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<br /> . , ?Ol��fHBR MTH all the impmvem�nte now or hereafier ececxed on the pmpercY,a����etC� .
<br /> , �. flxnues no�v or h�reafter a gart of the pmperty. All replaoemenss a� �� � �o be aoverxd by t�s Se�ity .
<br /> �, , tnstrnmenL.Alt of ths fo:egoiag is ceferr�d to ia tbis Sepuiry inc ,me„t as the'PmgertY.• .
<br /> ,-t� . . BORROWBR COVBNANTS tmat Bormwer�a lawiiilly seised tif tne estate heieby conveyed aad ttr�s the rIght to gr�t aa4 �. .:
<br /> `. coavey the Property aatl that the Property is imencumbered.excePt for encumbmnce.v of reooid. Barmwer warr�ts aad will •- ..
<br /> � -- ,•�'�� d�fent►generally the titte to the PraPettY agains�all claim4 aad demaacts.subjeR to agY enc�mbraaces of reooxd. _ _
<br /> •� � � - 'C�S SECURITy INSTRUI�iENT a�cmbiaes uniform aovenams for national use mmd nca-unifarm coveaants�vitb Umited
<br /> . `. � •,; varlations Dy jurlsdtcdon to oonstttute a naifonu secmrit3+insuum�at oovedng real pmpeicy
<br /> `� UNffORM COVEIJAN'fS.Bor�ower and Irnder covenant and agcee as follows:
<br /> . 1.paymemt aY Pti�Aal sad In�preAsYa��t sud Late Chargcs.Bomnwer sbaU pmmptlY PaN when due the . .
<br /> 'r•' .
<br /> <. '., prindpal of an8 iate�est on the debi evtd�rea by the riote and afi►Pr�paymeat aad late c�arges dne�det the Note.
<br /> ° 2.Ftmdv for Taaes and tns�rano�Slibject to apglit�bte law ar w a vvrFtten waiver hy Lee�der.Bormwer shaU pay w
<br /> ' I�etcder on the day momhtY paym�are dQe wder the Note.until the Nate is paid'ut fiill.a sam('Ftmds')for.(e)YeffiiY�s -
<br /> � , and asSSes�ents wbi�L ma�►a�ia PrloritY over tbis S�nrlry Imgtrnment as a li�oa the PmpertY:(b)Ye�atiY leasehoId paym�ts
<br /> � .- � _ �.:z ar goaad�s on the Pmpeity.if aaY:(�)Y�Y��F�P�►�Premiums;(�Ye�2Y�d�P� �:1L�'
<br /> . � ` ' ` �g a�y:(e�Year1Y mortgage�n'�Pre��•��Y;a�(f!�Y�PaYabte by Boma�ver w Lentier,ia saoordaare with
<br />: ' �, the pmvtaions of paiagragh S.in lien of tLe payment of martgage inswt►ace piemiums.'I�ese ite�ace call�`Escra�r Ite�rs.
<br /> w►
<br /> , ;. ' .leader maY, ��7► �. wltect aad hntd Faads in an amount not to cxceed tne max�m atnouat a lender for a federally ,
<br /> ' �elate�mottgage lo�►may ceiluire for Eormwer's escsow a000wu aader the feQetal R�l Fstate Seutement Pmcedutrs Aet of .
<br /> • ' 1974 as ameaded fram tirme w wae.12 U.S.G SeaFon 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA').amtess aaother Iaw tl�at applie.a w the F�ds . .,
<br /> _ .� �_' .��,F- sets a t�sser amo�t.if so.Lender may, at�y time.coltea amd ho2d Fuads in an amo�t not to exseed the lesser a�- _.
<br /> '�"._°a r�' ::.��;�� iendet may estimate the amoant of Funds due oa the bas9s of aureut data aud ceasa�b2e esdmates of expendIAues of Nt�e ° .
<br /> � • Fscrow Items or othetwise�a accsrdance aritL appiicable law. '. •�
<br /> � � � 'ine Ftmda shall be held ia aa institatiou whose deposits a�e insiued by a fedetal ag�Y, insuamemality. or eatit5► . '•�; .
<br />- �-_---..� -�; .9`; (incindiag Leuder.i�l�tnder is sush aa histitntlon)or in any Fedeiai D�ome Loan Bank.Leu�er shaU app1Y the Faads ta pay the -
<br /> d the e.saaw sc��t,ot ,
<br /> �.``� � Fscrow Items.I.endea mal+nat cha�ge Boaower for hold'mg azW applying the Fouds.annuaIIY�Y�
<br /> . . . verigyiri�the Esaow Items.aNess Lendec pays Baaawec imerest on the Fttt�ds ana applicabTe taw pecmits Iieader w make surh ,
<br /> real e.etate taa rtin8� �' '�
<br /> :: ��,:��::' .�� a cbarge.Hawever,LEnder maY requi�e�awer to gay a one-time charge far an iadepeade� � , �-; _:
<br /> � used py Lsnder ia coanecHan witb this laan. unless applica6le iaw pmvMes otherwise. Unless aa ag�eement is mad�or ��,_4-
<br />_ •• .'� � sppli�able taw tequ�interest to be paid,Lender sball not bo r�qaiEed w pay Bomawar aay intere,st os earaings an the F�s. �_�.---
<br />- Bormwet aQd I�atdet maY agree in wrftinS,however.that interest st'r.alall be paid oa the Fuads.Le�der shall give to Borna� !°°�_
<br /> �Q s
<br /> . . without chacge,aa anaual acco�tiag of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Fuads aad the pu:pose fos whic�e� �;,-:
<br />- debit w the FuaQs wa9 made.The Funds aze pledged as addidonal securlty for ail sums secoied by this Sec�ity InsKumens. _----
<br /> � " If the Faads hetd by Imder excced the amo�ts permitted to be held by agpl�Cab2e law:Leader sha11 accaimt to Bcsmwer -�_-
<br />_�� , for the eacess Funds ia accordance wIth the�equiremeats of appllcable lacv.If the amouat of t�e Funds hetd Dy Le�der ss�Y _--
<br /> � " dme is not suifrcfeat to pay the Fscmw Items whea due.I.endes may so aotIfy Bomawer in writiag,and,In snr�case Bo�wer --
<br /> shall PaY w LEnder th�amo�t neoessary to make up the deficIea�7►.Borrower sball malce up tIIe deaci�►ia no more tbau o._..
<br /> � . .. � twelva montbly payments.at Lender's sole dlscreSon. ' �-'-°
<br /> Leader shall promptly rat�d to Bctmwer a�r �"-"��
<br /> Upon payment Ia fiill of sU s�ms secnced Dy tt�s Seauity lnsaument. -
<br />- . Funds�eld by LeadQr.If.�der paragrapb 21,Leader sttall acqu�re or seil the Pmpesty.Landet,ptlor to the acquisjti�a c�sate �_
<br /> ' . ,. • of the Property.sl�all appty aay�Fuada held by Lender az the tims of aequisition or sa3e as a credit agaiast the sams se�xod by _
<br /> . � 3.�A pSaaflo�n aY�ea�.Ualess appltcabte law provides othes�vtse.a11 PaYmeats received�y Lender�det parageapbs "�''.-
<br /> ,::� , . ..: . � '.�•=�
<br /> . 1 and 2 sba11 be applle�:fust,to anY P�PaY���B�dne oader�he Notre;second.to amonnta payable i�dea�p.�h Z, ,` �:=:-
<br /> � � thud.to interest due:fonrtb.w Princigal+iue:aud tast.co a�r late charges duc3 uader the Note. �. �•
<br /> - � 4.Chatge�:Id�s.Bonower sIiali pay aU taxes,assessmencs, charges.fines aad impositions attrlbutab2e w tBe P�ty -a :
<br /> � �'
<br />