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<br /> . - - } '�:i �-, 9t, G 4. C-� . �<
<br /> ;, � s '� F -�� a.� "���7_ t
<br /> . __'�'. �.�. .�..�..^' r. 'a-t. �. .s-. . �� e c `cr,'s:. ..%- •.�
<br /> ' 4 yy�.
<br /> . � i � t L.. :t•` 1 °: (
<br /> . . _ � _ :k-' , � F
<br /> �'. .
<br /> ,�'��s;' • .
<br /> `-t< �l{8 : ,�f``.
<br /> ° `�4 �4," catton of t�nta shall nat cote or�ra�ve ru4Y defauIt or im�alldate a�►other rlght or re�nedy oY Lend�r. °`�, - .
<br /> �� '�..`:. ... ..� MY apF13 ent is psi�ia PaiL �,`' �:
<br /> ` assi�meat a�reats ot the Pmgeity sIIall.tefminate wD�n the QeDt sewreB�;tLe�� h q�.IaaQer may imro � '� �
<br /> ' 18. Fn1�e�ro�. rf LeuQei leQaiirs im�tedlate gayment in'fu11 onder par�aD _ �° .'4•t
<br /> me �
<br /> ` the ower of sa2e sud suy other remeQfes p�imftted e3►�PP�bleiaw Lender s�ll beentltt�ed to ao�tect ai.le�g�e"„'�
<br /> • ' inca red in pnisuing�he remedi�s p�vlde4 tn t�is ParagaPh�8►indBdinp�Dut not Wnited to.reasoaabte auomey+s � ..
<br /> -.� `c_` .+� c ;1�. .
<br /> � � � fe�s and costs oY tIste evlQenae. � art of the� . ,
<br /> ,. � . . If the�p�er of sate is invoked.ZYast�e sbait.reaard a nuti�of defautt in each mna in i�+aic�anS►p � ,,...�4.
<br /> .• ;.; :' rescarlbed�Y aPPIItaDIe taw eo Borrower and�
<br /> _ � . proPertq�S tacated aad sl�aan mail aopi�;a�f sact�aattoe in tse maages p f� . .
<br /> : ° 1 �II 'Troste�.sLalt Sive pnblic � =
<br /> w the other person�pres�ed BY aPP�lelaw After th�8meteqnired by app]icable taw, � :
<br /> � � ,� no8oe of sate to the p e�s o n s�d in the ruanneY p�c�iDed DY$PF�cabie Iaw Trustee,wiihout demaa�on Bon�awer,� :' •r(..,`
<br /> --,��-`-:-._--: b i Q d e r a t t�e t i m e a n d 1 a�e a n d n n d e r t h c t e r m s desi g n a t e d --�``
<br /> shall sell the Pmyertp at pnbllc�a c�i on to t h e i�i g�c s t p ae sale af sII ��,',; ^,,
<br /> � � ��` .?` ia the notioe of sale in oae or ffio�pazce�s and in a�order Ttustee deteYmin�s. 'lYa;tee maY P�
<br /> . � � or at►y paroel o f c L e P ro p e rt 9�Y P n b l i c a m a o n n a e m e n t at the time and phce of aay plevloasly scheduled sate. Lender . .
<br /> � .. or i desig�ee may pu�ase the Pmp�Y at aay sale. ��4ee�1 ooaveying tLe � -
<br /> ---�= - Upoa reaeipt af gayment of tfle prIae bid.7Yustee shaII deliver to tDe pnr�ser �-.-.;
<br /> � .`�:v� � PtoPemJ• 'Ihe redtaLs ia the�rustee's deedshall be p�ima faca�e evidence of the trath of the statemenss made thereia.
<br /> T�rustee shariaPPfi�Pm�ofthesa�e inthe foIIawingorder.(a)wa11 a�stsanda�pem�es ofe�idsingthe p�er -�."►'s=
<br /> E �e IIot W eRD�ed �j� � �
<br /> ` of sat�and the sa�incindi�the nt of�he 1lrnstee�s fee,s ac�uall�►ins�. _
<br /> � � . amo�t oY the aote at t�e time of the d�on of d�fault, and reasuna62e attomeys' fees gs �: ;..:�
<br /> �: . of tlie p�n�1 �.0.F_`_:
<br /> ':�: • ��`+, P�fsp�N)to all sams secaced�y ttiis.SesarltY Insuumen�sffi(a)aaS+�s to t�e petsan nr ge�sOns � . -
<br /> tegaily en�Itiea to it is tt�l�t Dp tIle secaetary ana tne se�xetaty require.s immediate � -
<br /> If the Lendei's inter�sc fn t�is�►Ipsa°me°t of sate ia the Singie : �, '
<br /> paymeni in foli uader pareg[aPh 93,:r�.�aeta�Y�Y���se nonjttdicial power P� _
<br /> � '� gamiiy Mnrcgage Fo�Iosare Ast:of�4(°Ar���Z�S.G�95i���yY I��S a forerlos�ue oommissioner � `
<br /> .�..,,.,.•.._._. ,;. ���nnder the Act to aom�ce 6orec�re aud i�a�the Yra�as pmvIded ia the As�. Not�ing ia the � r 4
<br /> : ` :� � P z e a e d i n g s e n s e a c e s h a ri d e p r i v e ct�Secre t a ry of aa y�dgb,ts v,�t�envise as�"'-�le co a I,�ter wWer tTois gatag�aph 18 �
<br />. or applicable law � r i� . �:.�T
<br /> .�,:,,��. .,,.,.�' I� R�ca�UFnn Payment of aU snms secnred by�s Sewsay,ins�n�e�� r�TlO�� �;.;,,.:
<br /> � �.;, ta reoanvey the Fi¢p�.°ty anfl shall sarrenbter this S�ity Insuament a�+l all noses evldencdng debt secured by�his � ,y';
<br /> ` §ec�tlt�Iflsuamer.�4�'fCt�. �dsteesEiaUnECOav�ythePrOperiycvltht���varient9aadwithflatc]�atgeWthep�s� . . 'Yf'
<br /> ,. '�', •�°� or persoas legaiip emi�teQ to,it. Such persan or ge�sons shaII pay aaY r�aordsc[an easts. _
<br /> . . ?a S���Lead�at its aptton.maY ftom time m ame remave Tcustee and appoia�a�suooessor =��
<br /> . uaste�to any ZYrs�apgointed ttere�Qerby aa insuameat reoorded in tbe wunty i�whicd►�is Secattty Instraatent _ .,`_
<br /> • � ��p�, q��,r.�o�eyance of the Pro pertq.the snooessor uagteesfi�snoc�d w all the Hti�pawer and dattes , __
<br /> :.` •. oonfesr.ed apon Traste�herein and by applicab2e daw. , . � �:
<br /> ' '� �, ... . .-.
<br /> � .. . 29. fteqr.�t fns IQn3F� B�awer requests that eopi�s of ttte notiaes of defanit and sale be seat w Bflrto�e�s �S�Ji,
<br /> adQr�s wvich is the Propeny�fl�. ' _
<br /> �' �. Ri�t�this���If one or more rlde�s sie esecated byBans�Terand reo�r8e�t�gettter�^",�t� . -
<br /> � ....��.. t4is Ser,utYsq�6�e w���aa�s of�sach rFdersLariba iacorpma�eb int4 aad shalt amead and sappl�nt . �
<br /> � .. � the coven�uts aad�emencs oY tbis Seauitp Insunment as if the rid�r(s)were a part of tIIis Secnrlty Insm�ment r__„:_
<br /> �.. �, [(�eck applicab2e C��}'�• � � � . .
<br />