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ATTEST: <br />Village Clerk <br />ORDINANCE NUMBER y all <br />An Ordinance of the Village of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, pertaining to easements; to <br />vacate portion of an easement in Robinson Estates Subdivision in Cairo; and to provide the <br />effective date hereof. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF CAIRO, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA: <br />Section 1. That that portion of the easement located in Robinson Estates Subdivision in <br />Cairo, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />East 59 feet of the North 28 Feet, Lot One (1), Robinson Estates Subdivision in <br />the Village of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />be and hereby is, vacated. <br />Section 2. That the title to the easement vacated by this ordinance shall revert to the <br />owner of Lot One (1) Robinson Estates Subdivision in the Village of Cairo, Nebraska. <br />Section 3. This ordinance is hereby directed to be filed in the office of the Register of <br />Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, to be indexed against the affected lot. <br />Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, <br />approval and publication as provided by law <br />PASSED AN ' : ' PROVED this day of , 2013 , <br />w• 4 <br />Chairman o� the Board ' t ra e' <br />1043 <br />