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<br /> T � �t ` � }t y � .
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<br /> __. . � ..:}.7:. � �. �,�:� :!i _ __. • . 4� c _ . - . . a. . ,. � • .�
<br />. -f�' _ . - .. .3�..��` _...._� - A..��..._>.�c..o...�+:.�.i.�.,...�,....�.��..-_�_._.� _�..��. _.—.._.__�. � �.____�..+.._�.. • � ,
<br /> ' — . . � ' Lt 'F.
<br /> : . , ��m�v8�;� . - . .
<br /> . 10tiE1�R WITH a8 the�pmv�now ar 6eaeaf�a erect�d oa the prupe�ty,aad all ea� ces.tutd .-��' � ' .
<br /> f�ues now or 6ereaft�a part of the pmpaty.All tr�laoement�sad additions s�U aLsfl be cavered by thig Securi►y Insuwneat �-�',`
<br /> � .� • A11 of the f�eegomg is ref�red to in this Se�rity Jnsuameat a9 the"Propaty►.°
<br /> . , � BORROWER COVENAN'I�tLai Botmwer is tawfaliy sased of dce e�e�e�eby oonveyed end hav the rigdt to g�aat and .
<br /> . � oonvey the Pmpcsty aad tbat the Propeaty is aae�c�ml�,excepR far eacumttta�ces of rea�d. Bouower waaanis and ariil ..'
<br /> =;---^�-'` defeaQ geaecaliy the titte o�tue Pmpeny ag�nst all ciaia�s mnd demauds�anbj�t t�m►y�br�oes of�rd. ---
<br /> - z°`�''�'`�- : THIS SEC�JRITY INSTRtIMEAi'P combinnes�ifa�m oov�t�s for ualionai ase �d aua-�ifaim cavmsnts w�b�irr� -` - -
<br /> :�... .
<br /> ` . ` va�tinns by,�tuisdic�on fn oons�a imifmm seaairy insu�t coveriag real proputy. , .
<br /> � _ �.`: UNII�RM COVENA1�Pi'S.Bonower and Leudcf o�venant aad�as follow� ' �
<br /> � . , L Paym�t ot Ptindpal and�RtePa9�eaf and I�ate Cbar�s. Bmmw� shall promP�Y PaY whc� due the •: ,'`.
<br /> . -- : psincipal of ead in�re.stan the d�tevidenced by the Note and aaY P�Y�and late charges dneunder the Noie. - �.�
<br /> - L F�dslarT�aud�n.�mauo� Sablect tn app&able law�to a writtra waiver by I,eader.Bmrawer shatl pag tn .
<br /> , : .`� Leader�the dv►g maathtq gay�cnt�are dne�ttue l�iote.�til the Note is paid in foD.a sa�m(°F�ds'�for.(a)yearty� . '.
<br /> , . . :.x' �d a�csme�is arbir�may au�n�rity avea @tis secarity Ins�ament as a Iie�on the Yropecly;rol Y�Y��D�Y�� � .'.
<br /> ' ar giomid reans on dte PcaI�Y.¢ffi►Y+t�)Y�Y��PmD�Y��P��(�Y�9 IIood insara�tce pre�niqms.i�. ,
<br /> �Y.(e)Y�Y moitgage insmaace premianns.if aay.and(�aaS►sams Payable by Bmrower�o Leader,ia scw:dance wnD the r ., ' �
<br /> _ • � � provisians of paragraph�m lie�n of the paymau of mort�ge iBSU�auoe p�emimms.'i�ese items ate� "Escmw Ite�s.° �- ��,,�
<br />`''< ,. , �� I.ender maY,at�►y tane►coIIect ffi►d kold Fands m mi amount not to exceed the umximum amouni a i�d�far a fedaatly�elaDed �
<br />� �:_ t ;-: �ge iaan may r�uue for Bmmwea's es�aw sa�o�mt tmder the fed�al Real Esta�Settl�ment Ptoceduies Ast of 1974 as `':
<br /> ' : :°r�,,,;_ s�d�fram time to trme.12 US G Sec6nn Z601 a seq. ("RE�SPA'�.miless aao6�er 1aw tbat applies w tLe Funds sets a Ies� ,�� •� .
<br />_._. .:. _ .�.;yw;�. amosmt if s�,L�der may.at m�y trm�ooltect�d Iw2d Ftmda in�amount not ta exoaed the �amo�mL Leaded may �`=--�: _
<br /> ���-s`----;-•`y�:,`` esmmate the amount of Fi�ds due on the basis of artt�t dara and seasm�able es6unares of�dinues of famae Hsczow Items ar
<br />- �.;-
<br /> - ' . -4 . = oth�ariscs in�Nance wit6 applic�able Iaw.
<br /> � . ' 'i�e�msds shaD be he2d'm an msp�nn whose deposits�e Ins�ed by a fedetal age,acY.instrumen�lity►,ar e�tity►�tinclud�8
<br /> , ����` . Leadar,if L�tder is sus6 an mstim6og)or in .
<br /> :.:,.� : � , �� �y Fed�al Home Loan Bank.Leuder shaII apgly dn�Fonds tn yray the Bs�mw _____
<br /> - : ;t<.;..�, I�m.s.Leader may not c,harge Baamwer f�holdffig and ePPIyIn�the Pymds.mmnaIlY�Y�S the�sc�aw�t,�v�7ring ���.1
<br /> . "�`�, the Bscmw Items.�aIess I,eudea pays Baaowes int�oa the Funds mW app�Cable taw peamits Lendea ta u�ake secb a cLaege. .
<br /> r,, ,.,�;�� � 18k � _.
<br /> _ ` Tr�owever,Leudea mayr requice Bonawer to pay a a�ne cdarg�for�ind�3eut rea�es�te ta�c�g seavise nsed by `
<br /> - ... �, :�
<br />= ;�;';.':.': : ,i I,e�dra In oonuection with t�is Ioan.cmless agplic��aw pmvIdes oth�vLsi.C:�!�an ag�eemeat is made or applicab2e law • `'
<br />- `r�.:'r:f�r . ..,4•_...;t�_
<br /> "' ;y:;�'.';� �� I�([(IfIC$1f1�m�'Q21I��G[8�011�I bC I�QQ1�C�LO�BQITOW�.!��.2SZ QT 'C��$QD�LPi�11A�3.BO�WQl ffil�
<br /> . .�`;.J, ,� I.endea may agree�wrlting,howev�,�intemst shatl be
<br /> 1 .:!�l,R.::. • Oaid on oi!�P,ad�.L�n�tt�ha���e m Harruwer,without charg�,2n _
<br /> � aanaal ascomidng of the FimdR showing cxedits aad debits w the FS�,is and t�pmpose for wturL eacb debit m the Faads�s ..
<br /> '� � - c�aade.'ti�e Fimds�e pledged av addidonal sec�rIty for ali saims sectued 6y tbis S�r Iasnume�t - .
<br />, � If the F�ds hetd by Ir�nder exceed the amaants pam�tcd to be held by appli�able Iaw,Leuder sl�all accouat po Bomnwa for . �=�-�'
<br /> : 18e e�cesa Pbads m ac�rQance witA the requi�e,ments of applicable 1aw.If the amam�t of the F�r►ds hedd by I�cnder at any bnne is . �,:"�_
<br /> . ' ' noi suSuIent t�yay the Bstxow Items ah�dae,Leades may so notify Brnraw�ia wliting,ana.m sad�case B�mar�sball pay ,::-�'-_;<;:
<br /> ' .. . to Leader the amouni aeoessary to make ap the defici�cy.Boimwa shall make ap the deSaeaay in no more than twelve _,�
<br /> - ", `.�-t aonthIS►PaYmeats,ai Leadda sola discaeuon. _-..
<br /> -- . � , UPon PaYm�t in fnII of aII s�s seQUed by tbs S�riry Insaameat,Lend$s sba11 promptly refimd w 8mrnwea any Fands
<br /> . Lh�dd by Leadea�cmd�para�rapb 21,Ie�dea s6all acqufire ar se�l the Pmpa3g,Lendea.prior to the�afi�n or sa2e of 8ie ,�.::,.�=.
<br /> � t'' '; �P�Y•s�ID�D1Y�Y Faads 6eid��der at the tbme of�,,�nn or sale aa a caedit zs�piust the smas seaued�g r�as ,.
<br /> , .
<br /> a � �: �S:i���f: .; Se�urity Ia�ut :.,,=
<br />-- 3.Appliwtion ot 1'�gm�ta UnIess appllt�ble bw grovIdes o0�svis��tB�ytne,nts received by Le�da r,�Ci pmrdg�apLs -
<br /> St .r,�
<br />-�� ;, �. .. .- , . 1 aad 2 sban be apgli�S�t,w a�r Freyayjnent c4arges dne andei t�e Nat�a�cond.to amoants payable�mded parag�aph.Z; -
<br /> .. � , third.to int�estdn�fo�d.�*,onDriaclpal dn�and 1ast.toany lase ct�ge.vdue andea the Nota . _.--
<br /> _ � . 4.Ch�;LIen�. $oanwet shaD pay aII mxes,as�negts.e�arSes�.Snes and imposidoaq a�n'bntsble to dt$Pta�ay' .
<br />._� ;. - � w�ch may a�in primiay cyv�t 8�is Seauiry Iustrum��and te�oi�payme�ts Qr go�d r�ts.if atry.Bmrowe�shaII pay ti�se . _ .
<br /> - .� . ajbllg�tions In the ma�c�r�vtde�in pa�agraph 2,or eff aiot p2id in thaz manna.l��mwer shaD pay 4�em an dme di�xtly to Bie '
<br />' ' .. � g�son owed yaymait Eua�we,r sLall�omptty fimr�s�to�ded aU aotioes�ammmrs to be pasA mida tbds ya�aq�.If .
<br /> � . � , . Bonuwer ma�ces these pay�um d�ecfly.Bonower sha�prompdy fiuntsh to Lae�receipts e�rid�cimg the paym�t�. . . � .
<br /> - . .. . - . - Bamrowes at�a11 FromPtlY d�cd�ge any liea which bas primity over 8�is Seciuity Insaumea�t ualesa Bmmwea:(a)a,�i� ` : �.
<br />-°- . • wridng to the paymeat of the obligadon seaued by the lic��n a marmea aoceytab2e to I.e�der;(b)coatests in gaod feith ttia G� �
<br /> - ,. by,or defeads �g,sia,�t e�fonement of the lien ia,Iegal DmcaediaSa arhich�the I.eand�'s opinion operate to greve,nt the ��� .
<br /> = . - . � c�nfarcamcnt of the lieau:oz(c)s�aues from the holQea of the liea aa ezt ':.A.•--._
<br /> _� , dils Secu�ity Iastrament If l�eadei detamtnes tbat anp L�azt of the Aro�eaty is sn�ect�wbich may auain prtmrtyr8�over tbis '
<br />__�� .. . Seauity 1ns�ut��Leader may give Brnrowei a natice ideatffying tlie li�.Bo3rawes s�hall satisfy We lien or take one or moie
<br /> __ � of the acdonv set fartb above within 10 days of the giving of aotice.
<br /> - � � Form SOZO 9/90 . . .
<br /> ��8R(N�(921�.01 Pape 2 af 8 InHt�:
<br /> . i:;
<br /> .e .
<br /> - ^^_`..""""*.--_^'--n--^ . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . � . . . . . -. .
<br /> _ . . . .. . _ (, . . _ .. . , • _ . .
<br />._ __ � _ ' . - ' . . . . ' . � ' . . . ' . • ' . ..
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