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�:��;.(-�}�};y-,H;�a.m-�. . <br /> . �'iI•':1'T�•1.�. .. <br /> �_�:.�� .. . . . <br /> . .. .. ::.t.. . . <br /> . �.� .. - , ,,.�•,.�,.�� ' -� <br /> � �.:]ILaJU1Je._._ - - .�•1.�.'�?f.-�15YeL��7n"� '{�ill\Y�Rf�id'.n'�,_.: <br /> ��`^ ��w� . . <br /> againat the Property which migh� take precedence over the lien � <br /> hereof; (f) to pay on demand a�ll legal expen�e�, title semrchea, � <br /> appraieal or attorneye' fees re�eonmbly in�urred or paid by <br /> Henefieiary ro collect th� t�ate or foreclo�e or protect the lien of <br /> thie Deed of Truet; (g) that in the event Truetor ehall fail to <br /> comply with the provigione of (a) through (f) above, �he = <br /> k��sneficiary may expend euch funde and et�ke euch act:lon as ie <br /> neceaaary to remedy auch �ailure and all eume paid by the <br /> Heneficiary pureuant hereto with intereet at the xate hereinafter <br /> provided shall conetitute a lien upon thd Property, ehall be <br /> secured by this Deed of Truet, �nd ehall be immediately due and <br /> repayable �o the Beneficiary; (h) no� �o �ell the Property or any <br /> � portion thereof; and in the e`renti of any eale herein pxohibited, � <br /> then the entire indebtednesa eecur�cl by! thie Deed of Truet ahall, <br /> at the option of the eeneficiary, become due and paydble; (i) that � <br /> if the. Property or any part or parcel thereaf ehdll be taken or � � <br /> damaged under the power of eminent domain, th�e award for any - <br /> Prpp.exty eo taken or damaged (including severdnce dameigee to the <br /> r�maining premieee) ehall be paid to the B�neficinry and appliad in <br /> full or in part at �.he option of the Beneficiary in raductian af • <br /> the inclebtednees hereby secured; (j) that the Heneficiary ahall , <br /> have the right to inepect the Property at euch reaeanable timas ae � <br /> the Ber�eficiary may deeire to determine Trustor'e campliance with � <br /> the covenants contained in thia Deed ot Truet; (k) that the <br /> BeneE3ciary may r�leaee from the lien hereot any part or parcel of <br /> the Praperty wi.thout requiring any c�neiderdtion therefar, and (1) , <br /> ' that .Trustar ia 2awfully eeized ot eaid premiees dnd Property in <br /> iee e�,rnple, 'that the �ame ar� �ree rrom all iiens and encumbrAnces <br /> excep� �a may Qtherwiee be epecifica►11y noted herein or waived in <br /> wx�.��.ng by the Heneficiary; that Truator will execute qr procura <br /> aiiy furthex neceeeary aesurancee of. title and doee hereby warxant <br /> generally t�k�� �itle to eaid Property and will forever defend the <br /> sAme against; the claima and demands of a�ll per�ons whomsoaver, and <br /> t:�a�. Truetor'e eeparate eetate, whether veetGd, contingeat or in <br /> esxpectancy, is hereby conveyed dnd Truetor doee hereby expr���ly <br /> waive, rel�ase all righte and benefits ot aay homeatead, dow�r, <br /> cuxtesy, appraieement, exemption and etay lawa of this atate. It <br /> is agreed �hnt �he intereet provided for in eubeection (g) nbove <br /> shall be at the eame rate ae apeoified in the Note eecured hereby <br /> on the principal thereof after default and ma�turity. <br /> S1�COND: In the event Truetor, without the prior written <br /> consent of Beneflci.ary ehall eel�, tranafer or convey or contract <br /> to sell, tranefer pr convey the Property, or any part thereof or <br /> dr�y� �.n�ere�t thereiri� the entire balance o£ the indcbtedr�.e�• hereby <br /> . gecuxed ehall become and be immediately due and pa.ydble at the <br /> � option of Benefic�,ary; provided, however, Heneficia�ry meiy wsive <br /> ', euch option to accelernte if, prior to auch eale, tr�n�fer or <br /> - conveyance or contracC therefor, Beneficiary and the pereon to whom <br /> � the pro�arty ie to .be sold or tran�ferred reach an ngreement irt <br /> � � writing that the credit of euch pereon is eatiefactory to <br /> Beneficiary.and tha� �k�e intereet payable on the eume Becured by <br /> thie Deed of Trust ahall be at such rate as Beneficiary shall <br /> requeat. <br /> �gp: That aa further eecurity fnr the payment of the Not• <br /> �and the indebtedness thereby evidenced and the performance of �11 <br /> .nf the terma, cnvenants ar� conditione hereof, Truetor agree� thAt <br /> Benef�ciary shall and does hereby have the right, power and <br /> � auChority durix�g the cont�nuance of thia Deed of Truet to collect <br /> the rentie, i.sauea and pro€ite of the Property and of any per�ton�l <br /> proper�y 1ocaCed tnereon witn Ar wiznouc taicing poeaes�ion or the <br /> �property affected thereby; and Truetor hereby r�baolutely ant� � <br /> unconditionally aesigns a17. auch rent�, iaeuee a�nd prafit• to <br /> eeneficiary. 13enef iciary, however, hereby consente to Txu�tor'� <br /> collection and retention of euch renC�, iseuea and protit� a• the,y <br /> accrue and payable so long ae truetor ie not at euch tima ia <br /> default with r.espect to payment of any indebtedneee aecured hareby <br /> �r in the performance of any agreement hereunder, Upon any �uch <br /> 4 <br />