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<br /> ;. ,�`` _ - . 9 �/D�"D�' �
<br /> t` `°• ": ot a BeueQeial InLet�in Borrmrer.If all or any Part of the Propercy or any interest in it
<br /> •��� �� 17.Traasf�of,the Froperty , erson)anthout
<br /> ":.":�. is sotd ar tcansfrrred for if a beneficial intemst in Borrower is sotd or t�ans�ans�� p�BO��m full of afl sums secu�by thia
<br /> ,�� � : •=�r;'E�. Lendei s priar wriW�u wnsent, E�nder may, at iis option, re�tai�e if exercise is pso6ibited by federal law as of the date .
<br /> � �:� `� Sewrity I�t�um¢nt.i�Iocvever.ttis option shall uot be exercised by L�der' .
<br />''.r;.`;�::�, .r,_ of this Sea�nty instrument- -
<br /> �_ If Leader exercises this option.I.ender shall give Borrower notice of accelerattaa.'[tse notice shall provide a period of not '
<br /> >-- iess d�an 30 days from the date the nodce is delive�ed or mailed wiihin ahich Barrower��er�ay i�ke�►y�bremedies
<br /> . . - S�vi�ty Insb�pent. If Bornower fails to pay t6ese sutas pr►or to the ezpiration of this peria .
<br /> - ��.:�':Y.`. `.i`. permitted by this Securiry vostrument without forther notice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> 18. Bn�vatvez's Rig6f'W Se;n�rAta If Homuwer meets oe�n conditions. Bor�wer shall have the right to have N_.�
<br /> � , eaforcement of this Security Im�ent disco�rtinued at an}+time prior to the eazlier of: (a)5�e Sof sale�contained in this � _
<br /> . . .' :; applicabte taw may specify for rei�tartem) before sale of the PropertY Pursuant m any pu y
<br /> .�, Sea�nty Instrumenr or(b)enaY of a jadgmeat enfarcing this Se�urity Ynsdwnent.T6ose conditions are that Borrower:(a)PaY$ -
<br /> . ��': I,ender all sums which then wonld be due under this Secuiity Insdvment and the Note as if no acceIeration had oocuried; (b) � ,w
<br /> s a l l e e s iacnrred in enforcing th'ss Seeurity_Insuument, .,.
<br /> ' � ' curss any default of any o t t�e r cov e n a n i s o r a g r e e m e n l s: (c)P a Y �°S re w a s s u t e �'��-
<br /> � ' including,6nt not lumted to,reasonabie attomeys'fees•and(d)�sach a�ion as I.ender may ieasonab ly r�qw �_.-,�-
<br /> that the l ie�of tivs Securi t y Iau�meiat,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation w pay the suats secured bY �:__�.,
<br /> '_ Inst�nent sGall continue unci�anged. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer, this Sewrity Iustrnment and t6e �'-:��-�,
<br /> . . t�is Se�urity 'Howevet,this right to reinstaEe s1�a11 �_- ?-
<br /> � . obligarions s�hetcby shatl remain faUy effe�ive as if qa aocelecation had aa�• ��-•°�.
<br /> - ��'-r,.`;'_; notappIy ia the case of acceteration under Para�raph 17. �--`--
<br />.. . • 19.Sale of Not�C�aage of IAan Sarvtcer. The Ptote ar a pascial inter�sst in the Note(tog�her with this Securiry �.� _
<br /> 1n1Ei E d
<br /> " Instnunent)may be sold one or more time.s mthout P tns�d�unde�tt�N te and t�tdseS�un'�LI�•'�Ittere al a m�ay b�e one .
<br /> .-�L�; -�-..�.-•�' asthr. I.Qan�ervicer'}thatcoltectsmo�h[YPaI►m� _--`• '
<br /> � or more changes of the Loan Senricer uareNsted w a sale of theh 14 abo eand a�ph'cabge law.Th'e t ou��'s�te the name and ���w--
<br /> ' given written noti�x of tfie change in accordance with Parag�aP �� •-
<br /> aragia
<br /> . :�. ,; "..�,��' address of t6e new Loan Servicer��t6e address_to wiuch PaYmears shauld be made.'t7�notice will also oontaia any oWet �.
<br /> .. • infom�ation req{uted by 8pplicable law. osal,storage, or release o€any �':-^__
<br /> . 20.Ha�ardacc§Sr��ntoes.Borrower si�ai�not c�use or pemut the presence, ase- �sP
<br /> ,. T Haiandous Substanas on or ia the Propertq. Borrower shalk aot do. nor allow�anyoae else to do, anytlun8 affetting the �;-�^^
<br /> � tao seateaces shall not ly to the presence.use.or °.°_
<br /> :' . gcapertY that is in violsition of arry Emironmiental Iaw. The preceding ��w 6e appropri�te to nom�a7 ��:�.
<br /> Y:'.� . : .� stoiage er�£be PropettY�of smiall quaatmes of Hazardous Substanoes that are generallY ----
<br /> .. �',�., ` sm
<br /> . reside�k cses and to maintenance of tde PmpertY-
<br /> :' '. Borrower sha�i gsmmptlY give Lender writoa notice of any investigatian,clatm,demaad.tawsuit or other action I.�aw
<br /> � . `.' . or rivate g�y invotving t6e ProAertY�fi�►Y��ous Substance or E auihorrtq.that . -
<br /> Es---��•:":'��''�=';. govemmental ar r�`'�ta=Y aS��Y P ovemmeutal or regutat�i3+ ...�.__..
<br /> ` • of which Borrower�actaat knowledge.If Borrower 1�. or is notifie��ay anY g
<br /> any r�avai or other remediation af any Ha7ardous Substaace affecting the'f�av�erty is nec�ssarS►•Bomaceer shall promptlY take , ---
<br />. . a11 Qe�sary remedial a�tions in a�da�ce witb Environmental Iaw. °_=
<br /> • f�used in this ParagaPh�``J�-.''Hazardc�as Subslauces'are those substances defiwa��toxic or haTardous snbstances by .
<br /> ' Emironmental Law and the foIloaring snbsra�2s: gasoline, kerosene. other flasn.�'S�ar wxic petruleum products, wxic
<br /> . - pesticides and herhicci.fi�s,vafatile solvenu,m�%als cantaiAing astses�s or E�r�naldeliYc�e,and radioactive matenals l���
<br /> i
<br /> ��,�aaph 20 '�nvironmental.Law" means federal laws aad laws of d^�jnrisdiction where ttte Property �
<br /> � . "':;i :. _ relate r•n�U�alth,safetY or environmental pmtec�ion. a5 follows: --.-_-
<br /> '"•;� :.. �� . K61i�i-UNIFORM COVENAI�TI'S.Borrower and i.ender ft:nher covenant and agre�-'
<br /> , �, Zl.Acoet�s.n;Remedties.I.ender s�afl�Tive nottce aa Borrowep psior to acazt2ratlon fal�owing Barra�7 nW�
<br /> '. . of an7 rnveuaat b��ent tn this SecaailY InsSrameat t6ut aot�or to acceleratlon aader parugraPb
<br /> (b)thC aCtiOn reqatc�d to an'e tde defatdt;
<br /> � . : �;�w;:,.: appflcab2e taw pra�ides otherwtse).The n¢8tr�shall sgectfy: l�)the�.'is�1t. .
<br /> gec
<br /> � �� � (c)a date,not less t6an 30 days fmm the 8ate ttie nottce is given to�uawer,by w6tch the-default n9nst 6e cared;and ;
<br /> , t�
<br /> ' � (d)ti�at fait�e ta cu�e the defmzt`�on a�before the date�pe�The t�otice shallt�utL sr inform Bo�n+n�wer oY the�rtg6t�to
<br /> ���;.,%i,��'� •� se�ar�ed bY thtc�eairt3y Ins�rmio�t and saie'of the Properi9• -
<br /> � , re�nslate after aoceier�tom aniis CIs���6r�B a coart adian to as4eri the nccn+extsteuce of a defanit os an3►other . �
<br /> . '';;,�, .�� defense of Borrower to accet�r.�n.aud�uu�,IY Ihe defaalt is not cured on or beYore the date.specified in�e notice, .� _
<br /> . , •.:� ��' � Leuder.at its optton,may rc�►W*e imm�.�E F�Ya►ent in[ull of all sunas secared by tbis Secanii�Insh'affiertt wttho�
<br /> . . Pns4her danaad au�may i�oke the power oi s�le and any other r�rcrf3e9 per�nftied bY b Zl,iadading,t�an t dimited � .
<br /> � , : `� :.' entitIed to ooQ�a[G expense�invmred in pu�sa�ng thc remedtcs provl�+a�l in thts paregraA , .
<br /> -�::=_'----�..;,:: w,seasonabie a�ir�e�'s'fecs a�costs of titie evtdemce. � ot the L-
<br />- . , � If the povrer n1 sate is invoked. Trus�e�shall �nc�°a aonce of defauis in each co�;[asx to B�and to , �_.
<br /> � � �` �� '" p�coppiy is ta�r�ad shall mail coptes aF such no@ce in the�aQaer pressribed bY aPPU --
<br /> licable C��.Aftes tne ttme req�ai�re�bY aDP1f��abie 1aw,Trustr�!�aU give pnb1Ic nottoe�� .
<br /> . . ., the other peisaus pu�scribed bF$Pp ---
<br /> ' ' of sate ta tlie peasa�ts and in the manner pr�sn'bed by applic�ble faw.Trustee,�vithoat demaa��c:n Borrower,a�ta0 seU •
<br /> tde Property at pablic sus8on 7.�n the 6lghest bidder at the time and place and under thnQ���oT����of the -
<br /> � � . sale in oae or u�re paroels au�in any order Trastee d�ermin�. reviousl stti�ed sale. Lcnder or its�lgnee may ---
<br /> . • PropartY bY Pni�li�annouaso,+Re�t at the tirae and place of anY P Y �.
<br /> .� .�,�., .. ptuehase the PropertY at any sale. �'_'.
<br /> �, :�. .
<br /> , �, . . �-
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