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<br /> ��• - . 1. ' , ,S `tF , t .i.� : �:.` f' . . E� �. . .t� . �G. _ , .
<br /> . ,�' e.a _ • �,' . - ' , - ,� .� . 4�,� . ' •
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<br /> 2 Tesre� Trt�stor sha Q each instaltment oi ait tax�s end spaciat d�,;,,r�sments ot avery Wnd,now or hecea
<br /> •::; ' . lavie�dagainst the Ynist�ta or any paR thereof, QBfare QettnQuency,witl►out notice or demand. �� ,� ,
<br /> - . `� � 3. lmrriarree errd Rsp�. Tn�tor shall mairttain ttre and extended caverage insurance�nsuring the tmproaeme�� . � ..
<br /> , ;..F cos�stitudng part af the Tnist Estate fo�such ameunts and on suct�tecros reasonabiy satisfactoey to Bensftciary. So tong as tt�e
<br /> =;'� Rtaperty Is secured tiy a first deed pf Vusi or mortgagg,comptianc�with the insurance reputrements of the ftrst deed of t�nrst or � . _
<br /> -�`��--_-� mortgaga shatl be sutftcient to satisfy the requtremer�of this paragraph 3 retating to insvranee. O ,_ '
<br /> . �'� • <
<br /> T�r shafl promptiy repair,an�replaee ttte Tmst Estate or arry part thereat so that,eucept for ardInary wear artd ffiar, � , r�,'
<br /> - ` • � ;� the Tiust Estate sha0 not deteriorat�a. tn no event shaii the TnisWr commit waste on or to tha Trust Estate,or commit,sufter pr v - .._
<br /> permst airy act to be done in or upon the Trust Estate in viotatton of arry taw.ardinance or regufatIon. Trustor shall pay and promptty � •`�
<br /> ' � � discharga at Tnistor's cost and expense ait Uert,a,encumtuancea and charges tevied,imposed or assessed agatnst the Tnut Estace C �^�.�:�:�ir•�.
<br /> 'c,�. or arry OaK thereof. ��°'� "
<br /> ��
<br /> i,- .. • �. .
<br /> ``�•�'��`.:F � a. Ac�CnsAf/eeLfn 7nestEamt+� TtustershaU _ .. .�
<br /> 9 appear tn and contest a�ry aetian or proceeding purporting to affeet
<br /> � . - the securityr hereof ur the rights or Qowers ot @eneficiary orTnistee,and shatl pay atl casts and expenses,including eost of evfdence '...�r.-�;-
<br /> - � °� of title and attomeys'Yees,in arty such action or proceed'mg in which Benefiaary ar Tnutee may appear. ff Tnutor faiis to matce ._�:°-•
<br /> . � � any payment or to da aa}r act as and in the manner provided in acry of the Loan tastrument3.Beneficiary andlar Tnistee,each in � "x�
<br /> ;�'a E:•
<br /> tneir owo discretion;without oEtigation so to du and without r�ct�ce to pr Qemand upon Tn�sGOr and without reteasing Trosoar frum � �<..: �'
<br /> ' arry obli$ation,may enake or do the same tn such marmer and to sucA extem as eitner may deem necessary ta protect the security �t ���``°�
<br /> •�. , •.r,: -:;:�_.;_
<br /> �`'':s::a,. .;���;�" hEtEOf. Trusior SAap,immediate�y tipon dEmand therefor by Benetictary. PaY al)eosts and t�xpenses incurred by Beneft�iary fin
<br />: ;;�l��t,�:: :; cannecti�ce witb the exercise by ,._�c'rary ef the foregoing rigl�ts,inGuding vvithout limitatian costs ot eviQence of tit1e.eourt
<br /> -.r�;y;;`": . cost��taisats.svrveys and at�ir�ys'tees. � • � . -
<br /> F. . �. .
<br /> ;:�,� . 5. E.osrfi�m Domaiiz If the 7nut Estate,or any paft thereof or interest therein,be taken or damaged by reason o1 _�g _ ;�
<br /> • :�• �pc�tic improvemerit ar co�dc�r.nation proceeding, or in any other manner indudirtg deed in lieu thereof('Condemnation'), ot � •
<br /> .. ' �,�: ' �ii Trusmr receives arry rtotice oc�tner irrformation rega�ding such praceeding,Trustor shall give prompt wtitten notice thereof to (� . �'..".
<br /> .--...- -•-;�w�•: 8enefic�ary. TrusLor shali be en�;?ed to alt compensation,awaNs and other paymertts or relief thereof and shaf{be entiUed at its � _
<br />_ � � ' ' option to commence,appear in and pr�secute in its own name any actton or proceedings. Trustar shall atso bs entftted to make .,,�:.�
<br /> � - ''.:�;.;°` an}F Compromise ar setttement in connecdon unith sueh lakirtg or damage. r�`�`
<br /> s,m_
<br /> , .r`: . . �;'� _.
<br />._. .', . . . B-.:_l""_
<br /> ; ``•�•,<,..� 8. �Ippal�rhnent ot Suceessor Tiustea. Beneflr�ary may,from time to tirr=e,by a wriiten msirument executed and -
<br /> �,; �°-
<br />, ,'�i<i�,�.•'',�. :��. aeknowtedged by Qertet�ciary,m2:ted to Trustar and reco�ded in the County iri which the Trust Estate;s located an3�y othenvFse
<br /> ���v%r;,� •;?rs f complying with the pravismns¢t��appiiqbte law of the State of Nebraska substit�a�ccessor ar successcrs ta ttie Tn,siee `"� _
<br /> ��`,:.� •Y�, named herein or acti,ag E.�reur,�"�.. • ��•i
<br /> , � . .
<br /> •� ' '` 7. Sta�ors ar.�6�slgns. This Second�Oeed of Trust applies to,inures to the benefit of and binds aTip3rtias her�s, � �'.�=
<br /> ' -,,' , their heirs,tegatees,devisees.��:r�l representaUves,successors and assigr�,s. The term'BenefiCiaty"shalf inea.�L�.?ewner aiT� -
<br /> :� � , hofder of arry promissory net8�j,�to beneficiary, [whether ar not named as Beneftciary hereinj. � �-
<br /> � -
<br /> . �. � 8. fL7��c..�fnsoOdaL�vn,Sales oileases. Trustor cavenants ttiat Trustor wilt not seu,iease or othervuise dispos� . � -
<br /> ,'.'�: 01 any of the Trust Est:t� C�ihe event tha2 Tru�tor seils,leases or otAetvuise dispases of arry paR of thz 1C�Estate,Benefici�ry. °=-�'�°
<br /> � �: ' may at its option decia:a�+e trt.�r..btedness secured hereby tmmedtately due and Dayabte, whether or not any clstault exists. •
<br /> ����"' � • BeneTiciary shall consent to a tr�c�er of the Trust Estate tp a third party xo the extent such third paRy meets th.a.�equUements """
<br /> �ir.sa ,
<br /> ��I% . " wrna�rted in,and assumes the cL:�x�atlons set forth in the First Ceed of Trusi. The cavenarts contained herein sha:�run wiih t�e ' _ _
<br /> � � Rroperty and shafl remain in tult farce and eftect untii tAe fnd�Dtedness is paid in full. • — _
<br /> • , 4 . cr. .-..
<br /> . .. 9. Evenls of Defau/t. Ariy ot the toilowing events shail Oe deemed an event ot detaWt hereunder. ' ""-
<br /> ... ,. . ,..: � . • ��,��:.;.
<br /> `'�� , . � . (a1 Qefautt shall be made in the payment of the fndebtedness or 2ny oiher sum secured hereby when dus; °�w-
<br /> � ar � �$��sr•.
<br /> .... � '.,� . �.._
<br /> .. � - . Rn-��
<br /> � ��. . �. (b) Trustar shall pertam any act in bankruptcy;or �.:;':
<br /> :=���<� . . • �....._
<br /> � (c) a eourt a`eompetent jurisdfetion shglt enter an order,judgment�s decree approving a petiIIan fited agair.st �,�^
<br /> : ' � Trustor seeWng arry recr�rizatton, dissotution or slmilar cellef under amr presen or tutute tedetal,state or other statu:�, �
<br /> ''`�: . • ' taw or regulaUon retating ta 6ankruptay,insotvency ar othe��eilef tor debtora,and sueh order.]udgment or decree sh�
<br /> �..'-f
<br /> � remain unvacated and unsqqed for an aggregate oi sixry(60)days(whether or not consecutnre)from ttie flrst data of en�Y �:
<br /> , . � ':::.
<br /> . thereot;er arry Vustee;receiver or It�uidator a Trustor or of ail ar arn►paR M the Tnist EsWte,or of any or atl of tt:a �, ;-
<br /> �,.• • ' ' royatdes,revenues,rents,issuss or profits thereoi,shall be appointed without the cansent or aequteseence of Trustor 8ne --
<br /> .�`t�:�• • such appointment sha0 remain unvacated and unstayed for an aggregate of s�xty(60)days(whether or rtot consecutivel;
<br /> `Ci�'.j . . or .
<br /> ;,..: ' .
<br /> ;�';"` � . Z .
<br /> . .�
<br /> . . ....-�*�---. . .. . . ... �. .. � . � . • ' • ' : . • _:
<br /> . . . . . .
<br /> � . . ., . . . . .
<br /> .
<br /> _ . . _... -- - , _ .. _
<br /> � � ", . � .: . ' . ". • . . '. . � ' . • ' ' " . • : . ' . . .
<br /> .. , . . . . ,
<br />-i . . . • . , . . . ..
<br /> .
<br /> , . .. .
<br /> ' ' , _ ' ' � • . . .. . . , . . • . .
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