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<br /> `.: � � . T0t3flTH�R WCffi ell tt�e ienprov�nents now or Sereatter erected on the pm�etty. end all easements, ,.
<br /> � °t � appurtenence.a.ead�istures aow or hereafter a part of the property.A11 replac�neats end add�tions ehall alsa be covered �•�
<br /> � , by this Security L�atrumeat All of the foragoia�is referred w ia�isSecarity Instrument as the'PtoperEy." �
<br /> � BORROWBR COVENANfS that Borrawer is lawfully selsed of the estate hereby conveyed aad t�as ttte right ta � .
<br /> , ' � ` .:.�; ,�i grant ead cronvep the Property ead that t6e Praperty is unencumbered�escePt for�cumbraaoes of reoord. Borrawer .
<br /> _ . wanants and�vill�defend generaUY the tide to the Pcoperty against all claims and dernands.sub�ect to anq encumbreaces
<br /> �
<br />_ : ' � •� oic�wrd.
<br /> ` � -�--= THIS SSGURITY INSTRIJMEN'P cosabine.s uniform wvenants for uational use ead nonvnifora►oovenaata cvith • •
<br /> . -�.:�-r`�� limited variations by�'uns�dictiaa to�nsdtutee uaiform s�ority instraameat covering real pnoperty. L_ _
<br /> � , '-��f UNIFORM GOVENANTS.Borrawer and I.�nder coveaeat end agree es foltow� `::`r'
<br /> � : � ' • 1.Paymeat o4 Princtpal and Iraterest;Frepaymeat aad Late Chsrges.Borrower shall promptlY Psp whea due
<br /> �':�: .-...�`.. the principal 04 aad interestoa the debt evidenced by the Note ead any prepayment aa3late charges due uader the Not�. , .
<br /> f- :. 2.Fuads tor Taxes and Insur�ace.Subject to applicable laft or to a written zvaiver by Lender.Borrower sba11 i
<br />' _ a to Lender oa the day moatWy payments are due under the Note,uatil the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds°)for.
<br /> �� ° �e�S►earlY tases and esse�ments whicb may attain psiority over this 3ecurit3►Iastrumeat ea 81ien on the Property:(b) .-
<br /> . . �•; �ar l y leaaehold p a y ft sents or grouud rents oa the Propercy.if any:Ia)Yearly hazard or property iasurence premiusr� - .�
<br /> t d l Yearly flood irasuraace premiums.if eay:(e)Y e a r 1Y mortga�e insurance preraiusas,i f any;a n d I i��Y��P a 3�b l e ...`.,,
<br /> � ' ' +Y by Borrower to Lender,ia aa:ordaace with the prnvisions of paragrap8 8�ia lieu oi the payment o4 saortgage insuraace
<br /> . �r��.":��.`�`,-.��.° prea�iuma.Th�e i�ems are calted"Es�cow,Itesas."Leader may,at sAy time.cnllect snd hold Fuada in an a�►auat aot
<br /> � m eaceed t�e masimum saiount a legder for a federall8 related mort�ge loan may reqwre for Borrower's escrow
<br /> ' ac�count under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 as aaieIIded from tinae to time. 12 U.S.C.
<br /> .. a co
<br /> ` . � Se�tion 2601 et seq.("RF�PA"},ualesa another law that applies to the Fuads seeffi a lesser amounx If so.Leader may. .
<br /> s
<br /> � _�:`.r: at aay time.collecc aad hold Funda ia an entount not tp e�ed ths le�er amount Lender may e�timate the sAtount of •-.
<br /> � � ���.�:; Funds due oa tha basis of cwreat data aad srasoaable estiinates of espenditurea o4 fnUU�e Eccrnw Itema os otherwise in
<br />--- .:�.: ..-- -- accordance with applicable law. .
<br /> . ��=J :�,;..� The Fimda shaU be held in an institutioa whose depos�its are insurEd by a fe$eral ageac9'�instrumeatalitp.or entity .
<br /> ;.g b.,
<br /> ;. '�?. `:.- ; (irtcludiag Leader,if Lender ia sacL aa iastitutioa)or ia aay Federal Home Loan B�k.T.ender ehsll applp the Funds to .
<br /> ..• ,;�.. .,.., �
<br /> .� . ::. ;:• pay the Fscrow Itema Ireuder may aot charge Bomower for hold'ing sud apptying the Fuads.anauallp ana192ing tt►e
<br /> ' _ ::.y: escraw a�oouat,o:verifying the Fscrow Items.unle�I.ender pays Bonower iatere,st on the Fuads aad applicable Iaw ..
<br /> : - � �taits Lestder to make such s charga However.Lender may requdre Bonower to gay a aae tim9 charge for aa -. =�
<br /> � . :� �nde�sadeat real estate tas repo�ting service used by Lender ia conuection with t�is t�a4 unle�applicat�le!aw grovidee ,,r.
<br /> - �� �,�,: a�ss�Unless su egreemeat is m a d e anepp c�a b le law requirea ia t e r e s t t o h e p a i a i,I.e n d e r s h a l l n o t b e r�q u i r e d t o w•'��;_
<br /> . PaY�orruwer any iatet�at or ea+r�in�s oA the Funds.Borcowee and I.ender may agtea ia wsiting,however,that interest .. �;
<br /> � _ shall be paid oa the Fuada Len�er shall gi�-e ta Bonower,withaut charge.aa eaaual accoimrin��of the Funds.showing _ _
<br /> � � . credita ead debits to thc Punds and the purpose for which each debit t�the Fuads was mada.Ti�e Funds are p3edged as � �:��
<br /> . , additional securitq for all sums�by tlus Secusity Iastrumen� � �_
<br /> . � � 1f the P+unds held b y Leader egoe•d the amounta permitted w be held bq apclicable law.Lender shaU sccount to �� :4�
<br /> I '•� $orrower for the esc�ss Fu�im accordaace with the requiremente of agpiicable Pa�.I f t h e amount o f t he Fun d s he l d .�,.
<br /> . .. � , yy Leader at anp time is nat�ciss�t to pay the Sscmw Items when due.Leader may so notify Borcower fm wtitiag, ���'-
<br /> � . ,,� and,in auch c�se�mrower sha11 pay to Lender t�e amount.nece�ar�to make ug ths deficieacq.Borrower�shall tnake "
<br />_'. :; � �•'� up the deficiency iA no more than twelvemoatbly payments.at Lende�'ssola discretion. �',:
<br /> �'� Upon payment in fuU of all s►�ms secured by this Security�atrument,Leader sball promptiy refund to Bosrower •
<br /> -� �.� �-.�� anq Funds held by Lender.If,uuder P�&8Ph 21, Lender sha11 acquire or seJ!the Property. Leader.Prior to tAe � ,�
<br /> . '���a acquisition or sate of the Property�sha11 apply any FunAs held by Leadet at the ti�ss of acqmsittoa or sale�a ctse�it . -;�.
<br /> : . , � :..� agaiast the suma secured by this Security I�strumen� � , _
<br /> . � 3.Applicatian of Peymenta Ude�spplicable law providea�ffierwise,a11 payments coa..°�ved by I.eader vader ,,. . _
<br /> , •.:� .° 's paragcapha 1 and�shall be apglied 4iset,to enY Prepayment charges due uader t�e Note;second�to asaounte payable ::• _
<br /> • � • ': under paragraph x third,w i�t�st du�fotuch.to principal due;and last.to suy I.aoe cberges due uuder tha Note . . ,-
<br /> � ,= 4. Charges:Liena. Bu��er sha11 pay aU texe�„as�sessmente� chatges.fin�a�d impositions atuibutable to the � �-�..
<br /> . ::•'`; pro which ma attain��rity over ttds Security Insttument.��d.leasehm:j papments os giouad rente.if any.
<br /> . . Borto�er ahall pay ythese obli�tions in the manner pmvided in p�p�s 2,or if aot paid in that manaes.Boaower �:::`'=
<br />., �' ., ; shaU Pay them on time diroct39 to the person owed paymen�$anower$hal}promPtlp furnisb to Lender all notices of :,.y;
<br /> .. � aU
<br /> �• � •-i amouata to be paid wider th:�t�zragraPh�4 Borrowes snakea tAese paymeats directlP.Borro�s�sball promptly furniaL
<br /> . �.. . ';- tol.c�derreceiptsevidencingtL-epaqnnents. , _':
<br /> .. �� :: Borrower shall promptl��charge any lien which has ptIority over tlue Secvriry Instrument wYtess�ssnwer:(s)
<br /> �. ' � � agreea in writing w tha payment of the obligation secured bq the lien in a mannet acceptabSe va�.en8er;(bI coAtesm la ���
<br /> .�`?' gaad faith the lien by,ot defenda against enforcement oi the lien in.legal proceedings whicL�tha Lender's opiuion
<br /> ` : � ' ` `• opeiste w prevent the eflforcement of the lien:or(c)securea from she holder of the lien su�greement eatisPactor9 w . :
<br /> ' �. � 't'` Lender subordinating tha lien W this Security Inswment Ii Lender detetminee that any part of the�mperty ia subject
<br /> � �i; to a lien which may attain gsioritq over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifqis�g tha
<br />_ � : !r lien.Borrower shall eatisPp tt�lien�r take oae or mora of tlia actions set foitb abave withia 10 daqs o4 the giviag o� -
<br /> . � : ���� notice.
<br /> --- . ^� . �o� aoze 9/90
<br /> . . �6RWpto�tnot �ao a or e tnit�ata��',L sL.-
<br /> - - . . . . . .. f , „ _ . ' . , - . . .•��r---�--. . . 'Y�' . �
<br /> _ .. ' . � � . . . � , ' . - � ' . . . ..-.. •- _ ' . . •. i7-•' : � . . � � ��t. . .. . ' .
<br /> '�. - . -. - � , . ' . . . • • ' . " ' , . . . " � • � . .
<br /> . . �- . .. . � - . .. • .. � _ . ' . . . - . _ � . . ' � . - -
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<br /> .. . ,.
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