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<br /> F� - � ` � �?�s0��0�'
<br /> � _. ,�,� `�`� TOti&THBtt Wi7`N all the improvements aow or hee�fter et+ected oa the pmperty.and nll easements.eppurtcnances.and
<br /> �' • fixtures aow ar l�reafter a part of ti� property. AU �placements and addttions shatl aiso 6e covered By this Serur�ry
<br /> � t_ - Instrumen�At!o%the fom�oing ts referred to tn tNs Securiry[nswment as thc'Pmpetty.° t.
<br /> �.n.,`•"•,~'. .. `� BORROWER COVENANFS that Bortower is lawfully seised of the cstate hereby oonveyed and P�as the right to�tnt and t �
<br /> oumey the Piroperty an�that t14 Property is urtensumbered.except for encumbrsnaes of rerord. Borrower warrants aad witl � � :��
<br /> ::.y f�;.� ,�'�� defcad gener�l[y the citle to t�e Pmy�eny against aif ctaims and demattds.suDject to any epwmDranocs of tevord. �
<br /> 37ff�SECtiRITY INSTRUMENT oombines uniform oovenants for national use nnd noa-uniform cove�ants witti It"mIted � �
<br /> ;.� variaiions 6y jurisdiction to oonstitute a uNform bectuiry instrument oavering re�l proFerty. �
<br /> ` , . - iJ1VIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender cavenzint and agree as foftaws: - -
<br /> • ' I.P�yment�Y Prfacipal and iniet+esh, l�ayment nnd Late Chtuseq. Bomawer shaN promptly pay when due tite i ��`
<br /> - •: principal of aud interest on the debt evideuced by t�e Note aad any prepayment and late charges dae under the Note. ' i ' '
<br /> ' � �;� �.�; � 2.Ftmtts fnr Tatcs and Iasnrence.Subject to applicable taa or to a written waiver by i.ender,Borcower shall pay to � -
<br /> :- -,� E�.der oa t6e day montlilY PaYme�s a�due under the Note,unti!t�e Note Is paid in fu!!.u st�m t"Funds")for:fa)ye�riy ta� ;� -
<br /> . - and assessments which may attain peority over this Security Insm�ment as a ties�on the Property:(b)Yearly teasehold paymatts i�`'.
<br /> . ` . or graun�rents on the Prapetty,if aay:tc)Yeariy harard or pmperiy insurance premiums:(d)Yearly tload insaraace pre�trinms� -
<br />. ' ' rt ' `�. . . '—
<br /> : , if aay:(e)Yearly atortgage insurance premiams,if aay:and(�any sua�s payabte by Boirower to Lender, In aocotdaace wtih �
<br /> di�provisions of paiagtaph 8,�n lieu of tlie payment of mortgage i�rn�nce pr�mtums.l3iese items are calied"Fscrow Items.' i . `
<br /> a 'n
<br /> ' Lender may,at any time. oalted and hold Funds in an amouni aot to excepd the maximu�amount a lender foi a federaily :�:
<br /> e �.:
<br /> ; � , related mongage loan tnay requize for Borrower's escrow account under the federai ReaJ Estate Setttement Procedures Act of ��-��_
<br /> - 1974 as amended from tim�to time, l2 U.S.C.SactIon 2601 es seq.("RE5PA').uale�s another lav�that applies to the Fuads ;��
<br /> " - sets a lesser amonat. tf so, I.eIIder may. at any tinQe,coStect aad hotd Fuads in aa antaunt�ot ta exceed the tesser araoun�. ;�;_
<br /> Lender may Pstim�*p the amount of Funds due on the irdsis of currem data aad reasanaDle estlmates of experiditures of fuwre !� �
<br /> ��<.:•.
<br /> - • - - . • Escr+dw items or othe�ise in accar�/ance witb a�splicab2e tam. • � :�-;
<br /> � '�...� � The Fuu�s slrall be held in an institution whose deposits �e insured by a federal a�ency, instrumeataliry. or entity ��;.
<br /> ' _'.�::',�� � (inctuding Ix��+r,if Lender is sucii au institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Ban&.IRader shall apply the Funds to pay We �`::;
<br /> Escrow Items.L€nder may not char�e Borrower for holding and applyirig dte Funds.annuaUy analy�ing the escrow s000unt.or `�'.
<br /> - . ve�nfying the Fscsaw Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fvnds m�d applicable law permits Lender to make such �LL :
<br /> - a c4�arge.How�.wer, LaMer may reqnire Bormwer w pay a one-ti�e ciratge for aa independem ral�ate rax reporting servioe �-:.-
<br /> . � . used by Lendge ia connection with this loan, aatess applicable Iaw�pmvides otherarise. Unless an agreement is made or -
<br /> �� �..,,�' � applica6le law teqai�s iaterest to 6e paid,Lender sha11 uot be required to pay Bomuwe,r any i�erest or eamings an ti�e F�mds. _
<br /> : ,£'�%��..�'.� S�r,aower and Leader may agrce in writing,however.tha�t interest shaU be paid oa the Funds.Lender shaU give to Boirower, —
<br />�}"`'•_ _ w;Dl�aut charge,an annoal a000uaeng of the Funds, siv,�z�credits aad deb#ts W the Fonds and tiie purpose for wflich eacfi
<br /> '�,.� d��to the Fuads was made.Th�Funds aze pledged as�-�onal security for all sutns secured by this Secarrity Insbroment.
<br />;:.•,
<br /> • ,. • �f the F�ds 6eId by Lxnder excced the amounts permitted to be heid by applicable taw,L,ender sliaall acoouttt to Bomnwer ,�-�.,
<br />, . ',;: �.. for the escr�Emads in accordance a+ith t�tequiremenu of aQplicabte iaw.If the amount of the�ca�ds Astd by Lender at�aAy. . . ' ;�_
<br /> . . . . .,;
<br /> �, � time is not�ent to pay the�scrow Itea�,s when dae.Leisder may so notify Borrower in wrIting,and,in sach wse Bomawei . --
<br /> • ' . -� �il pay w_L�der the amount necessary to make up the de&ciency. Bormwer shatl make up the defc�eu�y in ua atore thart. ��:
<br /> ' . ' �'-•; twetve montAly paymcnts.at Lencler's sole disc�tion. � �-
<br /> � '.:r,; ; ? Upon payc�:rtt in full of all snms�secuned by this Se�uity Instrumerit, I.eader sbali prom�8�y refu.nd w Bormwes any � . ��-`.
<br /> . .:%�:� "::° Fands hetd b Lender.If,unler h 21.Lender shall Leader.Pcr.or w the • g;�.
<br /> , =',},. . Y A P�8�P acquire or se11 the Property, acquisiaon or sale ,F .
<br /> . .!., . �;, . :,S oF the Fraperty.shall apply aay Fuads he2d by�der at the tirne of asqnisidon or sale as s credit against the sams secured by ='-..
<br /> _ �ti.g-SecuriryInsfimient. . ��
<br /> '} � "� 3.Appficat�on of P�y�.Unless applIcable law.g,.rovides otherwlse.all pay�nts received by Lender under painYgrapLs� -
<br /> . r: t and 2 sAall�e��Qplied:first,ta any prepayment charges due onder the Note; setond,to amonnts paya6le uader paragtaph�2: �,-::
<br /> , .� rf;b,,"'; thi�,W intecrsstct�e:foarth,to principa�d�e;.and tast.to a�y late�s dae unQer the Note. • -_-
<br /> .: t�;, � .
<br /> _ ,• �:� . 4.Chs�e`s;I3ea9.Burrower shaU paq a11 taxes,assessments,c�asr�es.fines and impositiors aittibutable to ttte Property ' �.,�
<br /> � :•�= which may attain pria�ity oves tlils Security Instrument,zad leaseho!r�payments os�ound re�ts, if aay. Borrower sshall pay -----
<br /> . ' � ttu�nbligarions In the manne�pmvided in paragraph 2.ar if not paid in that manner,Borrower shalt pay them oa time direrdly. ' �i:,_,
<br /> • , to the on owed "-``"
<br /> peis payment.Borrower shall prompilY fnmish to Lendet all notices of amounts to be pa�d under tUis paragraph. ., . .. _._,
<br /> � '" • ' If Borrower rnakes these payrpents direMlg.�imwer shall prompiiy fur�ish to I.endet receipts evidt�ccing the payments. , • -� :
<br /> .: � � . .
<br />' __"..�.1_-__._.. 1.s ' �:_:�.a
<br /> . - . ` Borrower shall prompUy discbarge a.ny��:�n whicti P,as,priority a:�r this Secnrity lnsuument ua4ess Barrower:(a)agrees in. ' �=--
<br /> • � �2 v�i�g to the pay+ment of the obligation secnred by the ti�ae;�n a manner acceptable to Z.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien � � ��'��-
<br /> . ' �y; or defends against enfor6:saeat of the lien in. Iega3�praceadiags which in tt,��.ender's opinion operate to prevent-the• . � �"?�'
<br /> . � . � _; enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of ttie lien aa a�reement satisfactory to Lender sub�rdinating the tiea Go '�'��_
<br /> . • ` ; this Security Ia.�ument.If Lender deteriuines that any part of the Ftraperty is subject to.a lien w[i�h mE�y attain prioaity aN�r ,
<br /> ; ilris Seartiry Instrument.Lender may give Bomnwer a notioe 4dentifyi�ihe lten:Borrawer shall saaisfy the lien or take or.�as ��:�°
<br /> . " ,� more of the acxions set forth�OVe within 10 days of the giving of notice. . �
<br /> . � • � . �..
<br /> � ; , •fortn 3028 8/90 ,-r..
<br /> * aaae�aee .
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