all the interest and estate granted to said Trustee by or through said Deed of
<br />Trust in the above referenced premises only together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and
<br />appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br />THIS DEED OF PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE shall not constitute payment in full of all sums due and
<br />owing upon the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust nor shall this Deed of Partial Reconveyance be
<br />construed as a release of any such indebtedness or security interest in any other property securing such
<br />indebtedness nor a reconveyance of said Deed of Trust as to any other property described therein.
<br />Dated: February 1, 2013
<br />Great Western Bank, a bank chartered under the laws of
<br />the State of South Dakota, successor in interest to the
<br />loans of TierOne Bank, a federally chartered savings
<br />bank, by acquisition of assets from the FDIC as
<br />Receiver of TierOne Bank, which was closed by the
<br />Office of Thrift Supervision on June 4, 2010,
<br />Beneficiary and Great Western Bank, as Successor
<br />Trustee
<br />On this 1st day of February, 2013 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public duly commissioned and
<br />qualified for said county, personally came Bradley Bell, Vice President of Great Western Bank, a bank chartered
<br />under the laws of the State of South Dakota, successor in interest to the loans of TierOne Bank, a federally
<br />chartered savings bank, by acquisition of assets from the FDIC as Receiver of TierOne Bank, which was closed
<br />by the Office of Thrift Supervision on June 4, 2010, Beneficiary and as Successor Trustee, to me known to be the
<br />identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and to have acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be the voluntary act and deed of such officer on behalf of the Bank.
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