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<br /> , _ . '" 1- � . �/� -;;f` �.. _'�" l: - '�`
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<br /> • i.
<br /> .:-., - ';`,;(_ F�
<br /> ,;°� �,.;.� pdnt�pat artic�mt ottha indeMednes.s seaired by this Deed of Tn�s�not tnduding sums sdvanced to protect the seauiry of thts Desd ot
<br /> -- Tn�st,exaeed the or�ginat Pdnc�pat amcunt sla�sd hereln,or$ 65 000 00 .whichever is greater. • ;
<br /> _,:.�`•: a• t8.�Iseali8neoeis�tovta3oa�- ,
<br /> `��:;� (a�Bprr+oever Nat Et�teasa�.F.�denston of the time for Rayment or modiftc�tton oi ainoRizaUon of U[e s�ns secured Dy this
<br /> � �.;. ..
<br /> Oeed otTn�st�artted by Lender tc any suocessor fn interest ot Bac[ov�er shatl nei opsrate to�etease,tn ar►y mans�er.the ItabII�
<br /> «o
<br /> ty ot the oHginal Bortawer and Bortomrefs suc�ssors t�tnieresL LenQer s4�aI1 not 6e requlmd tn cammenoe Prao�edings - . _
<br /> . against su�sscoessur or reftise to.extend ttme tor payment or otliemrIse madiiy amortlzaticn of the sums securea D1►tl�ts
<br /> ' �° ' Deed of TNst by reason of arry demands made by the orighiai 8arra�+rer end BarEOwers suooessors in irterest. ;�
<br /> � �•�`�'�< �, (b)LeaBefs Pomere.ill�ithout af�ec3in9 tAs liab6tiry oi srsy ather person Uabie tar the payment oi�y►obligaBon her�ln men- ,
<br /> • . ; tlone�,and w�haut aftecting the tiert or dmrge of�is Qeed at Tn�st upon anY Portlon of Me Pmperty not then as the�etofore .: < �
<br /> Y �: �,`'.. �eteased as seauit�l tor the tuti amount ot aU unpaid oblfigaUons.lender may.fiom time to dma and wiCiout notice(��etesse . . .
<br /> ';- • t oUter it�dutge�oes.(tuj `�°�� .;.
<br /> < -�; : �►li P�on so qahie.(i�extend the maturity or atte,r en7/oi the terms of any sud�obl�gations.(�fi�9►an :
<br /> -- ��-�;-` cefsase or reconvey,nr causs to be t�eteassd or re�nveyed at anyr time at Lendets aption any paroeb DoNon or ai�o oe � -- -
<br /> _- . ...�` P�e�tY.N)tahe or oetease any other or addiUot�seau►ty tor arg►obtigation heieln tnaritianad,ar{v�j matcs compasi ��;�.-f•`.,:
<br /> , ` ottter a�eangamenb wrth debtcrs in reislIon thereta. ",'��
<br /> - (c)FoMbearaRw by l.ertder No!a Watvar.AnI►for�earanca b1►Lender tn exerdstrt9 anY�fight ar remedy here�mder.or oth- D �E. ,
<br /> - ;;�`•f•. etwise affarded by eDPIIcabte[aw.shaD not be a waiver ot or preduds the exerdse ot any such�ight or remedy-The proatte" S r,r=
<br /> • _ .� -•�. m Q M o f i n a�p e n�or the p a y m ent ot taxes or other fiens or d�rges by Lender shalt aot b�a waIveror LenQar's�ht to aooeter- � .
<br /> ��`.�:;"; '� `y afe ti�e rt�hu�Y ot the inde�ness saaued by t h L s O e e d o t T r u�t
<br /> 11,5
<br /> ;. ��:".";'::,;�.t?F.� (�Suocessors and Asstgna�aunid;dotnt artd 8everaf UaDID4y;Captions.The cuveaanb and agceemaMs herein oon- op
<br /> <i �< <., .{,p�_a �ned shali�d.end the d�ts hartaunder s fi a l l i n u r e E o.t he res A e c B v e suor�ssars and esstgns oi Lend� o!th[s Oeed o� � �`�1 L.
<br /> ,..'.��`j�ir •�'�..'.�:_
<br /> . ,p. wverrants�,�agteemeMs of Tnistor sha�be jotr�t and severaf.The captions anA headings oi the pawgrap
<br /> ' "+:° i , `.!'� Ttust a�e for comrenience oNy and are not to be used to infficpret or�lafine the Drovisians hereoL .
<br /> - :',.',; (e?Reqasst for tYattses.The paRies hereby�eQuest that a oopY of arry notice ot deFault hereunQer and a oopy of any r�ntlae �
<br /> . �� s; of sate Aereunder be rt�7ed t�each patty to this Oeed of Trust ffi the aAdiess set foM ahove in the manner presaibed E�y s` `�
<br /> . ���,x,� icabte Iaw�a be given in eno+fier man�er.arry natice providad[at
<br /> � , aDDlicabia[aw.Except for erry ather natice cequUed ur�aDpt •
<br /> - ;�'r� in tl�Is Oeed of Trust shaif 6a givan by matt'mg such no�e by c�RiSed mail add�d m L�e other pacties.a itu aQdres�set
<br /> - �: foM abave.MY nnUce pcavtded for in this Deed oi Tn�st shaU b'a effec�ve uDon maIling tn the manner deslgnated h�reu�.lf _:•:.
<br /> "`,.� ��� T�r is more than one pe�son.nofic�sen!to fhe address set foN�abave shaU be nottc�e to all s�cd�Persons- -:�=-
<br /> � 's � {r�tnaPeatton.Lertder maY make or ce�e to be�reas�nabte entrles upun end InspeWons of the PtaRerty►.Pmvtded
<br /> ,f;!;�� .� ihai Lsndet shaU gnre T�noUce prior to any such m�fon sP�inB ceasormbte cause therefor retated to Len6ers ir►ter• °_`�•
<br /> �"1�:���: ..:.j;.;;_'.": @stilifh9P�Ope�y►• �#�'P'
<br /> . , ,� ��ti`: (g}Recomreyance.tipan paymerrt af etl sums seaired by this Deed of Trusk LerMet eha11 requ�t Tnisflee to recomrel►the K_;�r�(,:
<br /> �`1 `.:,"��,;i:r�#;G•: Proparty and sha0 surrender tl�is De�d of TNSt and�11 notes ev�dendng tnde6tedness sea�by 1�Deed of Trust to ,;�,,:.
<br /> ;:.:;:�}`�i,`•`r•'`•"-`�' Tcuste�Tnistee shail reconvey the i�rerty.witt�out wartanty and wi4l�out chatge to tha pess�ar persons tegalty entit� ";,;.
<br /> .:Yf.l.�rF �kY ` �:5."..
<br />--• �,.:;:�:.�,:�-: •t��Y�`"`.. fherato.Tn�stor sha11 pay atl msts ot ceoordatian.if anY• .
<br /> : � -�,•:.r._;.,.,:;�. . (h)Personal Prope4ty;Seatrity Agteom9ni As addrfiortal searily for tha paymes�t of 6ts 04ote.Tns�a herebS►8t� ��.
<br /> !f.f;=
<br /> .�.•;��'.;``• :�,::_,•"s; Lender under the Nebraska Unifartre Commercial Code a security inDerest in efl fexiures.eWtpmeR6.and ofher�rso P�Pg �.,�
<br /> `•�� used in owmedton witn the�eal estate ar improveaaerds tos�ted fhesea�.and not othanruise ded��d or deem and the Lent�ss ��"
<br /> ,;�..�,
<br /> " `:,.'•,,; �,,�F•. the real�seaued hereby.This insWrnerrt sha8 ba oonstrued as a Security A9reemerd�m�er said Cade. �:;
<br />,;•,;..��.' .. . . sha0 dav��!�e�ights and remedies ot a sec+�r�d Dad3►undes�4:ode tn ad�itton to the Bghts and�emedies created undar ---
<br /> and s000rdad the Lendsr Pursuant to tl�is Qeed of Tncs�Pmvfded 9Sat lenQefs dghts end remedIas under thb pa�agraAh shaD �
<br /> ,=;.�,, ` be cumufative wIth.and i�no way a IimibUon on.Lendets rights and remedtes under any other sewriiy agreemer�t signed bll ���.
<br /> . �-:{�� � . Barrov�erorTrustor. i�r's-�
<br /> _;: '� �• : , .�;.,;...�: . (i�Lters and F.�cumbraneefs.Tr�r hereby warcants and repcesents t�at B�eie is no detaatt under the pa�wistans of arry `.,;
<br /> , .. :. �J•. mor�aSe�deed af tnist,tease or pur�e aontract descr(bing all or anl►P�ot the Propert5►.er ether wrttr�,instnune�or �
<br /> agreemerst constttWng a lien or enwrr�ance agalnst afl or any part of the PropeRY(coltecttvely.'llens7.e�dsUn9 as o��►e �
<br /> � � � • Qate of this Oeed ot TrusL and that any and a0 existlng Uens r+emain unmaQified except as disdosed to Lei►der in7custors writ ��
<br /> � .�� ' ;;�. ten disciosure ot Itens and encumbrar�ces provlCe�tor herein.Trustor shall timety per4orm a11 oi Tnistors obfigfiUons. _��`
<br /> � aovenants�represemaflons end warrantles�nnder any+a�b aD e�dsting and future llens.shall promptfy torvvaN to Lender coptes r ,�
<br /> � of all no�aes of det�ult sent in cflnnactlon wid�erry art�aD exisUn9 or fuGue Uens,and shatl not wlthoN Lenders prioc written �.�-�
<br /> - - ' censeM tn any manner moai�l the provisions oi or allow arry tuh�s*a a�vanoes under any exfsitng or iuhue Uens. �. ....
<br /> . . �A�tion aJ 9aymento.Untess othan�lse re4uired by t2��v,s�s patd to Lender hereunder.tndudtng wfthout QmitaLion =------
<br /> � rv
<br /> .1 payments oi prinapaf and interest. insurance pr�eoeeds.aopderr�-r`on procesds and rer►ts and prafits.shatl de applied by --.
<br />- �"' �� Lender to tha smounts Que and ovdng irom Tnistor and Bortower irt sucb order as Lendar tn its soie dtscretIon Qesms Qes1r-
<br />- ..,�,�.{ ..::.`. -:-: abla. �'' -
<br /> _�'•r;�" _- __
<br /> .., • .:. (k)Severabfltty.N a+►�t P���n ot fhls Osed of Tnist oor►fltds wiq�apDttcabia oaw or(s Qedared imaltd or atherwt3e urterr —___
<br /> �•��'`� iorceabte.sacb wnfiict or invalldity shall not affect 1he other proti�tons of thts Deed at Tnist or the Nota whfch can be given �
<br /> . effect wlttc�ut the oonfliWng Provlston,and to thts en0 ths provistons o1 this Oeed of Trust and�`�.s Note are dedared W be sev� _ _
<br />_ er+abte. ��
<br /> � � � (Q Temfs.Th0 tetme'Ttustor snd'BoROwer sh��nclude both singuiar and�ma1,anA when the Tnistor enA Borrovrer are ��___.
<br /> � the sama Oerson(s).thoss terms as used in thls Qee�61 Trost shall be interchange�te. ,L.�;;_.:
<br />- . :. . ;�:,:�� (m)Govemtng Law Thts Oeed of Tnist sha11 begovemed by fhe taws ai the State oi NebrasNa. �`�N�
<br /> ' -;._
<br />_ .. � ;}=^•ti<<r;
<br />_ ,.; . . ::� �;;:.•.,:.•.
<br /> . , •. ��, ur.,_-_
<br /> .. . �::, .-
<br /> � . . . ' ;,';,;..; �
<br /> _ - • :.:�F`1 .
<br /> • ..i:fl'� ' _
<br />' � Trt�sior has executed thls Deed ot Tn�st as o11he date wrftten above.
<br /> a. . F; . T1uStOt
<br /> ` IL BLOODGOODI Tn�swr
<br /> �� . . . .
<br /> -= . � .' TnuWr Tnistcr
<br /> ;• . .
<br /> .•� . . . _ _ ...._
<br />