� ;_._ r
<br /> . _ .. ..:
<br /> . ...— ��.
<br /> ,��� . .�.. ._.._-...�-- -- :»_ri�,�., -
<br /> . . ,,._. . . ��.. _--�-�-.�-= ..t._:
<br /> �-,-r�-� -• - ---- - ---- - . — --- - - _ -
<br /> . - ,� . - 'n ',. � .` - � _
<br /> ,• �, ,,• `� � � z;" 4 ,`
<br /> v . � _., � _ r F r. ..- - - - =r.
<br /> 'ti. �t <..- .ss..�_ .
<br /> � - � •j .� ���4.p..
<br /> ., ,s, .4e'.
<br /> _. ,,•t� ' '�� � '�-�..�r'-
<br /> :� . , . �,�fi�'tae rig�t to '�s(,
<br /> .. _ , V'EriANTS that BorrQarer is lawfiiIIy seLs�d of the estate hereBy�� .
<br /> BORROWER CO t tar encumbrenoes of reoo:d. Banower •
<br /> - : :. , p�ant ead wIIViy tde Yaopet�y aa4 thst ihe Pt+upeacy�onenwmb�red.�aAd demands.subj�to aay eacumb�suces .. ;��'.
<br /> '`�-� � �r�rrenLs sIId wN defead genetelty ttte tttte w the Ptogeriyagainst '
<br /> i x�
<br /> ' � ' � � of reaord. .
<br /> '� � " . . 'fFIIS SECURTPY INSTR[JN�3T aombines aniform aavenauts for aationai nse as�d non unifoim coveaants wIth • .
<br /> , � 1la+ited vartatioas Dy jnrLsdict�aa w aonstimte a uaiform secvrIcy#nsuumeat aaYeriag ceal pmpertTr.
<br /> � v
<br /> � . � UN1Ft�RM DOVENANTS� Batrower and L�Qer coveuant aad agree as foitows:.
<br /> �.y.'. �, p�o�pd�.Iateaest aad Late L�arSe. Bonower ehall pay w8en dae tIle prInsipa!o&end tnterest
<br /> ` Jn.�"'"-�. on,the dcDt evidenaed hy ti�e Note aad�ate charges due nader the Nat� � �
<br /> ,: �`. .. �. _r.; Z �II��p�'j�g►�8f��IhPd�'BOIi6WCi 6�11��1dC�II�ID�JIIthly�a `_
<br /> ra
<br /> `� " � wgether cviU►tne prladgat end int�rest�s set forth in tLe Nate aaG any late ct�arg�s.a sum ter(a)taaes and spedal : :t�.,'. '
<br /> _ ..... �ssessments�Ievied or tn be tevIed against the Propercy.(e)leaseliold payments or ground rents on tt�e Praperty.a�W
<br /> :_. . .. . (c)premivms for Insnraaae reqnire0 uudcr pacaB�aPh 4. In any year in wL�h the Le¢der must� w2�iic�rtsu�ch �� � .
<br /> = - --- -- - insuraaoe premium w the�tary of Hansing an�Urban Develop�nt�Se�etac�•or ia aay y � - - -
<br /> � .. � preminm wonld have been required if Lendet still hetd the Secaairy�nstrament,each moaWty payment siialt aisfl -
<br /> . .. .•;,. ...°`,� inclnde either.{i�a sam f�the annual mortgage ia�a�ae preuaiam w 6e pa�d by l�ader w the SeqetaiY.or(ii?a ° ..
<br /> �nnn�hiy c�arge imstead of a mortgage insnraaoe p�miaia if t�is Sew�ity Iasunmens i�heM bp the Se�xeta�q.in a ,=�.,.�.�.
<br /> .; - reasonable amonnt w Ue determined bY the Se�e�Y �Pt for the monthly cd�arge by the Sesxetai9+Wese items ` �.k .
<br /> , � ,,,
<br /> , . �;.�}.'' are called�sc:oar Items°en4 the sams paid to Lsader are call�'Fscraw Fhads. te amount aot tQ�oeed the ��-
<br /> `� . ' � coltect aIIA hold Sffiouata f�r Fsccaw Items In an ag�eSa
<br />...;` `' . . Lendsr may.at amy cime. ,� '
<br /> .. � ..;°� ' ma�mum auwnnt tbat may be res�nired for Borrawes's esctaav acconat ander the Real Fsta[e Sett2eti e��� ,
<br /> Act of 1974.12 L7.S.G§2601 et sea•aud impleffienting regutatto�24 CFR Pazt 3500,as theY maY _ " ``-,=-.
<br /> ,: -...:.+,'` ;�� p disbutsements or .
<br /> time w time rat�:4'A"?.e�ePt tl�aat t�e cushifln or reseivs ermuttted iry RESPA for rmantlr�pateA . ,'`rt.T
<br /> . ._'�''-�--;...�` . �nr�ments bBfOTe the.BOliOwe!''s p3�f��av8i18b2C 3a tpiS 800011at�1�p Ilot bS 634Bd DIl�IODUts dtte f0i th8 `.:'
<br /> - - - ��Y mongage insaraaoe preminm, ` '.�
<br /> � .,.:,. .
<br /> . . .•�: ���. 1f the amounts held Lender for Fscxo�r Items e�eed the ataounts pecmitted to be held dy RP•SPA,Lendershall ` _y
<br /> Y •
<br />..�,�'•-. ` • a o w u n t w B o u a wes for�the exaess fimds as reqnired by RESPA. 1f the amounts of fands hcld by Lender at a�r time : . :
<br /> ,.__,.L;,��;, are aot sa�deat w pay the Ess�raa►Items v�hen due.L E n d er maY no t i f y t fl e B o n o w e r a n d r e q u i s e B a r r o w e;t o m a t c e .� ..
<br /> . ' . , ap the sho�e as permitted bY RESPA tUis S�►tasuament If Bortower '�•
<br /> 1he Escraw Fands are pledged as additionalsecotltq forall sums secut+edby �:�,,r��
<br />. • ' • . s tende�to I.endes ihe fall payment of all sach sams,So:mwe�'s acnount shaII be cre�itea with tlte batsnoe remaining .:,.,T:.
<br /> " ' " mw
<br /> '�., . . . .`.s��� for all insta�mcnt items(a).N).and tc)and a�r mortgage insa:anca premium instaUment that Lendex 1�as natbecome °�:=;
<br /> ��1'.•.. ro refuad ariy�xoess fands to Borrmxer. Imme4iatel9 pstor
<br /> . ;�"
<br />,�r�.,. • �bllgated to pay to the SQare�y.and L$nder sb�atl p mPU9
<br />=° s Lender,Borra�er's a�nnnt si�allbe ctedite0 witha�►balance �':.
<br /> �;t�".,` • . to a fomclosnre sale of the Pmpeacy or its acquislHonby --
<br /> ` ..M-;��
<br />-- ,;, .: . � remaining for all installmen�for items(a).(b).and(c). ' �.
<br /> � � , 3� 1&�tton of Pap�. A11 Papments nnder paraS�a�'s 1 and 2 sEta9 be applled by Lender as follow�: �
<br />_:;!��� : �. � ''`, . �to the mortpge insuranae premium to Ue paid by Lender to the S�etat5►ortm che monttdy chaige by ti�. •.
<br /> �r
<br /> ;".��� � c,,�cretary instead of�e mantfity mus�ge insuran�Preminm; �.�.:
<br /> : ' � _ .'" SEOO w any tas�.spedal assessments,leasehold payments or�ronnd rents,and 6r�IIoaa and eiher hazaid --
<br /> ��=:
<br /> -. �;�:�3.��:� . insuaa�ce premiums.as reQuimd: . c_' '�
<br /> �•�°
<br /> '. � . '`"`= THI�.�J ta interest dae uader dtQ Not� ��•,°,
<br /> � FOUR to amorti�attoa of tYsx prlIIdpal of the Not�aad , � __-.
<br />`:�'°��.r � . .. ��zT to Iate ctarg,�s dae nndet the Note. ----
<br /> `�;,r',,-s � 4. �tr,PtaoA aa�Other Ha�d�asaian� Borrrnver s�all insnre ali�rovements oa tfle F'aa�g',whetHe�r .� . ___
<br /> , .,�: �now in exlsteaoe or snbsequentiy erecxeA,agaiast aaq 1�a�rds,cesualttes.ar.s�.�tiagencles►�uding�for w� � ... .
<br /> , Lenaer re.�res tnsuraaoe. Zhis insntance sball be maintaiaed in the a��u:�s and f�the perloQs that Len�,�;�:
<br /> �,�i+. ��^.
<br /> `:`,� . .. - reqnires. Borma�er shaU also tnsrae alt improvements on the Yroperty,R�er naw im�cistence or snbseqnentlp• �:-�,
<br /> �-
<br />_;:. ', erecxeed.against lass b3►Qnods to the e.stent required Dy the Se�eretary. A11 i�noe sha��e caniea wIth wmganies �_,.,
<br /> e d,
<br /> . approve4 by Leader. 'Ihe insurance polides aad any renearaLs sheU be held ii��:euder aud shall inclnde Iosg payab2e =_
<br />_ • � �� • ` ctauses in favor o�and tn a forrn aooeptable w.Lender. � i"�
<br /> . .?`;;•; , .
<br /> '.�r. '., ,�:ti�.,`1�_ : In the event of loss.Borma►er sLall gtve LenQer imme�ate notice by mail. Lender may naake proof of Ioss if mot ,•�::
<br /> �`' . • made piomptty by Boaower. F�rA insuraace compa�►aonceme4 is hereby anthor�ed aad directed to make payatent �.::>.
<br /> � for sncb Ioss directl�F.to Leader,instead of w,Borrower ana to LenCer�c�ttyr. All or any part of u�ie insurenoe ;�,,:,
<br /> � . praoeeds may be appii+�by Lender,at i�s aptiozi,etther(a)to�he reCactiam c�Y the indebtedne�uad�r t�e Note ana s;,_
<br /> - this Securlry Insuu��s,Srat to airy delinquent aatounts applied ia the oram�n paragtaph 3.and then to prepayment -
<br /> ��' ` pro e a lication of the mceeQs to the
<br /> . . of rind al,ar N)to We mstoratlon or repair of the damageC P m+ �Y PP p �':-
<br /> . P P -
<br /> , . � � . prlacIpal shatl not esaen�l or postpaae the due date of t�e monthty g�ayments abi¢h are referred to in patagraph 2,or .•�;�::{
<br />- �' ' change the amonnt of snch payments. Aay esaess insurance prooeeQs aver 2�amount requtred to PaY aII outsta�ting
<br /> � � � InQeDtedness ander t$e Note and tNs Secaritq Insuumeat shail be pa�d to tl�e entlry legally endtIed thereto. _
<br /> � Ia the event of forec2osure of W9s Securlty Instmment or other transfer of dQe w ttce Property that extinguishe.s �
<br /> _,�: � . . the inQebtedaes�,all rl�tt,dtle a�A iaterest af Borrower i�a and to Insurance polides 1n forae sball gass to the
<br /> - . � � parchaser. �,�,,.,�,.,�N� �}�{}��$�$Q� aas Yrote�ion oi tt.� Pcup�ty, B�naese�s Loan /#pp�; :
<br /> .e ' • � 5 �� ri4M��au+ry "r`__
<br /> -�. .. 1�efR4 Barmwer sba11 oocupy.establish.aud ase the Property as Bortowe�s princlpal tesidence�vIth�n sistY Qays
<br /> � afte=the es�cution oi W�S Se�auIty Insuument(or witLin si�y�1ay�of a�ater sale or traasfer of the Pruperty)and shall
<br /> - • � . wntinue to oowpy the Property as Borrower's principal residence fos at teast one year after the date of ocaipanegr. �
<br /> � unle�s Lender determines that requirement wW cause nadue batdsLip for Bonaarer. or unte� extenuating , .
<br />_` � . . � clrcumstanoes eaist vahich are beyona Borrower's oontrol Boaower shaU aoti�r Lender of aay eatenaatiag
<br /> -� - D�oF1Itu9T � .
<br /> • aoa�au 9p,�s im csoo�e�ust Pege 2 of 6
<br /> ; : , ,
<br />_;:.. .. . . •
<br /> .� �. : .
<br />;,.. _
<br />