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<br /> • � .`- =<; th� Praperty 3n violatioa of any 3aw, crd�nance. aY regulation� -'�F .
<br /> ' ' � ° and shall pay and promptly discharge at Borracver•s cost and ����
<br /> `� � expense all 13.ans, encuaibrancea and charqes levied, imposed or =�, 4'•°�
<br /> � : ` assessed aga�.ast the Proper�y or an� part thereof: °
<br /> ��� ., �' 6. Eminent Uomain. Leader is hereby assigned all ` ��.r
<br /> '' ,. c�mpensation, awarda, damaqes and other paymenta or relief � �" �
<br /> � Ihereiaafter "Proceeds") in connection with conde.�nnatfon ar other `
<br /> T''.�j takinq of the P�opertp o� part there�f, or for conveyance in lieu : � =4"
<br /> � � � . of condetanation. Lender shall be en�itled, at its option, to
<br /> ; �� ; com�aence, appear in and prosecute in its awn na�ne any action or �� ._G -._;;
<br /> � ��i proceedings, and shall also be entitled to make any compsomise or .-. �
<br /> �'� � settlement in connecf.i.on with such taIting or damage. In the
<br /> � � '�..,� event ar�y portion of tgte Property is so taken or damaged, Lender : '�>«,.�
<br /> � '� . ;.'; shall have the option, in its sole aad absolnte discretion, to -
<br /> . . apply all snch Procee8s, after deductinq tt�ezefrom a�.J. costs and -
<br /> ' •�`_,; expenses incurred by it in aonnection t,tith auch Proaeeds, upon �
<br /> , .�'' any indebte@ness secured hereby. and in sucla order as Lender iaay .
<br /> . � . . determine, or to apply all such Proceeals, after auch deductions,
<br /> . . { to the reatoration of the Property upon such conditions as 7�ender �
<br /> �• � ��t may determine. Anp application of Proceeds �o indebtec�ness sha21
<br /> • �� ;� nat extend or postpone the due date of any paymeats taxider the
<br /> •;f� Note, vr cure any•default therennder or hereundes. -
<br /> . -.. ::_, �r�i:,.
<br /> � "`�:� 7. Perfos�_��aeance�b t Lender. In the event of Borro�er's
<br /> _ °%: _�_.�z failure to perform any at t�i. e covenants herein or saalk� any pay- _
<br /> _ ments re�uired Yiereby, or if Any act 3.s takea or leqa9. proceeding
<br /> . "f�� co�nenced which materiallp affects Lender•s interest in tlze :..
<br /> � .�� � ���' Prapertp. Lender may in its own discretion, bnt without obliga- �__�, '
<br /> . tion to do so, and without no�ice to or demand uporn �orrowes, and ��.,:_.
<br /> � without releasinq Boxrower from any obligation, do au8 ac� which �f
<br /> " �� �= the Borrower has agreed but fails ta do aad may also do any other =_-
<br /> �. • ' act it deems necessary to protect the securitp hereof. eorrmwer �
<br /> � shall, i�aediatelp upon demand therefor by I�ender, pap to Le��1er ��
<br /> ' ���"�` all costs anc7 expenses incu�xed and aums expended bp I,endes 3n �--
<br /> �, � . , ; "-� connection with the exercise by Lender of the foregof.ng rigbts, �;:.,-=
<br /> •. •� �, �'` together witb ihterest thereon at the default rate psotN.ded in d`=�=.�-'
<br /> •:� the Note, which. shall be added to t4ie de te8ness secured �'---
<br /> �_=.�:.�..
<br /> _ =_—_ -- hereby. Lendes ehaZ� nvt incur anp liability beca�ase oE anytbing r: .. _
<br /> � . . it may dv or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> - � _;;�
<br /> . ��. �.�:
<br /> �. � .�" 8. Hazard�s Materfals. 8orrov,�rer shall Iceep the =_-
<br /> ,� ",: Property in comyal anc� with any ancl all federal, etate and local =----
<br /> r . . � •''j lawa, ordinances ancl regulations selating to industrial hpgiene —
<br /> � '.�';;� or to environmental conditiona on, unaer or about t�e Property, e...�
<br /> . . ;- inclu�ing, but not limited �o. soil an8 groundwater conditfons. E�_.-
<br /> '�`�'� Trustor shall not use, generate, manufacture, store or dispose of �--�_:
<br /> , �. s�,
<br /> on, under or about the Property or transport to or from the � �
<br /> �Y,;� :.:° � Property any flammable exploaivea, radioactive materials, hazardous � :_
<br /> ; � � ', �� wastes, toxf� subetau�ces or related laaterials, includinq, without � _
<br /> � � �,:;
<br /> ;�;.;# limitation. any aubstancee de£ine8 as or incladed �n the defi»i-
<br /> � � • ��_�•,��,� tion of °hazardous eaubetanaee", ^hazardoue waetiea°, ^haaasdoue �
<br /> � �'�'' materiale" or "taxic s�nbstancea" nnder a�y appli�lble lawe, --
<br /> � � ordinances or regulationa ��olleatively zeferrea to herein�£ter
<br /> � � � ae "Hasardoua Materiale°). Larrower hereby wa�raala ana repro- .
<br /> � � sents to Lender that there are no Haaardons Materiale on or uuder
<br /> � � :f the Property. Horrower hereby agreea to indemnify and hold �.
<br /> . � . _ harmless Lender, ita 8lreators, officese, empioye�s and agents,
<br /> �`� anci any successore to 7,ender•s interest, fronu atid againat any and �
<br /> _.�:.�, `; all claima, damaqea an8 liabilities aris9.ng in connection with .
<br /> '��:`•� . . � the presenae, use, atorage, diapoeal or transport of any Hazazdoua
<br /> � � � � � � a Matesiale on, undeso from or abont the Propertp, inalnding, mith-
<br /> ' � � � • out ].imitation, taD �11 damage� dirertlp or in�irectLy arieing ��
<br /> , . � . � out of the uee, qeneration, atosage or c3isposal vf 8azardous
<br />-_.. _ � Materiale by Borrawer os any prior owner or operator of the �
<br />_ . : . . � Property, and 1b) all costa of any sequired or necessary repair, .
<br /> _ . .� cleanup ar detoxific�tion and �he preparation of any closure or .
<br /> other required plana, whether auch action ie reqnired or necea-
<br /> . sary prior to or following tsa�sfer of title t� the Froperty, to .
<br />- _ .� . the full extent that auch action ia attrfbutable, 8ireatly or •.
<br /> � , indirectly, �o the presence or use, geAeration, etorage, release,
<br /> L � . � threatened release or aiepoasl of Hazardous •Materials by �ny
<br /> �. � person on the Property prior to tranafer of titie th�reto by
<br />_._ • . .. }.
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