�°J'x.;..,�:::� F.:f.=::.���..: �t_ f��:���' ��':r��:
<br /> ' G.^� •- ���C F�X-yk�� . . _ ' .-��-i} ). _
<br /> t ')^.:
<br /> 1 xt'`'
<br /> . . . . � �.���� • . � ,jC: � .. £
<br /> "' .. . � ..rt..; . A�..'. . :-.c.� t-'s. .-y..5�[....._ i .. � ._._-+---.::t.'..� 1,. ._�__ ..� - .._....Y.a.�.' '
<br /> , `�_ .�s...___.'._._.wY«-:+ � � � f'.,�.
<br /> _ Y� !,�� _� .
<br /> -- --- �� 1�-14-9997 DEED OP TRIiST ,��
<br /> :f. : _ (C�tdinee� ��� . ...
<br /> � .. , LOai1�NO 574469 ::,S,i.:
<br /> �� end other er5des ct personat DroAerlY now ar 1�sresfter 'L•' ��-'�•�,.-.�"`�::'
<br /> Personal Picoya�lY. TAe words'P'srsonaf PrePeAy'mea�ali equtPme�1.fattuas. . �: . -��« . -.
<br /> � :.--. .
<br /> . ' owneA bY Trca�Or.and now a hsreaftar atlac�d�affoced�and toget�� prxesds�{ina�toa�iithoetl GmitaUon�aA�hutuenee ..
<br /> . repiawmg�ds ot.and aD sub51Ru9oTe:tor. � • . _
<br /> ' , prpoeeds snd�etuRQs Ot PTemiums)irom anit safe�other d'isDosiHon ot the P�oDeAY• ,`�. ` ,
<br /> . St�vrard'ProAertyr means eoQee6�►etY th�Real PtoyertY and the Personal PropeAY. : ,
<br /> �ps�� irderes�and dgtds descr�ed abavo in the Conveyanoe snd�ar�sec5o�. ..
<br /> Reat propBriy.Th0 words'Real PaoAe�Y m�^the proOedY. � �t� _ . .
<br /> ' ` Retffie0 Oo�nan48. Tt�words'4tetated Qaeume�'mean end incluQe tivithout Umitatton a�ptom�orU utes.ae�1 e��e �,.., .,_ `. A.
<br /> : ` agreemems.anvtronma�al a�a�+er�.e�es.securttY a�eeme�s.mort�86�•deeda of trusl.and aD other instrnmenb.agrea�and ,,•;, : . r
<br /> -�, �
<br /> ' Q o c u me n b.whether aow cr hereafter e�nU.�d(rt eonnedion with the tndebfedness. . _ .,
<br /> , . Rente. ?t�e vrard'Ae�S'mesns aU 6�e�and M�us reeb.revenues.Income.tssues.t c Y e l t E e 9,P ro f i t s.a n d o t h s r b e r►��t s d a r N e d B am Sha ,-_•-_ -_ -
<br /> � � TNSte�l.The word'?rustee means UNITED NEBRASKA BMM and t�nY substitute ar successor trusEs�. - '�.,'�. �
<br /> � 7 Ttuatot.Tho word'Tnstnr moans anY and a0 Oarsons and ermlias t�xscNing Uils Desd of Tnist.Uu�umng wItAOUt Qm►tatlon e8 Ttttstas namsd . .` ' ,
<br /> ebove. .
<br /> • � � ' TiG9 OE�18 GlVEN 0 BECtlRE p�P Y��3T 0��a��mHE88 D C�)�ERFOR�Ali�Og I►l�iY��1t0lf8 aF .J'�:;;, •�.` r� ,.
<br /> � • PROAF�TY• • �' • •
<br /> ' ,, � TausTO��wi�o����*��aa►�n oocu�rre.,�nas o�o os�wust nus o���ausr�s anr�u�� . . . .
<br /> OH4!lFOLLO ' �{-�''r
<br /> ' �: ... .:
<br /> � pAY�AAENT AHD�ERfORMANt�.F.xCep1 es otNStHAse Orovided in thts OesO of TtusL Tn�Or SNat!p&Y to Lender a0 amowib secur�0 tiy fhb Oaed �.V ___t n
<br /> ` af T�aa Ihe11�me Que.end ahaD abfctry and In e Omsh ma��PeAarm etl o!Trustora abCgaSOns under the Note.lNS Deed of Tnut.and i1� - �,�-;�'S�•:`
<br /> � � Ret�Oacume�. -:, �„�,��-._
<br /> � � �ION Al1D NlA1EiTB�IAElC6 OF'IF�PAOPERTY. Trustar agraas ihat Tnuto�e D�on and use ot t�e PraAeth►shn�be 4a�d bY
<br /> � UiOf01I61N1f18pfd11�SlOtf9� ` � .
<br /> . . . �et�ar Qmana�tt�e�A�f►.e�nd(c)ccffed saY Renb tram U�ie PraT�pmlf►�Y (e)�n tn pass�s►on and coritroi af the ProDeKY. (b?�• _ . _ ::_..---
<br /> � Iacetn0trts.8nd msUrtertanov ".� `;"�.:
<br /> . . Ouiy ta bAn[ntatn. Tnstor shaU matntain the Propertyr In tenanffibte cond8an ert0 prompiH Oertorm aD repaUS.reD _--
<br /> . _4:, neoas�yqpPrese�veRSVetue. • --�, _
<br /> •lefeas�'end 9hcaa�ad retea50.'es used tn tNs
<br /> -- tf�mrQaue 8ubst[�tce�. The tertns'na�rQous wa5to:'hezerdous substan�:�.
<br /> ComParuefton.a�L(abffd�►Ad ot • : " . �,=i:�
<br /> :. O e e O o f T n i s 1.sAall have the sama meaNnSs as sat(oAh In tha CoroDrehecistv�EmAronmertat ResOor�se. _,�--
<br /> . -°-:�:,� 1 8 8 0.e s e m e n Q e d.4 2 U.S.C.S e c tl o n 9 8 01.et se R.(��9.!1►s��'uAeRund Amaadme n t s and Reauthori�tton AC1 at t988.Pt�.l.Na ;.��.
<br /> gg.4gg��.th9 Fla7ard0us MateAeJs T�ansDarlatlon AcL A9 U.S.C.S e c Ban 1 8 0 1.e t s e R»u o R e s o u r c e C o e s e rv a 6 o n s n d�l l�• . .^_ -- _
<br /> 42 U.S. .S6C6ott8901.et S8R»or ottt�r eDDRC8bI9 sffit�ot Federei ISws.nCes.Ot tBSutstlOns EQoAted D�uBnt to 8tqt of U19 tOrBSoU�. The ' `.;:'r�' . _
<br /> ' r . . _ ��f�t a�r do��yy��Ttustor cepc�erds���L e r�d e i h a�(e�Q u r t t+�a�0��o f T t u s t c Pa a w n e�s�1 0 af tl t o R t C�y.l t�r e 1�
<br /> . L8 d9 ::
<br /> . . �mso�rt on�und��s0out a��ra tt�RroPedY. ib)Treutor has n�oxAedge ot�.a�reasan to beIlavs Iriat there Aas b��e�eepl es pzevt�ousy► ' .,.::,,,��
<br /> e� heeLnsnt.QESpasei.rslease.ar ftueaLenea ' `:
<br /> � � • �osed to and aeknowTedged by Lendar in writlng. (�am►use.BeneraUon.manutadure,stora4s. :;.� ::`' �:
<br /> � re'.ease af etry pamrEous waste or subsffince on.under.about or from the PropeRy►bY enY Priar mvne►s ar oocuDaMs at the FroD�U�M e�Y
<br /> � . : �� ktnd bY�fl Pecson refa9n0 to su�h matter�end (o)Ex�ePt as PrevinustY�sd�ed to e�0 ;`;,.,�"�•r-
<br /> . actual ar Weatened GBga9on or c�►ms of arry agent or aU�er aufhor(zed ttser ot the ProDsr�Y sf�a8 use. ; �;:
<br /> eckrtowled8ed by Lender tn wrHing, n nefther Trustor na am►tenent.co�for, �.`,
<br /> .. . =� '��
<br /> • ::..;;'• . ��� gee�te,manutact�ue.store,treat.dspose of.or retease enY heiardous wasce or substanoa on,und2r.about or irom tha RaaeA�►end M anY .. ;`.:."
<br /> ''"'� sucN estUrRY shaA be cOrtducted in eamPtlance wltt�e0 eDD�te f�Qer96 sSate.end fot�l Iaws,�ons end orditsenoas.indutCn9�� 1:�
<br /> o � ,_:,-,
<br /> • •,- 'k .. ..( '.t,�, �m''
<br /> ...; Qm�TS�ctt thOS9laws.regUlBUons.and CMfnanOes desatbed ebove. Ttustot ButhOri=es�to Cetetmin98COmD�anoe OfrU�iB ProDmh►Witb thb . s•:�r�y;��.
<br /> �.. �. � make such tns/pecBans and tesls.at Tnutors exPertse.es�,ender may deem eDP a➢ •
<br /> e �::g—��,
<br /> ��_.±;.i:�-�.;' seqion of i1�Oeed ot Tntsl.My in�actlo�or t�ls made Dy Lender sheQ be tor Lenders purDa^�oM►8nd sha0 not be cor�l'rued t0 Creete
<br /> ' . ;,;;; .�;i �y�egpon��ity ar Uabffiry on the parl of Lender to Tn�tot or to anY other Qersan Ths raarese�Ons ar+d warranU�s co�tned tt�6U�ere , .;s:�.;��
<br /> . has�A on Tnistors Cua d�iSence t�f9f inCemnit�y or8cont�iibuHo�n Idn tha e�Tnsst�or beacomes��deanW or o�ther�e��e�Y ,p�r�4��=�
<br /> ' •:' • . wa.h�s enY tuture delrt�egaf�t
<br /> • sue:��aws.and (b)eSs�s to In�and hotd hanNe.ss Lender agalnst aaY and eU ctstms.�.OeLtGtie9.dema895.Oet�eltles.Md .,:.•��_��_
<br /> :�.�;`i'''��r"�'
<br /> • � e�enses whlch lenQer may d'uecHY cr ind'uealyt susffiin or sufter resulBng irom a breacb of t*as sectton�oU�C��eT��e • ,-
<br /> • coase4aence ot as�r a�9eneratlon,manufacNre.sto�a9e•d�A�r e t e a s e o r i n re a t ened re!e�e oxurtfn9 P � :: --
<br /> I n t e r e s t t n t h a P c a�t y.w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e sama was or shoWQhave been krtawn to7ct�star. The provtsforis ot 1tJs SecROn of the COed c1 TntsL ' �,,`..
<br />_ e
<br /> . '•�;�.�.: .: t n c t w&i 9!he ob�8 a 9en to indem:e:�!y.shaU suMva ths payment of the Indebtedness an d t ri e s a�a c H o n a n d re c o m r e Y a r w e o 1 t h 9 C e n a!Ws .::.. :�.
<br /> . '. , :F•, .. Oees mtTrusl e�d shelt not be a.°.�3 by L en d e r s a c q u�i tt o n o f e n Y���i n t h e P r o D e r�►.w n��a r b y fared�ure�otherwise. � . ����. .,,;.�.
<br /> +,�'r t-�.:'.
<br /> ' � Notsanee.Waste. Tnistor stia�c�ot a�Wl�U�w�d Q�ng 1�9 9e n�a��toreS 8 7nistor w��t�m�ave��pr�ard to aml a�D�A►� 3 `,:�-
<br /> ` . ° - prcpeAy cr arry 0�a1 ttre omperiY. ...;+
<br /> _ ;,:' Aght to camove.enY Bcnber.mtnerafs pnduEing oU and 9�).soU,6reve1 ar ra�c Ore�.�.�ts wHhoul Dse pdor writtan cansent ot Lend� ,. T�..
<br /> . � Recaavd of hnprovement9. TNStc�shaD not demolfsA or remova enY ImDrovements irOm the Res1 PtoDeriY c�'f��ut the pAa��en�n5er�! � _ =."�"`•':
<br /> •. rey^��a�ct�improvemenb��-��+8�enb of st�teasl 4�1�er msy requhe Trustor to r.►ake arr�n8emenD seltstacto�l►to Lender to , � �
<br /> ,��:: , LenGeNs Al�t to Ente►. Lensmr and ib agerds and represontattvves may er►ter aAon tha Rea1�aPert�►al aU reaSOnabte gmes to attend to ..;ii(r�r ...
<br /> .i:..�r�;r':'� .. e -,�
<br /> ' Lenders IMeresb ana to inspec�tt+e ProPerty tor DfupoSes of Trustors CompAano9 witb the 4emu a.�d wnQi�ons of thi9 Oeed of TnisL ;;ti.,,;.
<br /> � CamPnance wftl�6oventmentpt Re4Wr�menta Trustor shaU vromPUy►comPN YAtn eU laws.ord�nence3.and re9NeUoas:naw ar t�rrsafter In � ,�•''
<br /> Ord
<br /> ' efleol.of eU BovemmenffiI autho�tles apAi��to the usa or oocuDanoY of th9 ProPe�fa Tnrsta maY�ntest in good fattA erry Suoh law.
<br /> ' '' ordlnance.or ce9Naflan and wfttsT�id camA�durtng any Drooeedtrtg.incluQtaB eDO�Priate so^9eeb.so lonp es Tiustar ha�noEfleO L6nder ,�, � «• •:
<br /> :t . . . + U wrltlng pdot to dotng so an0 sa tang as.in Lendefs sote aptnton.LsnQefs inter�b fi ihB P+o�ate not Jeopardlze0. Land�msy reQtdre .:. !}r��`:.`<.
<br /> t .� Tnistor to posl adequate seou�Y or a surety bond.reasanabry sallstactory to Lende►�to Dro��'�s tnteresL c r=
<br /> Ouly to Protee4 T�usto�agrees���r to abanQon nor Ieave unattended the Praperty Tn�sta s?aA tlo eD ather acis�in aQQ(Uan to fhos9 ecis �; � •
<br /> �4 ' set toAA abcv0 in tt�section.wNch from the ctiaracter and use ot the Ptoperty ere reasonamiY��►tc Oro��0 Rr�en�tl►e P�a9eAy►•
<br />� OUE Q�t l3ALE-CON8ENT BY LENDtR �.enQer may.at ib opUon.dedsre Immedlataty dua aM P&yab�e e0 sums seCtued Dy Ws Omd oi Trust .
<br /> .or interest in the RCaf Propody► A
<br />-�� upon d�e 581e or trenster,wtthoN the lonQefs pdor wr(tten consenf.GI�Ii ar any paA of the Rea1 Pro�rldY e�Y • . .
<br />- ;. �; '�a18 or transfer'means tho comreYen�of Real PrapeAy o�arry cighb Utla or l�erest iherein:whethor b�af�bofle9dat ot equlte6t�whetf►m►�otur�ffiN .
<br /> - - cr invotuntaryr,whethsr bY o�9ht sate.dee0.InsteltmeM sele wntracl.fend wntrecl.cantract tor Qeed,�easehold Interest wtth e�m qrea�r lhan .
<br /> . `c three(3)Years.lease-oDBon contra c t.or bY�e,e s s t S n m e n l,o r tr a n s f e r o!a n 1►b ene9ciffi Interesf In or toa�►lan�d�tcust hold(n9 4Se to tlfe Rea1
<br /> _ •.. P�ropeRY.ar bY 8ny ather metho0 of cw ers� of more t anAtwent�F�five p'orceni 12696)of iha vaUng st�oCkpPe artnersApl�Interasb ar O�Mted C�ab°�ty .
<br /> transfer atso includes any Change in o ►dA • .
<br />- � compar►Y interesb,as the ces9 meY be,ot Trustor. Howaver,this opUon shaU not be exer�tsed by Lender if such exert�se b proh�Red 6y tade�al
<br /> --'4 . � : faw or by NebraSke taw. . . .
<br /> . . ' TAXE9 AHD UENB.Tha tollovAng provtslons cota9ng to the texes and Uar�on ttis ProDerh►8ra a Oerf of Ws Desd o1 TrusL ,
<br /> •y;, . nrdumn w&tet . .
<br /> PAymanL Trustor shall pay whe�due{end in a0 svents P�a►to dellnquenay�eU taxes�s0edel t�s�essessme^b�charges p 8
<br /> - ' end sewer),flnes end ImpostHons tevled agsinsl or on aaount o1 the Praperty.and shall pay vuhen dua a0 cWims icr wa�k dor�on a►fa . .
<br /> - . �ofelsnder und tMb 00fld of TNSl.AxesPt fot th9 Oen ollaxas and�assessmen�no due�mcceP�r Iha�e�dsHn9 indasbt Q�mred ' -
<br /> � � � to betow.and excep�as athe�w�e Provlded in thls Oeed o1 Trust. . _
<br /> �'��• • RIQAt To Contest. Tnator may vvithhotd paymeM of any ta�4 essessmeM.or ctalm in connectlon with a good faith�ute a'�u t1�e obtiBaUOn .
<br />'tr, " to pay.so tong�tsnQets interest in the PtOpeRy Is not j8operQ�d. I}a�an adses or is fite�a9 a restitl o}nonpaymeM.Tna�sr SAaII wlthin
<br /> fifteen(t5)Cays aRer the uen arises or,it e 11en is fite0,wiWn fifleen(15)days after 7nutor has noUce of tha fiiing,seCUre tho dis�haBe of the .. . .
<br /> lien,or if requgsted by LenQer,Cep�it with Lender cASh ar a sufNdent corp�rate surety bond or other Security satlssfactary to lender in an �
<br /> .�,'.
<br /> s . . .
<br />` ' . � amouM suHicleM to discherA�tne nen ptus eny cosb an0 attorneys'fees or other chargss tRat coWA acerue as a resull oi e(crectosure Or 58fe :. ,
<br /> :
<br /> - �._:.�=_•----
<br /> .�i F .. , . . . ' �1 . .. .
<br /> t . .
<br /> � ,
<br /> �l �_......�-._.�.._..._....— . . ._"^_r"'�. .. ..
<br />