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<br /> �-`�.;.~�----� of Barrowet's oavenants aad ag�e�e�s ur�et tlris Se�uity Inst�nne�t and the Note. For ttiis pa�pose, Bosoarer 4 .
<br /> '�4 .:.
<br /> --, �- - --- ia�r�hiy�aa�conveys ta the Tmsoee,in t�ost.arith Power of saIe.rhe fol�ow�8 desca'bed FmP�Y tocated -
<br /> , . L�oT8�alva �s? �m sss (6). �oc� �o (a). � aoDa � �sa�•S �Drs�c�� � -
<br /> � VELLAtfB a� �¢OOD 8lti8t3. HALL CO�ti'1°fc. �BR7lSRA-
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<br /> • � � 1d0I�S8. I71 503065139 � . �:
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<br /> .� .. ' wludiL2Stheadd�of 1311 SlIST ST, 4Pa0D RIV� _`�`-"--_,°
<br /> �-—. Neb� 68883 (!Ip Codel ('Tf�etty Add�7: •`�;
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<br /> ' - _ �- TU;3g�HER W�TH aD d�e imgcov�emm �nw or Het�er ete�ted on tbe �aope�4y'. An� ail asemeats► �r's�.,,_
<br /> � � �and�dues aow or L�s a part of the pmPertp- AIl iePlace�ents au4 addtt��s sLaU also be ;;1
<br /> . � cavered by�is S�ty Iasuameut-AIl of die finegoing is refeaed to ia ti�is Sec�xp jas�t�ameut as 8te'Pmperty.' , ,�<�:
<br /> . ' !� W BORAOWffit C01iffi�1ANPS tLat Brnmwer is Iawfolly sei�ed ef!�e estate�erehp conveyed mtd bas 8ie sight to � .
<br /> �",,., : . �I g�a�a��reY�p�ope�ty a��at the FYOpeit�is woe�:.�t fos�of�ecord.Boaower
<br /> . :.`--. - :' cvaaaaLs and cv3II defend gen�aaY d�e tute to tL Praperty against all claims and demands. sabject to auy ' _
<br /> ;•`ifs,... : ;;:i eaanabiance�afrec��d. , �.�.-._.
<br /> •� � � THIS 3ECURITY INSTRUMBNT oambines�om►covenants far national ase and afla�naifo�rnve�wts -
<br /> TR ��
<br /> . , _. .�� wi�Iimited varladons by jarisdiction to o�te a nmfo:m s�i�eni coveling real properi9•
<br /> ._ . �_•
<br /> " ':�:� Boaower and I�covenant and tt�ee as foltows: ���'=
<br /> _ _ .!. �
<br /> � ` UNIFORM COVBNANTS. ' ` -
<br /> - '-,- l. pay�eut oi Pr1�tiBtils Zni�i amd�t�.,. B�shslt Fsg t�a d��tt��P�!af, aml � .:
<br /> ' intecest on.de debt evide�ed by�e l�ie.te a�d late c�arges dae vn�er the Note. ' � + �-
<br /> � .. : . . 2. M�mn4l�ty Pgpme�t af Ts�aoes. I�an� aa� Ofh�r Chau�. Boa�wer shari iacinde in each�anthty :
<br /> , •� togetbet wI�@re p�al and interest as t�t�9n the Note and anq late charges.a sum for(a)�es a�0 �.''`_`�:
<br /> PaYment+
<br /> .. ,.� ,,,,. special ass�tevi�or to be IevIed agaiast� PmperiY. (b) leaseIIuld gapmenis or-gmuad te�ta on the �_-`
<br />_ Property,a�d(c)P�iams for ias�e requised�PaTa�4. Ia auy year in wl�h We L�ender mnst paY a -
<br /> .._ mortgage Insurance pse�mium to the S�ax�9 uf Hovsing and Ux�Development("Secie�p9+���Y Y��
<br /> „ .�i'%';. whi�b SuCh pl�uN WOIIt31�3VC b�e e�rCd if LEndEi Sti71 I�sE t3�e SEWtt'`ry iASt�r e8ch m0atl�1Y PaY� „
<br /> ' � � sbaU aTso incfide eiQ�er:CD a su�far fhe anm�al ma�tpSe m�a�e P�w be paid by Leader W tha S�9+ -
<br /> , , , . pI(�a ntpNWY C1k�tge iflstead of e mostga$8 3a5uo�sIIOe P1�emIum if @�is SeCati�1'n�is hCld by the SCCCCtBry. -
<br />- . . ' �' :�,. in a reasonab2e amonat W he d�i�by tbe Secremry. BaceDt fos the m�ty cl�arge bg the Sa�tary,the�
<br /> . items are calIed'Bscrow Items'and t�sams pald to Lender ate called'Bscauw F�ds.• .
<br /> . �:... I.ender may.at siay tt�e.collect�d tso2d amo�for Bscxow Items in aa aggt�eegate au��omt not to e�oeod t�e �, ;:
<br /> B
<br />- • , . maxi�amonat tbat may be reqa�ned for Bosmwer's�crow aocoani unQer the R�l�state Setttement P�
<br /> � � . Ast of 1974. 12 U.S.C.S e c d o n Z 6 0 1 v�seq.a n 8 fi m p l e m e a S n B i e B a l a t�a n s.?a C F R p a R 3 5 0 0.a s d i e g n a y b o �.��"
<br /> �� . . ` amended fc�m time to dme('RESPA'?.eacePt t1�at the cusLLan ar reserve pemmitted by RBSPA for�dpated
<br />= , . . ;;:: dtsbmsemeats or disbursemenrs befoie the Bomawer's papmeats aie ava�ablo in the s000ant may�t be based on .
<br />.- � ..' amoaats due fot the martgaSe insaiance p�emiam.
<br />-- ' ' • . (�4i1WEltaeou vs�eaore •
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