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<br /> .�:;_=-:�--- 97'm /O�y'/ '�`-
<br /> . . (e) The sale, transfer, assiqnment. convey- -
<br /> � . , ance or fur�her encwnbrance of all o� ar�y part of or '
<br /> � � aay interest in th� Property, either volunt$rily or �
<br /> • . involuntarily, without the expre$a written consent of `�� `
<br /> - . . Lender.
<br /> � ,� ` ..t li. Remedfes Accel�ration U on Defanit. In the event
<br /> � of any Bvent of Oegau t, Lender may, w ou not ce, except as 'I-`
<br /> -_- �==---fi� required by law, declare all indebtedness secused herel�y to be
<br /> -- ;-- due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and
<br /> �. ° �. ,,�� papable Mi�hont any presentment, demaud, proteat or notice of any �
<br /> � kind. �hereafter, bender mays
<br /> �<
<br /> - ..�.'�: ': (ay Demand that Trustee exerc�.se the POZ+TER .
<br /> ' � fi OF. SALB qranted herein, aaa Trnstee shall therreafter `
<br /> `� cause Borrot�er•s interest in t$e Prapertp to be sold - �
<br /> , . � .�3 and �he proceeds to be distri6uted, all in the manner � �
<br /> � ! provided in the PTebraska Truat Deeds Actt
<br /> , .. � �`:;3
<br /> � �� '��t` (b) Bxercise anp and all rights provided for "
<br /> ��`' iu any of �ae Loan Instruments or by lawv upon cccux- Y!`-=
<br /> ti. . � �� ;�. renae of anp Enent of Default= and �.-.u:=
<br /> , . ,v�-.
<br /> . '` =•=•-��'_ (c) CoIISnence an action to foreclose tlsis �
<br /> '`'�-`-�-��:�3 Deed of Truat as a mortqage, appoinf a receiver, or
<br /> .� ��
<br /> _ specifically enf�orae anp �f the covenatits he,reof.
<br /> ` : �# No rei¢�dy herein conferred upon or rese�ne.cl to Ts�ustee or 3.ender
<br /> -. . � i� i n t e n d e d t o be exc 2us ive o f anp other �emedp herein in the
<br />- �:��._ � ` Loan xnstrumeabts or by larr� provided or permitted, bnt each shall
<br /> . . • � be cumulative. shall be in addition to eve r y other remea p g i n e n ����'
<br /> hereunder in the boan Ynstruments or now or hereafter exie�3.ng at �_
<br />. _ � law or in egui�y or b,y� statute, and may be exercised concur- �
<br /> . rentlg, independently cxr successively. =�`
<br /> . ..� � �:
<br /> • -. � 12. Truslee. The �ruatee may resign at any t�ae �i�Ya.. —
<br /> �' � . s�� ' out cause�, and Le d rn e"``�y at any tiaae and without cause appo3nt a
<br /> �.=°.
<br /> � . , ., : successor ox substit�s� Tsustee. Trust�e shall not be liable to �
<br /> ,____ __ __ any party, 3ncluding p .drithout litnitation, Lender, Hosa�owex or a*�p ��=�=
<br /> , purchaser flf tIIne Propzerty, for anp loss or dar�ge unless due to ``
<br /> -, _ .
<br /> . reckless or wipIlfal miscondnct, and shall not �a requeired to take
<br /> . any action in co�nection wif.h the enforceiuent � �!��"
<br /> u t►f thie Deed of
<br />_ Trust unless indemnifi�, in writing, for all coatg, cempensation '
<br /> , ar expenses whicb may be associated therewith. In addition, • �,.�
<br /> Truetee �aay become a purchaser at any sale o� the Prope�rty -
<br /> � (juclicia�, or nnder the power of sa2e granted herein) � poetpone �
<br /> ' ' . fhe sale of aIl or any portivn of the Property, ae provided by
<br />_ : ��. . lawf or sell the Psoperty ae a whole, or in s�parate parcels or
<br /> "- � : lots. �
<br />-� ;�� � . , 13. Fees anci Ex ensee. Ztt the eaent Truatee seils the
<br />_- .;��F�� Propertiy by es�ra se q owea o eale Truatee ehsll be ent�tleci
<br /> , ��-��`' ' to apply any sale proc�8s firat to paymeAt of sIl coete and
<br /> expenses of exerciaing power of eale, inclu�ing all Truatee's
<br /> _ fees actually incurrea. Zn the event 8orrower exereises �y
<br />_- right provided by law to cnre an Everat of Default, Lettder shali
<br /> - � � be entitled to recover from Horrower all coata ancl expeasea
<br /> -���:��.� ., � . � actaally ineurre� as a reault of Borro�oer•a defaalt, includ3ng,
<br /> ;� � withvut lisnitation, all Truetee's and attornep°s feea, in the
<br /> . � ' maximum amount allawed by law. In addition, in tbe event of eac1�
<br /> _. . such cure, Lender shall be entitled to a reinstatemant fee of One �
<br /> }` � _ Kunared and No/100 Dollare �$100.00). .
<br /> � , .� 14. Futnre Actvances. Upon s�guest of �orrower, Lendes
<br /> _ � may, a� ita opt on, m e a tional an8 future a8vancea and
<br /> _ . . . re-advances to Bosra�er. Sucb adnaaiaea an8 reaclvauees, v�ith
<br />- .. � , intereat thereon, ahall be secured by th;e Deeci o£ Tsuat. Af nv
<br /> _ : tfine ehall tlie principal amount of the ind�bfiedneaa secuzecl by
<br /> � . , this Deecl of Trust, nat inclucilmg euma advanced to psotect the �
<br /> , security of thia Deeel of Truat, exase8 the oriqinal principal
<br /> . . amoun� atated herein. ��
<br />=;, ' •
<br /> :,.
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