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<br /> ... ..Li . �YY_:' f'l .i '1-. _-
<br /> � 4� ^ � .(:. 1`. Li � . �1.• }. • '• �� t _..
<br /> � f• t �, ..4 � - .Q;. - ,� .�..... _ _�....._� y._...� �. �:
<br /> ... ... �y` . �'" ' ' .�.... _,
<br /> ..:��. : ��` 9205435 10/i6/2997 '�;�� �.
<br /> . ` JAb'�S R FOST�R CiLBI�IDA L FOSTBR � . - :
<br /> • < <` ;` UMFORM CovHNAN'i5. Boaawer aad I.ender oovenant a�d a�oe as follo when duz dce gr�1 aud �s ,:�- -.=-
<br /> . . 1, �� o� Ftint�al �ad �4. �uwa sbau piom��Y FaY � ..
<br /> �" indeb�evIdeacod by the Note and lase cbarges as pravId�in the Note. _ .
<br /> .. ';< Z.�l�n�fur'�a�s ea�I�ce. SnDject m applicable la�v flr a cvdusn waiver by i.eader.Boaower sball pay w .
<br /> , � ` L�der on dte day monthty�ymeats of Dsind�al and i�a�e payable�du the Note.u n t i l t�e No t e i s p a i d in fnri.a " .
<br /> .� snm(�ecetn'Fnads°)eqnal to one-twetfth of the yearly taxe.s and a�rats(iustuding coadominium and plammed mrit :..
<br /> . • , develaFment a�.tf any)which may attain piioritY aver this Desd of Tivst.aad gcuund rems on tLe Praperty►.if
<br /> , au7r.P���of Y�►P��for ba�ard imvranse.pIas one�twetRh of yea�iy piemium�ta�lm�
<br /> � . . fa:cuo�r Insuiance. if suy.all as�nabip es�mrated i�tlally a� from time to dme bY �.e�der on the basis of V��.
<br /> < " � as�ms and bi1L4 e�rea�o�rable�thereof. to the hold�o�f p or�m�stgage or�deed of tiust�sasL 1�2der � : ��
<br /> . '. -��-::-� ca I,euder w ate eate�t chat Eoi�ovrer makes such paYm�s b :
<br /> - 3��— .- -- is w�oaa!len�er. � - �_.
<br /> ' If Boimwer pays Funds tn Ieader. the Fun�s sball be hsid ta aa tusdariion ths deposits oI�o�s of which ace '� ` ,
<br /> � ' ' imm�e�or gaaianteed by►a Fedecat or state aSeusy(includin8 t�if I.ender is such an instinnion). Ixnder s�a11 app15► �
<br /> - ' the Fands m pay said taaes.�.insa:anse Pre�nms and 6L°�cents.I�ender m�y aot cUarge f+ot so QoIdiag an0 � ,
<br /> ...-. _. . ' appiyiug t�gunds�analyaa8 said aacaimt or vetifping aud oot�inS said�aud tiills. �l.endcr Qays � ; .
<br /> . ' Boimwer interest an tbe Funds aud applipble law pemmiss I.euder to make suc6 a dr�ge.�mmt�r and Leader may agcee �
<br /> �,t;
<br /> in wdi6ag at the tim�of e�ceartion of this Dead of Tcnst t�at inte�+est on tbe Fnnds shall be paid to Bo:mwer.and uniess
<br /> � . • � . ` yvcL agteeruent is m2de ar agplic�ble i2w tequirPS such iate�'t W be Qaid.Leadet sbatl ant be reqn�re��°�tLe Funds ���.. �,
<br /> . , any int�st or eamings on the Fimds.I.eader sS�aU gine��•�debit�E[he Fun�s was made.'17�e Fands aie
<br /> : ' . •,'r showiag cce�fs amd debi�DD the Fnnds aad tbe paspose
<br /> � -� �-<.£- pledged as ad�itional secaritY for the sau�s s�cared by dns Deed of Tn�st. .
<br />. ff dte amaimt of the Fnnds hetd by Ixader.wget�er whh the fimme mmutitY i�aIIme�ts of Fan�s payabte prior w
<br /> `., �° �ground cea�s�sball ext�d the amau�req�ed w 1�Y sai�
<br /> . . : �.:�;=.: taxes. a�.�P���S1°����Y fall due.such excess sbaU f�e.at Bortawer's apuon. ' �
<br /> � of Fzmds. ff the ama�of the F�ds
<br /> ' . - euhec �d to Bormwer ar cre�ited to Bonow�� ��c+ents as ttte9 fa11 dae.
<br />�--=� - � - -- held hy Les�er sball not i�suff�aeat co VaY pses+ as Lender ma ` .
<br /> .. '_ c,,' Boseflwer sball pay to i�cnaer aug a�ne�m��P��fi��1D on�or more payme� Y
<br /> , .:_,= <
<br /> � ��• refimd to Borrower any Frmds
<br />. .. : . : Upon pay�IIt in full of all sams sec�ued bq this Deed of Tnist.lguder shall prompttY ;,� . .
<br /> _ --. �elA by Leuder.If under Parag�ap�►17 he�euf Hie Ftopert9 is aold or the PmpenY is otheiwise acq�iced bY I�eader•� --
<br /> ' 'tion b I�ender.a�►Y Fnm1s heLd by �'
<br /> ' .. sha11 apply,�Iater thaa ia�mediaiely pAUr to the saIe of the FmpenY or its acquisi q ander . ,
<br />-.,�. .� f lic�dan as a credit the svms sectaed by this Deed of T:ast. • ; ,
<br /> , . . I�der at the tIme o app 8�� � roceived Dy Leadcr aadsr ibe .
<br /> • . 3,Appuaatton c8 r�yYn�ts. Ualess appSscable Iaw Pmvtaes otheivuise. WY� `�„'y.
<br />_ � .� . � Note and�bs�aad 2 heceof sbaII be ap�9d by Leuder fnst in paym�at of ac�n�s paYab2e w Ieader 1fY�wer �.,,i
<br />" �incipal of the Nate. �� '
<br /> � .� . anQer ParaBraPb 2�of.thea to interest payaUIe on the Note.aud then w tt� t r,_-
<br />:; � . .
<br />_ � .. � 4 Prior Mort�B�and Baeds o8 Tnn� Cha�s;�� �oica�ier s9�all perfoim aU of Hoaa�er's abligatioas
<br />- - � : w�� mottSaSe.deect of tnsx ar othec se�itY'agreem�witL a lien arhich has pr�ortty aver t6is Deed of'��at, �.;.�•`'
<br /> � � � � wLen dae.Boaowec sbalE�y os cau�m�s be paid all ra�ces.as.� F.�:
<br /> - � �� iactu�Bfl�ower s caveaants oo make paYments alE
<br />. - � -� �.,j� and ot�er cha��.Smes aad imposldons�to the Ynugertl►���Y atlsin a g�iority over this De80 of Trnst. �i�-
<br />',:` ��.:�
<br /> ' ,,'-,.'...��.,. a�W teaseptold Paymeuts ��
<br /> ' � � S.Ha�rd Yasma�oe- �a�aower sbaU 1cceP the jmP or f�8er erecte�on the Pr�y t �:'
<br /> mveme�s now existing i„�-.°
<br /> �.�E
<br /> � � _ �. . insuted agaiusc toss by fue.har��iasl n d e d wi t b i n t 6 e term'ex t e n d e d o a v e r a ge'.sud s�athec ha�rG4 as Len��Y �,.-..
<br /> " ,. requize aad ia sach amouats ana for such periads as Iender may requtre. _�-�-,_
<br /> � 'ihe iasata�r�ler pmvlding t6e it�sa�shaU be chosen by Borrov�er subject to appr8val��%p�. �,;�
<br /> � . •� tbat such apDiovas sf�all not be omeasflnably withhetd All iasmance gots,�.�aad ienewals tIIete¢��:'1 be ia a ftsrm �",--_
<br /> . . ..` aoceptable to I.eader�d sT�aU include a standard mort�Se claase in favorm��d in a foffi asxeptab2e+�Iaader..�r
<br /> ' � �._=; " sba11 bave the rig6t w hold the policies and reaewals the�eof,sublea w the ae�s of�mastgage.deed of uast a�s c�2r, -
<br /> sepuity Bgceement wltb a Ilen wbich Las ptiority wec tbis Doed of Ttust. _
<br /> �'� � � � t nodce co che iasura��rrier a�I.ender.Lender may make prnof
<br /> ��t�� Ia the event of tasg.Borcower s�aU give pmmp
<br /> i; , . . . . of loss lf not made pmmgtly by Bon�wer. �
<br /> :!;�� � : ; If the PmFertp is aba�daned by Bomawer.ar if Bomower fa�s to respond to Lender within 30 days fiom the date
<br /> :,�����%� � aosice is malled iry Lender tu Bonawer thru the iasurunce canier offets to settie a ctaim fas iASOCance benefits.Lender is
<br /> `'�' :'""1 a�ot�zed to ooliect anA apply the iasaiancc Pmceeds at Lendet's option either to�esooratian or repair of the Pmgerty or
<br /> �''' . . ' w the smUS s�ate�bY th9s Deed of Tmst. ..
<br /> . - ,. ,':,, ns � Ua�a IIeveYo�eats.
<br /> _� .. � 6. Pr+e�e'v�c� an�l 119aintenance o"+ &'toD�'9i LeasPhntdsi Ccmd�."mtNmnsi
<br /> Bamawer shall�t the PmpeitY in eoad rePair and sl�aU aot commit az�or peradt tmpai�nt or dete�iotadon of the
<br /> �= '�. • ' ,''�,� p�ny�s@�Ip co�ly�,yitb the pmvislons of a�r leas�if this Deed of Trnst is on a 2easehold.If t�is Deed of Tmst is ..
<br /> . on a amt in a ca�-�++;n++�or a�)anued�mit devetopment.Bomawer strall perfoim a11 of Bo�wek's obll�tions wuder the
<br /> . .. � dectarados or cav��n8 or S�+e�the couQomininni oi plaa�nnit devetopment.the by-laars and tegaladans .
<br /> ���� of the candominiu�o:plaanesl�it develoymeat.and constituent doa�eats.
<br />. .��' ,, :, 7. Pa+otection of Len�r's Secm'ity. If Borrower fa�ls m pecfocm the covenants aad ag�nnents oo�e� in ttds .
<br />:�� Deed of Ttast.or if any acdoa m pmce�ding is commenced which materiallY affects Lgr.der's intet+est in the PmpertY•then
<br /> � � � � - lxnder. at l.ender's opHon. upon nuflse to Borrower, may make such appearanc�. dlsbatse such sums. lnct�ding .
<br /> reasonable auomeYs'fee.s.aad talce s�ach acdon as is aeoe�ary xo pmtect I.ender's iaterest.If Lender tequired�
<br /> ��.. . . . insuramoe as a wndition of ma�nB the loaa secare0 by this Deed of Tn�st.Bvaower shall pay the preao-�ams reqaire8 to ..
<br /> maintain suc6 insaisuce ia e�ect nnW sncb time as the iequ�remeut for snch insmant�e te�tes in accordaace wit8
<br /> ����:.. , . _. Bo:mwer s aad I,eader's wrttten agroement or applicabte law. �7.vuith insemst the�eon.at the Nute iate.shall Become
<br /> �r Any amnimts disbws�d by Lender piusvam to t?►ts para�aP .
<br /> :1 .: � . addidoaal indebtodaess of Barrower secvred by this Dced of Tnut.Unless Bormwer and Leader aS�e��f Notbiag
<br /> =;.-. �. � . paymen� sar� amwats shall be�DaYable upon nortce fmm Lender m Bortower �equ�in8 PaYm� .
<br /> � ....� contai�d in thLS paragcapL 9 shaU tequire l.eader tu iasur a�r expease ot take a�►Y acdon herenn�a.
<br /> �•� , S. t�on. Lender may make or cause co be made masanable entrles upon aud iaspecdo�of the Fmperty. .
<br />�,�'' � � � pmviQed that lxnder shaU give Borrower nodce prIor to aay such inspecdon�ecifyln8 reasonable caus�the:efm relatod w
<br /> '^ L,ender's inte�st in the Properiy.
<br /> �-�,: rr�e�zsa�rs� v� drigiaal(RgcorQad) cogy taraach) Copy tcwatamgr) �a ors
<br />