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<br /> ,,. , -.. =!�LOP�-
<br />. �. . orv1e= ���� � Arr►endment to ll�tortgage/Deed og Tiust�o f :
<br /> - . Box 2440 � �` .�:
<br /> - �� P° ia3 � (�-IEALOC� � _-- .,
<br /> . � �' �s ���'.�''���� ��v -�::'-.
<br /> _ —�o,� ,,_ � ���
<br /> - 7'AlsAmendmerittnMoRgaga/Desdof7rust(°AmendmenY)tsmadaasotNUs 22nd�ypf Sentember ,i9 97 ��::
<br />_ . '` . byand banveen Nonvest 8anlc hr` '= h°•',...°' e a a.,..{�r�.,,, havingr7s o�iae at � "
<br /> � " • - 202 West Third Grand Island I3E 68801 (the�.eade�.�nd ���.
<br /> C arles D Frasier Sr. and Glenda K. Frasfes . husband and wife �� '
<br /> �-•
<br /> _ ...}... .. . l�fiefhe�aneormora.ths�l/loRga9�p1 ��'
<br /> �::_
<br /> . � ..,.� .,,;.� l3eaflel9 ��.;
<br /> � �. •• A The Lertderls the ho/derofthe Kome EqtirlyAaoessllne ASreement af�`"
<br /> ❑theMongagor(alsorafemd toasthe`8orrowery, ����
<br />. __"_ '.. ,... .. ,.: � Ch rles D. Frasier Sr. and Glenda R. Frasier husba�d�,gdrossrhe�orrnwe�7. ��_.
<br /> . >;_ �.":_
<br /> ' ' wNCh Isdafed S ep tembe r 29 .19 9 z .undei whlch tlte Let�BrAss extended to the BomDtvera revoArlr►g dne �Y.�
<br /> �• otcredrt(suG►Home EquiyAxess tlneRgPSems�tcgrtherwr7h arrymoQ'ifr�ons to nmade prlar�o the date ofthtsMrendmerr� �{'
<br /> ' l mfe�red to2s the°Nore%Tlte rxedtGm�far the ravclvJng�ne ofcredit evldenaed bytlre NofecmrentlYls$20.000.00 --• ---
<br />. . . F'.,���'
<br /> ' �;"+" -___
<br /> . ,.,`�r.'�}•. B. To��'ymerrt oftlra amounts out�+d"nganderthe Note,the Mart�agorhas given a mortgag�ordeed oftnxst t+�theleader —_-
<br /> �'�� .� � .. ., „ ., � S ev t ember 29 ,19 9 2 ,(such mortgaga ordeed olbus�tagetherw�anymoddlcations to It►t+ada ��.
<br /> ;,�.
<br />_••. - pdorio tlre aste o1 thTsArr,�ndmen�mfe�rsd toss the�Vfortgage%oovedrtgandplacfiga lien upon ihe real proparty more ,m.,�,,
<br />'`�,. .�._•.. . , ; October 23 .19 92 . t�t.�:...
<br /> . - paNpdan}rdesCr�bed e[t fl;r�Mortgage.The Modgage was odgin8lty flfed fnrreaord on ��' _�
<br />..�`�•.- . .• • IABIBO�CifiJIB Ae�rii�ctLT of Deeds o1 Hall ----.
<br /> - . - . , as Daam�No. 92-Itf 3 I Z v �r�Book/�o� Pag�lmaga ,.—. _.-
<br /> :x C/���wffh tde o x r��al flrng of the Mortgage,a mo r t g age reg/sby tax was Paid to the Traasunerofsuch oouniy/n tha emount _
<br /> � ',. ;� ^ ofS �!� an �l� . 19 N/A ,And thaf Treasur�sr pla�d hlsRter --_
<br /> .` slarrp�n Lhe Mortgage.s�ch stamp bsaring aember N/A . -------
<br /> '�«�...�,
<br /> • ,•.;.,,k� '' D.The M'�rsclo+owledges diaithQ IL�crtgaga ls va1Jd and entonoeabfe and rep�ese�rts 1he Moltgago/s legaf enOb/ndTrrg
<br /> � ' • oblTgau�rtc�Q and c,'earafanYdai�rn d'r�fense oroNset
<br /> ' • E The Il�rt�ora�irJllre 6�nknaw desir�to amerrd the Mo�lyaga to�f1ed certahr chart9ea to the Borrawers revolv/ngBne ofaed�7
<br /> � _ wltl�the Ba�c t!►ails sc�ut�by the MoRgage. ' ____
<br />. . � F ' � �_� _
<br /> ' Lot L'ive (S) and tbe North Six (6') of Lot Paur (4) , in Block . -
<br />- �• Twelve (12), in Weat Park Addition to the City of Gra�ed Island, • �'W
<br />_ , � . Rall County, �3�vraska. 6 �L_
<br />- � ;;;:,.,:�
<br /> � • . ;�::--
<br /> .. ,i.°��• . • � ,. . _ -_
<br /> � . . �s;�:r;� A�,omen�. `,''
<br /> . � AcevNingty,in cansider�fan o1 the premises and othe�good and valuable consldera�an,each patd to the othe�,the partlea ro thls :
<br /> . : . • Agreementagreeasfo:ion.�� •+ `
<br /> •. � ' 0 XFALQCGCodllrptlon r4�¢emont The Bomowerhas executed errd delivered ro Ure Banlca HEALOC ModiflcatfonAgree:�r:r,t ,
<br /> � � • �� S e�t ember 22, ,19 9� (tha°Mod'rlicaUonh,whlah modi8es the Note as follov�s: '
<br /> . ;•,
<br /> � � � Chsnge tn Creddt L�Fm/t The Bomowels maximum credit Nmlt under the revoNing Ilne olcrediNs changsd to a maxlmvm
<br />-_ • �' pdnclpal amount of$ 30 000.0 0 �
<br /> - ' � � F.xtensionofMetu�fn►�at� Tha revo�vinglTne ol credit wllf temUrtatoand the e�rdre unpaJd pdnc/pal balanoe outslandlttg on . .
<br /> " � the 1Vofe,togetAer with srry unpald flnanoe charges and olhe�charges,�vFOba due snd paya8fe ln full on S eu t embe r 2 2.20�2
<br /> _ , ' • � U�l suchdate,the Borroweragrees to make the monWy paymenis as dlsctvsealn Ure Note,orft modilled by the HEALOC
<br /> • � Modifica�on AgreemeM,as disrdosed!n tha HEALQC ModiflcaUon Agreement
<br /> -_ � � . � JRCreased qete ot Flaarrce Chsrga.The datJy pedodlc ratels nowequal io fi365 of %ove�the°lrtdex Rate.' Tlre , �
<br /> - 9rtdex Rate°Is the vadable mferencs infe,adjusted Jn somNanoB with the Note(if prsvloasJy modit7ed,as so moditle�vfitsh i� - ,.
<br /> .. - ❑ tRe hlghest p�ime►ate p�bllsRed in the Wa/l Sheet Joumal°Money Rates'table.
<br /> . � '❑ ihe 9f�ay Treasury BFIiRat�(establlshed at tastauction averaga on e dlscorrMbasls.r�undsd fo Nre nearesi.)0'�0). ,_
<br /> _ . � ❑
<br /> ' • Each referenca in the Mo�tgaga to the'Note°sAaUDe desmed on and aRer the date of thls Amandmenito referM the Nofe ss Ifls
<br /> • now amsnded by dre Madificatlon,together v.rffh erry tuNre e�danslons modiflicatlons,or renewals tAe�sof. fie llen o!the MoRgage �
<br /> -_ ._ : _� shal►mabnue fo sera�re ths revoivingllne ot credr�whid►!s now eNdenced by the mod'rfJed Note. �
<br /> KC t15G3LRil123B�t80Dr8v)OO.M.AL td►.ND.�4£�!Qk SD WY .
<br /> - � � • .
<br />