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<br />� '' , .4�`1... �7� ��V�4� f•,•
<br /> . � ` Baxmw�shaD aLso be m defanit if Bc►AOwa.d�g the Iaan appl�aiian ptncesg,g�►e maierFa]IY faLse or inasan�ate ..
<br /> �..�;�� • infmmalinn ur sm�nmt�m Leuda(or�tn grovide LEad�a+hb�nY maLprial infaimation)in aonnectipn with the .
<br /> ..._.:,.�.� ._ _ ����yy the i�ia�a.instud�g,6ut a�t ii�to.�s s�on�ning Bmroa�er's aaup�aey of the ---�
<br /> .. . P�opaty as a prinapal resdeac� tf tius Seauity Insorome,nt is on a I�old.Bormwea sdall onmpIY wltb the ,�
<br /> �ovi�nns of tLe Iea�.If Baaosvar�fea titte to th$Ptapeary,the teasehotd and fee citte sha11 not bs me�ged .
<br />_ .:,;. �Iesg Lr�dei ageees tothe mesged in wtis�ug. �
<br /> � �- r��� 6.Camdemnsttun.11te pinc�eQs of mry award ar claim for damages,d�G a�oonsequ�tial,m c�n witb �� -
<br /> '` aay cand�or adcea m�iag of anq pa�t af tIle Prape�ty,ar for�omeyffiiae in place of omcd�nn.ane Qrreby '•Y,
<br />; ,..: �� � . ess�ted mW sbaD be pazd m Leader to th�e�eat of the fall�t of the indebtedness that semavna nnpaid�md�a the � _�_::�
<br /> 1�Tote�d this Se�uicyr Insumment I�der a6aI!applY atuL gmceeds to the�educdan of the indeb�u�tdea We 1�Sote �
<br /> ' .-`:' '' , �d diis S�r Ins�eat.6ist�o�y detinqaca�t amouws appliea i�tLe ard�provided"m patagrapL 3.and thea tn " �
<br /> I ,.,.c
<br /> ���.. ����-�Y eFP�of the proceeds m tbep�msigal sha11 notextmd ar postgone the daedataof the
<br /> °. : �:; �ty paymeata,wLi�b are cefesred o�ia p�ag�aph 2,ar cLange tlte�oum of s¢cb paymcnts. Aay e.xcess p�eeds '
<br /> "`' � � ovea an aamunt zeqnired m pay alt on�ing ind��aa�a the Y�iote and this Se�ity►Insaoment sl�aU be paid to
<br /> ,�. _.,. �e����iled ih�eto
<br /> , - 7. �6argea 4o B�a�sgr BasH �Or+u3�� �.end�s E�B9b i� � Pr�psrty. Boaawer shail pay ell _ :
<br /> .�•:•�:.�4� � gov�fal os m�l cbargrsy fines aa��aLS thaiar�cat���b Z.Bmmwea s�h�Il pay t&ese . --
<br /> ,�i - P_
<br /> <<a;��!,;.:s�i�!�#' (l . O�l�$�1HIlS UA f�10�OL�ji[O tZtB�dli$Wb1C$t Y5t�ihC���01��48}I WOU1d SdV�ly�Lfdl�'S "
<br /> i Af�.
<br /> f�`"� r ;`�{F"�i �,. u �LD I4G� CVI�CACjIt �1ESC .
<br /> B01DOWC�S�"c'��• . � 8
<br /> ��'L���tf�[[Si•��S Y.'�"'.Y� ]�'--�1'r� f .
<br /> z 'f r.i:}E6('�.ciJ _ . . . - ' . . .
<br /> f� ...wL� �.wM f���p�}�!!��} �^M y��� OY
<br /> ��I ti\� �`"�r'S!+ .- ��{Y W6���Qr{��Y����f l['^."fTT,'(��77LL1 W�Va�M�y�Y, . - . . f:t.�.
<br /> �{,��j�'%%%1„.��� COYE��8�0�Ca18��PY�S���._�"r°'�..97f�lCi'C i9 8�i'�".�.�!""g�182 tDBji ffi$�1�9Di�F ' ' ` �'�
<br /> ,�`,�r• �;r%�. ��.�'�Ya. aff�¢II�dea's rights in the Pt+�pEa¢9�(se�ss a��g��P�Y•far�nd�ar to e�farce taws ar �
<br /> ;,ti:�r.;:. ,;t�.'3�;���e£' � '� .
<br /> '� '•r.` � :`•�;';i(�3?` . - !�«"��,ther�Le�der may do aa�pay w�v�r i��zg���mprotecx�e valae of the Y�geaty aad I�dea s dghfs � �'"
<br /> .:; .:r::•.... � h �3 • --
<br /> ',�;��; .'. . • m 1LBP1�0�.1IICIBQjII$�C11tOf f87IC9.hffi8S�IIISQtBACC ffiW Oth�1tEA1.4��D�8pb 2. "-_
<br /> Auy mmaaam disbms�6y Lemdea tmda tUis p�ag�pb sAalt beoome aa additiamgl debt of Borrowea m�d be �_:
<br /> � ' �. secucea by this Security Ins�umeat Tt�se gmaunta stiaII 6ear iuteaest fmm the�te of dLsb�eut,at the Note rat� �._�,---.
<br /> . uad at tt�op�an of I,e�er.sdaII be�mmadiatedY due and payabla • w-
<br /> , , . Batmwa sLall D�?�Y�Se�Y H�whtr�has p�miry c�v�r this Sec�uityr Inswmea�t unles�Bamawe�:(� �-_ '
<br /> :� ' . ' a�eea in wridng ou th�papu�e�t of the ub��tfon se�ttrd by the liea ia a maflnar r.xeptab1e to Lead�a;(6)oontesls ia �•:�-
<br /> .�. , � � '•�.: 's gacA tat���tim Dyr.oi defeads a�usi�t of t�e I�en in.Iegal Psoceedings which ia tP�e Lead�a's opinton � �-.-.
<br /> , . ' ��'; a�flo psevent the�eat of thse lie�:or(c)�v fcom Qae hoider af ttte t�ea��.agireeraatt sat�actory w � -
<br /> . 9
<br /> ` ` I�nded snbosdtna�ng tII0lie�l t0 this Se�ntY Insuame�L If l.qldea deteaIDtnes 1L8t eny peit Of�e PlOpCt[y L9 SB��eCt t0 = _
<br /> ` ,.; , a l�abicb may at�in prlorlry over Wis Socuniry insacumeaC Le�d��ay►gfire Borrower a notice�►rifyiag the liea. �,_-
<br /> � go�o�rcr spari saLisfy the h�ar raYe one or more of the aarons set fonL a6ave withtn 10 days of the gfir�ng of nodce. � •�.
<br /> - �.=
<br /> _ , . . � �Fcea Le�der may ooli�t fees aad c�azges sutDosi7ed by the S�y. �.;.:-_
<br />- . • �. �::,; 9 Gro�.dsforAa�eterutiunotDeb�. . �_ ._
<br /> . (a)DefaadR Le,nder may.eace�t a41�d DY r�gnlaSons issned by the Seccetary.in @�e cas$of payment
<br /> _ ' . .: '� �de€aul�R�l��PeY�tin fWlof a11 sams s�ared by this Soauity InsWweati� 6�
<br /> .- .,�' (�Baaowea defanlrs by fa�ing m gay In fari�y mnntt�2 �,,�
<br /> ... ,:4 Y PaYment reilmheG�ty tLis Sec�iry Iastrauteat �`':.
<br /> ,,� prlurtooran thedtte dateof tltenext m0amty pay�mc��oz "F'�
<br />