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<br /> - �-- �==� g��/087�5 - ���- -
<br /> ' - �e toan appli�tian pmcess. � .''�
<br /> - abaadonetl Ptopert9. Bo:rowu sball also be ia default if Boicawer, da�inS ��:i
<br /> ma�iaIly fa1�e or inacc�ate�or statemseara to L�er(or fa�ed tn luovide Lend��d►�Y ffi� `
<br /> � � info�adan) i���°II �8i tt�toan e�nd�bY � Note, iadnd�nS, bnt not l�niDod to. rep� �. �
<br /> pria�pni �sidenoe. If this Seta�rit9 1ns�is on v.
<br /> - � � �ng Bosower's aoc�an�Y of�e PmPert9 as a fee title to th�Pnoputy.d� � •-
<br /> we' of the lease.If Boaow�r soqai�s .
<br /> �1d,Baa�owea s b a 1 1 o a m P 1 Y'� unless agcees t°fl�e m�8�in wiuia8• -
<br /> 3 1��aa�fee tIde sball r.o,t,Ue merBed �t � ��n�ion ooith 'x `
<br /> r,OII�� Y""""""��aWdld OI C�1 fOI d3N3$4S.Qlt'CCt O�'• �
<br /> �B lII df WIIQ��+ ..�
<br /> Qf 1�}P PIOpEiI�+ OY fQ1 0� p12Ce
<br /> ��f, `f aay caad�nnatioa or ather�of�Y� •
<br /> 'f r�_ . �y�igued and shali be pald Lo LEnder to the estent af @ie full amnani of�e indebtedness drnt�main��P�
<br /> .��'�:'r`,. - ��� I.euder shaII app 9 P m c e e d s ta iBt�s��f the iudehtednCs'� .- , ,
<br /> under the Na3e ansl dds SecndtY I�am�. i S°� i�e'h�aider Pmvide�� ,
<br /> . ���; _... _ aadez d�e Note and B�is Ser�ity lnsbiame�i. ���➢���� -.�- �naot eaO�d ar : .:� .
<br /> �`f'� � �aragraph 3,and th�►to p�ay���' �
<br /> ' �,f° � � which aie t�to in pa�� ���of sacm f -
<br /> -. -- - =•"'h �one the dae date of tIIe moat�lY Pa3►��► w aU o�ng im�t�c�s S�e N�ana ttus .,:�r;,,.._ .
<br /> • � . `�' PaYmenis• �9 exc�P i°°e e d s ovei etri 8 m o�t�c e d F a Y ..
<br /> _ �� �uriry 1nc�ameat s�a11 be paid co tve emity�Y�� �ver sl�an pay all �<.. Y -
<br /> ?�.. �' 7. Charges to Borraw�' an� Prn4ectton of Le�d�'s Ytigflts to the�topgrt9• _
<br /> �,�����al cfiarge�Snes ar��B�at aie not ivsluded lu�� Boaower sLall PaY -
<br /> : , paymc.�t.IfF faitare to PaY WOII���y� ��.
<br /> �. - :� these obli on tbne dubctty Ln�e eniit9'which is awed t1� to Ixndet�ceiPts �;�'�f`."1:=�a�
<br /> :�';• ,. - � �� p m p�y I.entlds r e A n e s t Ban+nwea s�aII pae�ptt9 fa�sh ; ;;;�::<<,;,
<br /> ;:r�;,, . '�%: 1,en�et's intetes�t ia 8ie • �a -i,��• _
<br /> % : � -
<br /> � �,.�z�:;� ' other ;..: �-:�
<br /> , ��� or the payme�req�bY P�S�2►ar�.s to perfu�az►Y .
<br /> .. �:;'. , If Bosmwet�mat�tt�pa9meods @�at may�g�fic�mly ',:'; _—
<br /> `f -''�`,- � � p�y�1IIffi 8IId 8��COIIt81IIEd�D�S����'O!81edZ�S a 1e$81 pI00�W8 ����� r w,
<br /> `A�',�i'• 8�1.�E[�S TI$��II 4�C Pt�0�9�SII�I 88W2180CVE?pIQ02�1D$���t���n�p��$EII�Ct'8 ,,t;,'�•��,. -
<br /> `�';i;,: ) I�nd�r�a do aad paY m ��:f.�f,�
<br /> �;,: ���°���� y and other items mentiansd' Paia�aPh2•
<br /> . riglus in @ie ProPetiY•inctadinS FeYment of tanes.l�a�rd in� _ .
<br /> . � Any amounts disbursed bY l e n�e r vader tbis paiaS�Pg�b�ome an ad�itto�l debt of Borrnwer aad�e .-,- _
<br /> ` . . 'lbese amounts sbaII bear interest fmm the date of disbmse�t.at E�e Note�ate. #t�
<br /> � :,; s�bp Stis Sxudt9�
<br /> ,— -- aaaE at tk.:agtiaa af I.ea��r,�?ll Ue i�mmediatetY due and payable. �, }w�,c};r�
<br /> r '� . '�.. � Boaower shall DmmpdY d�sr�a�8e anY lie�wLirdt bas p�Iosity aver�is S�wo�cY��+te�Basrs �,�,,._:�. :
<br /> table w I.en�: l�) ,s,.,°�,
<br /> . . � .���, (e)a��cu�idng to t�payment of tIIe obligauoa secared by tLe liea in a manner aooeP �ch in Sie '�3�',�,;i.:�.•.-
<br /> � � co�in good faith tLe lien bY� or defeads e�t enforcemsnt of @ie�ien ia,1ega1 P�oo� �,�,..�.�,,T,. "
<br /> . ., , Lendra's api�on aPe�te to Pre�'ent die ensorc�ent of the lien; or(c) s� f�m Qte Iw�of t6e lien an ,�;r.�:,
<br /> . . gieement satisfacxo:9 ta E�adea sabormnating t�e lien w this Secarit9 Ins�-If l.endet deUem�ines�at a�►P�
<br /> �,a; � , ;' a wer tbis Securlty lastcnment.L�r����OCVer � f�a;�°�"�`�
<br /> :�i: � . , '�' af tbe ProperiY is snbjee¢co a lien which may suziagrr��it9 6�.*��.-r�.
<br /> �.',,, dewifying the lien. Boaower s�all satislY d�e lien or tage ane or moce of tLe acdons�t farth a'�wl8�n :_
<br /> ... ." �.�. ,�3 anntiosi � -
<br /> 10 daya of the givin8 of aodce. authorizedby tLe Seccet�y , _
<br /> . „. , oolIect fees ava cd�ar8es ��� .� '
<br /> � . 8.Fees.Le,n,dermaY , ,":� _ °
<br /> � m
<br /> _ : �•. 9.Gro�md9 for Acoel�attoa of Debt. . '':`� _
<br /> E!,'< �'�. . t as limited by re8nlation��1�Y&e Soge�9.in the case of payment . ti�s.d�`'��
<br /> �.;,�u. . � (a)Dd'auIt.l�ender map,esceP ;,�''
<br /> ,';:�:�,,,�: , immediate PaYm�ni in fallof all s�s secmedbY tbis Sew�ty Ias�ment i� ,rr,�•. •
<br /> .';:,.. tbis Sec�mity • �
<br /> defanits.� Inso�o��nt . �
<br /> -- , . (�gpaovr�defanits bl►failiug t°pay in faU a�ry mon�6ly payment s�a�bY . , _
<br /> � . prlor W Or oa�e duo date of tbe neat moattdY FaYmenb or ot6er obUgation�coatained � ' .
<br />_ ' " (i�Boma�r defaotta by�•for a peitod of tLiity days.W p���Y . ..
<br /> r... .
<br /> ,e : _ � ' ' .
<br />=;:":i•:;c;';� � . 'lIIti»9 S9svS'SIy InS�. .4'c�ai1341(� �'`�
<br /> -=�::.F.;;;.�--: . val.I ender sba11,if gem�itted hY�L�le law(inctadin8 ',.. .
<br /> - N)Sa2e V�i*.i��Cr�dit Appm - -- .
<br /> ' .� , .. ` of the QamrS� Qe�main Deposuo=9 Iasdtations Act of 1982. l2�T.S.C. 1901j-3(� �� --
<br /> -' � � appmval of the Socre�Y.re�l��te��'`�m foU of aU smas se�ured is� , i
<br />�. . � .
<br /> _.�; _ .
<br />�-;�_,,,; .
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